போலி பாஸ்போர்ட்-சென்னையில் வாலிபர் கைது
சனிக்கிழமை, ஆகஸ்ட் 30, 2008
சென்னை: போலி பாஸ்போர்ட் மூலம் சிங்கப்பூரில் இருந்து விமானம் மூலம் சென்னை வந்த வாலிபர் கைது செய்யப்பட்டார்.
சென்னை போரூர் பகுதியைச் சேர்ந்த நாசர் மொய்தீன் மகன் உமர் மொய்தீன் (32). இவர் நேற்றிரவு சிங்கப்பூரில் இருந்து டைகர் ஏர்வேஸ் விமானம் மூலம் சென்னை வந்தார்.
விமான நிலையத்தில் குடியுரிமை அதிகாரிகள் பயணிகளின் பாஸ்போர்ட்டுகளை சோதனை செய்தனர்.
அப்போது உமர்மொய்தீன் பாஸ்போர்ட்டில் வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த முத்திரை போலியானது என்பதை கண்டுபிடித்தனர்.
இதையடுத்து பாஸ்போர்ட் மோசடி செய்ததாக உமர்மொய்தீனை விமான நிலைய போலீஸாரிடம் அதிகாரிகள் ஒப்படைத்தனர். போலீஸார் உமர் மொய்தீனை கைது செய்து வழக்குப்பதிவு செய்தனர். அதைத் தொடர்ந்து ஆலந்தூர் நீதிமன்றத்தில் ஆஜர் செய்யப்பட்டு 15 நாள் காவலில் வைக்கப்பட்டார்.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
நோட்டுக்கு ஓட்டு: பிரதமர், சோனியா மெளனம் ஏன்? - அத்வானி
நோட்டுக்கு ஓட்டு: பிரதமர், சோனியா மெளனம் ஏன்? - அத்வானி
ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை, ஆகஸ்ட் 31, 2008
டெல்லி: லோக்சபாவில் நடந்த நம்பிக்ைக வாக்கெடுப்பின்போது பணம் கொடுத்து ஓட்டுக்களை விலைக்கு வாங்க முயன்ற விவகாரம் குறித்து பிரதமர் மன்மோகன் சிங்கும், காங்கிரஸ் தலைவர் சோனியா காந்தியும் மெளனம் சாதித்து வருவது ஏன் என்று பாஜக தலைவர் அத்வானி கேட்டுள்ளார்.
பாஜக அரசியல் மற்றும் சட்டப் பிரிவின் சார்பில் ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்டிருந்த ஆட்சித் திறனும், அரசியலும் என்ற தலைப்பிலான தேசிய மாநாட்டை தொடங்கி வைத்து அத்வானி பேசினார்.
அப்போது அவர் பேசுகையில், நல்ல அரசியலின் வெளிப்பாடுதான் நல்லாட்சி. ஆனால் நன்கு செயல்பட்டு வரும் சில எம்.பிக்களின் வெற்றி வாய்ப்புகளை சீர்குலைக்கும் வகையில் தற்போது தொகுதி மறுசீரமைப்பு மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டுள்ளது.
1974ம் ஆண்டு நாட்டின் மீது திணிக்கப்பட்ட எமர்ஜென்சியை விட மோசமான தாக்குதல் இது.
கடந்த நான்கு ஆண்டு கால ஐக்கிய முற்போக்குக் கூட்டணி அரசில் இடம் பெற்றுள்ள எந்த அமைச்சர்கள் மீதும் மக்களுக்கு நம்பிக்கை இல்லை. இருந்தும் இந்த ஆட்சி இத்தனை காலம் நீடித்திருக்க பிரதமர் மன்மோகன் சிங் ஒருவர் மீதான நம்பிக்கை மட்டுமே காரணம். அவரது தனிப்பட்ட கிளீன் இமேஜ்தான் இந்த அரசை தாங்கிப் பிடித்துள்ளது.
ஆனால் நோட்டுக்கு ஓட்டு ஊழல் விவகாரம் அம்பலப்படுத்தப்பட்ட உடன், டாக்டர் மன்மோகன் சிங்கும் ஊழல் அரசியல்வாதிதான் என்பது வெளிப்பட்டுவிட்டது. பதவியில் நீடிக்க அவரும் எது வேண்டுமானாலும் செய்வார் என்பது நிரூபணமாகி விட்டது.
இந்த விவகாரம் தொடர்பாக நாடாளுமன்றக் குழு விசாரித்துக் கொண்டிருக்கிறது. ஒட்டுமொத்த நாடும் பாஜக எம்பிக்கள் மன்மோகன் சிங் அரசின் ஊழலை நாடாளுமன்றத்தில் அம்பலப்படுத்தியதை கண்டுள்ளது.
இதுகுறித்து பிரதமரும், சோனியா காந்தியும் மெளனம் சாதித்து வருகிறார்கள். அவர்கள் மெளனம் கலைந்து நாட்டு மக்களுக்கு விளக்கம் அளிக்க வேண்டும்.
வாஜ்பாய் தலைமையிலான தேசிய ஜனநாயகக் கூட்டணி அரசு முன்பு ஒரு ஓட்டு வித்தியாசத்தில் நம்பிக்கை தீர்மானத்தில் தோல்வி அடைந்தது. ஆனால் அந்தத்தோல்வியை நாங்கள் ஒத்துக்கொண்டோம். அந்த ஒரு ஓட்டும் கூட திருட்டுத்தனமான ஓட்டுதான். அப்போதைய ஒரிசா முதல்வர் லோக்சபா உறுப்பினராகவும் இருந்ததால் நாங்கள் தோல்வி அடைய நேரிட்டது.
ஆனால் அப்போது யாரும் எங்களைப் பார்த்து குதிரை பேரத்தில் ஈடுபட்டதாக புகார் கூறவில்லை. நாடாளுமன்றத் தீர்ப்பை ஏற்றுக் கொண்டோம். மக்கள் எங்களை மீண்டும் ஆட்சியில் அமர்த்தினார்கள்.
தேசிய ஜனநாயகக் கூட்டணி மீண்டும் ஆட்சிக்கு வந்தால், சட்டம் மற்றும் நீதித்துறை சீரமைப்புக்கு முக்கியத்துவம் தரப்படும். நல்லாட்சிக்கு இவை மிகவும் முக்கியம்.
ஐக்கிய முற்போக்குக் கூட்டணி அரசு தீவிரவாத குற்றங்களைத் தடுப்பதில் மெத்தனமாக இருக்கிறது. இது அதிர்ச்சி தருகிறது. தீவிரவாதத்தைத் தடுக்கும் வகையில் கொண்டு வரப்பட்ட பொடா சட்டத்தை ஐக்கிய முற்போக்குக் கூட்டணி அரசு ஒழித்து விட்டது. இதனால் தீவிரவாதத்தையும், தீவிரவாதிகளையும் தண்டிக்க முடியாத நிலை ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது.
நம்மைச் சுற்றிலும் உள்ள நாடுகள் தோல்வி அடைந்த நாடுகள். வங்கதேசத்திலிருந்து ஊடுறுவியுள்ள தீவிரவாதிகள் வட கிழக்கு மாநிலங்கள் முழுவதையும் ஆக்கிரமித்துள்ளனர். இது பெரும் கவலைக்குரிய அம்சமாகும்.
பாதுகாப்பற்ற ஒரு நாட்டால், நல்லாட்சியைத் தர முடியாது. ஐக்கிய முற்போக்குக் கூட்டணி அரசும், நாட்டை பாதுகாப்பற்ற நிலைக்குக் கொண்டு சென்று கொண்டிருக்கிறது என்றார் அத்வானி.
ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை, ஆகஸ்ட் 31, 2008
டெல்லி: லோக்சபாவில் நடந்த நம்பிக்ைக வாக்கெடுப்பின்போது பணம் கொடுத்து ஓட்டுக்களை விலைக்கு வாங்க முயன்ற விவகாரம் குறித்து பிரதமர் மன்மோகன் சிங்கும், காங்கிரஸ் தலைவர் சோனியா காந்தியும் மெளனம் சாதித்து வருவது ஏன் என்று பாஜக தலைவர் அத்வானி கேட்டுள்ளார்.
பாஜக அரசியல் மற்றும் சட்டப் பிரிவின் சார்பில் ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்டிருந்த ஆட்சித் திறனும், அரசியலும் என்ற தலைப்பிலான தேசிய மாநாட்டை தொடங்கி வைத்து அத்வானி பேசினார்.
அப்போது அவர் பேசுகையில், நல்ல அரசியலின் வெளிப்பாடுதான் நல்லாட்சி. ஆனால் நன்கு செயல்பட்டு வரும் சில எம்.பிக்களின் வெற்றி வாய்ப்புகளை சீர்குலைக்கும் வகையில் தற்போது தொகுதி மறுசீரமைப்பு மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டுள்ளது.
1974ம் ஆண்டு நாட்டின் மீது திணிக்கப்பட்ட எமர்ஜென்சியை விட மோசமான தாக்குதல் இது.
கடந்த நான்கு ஆண்டு கால ஐக்கிய முற்போக்குக் கூட்டணி அரசில் இடம் பெற்றுள்ள எந்த அமைச்சர்கள் மீதும் மக்களுக்கு நம்பிக்கை இல்லை. இருந்தும் இந்த ஆட்சி இத்தனை காலம் நீடித்திருக்க பிரதமர் மன்மோகன் சிங் ஒருவர் மீதான நம்பிக்கை மட்டுமே காரணம். அவரது தனிப்பட்ட கிளீன் இமேஜ்தான் இந்த அரசை தாங்கிப் பிடித்துள்ளது.
ஆனால் நோட்டுக்கு ஓட்டு ஊழல் விவகாரம் அம்பலப்படுத்தப்பட்ட உடன், டாக்டர் மன்மோகன் சிங்கும் ஊழல் அரசியல்வாதிதான் என்பது வெளிப்பட்டுவிட்டது. பதவியில் நீடிக்க அவரும் எது வேண்டுமானாலும் செய்வார் என்பது நிரூபணமாகி விட்டது.
இந்த விவகாரம் தொடர்பாக நாடாளுமன்றக் குழு விசாரித்துக் கொண்டிருக்கிறது. ஒட்டுமொத்த நாடும் பாஜக எம்பிக்கள் மன்மோகன் சிங் அரசின் ஊழலை நாடாளுமன்றத்தில் அம்பலப்படுத்தியதை கண்டுள்ளது.
இதுகுறித்து பிரதமரும், சோனியா காந்தியும் மெளனம் சாதித்து வருகிறார்கள். அவர்கள் மெளனம் கலைந்து நாட்டு மக்களுக்கு விளக்கம் அளிக்க வேண்டும்.
வாஜ்பாய் தலைமையிலான தேசிய ஜனநாயகக் கூட்டணி அரசு முன்பு ஒரு ஓட்டு வித்தியாசத்தில் நம்பிக்கை தீர்மானத்தில் தோல்வி அடைந்தது. ஆனால் அந்தத்தோல்வியை நாங்கள் ஒத்துக்கொண்டோம். அந்த ஒரு ஓட்டும் கூட திருட்டுத்தனமான ஓட்டுதான். அப்போதைய ஒரிசா முதல்வர் லோக்சபா உறுப்பினராகவும் இருந்ததால் நாங்கள் தோல்வி அடைய நேரிட்டது.
ஆனால் அப்போது யாரும் எங்களைப் பார்த்து குதிரை பேரத்தில் ஈடுபட்டதாக புகார் கூறவில்லை. நாடாளுமன்றத் தீர்ப்பை ஏற்றுக் கொண்டோம். மக்கள் எங்களை மீண்டும் ஆட்சியில் அமர்த்தினார்கள்.
தேசிய ஜனநாயகக் கூட்டணி மீண்டும் ஆட்சிக்கு வந்தால், சட்டம் மற்றும் நீதித்துறை சீரமைப்புக்கு முக்கியத்துவம் தரப்படும். நல்லாட்சிக்கு இவை மிகவும் முக்கியம்.
ஐக்கிய முற்போக்குக் கூட்டணி அரசு தீவிரவாத குற்றங்களைத் தடுப்பதில் மெத்தனமாக இருக்கிறது. இது அதிர்ச்சி தருகிறது. தீவிரவாதத்தைத் தடுக்கும் வகையில் கொண்டு வரப்பட்ட பொடா சட்டத்தை ஐக்கிய முற்போக்குக் கூட்டணி அரசு ஒழித்து விட்டது. இதனால் தீவிரவாதத்தையும், தீவிரவாதிகளையும் தண்டிக்க முடியாத நிலை ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது.
நம்மைச் சுற்றிலும் உள்ள நாடுகள் தோல்வி அடைந்த நாடுகள். வங்கதேசத்திலிருந்து ஊடுறுவியுள்ள தீவிரவாதிகள் வட கிழக்கு மாநிலங்கள் முழுவதையும் ஆக்கிரமித்துள்ளனர். இது பெரும் கவலைக்குரிய அம்சமாகும்.
பாதுகாப்பற்ற ஒரு நாட்டால், நல்லாட்சியைத் தர முடியாது. ஐக்கிய முற்போக்குக் கூட்டணி அரசும், நாட்டை பாதுகாப்பற்ற நிலைக்குக் கொண்டு சென்று கொண்டிருக்கிறது என்றார் அத்வானி.
திருப்பூரில் 3 வயது இந்து சிறுமியை கற்பழிக்க முயன்ற 54 வயது முஸ்லீம் கைது
3 வயது சிறுமியிடம் சில்மிஷம் - 54 வயது நபர் கைது
ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை, ஆகஸ்ட் 31, 2008
திருப்பூர்: மூன்று வயது சிறுமியிடம் செக்ஸ் சில்மிஷம் 54 வயது நபர் கைது செய்யப்பட்டார்.
கோவை மாவட்டம், திருப்பூர் அருகே உள்ள கருவம்பாளையத்தைச் சேர்ந்தவர் முருகன். இவரது மனைவி சத்தியபாமா. இவர்களது மகள் ஜெயமாலினி (3).
இவர்களது பக்கத்து வீட்டில் வசிப்பவர் இக்பால் (54), கூலித் தொழிலாளி. இக்பாலின் மனைவி கடந்த 2 வாரத்திற்கு முன் இறந்துவிட்டார். அதனால் அவர் வேலைக்கு செல்லாமல் வீட்டில் இருந்துள்ளார்.
நேற்று முன் தினம் இரவு தனது வீட்டின் முன்னால் ஜெயமாலினி விளையாடிக் கொண்டிருந்தாள். இக்பால், சிறுமியை தனது வீட்டுக்கு அழைத்துச் சென்றார். அங்கு செக்ஸ் வக்கிரத்தில் ஈடுபட்டுள்ளார்.
இதனால் குழந்தை ஜெயமாலினி கதறி அழுதுள்ளாள். அவளது அழுகுரல் கேட்டு, சத்தியபாமா வீட்டுக்கு வெளியே வந்து பார்த்தார். அப்போது இக்பாலின் வீட்டின் உள்ளே இருந்து அழுகுரல் வந்தது. வீட்டுக்குள் சென்று பார்த்தபோது உடலில் காயங்களுடன் ஜெயமாலினி அழுது கொண்டிருந்தாள்.
இதையடுத்து அவளை மருத்துவமனையில் சேர்த்தனர். இதுகுறித்து ஜெயமாலினியின் பெற்றோர் அனைத்து மகளிர் காவல் நிலையத்தில் புகார் செய்தனர். போலீஸார் வழக்குப் பதிவு செய்து இக்பாலை கைது செய்தனர்
ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை, ஆகஸ்ட் 31, 2008
திருப்பூர்: மூன்று வயது சிறுமியிடம் செக்ஸ் சில்மிஷம் 54 வயது நபர் கைது செய்யப்பட்டார்.
கோவை மாவட்டம், திருப்பூர் அருகே உள்ள கருவம்பாளையத்தைச் சேர்ந்தவர் முருகன். இவரது மனைவி சத்தியபாமா. இவர்களது மகள் ஜெயமாலினி (3).
இவர்களது பக்கத்து வீட்டில் வசிப்பவர் இக்பால் (54), கூலித் தொழிலாளி. இக்பாலின் மனைவி கடந்த 2 வாரத்திற்கு முன் இறந்துவிட்டார். அதனால் அவர் வேலைக்கு செல்லாமல் வீட்டில் இருந்துள்ளார்.
நேற்று முன் தினம் இரவு தனது வீட்டின் முன்னால் ஜெயமாலினி விளையாடிக் கொண்டிருந்தாள். இக்பால், சிறுமியை தனது வீட்டுக்கு அழைத்துச் சென்றார். அங்கு செக்ஸ் வக்கிரத்தில் ஈடுபட்டுள்ளார்.
இதனால் குழந்தை ஜெயமாலினி கதறி அழுதுள்ளாள். அவளது அழுகுரல் கேட்டு, சத்தியபாமா வீட்டுக்கு வெளியே வந்து பார்த்தார். அப்போது இக்பாலின் வீட்டின் உள்ளே இருந்து அழுகுரல் வந்தது. வீட்டுக்குள் சென்று பார்த்தபோது உடலில் காயங்களுடன் ஜெயமாலினி அழுது கொண்டிருந்தாள்.
இதையடுத்து அவளை மருத்துவமனையில் சேர்த்தனர். இதுகுறித்து ஜெயமாலினியின் பெற்றோர் அனைத்து மகளிர் காவல் நிலையத்தில் புகார் செய்தனர். போலீஸார் வழக்குப் பதிவு செய்து இக்பாலை கைது செய்தனர்
இந்து செய்திகள்,
இஸ்லாமிய செய்திகள்,
சீனாவில் வெகு விமரிசையாக கிருஷ்ண ஜன்மாஷ்டமி கொண்டாடப்பட்டது
சீனாவில் வெகு விமரிசையாக கிருஷ்ண ஜன்மாஷ்டமி கொண்டாடப்பட்டது
வாழ்க வளமுடன்
ISKCON holds Janmasthami celebration
By Dipal Khatri, Special to The China Post
Sunday, August 31, 2008
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Visitors to the Taipei City Council Hall last Saturday, Aug. 23 witnessed a kaleid
oscope of color and activity at the Sri Krishna Janmasthami Celebration, an annual gathering marking the birth of Lord Krishna, one of the most widely worshipped Hindu deities.
The event, organized by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) and co-sponsored by Trinity Indian Store, celebrated the birth of Krishna, a beloved blue-skinned Hindu god depicted often as a mischievous boy or a youthful prince giving guidance in the Bhagavad Gita, a text of pivotal importance to the Hindu view of life.
Despite the rainy weather, people of many nationalities attended the celebration and enjoyed non-stop attractions, including performances and Indian vegetarian snacks.
A key part of celebrations was Kirtan, or devotional music, which consists of bhajans or songs about Krishna that are accompanied by traditional drums, hand cymbals, and accordion.
One bhajan, titled "Jaya Radha Madhava," depicted Krishna's early years in Vrindavan, while another related a story from Krishna's playful childhood, in which Krishna revealed the entire cosmic creation in his mouth to his mother Yashoda.
The audience was also treated to a yoga demonstration and a variety of dances, ranging from a Bollywood number performed by children, to the captivating classical Indian dances of Bharatanatyam and Kathak.
Members of the Taipei-based dance troupe Shen Ling Wu Ku portrayed the eternal love between Radha and Krishna with several dances.
Two meaningful dramas written, produced and acted by ISKCON devotees depicted various aspects of Krishna's life, such as his relationship with childhood friend Sudama.
In addition to enjoying performances, festival attendees browsed books about Krishna, bought Indian groceries, and had decorative tattoos painted on their hands by henna artists.
People were also invited to participate in a Pushpa-abhisheka ceremony involving the showering of flower petals on statues of deities including Krishna, after which the Hare Krishna mantra was chanted 108 times using prayer beads.
Event host Dayal Nitai Das, temple president of ISKCON in Taipei, ensured the smooth running of the celebrations, while ISKCON member Rajalaxmi provided Chinese translations for the many Taiwanese attendees and ISKCON devotees.
India-Taipei Association Director General T.P. Seetharam, a guest at the celebrations, described the event as representing, "the essence of Indian culture and spirituality. Hindus worship many gods, among which the most human is Krishna. We know more about Krishna than any other god. He is everyone's child, the lover of every woman, and teacher and philosopher for everyone. He represents all aspects of life."
ISKCON, also known as the Hare Krishna movement, has more than 350 centers worldwide.
Founded in 1966, ISKCON carries on an ancient tradition rooted in the Bhagavad Gita, the teachings Lord Krishna spoke five millenniums ago.
Today, ISKCON members continue the movement by distributing the teachings of Krishna and the Hare Krishna mantra all over the world.
The Taiwan ISKCON center is located at 4F, No.192 Tingzhou Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei. Tel: (02) 2365-8641.
வாழ்க வளமுடன்
ISKCON holds Janmasthami celebration
By Dipal Khatri, Special to The China Post
Sunday, August 31, 2008
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Visitors to the Taipei City Council Hall last Saturday, Aug. 23 witnessed a kaleid
oscope of color and activity at the Sri Krishna Janmasthami Celebration, an annual gathering marking the birth of Lord Krishna, one of the most widely worshipped Hindu deities.
The event, organized by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) and co-sponsored by Trinity Indian Store, celebrated the birth of Krishna, a beloved blue-skinned Hindu god depicted often as a mischievous boy or a youthful prince giving guidance in the Bhagavad Gita, a text of pivotal importance to the Hindu view of life.
Despite the rainy weather, people of many nationalities attended the celebration and enjoyed non-stop attractions, including performances and Indian vegetarian snacks.
A key part of celebrations was Kirtan, or devotional music, which consists of bhajans or songs about Krishna that are accompanied by traditional drums, hand cymbals, and accordion.
One bhajan, titled "Jaya Radha Madhava," depicted Krishna's early years in Vrindavan, while another related a story from Krishna's playful childhood, in which Krishna revealed the entire cosmic creation in his mouth to his mother Yashoda.
The audience was also treated to a yoga demonstration and a variety of dances, ranging from a Bollywood number performed by children, to the captivating classical Indian dances of Bharatanatyam and Kathak.
Members of the Taipei-based dance troupe Shen Ling Wu Ku portrayed the eternal love between Radha and Krishna with several dances.
Two meaningful dramas written, produced and acted by ISKCON devotees depicted various aspects of Krishna's life, such as his relationship with childhood friend Sudama.
In addition to enjoying performances, festival attendees browsed books about Krishna, bought Indian groceries, and had decorative tattoos painted on their hands by henna artists.
People were also invited to participate in a Pushpa-abhisheka ceremony involving the showering of flower petals on statues of deities including Krishna, after which the Hare Krishna mantra was chanted 108 times using prayer beads.
Event host Dayal Nitai Das, temple president of ISKCON in Taipei, ensured the smooth running of the celebrations, while ISKCON member Rajalaxmi provided Chinese translations for the many Taiwanese attendees and ISKCON devotees.
India-Taipei Association Director General T.P. Seetharam, a guest at the celebrations, described the event as representing, "the essence of Indian culture and spirituality. Hindus worship many gods, among which the most human is Krishna. We know more about Krishna than any other god. He is everyone's child, the lover of every woman, and teacher and philosopher for everyone. He represents all aspects of life."
ISKCON, also known as the Hare Krishna movement, has more than 350 centers worldwide.
Founded in 1966, ISKCON carries on an ancient tradition rooted in the Bhagavad Gita, the teachings Lord Krishna spoke five millenniums ago.
Today, ISKCON members continue the movement by distributing the teachings of Krishna and the Hare Krishna mantra all over the world.
The Taiwan ISKCON center is located at 4F, No.192 Tingzhou Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei. Tel: (02) 2365-8641.
மருத்துவமனைகளில் இந்து நர்ஸ்கள் பொட்டுவைக்க அனுமதி
தென்னாப்பிரிக்க மருத்துவமனைகளில் இந்து நர்ஸ்கள் பொட்டுவைக்க அனுமதி மறுக்கப்பட்டிருந்தது. இந்து நர்ஸ்களும் இந்துக்களும் இதனை எதிர்த்து போராடியதில், இந்துக்களுக்கு சாதகமாக தீர்ப்பளிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
அதனால் இந்து நர்ஸ்கள் பொட்டு வைக்க அனுமதி கிடைத்துள்ளது.
வாழ்க வளமுடன்
Hospital's ban of Hindu dots blocked
August 31 2008 at 02:23PM
By Annie Dorasamy
Addington Hospital has lifted its ban on Hindu nurses wearing the sacred bindi dot and nose rings after KwaZulu-Natal Health MEC Peggy Nkonyeni intervened.
The KwaZulu-Natal Health Department ordered the Durban hospital's managers to lift the ban this week, spokesperson Chris Maxon said. He warned that any manager who disregarded the instruction would face disciplinary consequences.
And now Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang
has been asked to ensure no health facility in the country bans workers from wearing universal Hindu symbols such as the dot and nose rings.
'We cannot be seen to be perpetuating any form of
unfair discrimination against Hindu people'
"Where a particular right has implications for the delivery of quality health care, we must engage all affected individuals and arrive at an amicable solution. In this instance, we are obliged to believe this did not happen," Nkonyeni said of the Addington policy.
"What is of serious concern to me is that we are tolerant towards women who apply cosmetics to their faces, but intolerant when other women exercise their customary and religious rights by placing a powdered dot on the forehead.
"This is unacceptable. We instructed the management of the hospital to engage the affected staff and arrive at an amicable solution immediately.
We cannot be seen to be perpetuating any form of
unfair discrimination against Hindu people in a country that is enjoying the fruits of freedom," she said.
'We will meet them and go to court if an amicable decision is not reached'
Addington management had told Hindu nurses not to wear dots, cultural strings, nose rings or studs while on duty. The dress code revision angered religious leaders.
Hindus said the ban bore no relevance to international
trends in infection control, hospital safety and hygiene.
"The Hindu community perceives the banning of revered Hindu symbols as religious discrimination. The denial of Hindu religious requirements constitutes a flagrant violation of our constitution," SA Hindu Dharma Sabha president Ram Maharaj said in a letter to the minister.
He said such instances of discrimination would be taken to the Constitutional Court.
The Commission for the Promotion and Protection of
the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities also intervened, following a letter from the Sabha last week, calling a meeting of Hindu nurses and hospital management.
"We will meet them and go to court if an amicable decision is not reached," said commission spokesperson Sipho Mabizela.
Maxon said R K Khan, Mahatma Gandhi and hospitals
in Stanger and Tongaat, which have large groups of Indian nurses, had not been affected. Nor had private healthcare workers.
St Augustine's general manager, Augusta Darning,
said the hospital felt strongly about promoting religious tolerance among workers.
Questions submitted to Addington Hospital management on how and why they had decided to ban the dot remain unanswered.
அதனால் இந்து நர்ஸ்கள் பொட்டு வைக்க அனுமதி கிடைத்துள்ளது.
வாழ்க வளமுடன்
Hospital's ban of Hindu dots blocked
August 31 2008 at 02:23PM
By Annie Dorasamy
Addington Hospital has lifted its ban on Hindu nurses wearing the sacred bindi dot and nose rings after KwaZulu-Natal Health MEC Peggy Nkonyeni intervened.
The KwaZulu-Natal Health Department ordered the Durban hospital's managers to lift the ban this week, spokesperson Chris Maxon said. He warned that any manager who disregarded the instruction would face disciplinary consequences.
And now Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang
has been asked to ensure no health facility in the country bans workers from wearing universal Hindu symbols such as the dot and nose rings.
'We cannot be seen to be perpetuating any form of
unfair discrimination against Hindu people'
"Where a particular right has implications for the delivery of quality health care, we must engage all affected individuals and arrive at an amicable solution. In this instance, we are obliged to believe this did not happen," Nkonyeni said of the Addington policy.
"What is of serious concern to me is that we are tolerant towards women who apply cosmetics to their faces, but intolerant when other women exercise their customary and religious rights by placing a powdered dot on the forehead.
"This is unacceptable. We instructed the management of the hospital to engage the affected staff and arrive at an amicable solution immediately.
We cannot be seen to be perpetuating any form of
unfair discrimination against Hindu people in a country that is enjoying the fruits of freedom," she said.
'We will meet them and go to court if an amicable decision is not reached'
Addington management had told Hindu nurses not to wear dots, cultural strings, nose rings or studs while on duty. The dress code revision angered religious leaders.
Hindus said the ban bore no relevance to international
trends in infection control, hospital safety and hygiene.
"The Hindu community perceives the banning of revered Hindu symbols as religious discrimination. The denial of Hindu religious requirements constitutes a flagrant violation of our constitution," SA Hindu Dharma Sabha president Ram Maharaj said in a letter to the minister.
He said such instances of discrimination would be taken to the Constitutional Court.
The Commission for the Promotion and Protection of
the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities also intervened, following a letter from the Sabha last week, calling a meeting of Hindu nurses and hospital management.
"We will meet them and go to court if an amicable decision is not reached," said commission spokesperson Sipho Mabizela.
Maxon said R K Khan, Mahatma Gandhi and hospitals
in Stanger and Tongaat, which have large groups of Indian nurses, had not been affected. Nor had private healthcare workers.
St Augustine's general manager, Augusta Darning,
said the hospital felt strongly about promoting religious tolerance among workers.
Questions submitted to Addington Hospital management on how and why they had decided to ban the dot remain unanswered.
இந்து செய்திகள்,
இந்தியா மீது ஏவப்பட்டுள்ள கள்ளநோட்டு பயங்கரவாதம்
இந்தியாவில் சுற்றுக்கு விடுவதற்காக ஐ.எஸ்.ஐ என்ற பாகிஸ்தான் உளவு நிறுவனம் பிரிண்டிங் பிரஸ் வைத்து கள்ள நோட்டு உற்பத்தி செய்து இந்தியாவில் சுற்றுக்கு விட்டுள்ளது.
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதத்துக்கு இந்த பணமே செலவு செய்யபப்டுவதாகவும் கூறப்படுகிறது.
காங்கிரஸ் ஆட்சி செய்யும் இந்த கடந்த வருடங்களில் இந்த பிரச்னை பூதாகரமாகியுள்ளது.
இஸ்லாமிய ஓட்டுவங்கிக்காக அவர்கள் மனம் கோணக்கூடாது என்று இந்த பிரச்னையை ஒன்றும் செய்யாமல் கள்ள நோட்டு மூலம் இந்திய மக்களை பஞ்சை பராரிகளாகவும் பொருளாதார வீழ்ச்சியையும் உருவாக்க சோனியாவின் காங்கிரஸ் அரசு முனைந்துள்ளதா என்ற கேள்வி எழுகிறது.
Fake currency portends economic upheaval..?
Sun, 2008-08-31 02:03
By J.N. Raina - Syndicate Features
Fake currency, amounting to is currently afloat in the Indian banking system. Fake Money Detector Machines (FMDM) have become a common sight at show rooms, multiplex counters, post offices, petrol pumps and even fast food joints across the country. When people come in large numbers, checking each Rs.500 note (most ‘nakli’ notes are in five hundred denominations) is never easy. So no surprise ‘nakli’ notes are swelling in number. Official estimates are that Rs 1, 69,000 crore worth of fake currency is in circulation in India.
If one is found in possession of the bogus notes, he/she will be penalized or even jailed, in case he/she fails to identify the source of the fake notes, because this is the law of the land. Instead of tackling the main offenders, it is the general public who are at the receiving end. One is not sure if the money withdrawn from an ATM of any nationalized bank or SBI or RBI is genuine. So we are face- to- face with a near panic situation.
Frankly, there exists a huge gap between the ‘seizure’ and the actual circulation of the fake notes, being ‘imported’ into India through the borders along Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal and from the Gulf region. Most if not significant percentage of this ‘parallel money’ is pumped into the real estate market noticeably in Mumbai, Delhi and Pune.
In recent months Pakistan-trained terrorists have been caught red-handed with huge amount of fake currency. Passengers travelling from Pakistan and Nepal into India have also been found carrying wads of bogus notes. Police brass familiar with the menace say that initially the circulation of the fake currency was limited, and was noticed in the troubled state of Jammu and Kashmir, where it went almost undetected because of the administrative procrastination and corruption. Those responsible for the nation’s security and connected with the unearthing of the problem were corrupted to hush up the matter. For years, the racket remained even unreported.
Now the ‘naklis’ are spread all over the country. In one recent case, fake currency, amounting to nearly Rs three crore was found stashed in chests of the SBI and ICICI bank in Uttar Pradesh. Police have also recovered Rs 7.21 lakh from the residence of a cashier, which included counterfeit notes worth Rs five lakh. The investigating officials believe that the ‘recovery’ is only a tip of the iceberg. Their conjecture is that banking system is being used by ‘insiders’ to circulate fake currency. And it is another ISI bid to bleed India profusely.
ISI’s game plan is to finance terrorism in India at almost zero cost or to say at India’s cost. The main expenditure for the ISI is the printing machine. And this cost is recovered when fake notes are exchanged for a genuine currency at 30 to 40 per cent discount on the face value. Interrogation of suspected people in Mumbai and Delhi has revealed that at least one printing press operates in Pakistan under the ISI, ‘exclusively for printing fake Indian currency’. There might be several such machines- some even in India.
Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) has been investing in commodity markets and ‘prospecting’ in real estate, to fund its operations. This is known to the government long before the US sent its cautionary advisory last year. National Security Advisor M K Narayanan has also gone public with the warning that stock markets were being ‘manipulated’ by the terrorist outfits to raise funds for their operations. Stock exchanges in Mumbai and Chennai have reported that ‘fictitious or notional companies’ were engaged in stock market operations. Some of these companies were later traced to terrorist outfits.
If according to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh “Naxalism is the single biggest internal security challenge ever faced by our country…” the counterfeit currency in circulation in abundance is more serious and worrisome. It can lead to a disastrous situation. The question is: can we expect ‘deliverance’ from a government which has admitted the dire fact that its ‘writ’ no longer runs in parts of 160 districts affected by the Left-wing extremism, with naxalites converting them into ‘liberal zones’ and taking upon themselves functions of the state administration and police.
Says P C Alexander, former Maharashtra Governor: “A state is not considered a failed one merely because its record in socio-economic development may be poor. The category of failed states would include countries whose institutions of governance have become incapable of discharging the basic duties expected of a state, such as ensuring peace and security…” Anyone listening on the Raisina Hill.
- Asian Tribune -
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதத்துக்கு இந்த பணமே செலவு செய்யபப்டுவதாகவும் கூறப்படுகிறது.
காங்கிரஸ் ஆட்சி செய்யும் இந்த கடந்த வருடங்களில் இந்த பிரச்னை பூதாகரமாகியுள்ளது.
இஸ்லாமிய ஓட்டுவங்கிக்காக அவர்கள் மனம் கோணக்கூடாது என்று இந்த பிரச்னையை ஒன்றும் செய்யாமல் கள்ள நோட்டு மூலம் இந்திய மக்களை பஞ்சை பராரிகளாகவும் பொருளாதார வீழ்ச்சியையும் உருவாக்க சோனியாவின் காங்கிரஸ் அரசு முனைந்துள்ளதா என்ற கேள்வி எழுகிறது.
Fake currency portends economic upheaval..?
Sun, 2008-08-31 02:03
By J.N. Raina - Syndicate Features
Fake currency, amounting to is currently afloat in the Indian banking system. Fake Money Detector Machines (FMDM) have become a common sight at show rooms, multiplex counters, post offices, petrol pumps and even fast food joints across the country. When people come in large numbers, checking each Rs.500 note (most ‘nakli’ notes are in five hundred denominations) is never easy. So no surprise ‘nakli’ notes are swelling in number. Official estimates are that Rs 1, 69,000 crore worth of fake currency is in circulation in India.
If one is found in possession of the bogus notes, he/she will be penalized or even jailed, in case he/she fails to identify the source of the fake notes, because this is the law of the land. Instead of tackling the main offenders, it is the general public who are at the receiving end. One is not sure if the money withdrawn from an ATM of any nationalized bank or SBI or RBI is genuine. So we are face- to- face with a near panic situation.
Frankly, there exists a huge gap between the ‘seizure’ and the actual circulation of the fake notes, being ‘imported’ into India through the borders along Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal and from the Gulf region. Most if not significant percentage of this ‘parallel money’ is pumped into the real estate market noticeably in Mumbai, Delhi and Pune.
In recent months Pakistan-trained terrorists have been caught red-handed with huge amount of fake currency. Passengers travelling from Pakistan and Nepal into India have also been found carrying wads of bogus notes. Police brass familiar with the menace say that initially the circulation of the fake currency was limited, and was noticed in the troubled state of Jammu and Kashmir, where it went almost undetected because of the administrative procrastination and corruption. Those responsible for the nation’s security and connected with the unearthing of the problem were corrupted to hush up the matter. For years, the racket remained even unreported.
Now the ‘naklis’ are spread all over the country. In one recent case, fake currency, amounting to nearly Rs three crore was found stashed in chests of the SBI and ICICI bank in Uttar Pradesh. Police have also recovered Rs 7.21 lakh from the residence of a cashier, which included counterfeit notes worth Rs five lakh. The investigating officials believe that the ‘recovery’ is only a tip of the iceberg. Their conjecture is that banking system is being used by ‘insiders’ to circulate fake currency. And it is another ISI bid to bleed India profusely.
ISI’s game plan is to finance terrorism in India at almost zero cost or to say at India’s cost. The main expenditure for the ISI is the printing machine. And this cost is recovered when fake notes are exchanged for a genuine currency at 30 to 40 per cent discount on the face value. Interrogation of suspected people in Mumbai and Delhi has revealed that at least one printing press operates in Pakistan under the ISI, ‘exclusively for printing fake Indian currency’. There might be several such machines- some even in India.
Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) has been investing in commodity markets and ‘prospecting’ in real estate, to fund its operations. This is known to the government long before the US sent its cautionary advisory last year. National Security Advisor M K Narayanan has also gone public with the warning that stock markets were being ‘manipulated’ by the terrorist outfits to raise funds for their operations. Stock exchanges in Mumbai and Chennai have reported that ‘fictitious or notional companies’ were engaged in stock market operations. Some of these companies were later traced to terrorist outfits.
If according to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh “Naxalism is the single biggest internal security challenge ever faced by our country…” the counterfeit currency in circulation in abundance is more serious and worrisome. It can lead to a disastrous situation. The question is: can we expect ‘deliverance’ from a government which has admitted the dire fact that its ‘writ’ no longer runs in parts of 160 districts affected by the Left-wing extremism, with naxalites converting them into ‘liberal zones’ and taking upon themselves functions of the state administration and police.
Says P C Alexander, former Maharashtra Governor: “A state is not considered a failed one merely because its record in socio-economic development may be poor. The category of failed states would include countries whose institutions of governance have become incapable of discharging the basic duties expected of a state, such as ensuring peace and security…” Anyone listening on the Raisina Hill.
- Asian Tribune -
இந்து செய்திகள்,
இஸ்லாமிய செய்திகள்,
Saturday, August 30, 2008
உலகெங்கும் இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதத்துக்கு சவுதி அரேபியாவே காரணம்- யேமன் எழுத்தாளர்
உலகெங்கும் இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதத்துக்கு சவுதி அரேபியாவே காரணம் என்று யேமன் எழுத்தாளர் யேமன் டைம்ஸ் பத்திரிக்கையில் புட்டு புட்டு வைத்துள்ளார்.
“Libya and Iran financing Al-Qaeda in Yemen”
The Saudi Gazette Really Knows Better
Hassan Al-Haifi (commonsense@yemen.net.ye)
One cannot help but read with awe the gross misrepresentations of the facts by the Saudi press, as it seeks to whitewash the evil doings of the Saudi religious establishment throughout the world. It is not just by trying to disassociate themselves from all terrorist (and safe to say, absolutely non-Islamic, in deed and in concept) activities.
Like last Thursday's (August 21, 2008) article of the Saudi Gazette (link: www.saudigazette.com.sa/index.cfm?method=home.regcon&contentID=2008082114998), and of course acting under directions from their bosses in the Saudi regime, these paid pens of the Saudi regime wish to convince the reader that anyone to their dislike is the torchbearer of all the evil they have unleashed throughout the world over the last three decades. Thus the Saudi Gazette wishes to mislead the world that the Saudis are as innocent of Al-Qaeda and all its doings as the Prophet Joseph was of the seductress that was infatuated with him and demanded that he relieve her from the fire of temptation that had come to overtake her, because of this infatuation.
The fact of the matter is that the international so called "Islamic" terrorism, which has engulfed the Islamic world and brought havoc to the rest of the non-Islamic world, is as Saudi as the light crude oil that provides the source of financing for the propagation of the Wahhabi misguided rendition of Islam. The fact of the matter is that the Wahhabi Establishment, itself a hereditary clerical order (although Islam forbids the existence of a clergy) under the tight control of the descendants of Mohammed Abdul-Wahhab. This establishment is the mentor and financial backer of all these prominent so called "Salafi" movements. Mohammed Abdul Wahhab presumably concocted the divergent and deviant "Wahhabi" creed of Islam over two hundred years ago. One is puzzled why the followers of this gross misrepresentation of Islam in so many ways do not even like to be called Wahhabis, and try to cloud this association by taking on names that associate them with genuine ideological and seminarian associations (such as "Salafi", Moslem "Brotherhood", "Jihadists", "Fundamentalist"). The answer is obvious, as the Wahhabis are viewed by most mainstream Moslems, even the majority of Sunnis, as unorthodox, bloodthirsty highway robbers, as their early history was drowned with the blood of thousands of fellow Moslems, who were the victims of their lust for loot from pilgrims to Mecca and from those who dare dispute their misguided interpretations of Islam.
You will never see, in their revelations of the history of their movement, the hundreds of raids, especially in the earlier part of the past two and a half centuries, which these bandits inflicted on their brethren of the faith, who they actually labeled as "non-believers" or infidels, which makes their blood and their assets sanctified for them.
One is not here trying to smear the glorious bloody past of the Wahhabi Movement. Not that their past should be ignored, but one can state for certain that intra-sectarian bloody conflict between Moslems is virtually non-existent since the Prophet Mohammed's days until the Wahhabis came into being. Sure there was politically related Moslem bloodshed, but never was this fuelled by how long your beard is, or where you place your hands while standing in prayer and some of the other very secondary issues, in which Moslems might differ, which to the Wahhabis can be ground for war or for repression, if you are living in a Wahhabi regime. There have only been two countries that have succumbed to Wahhabi regimes (Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan under the Taliban), and in both cases it was by the use of repressive force. Ironically, there is a suspicious historical collusion between the Wahhabi movement and the British Crown (see Wahhabi Past), but that is a long story and there are enough sources in the internet and elsewhere that covers it.
The point to be made here is that the Saudis are not at all acting responsibly when they seek to disassociate themselves from an evil they have been rearing now for over two hundred years whether with British support or collusion with Masonic or Zionist forces, as so many historical chroniclers wish to point out on many occasions. The obvious incongruity of the accusation that Al-Qaeda is funded by the Iranians, with whom there is a big rift with the Al-Qaeda from a sectarian point of view is somewhat unbelievable and the same is true with the Libyans. On the latter one cannot help but remember how Washington tried to mislead the world into believing that Saddam Hussein was associated with Al-Qaeda (Actually Saddam had his own means of terror, which was more straightforward and down to earth and discernible than the wishy washy form Saudi Arabia has been nurturing and with which the Saudis could never disclaim any sectarian, ideological and even congenial association, as most of the Al-Qaeda elements that have been killed or arrested are actually Saudi citizens (Yemen has just submitted eight of them to the Saudis last week as well).. So it is not hard to tell, who is the real backer of world terrorism, morally and materially?
Hassan Al-Haifi has been a Yemeni political economist and journalist for more than 20 years.
“Libya and Iran financing Al-Qaeda in Yemen”
The Saudi Gazette Really Knows Better
Hassan Al-Haifi (commonsense@yemen.net.ye)
One cannot help but read with awe the gross misrepresentations of the facts by the Saudi press, as it seeks to whitewash the evil doings of the Saudi religious establishment throughout the world. It is not just by trying to disassociate themselves from all terrorist (and safe to say, absolutely non-Islamic, in deed and in concept) activities.
Like last Thursday's (August 21, 2008) article of the Saudi Gazette (link: www.saudigazette.com.sa/index.cfm?method=home.regcon&contentID=2008082114998), and of course acting under directions from their bosses in the Saudi regime, these paid pens of the Saudi regime wish to convince the reader that anyone to their dislike is the torchbearer of all the evil they have unleashed throughout the world over the last three decades. Thus the Saudi Gazette wishes to mislead the world that the Saudis are as innocent of Al-Qaeda and all its doings as the Prophet Joseph was of the seductress that was infatuated with him and demanded that he relieve her from the fire of temptation that had come to overtake her, because of this infatuation.
The fact of the matter is that the international so called "Islamic" terrorism, which has engulfed the Islamic world and brought havoc to the rest of the non-Islamic world, is as Saudi as the light crude oil that provides the source of financing for the propagation of the Wahhabi misguided rendition of Islam. The fact of the matter is that the Wahhabi Establishment, itself a hereditary clerical order (although Islam forbids the existence of a clergy) under the tight control of the descendants of Mohammed Abdul-Wahhab. This establishment is the mentor and financial backer of all these prominent so called "Salafi" movements. Mohammed Abdul Wahhab presumably concocted the divergent and deviant "Wahhabi" creed of Islam over two hundred years ago. One is puzzled why the followers of this gross misrepresentation of Islam in so many ways do not even like to be called Wahhabis, and try to cloud this association by taking on names that associate them with genuine ideological and seminarian associations (such as "Salafi", Moslem "Brotherhood", "Jihadists", "Fundamentalist"). The answer is obvious, as the Wahhabis are viewed by most mainstream Moslems, even the majority of Sunnis, as unorthodox, bloodthirsty highway robbers, as their early history was drowned with the blood of thousands of fellow Moslems, who were the victims of their lust for loot from pilgrims to Mecca and from those who dare dispute their misguided interpretations of Islam.
You will never see, in their revelations of the history of their movement, the hundreds of raids, especially in the earlier part of the past two and a half centuries, which these bandits inflicted on their brethren of the faith, who they actually labeled as "non-believers" or infidels, which makes their blood and their assets sanctified for them.
One is not here trying to smear the glorious bloody past of the Wahhabi Movement. Not that their past should be ignored, but one can state for certain that intra-sectarian bloody conflict between Moslems is virtually non-existent since the Prophet Mohammed's days until the Wahhabis came into being. Sure there was politically related Moslem bloodshed, but never was this fuelled by how long your beard is, or where you place your hands while standing in prayer and some of the other very secondary issues, in which Moslems might differ, which to the Wahhabis can be ground for war or for repression, if you are living in a Wahhabi regime. There have only been two countries that have succumbed to Wahhabi regimes (Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan under the Taliban), and in both cases it was by the use of repressive force. Ironically, there is a suspicious historical collusion between the Wahhabi movement and the British Crown (see Wahhabi Past), but that is a long story and there are enough sources in the internet and elsewhere that covers it.
The point to be made here is that the Saudis are not at all acting responsibly when they seek to disassociate themselves from an evil they have been rearing now for over two hundred years whether with British support or collusion with Masonic or Zionist forces, as so many historical chroniclers wish to point out on many occasions. The obvious incongruity of the accusation that Al-Qaeda is funded by the Iranians, with whom there is a big rift with the Al-Qaeda from a sectarian point of view is somewhat unbelievable and the same is true with the Libyans. On the latter one cannot help but remember how Washington tried to mislead the world into believing that Saddam Hussein was associated with Al-Qaeda (Actually Saddam had his own means of terror, which was more straightforward and down to earth and discernible than the wishy washy form Saudi Arabia has been nurturing and with which the Saudis could never disclaim any sectarian, ideological and even congenial association, as most of the Al-Qaeda elements that have been killed or arrested are actually Saudi citizens (Yemen has just submitted eight of them to the Saudis last week as well).. So it is not hard to tell, who is the real backer of world terrorism, morally and materially?
Hassan Al-Haifi has been a Yemeni political economist and journalist for more than 20 years.
இஸ்லாமிய செய்திகள்,
சவுதி அரேபியா,
இந்து சிறுமியை கற்பழிக்க முயன்ற 68 வயதான முஸ்லீம்
இந்து சிறுமியை கற்பழிக்க முயன்ற 68 வயதான முஸ்லீமை பற்றி போலீஸில் புகார் கொடுக்க முயன்ற முருகன் என்ற தந்தையை தாக்க முயன்றனர் இந்த முஸ்லீமின் மகனும் சகோதரனும்,
இந்து இயக்கத்தினர் அங்கு வந்து இந்த இருவரையும் நைய புடைத்தனர்.
கர்னாடகா, மடிக்கேரியில் இந்த நிகழ்ச்சி நடந்துள்ளது
Man attempts rape at 68
Madikeri, Karnataka, Aug 29 : Police arrested a sixty-eight-year- old man on charges of attempting rape on a minor at Napoklu.
According to police, Hassainar alias Achhavu tried to molest a minor girl on Wednesday evening. He was arrested after the girl's father lodged a complaint.
In another incident yesterday, police arrested the brother and son of the accused who tried to attack the girl's father in the hospital.
Murugan had come to the Madikeri Hospital along with his daughter in the presence of police for a check-up.
Hassainar's son Rafiq and brother Basheer came there in a vehicle and forced Murugan to take back the complaint by giving him Rs 30,000.
As he refused, he was beaten up in front of the police. Hearing the news, volunteers of Hindu organisations arrived at the spot and thrashed the duo before handing them over to the uniformed personnel.
--- UNI
இந்து இயக்கத்தினர் அங்கு வந்து இந்த இருவரையும் நைய புடைத்தனர்.
கர்னாடகா, மடிக்கேரியில் இந்த நிகழ்ச்சி நடந்துள்ளது
Man attempts rape at 68
Madikeri, Karnataka, Aug 29 : Police arrested a sixty-eight-year- old man on charges of attempting rape on a minor at Napoklu.
According to police, Hassainar alias Achhavu tried to molest a minor girl on Wednesday evening. He was arrested after the girl's father lodged a complaint.
In another incident yesterday, police arrested the brother and son of the accused who tried to attack the girl's father in the hospital.
Murugan had come to the Madikeri Hospital along with his daughter in the presence of police for a check-up.
Hassainar's son Rafiq and brother Basheer came there in a vehicle and forced Murugan to take back the complaint by giving him Rs 30,000.
As he refused, he was beaten up in front of the police. Hearing the news, volunteers of Hindu organisations arrived at the spot and thrashed the duo before handing them over to the uniformed personnel.
--- UNI
இந்து செய்திகள்,
இஸ்லாமிய செய்திகள்,
லஷ்மாணந்தா , மற்ற இந்து தலைவர்களை நாங்கள் கொல்லவில்லை : மாவோயிஸ்டுகள் அறிக்கை
லஷ்மாணந்தா , மற்ற இந்து தலைவர்களை நாங்கள் கொல்லவில்லை என்று மாவோயிஸ்டுகள் அறிக்கை வெளியிட்டுள்ளனர்.
விஹெச்பி தலைவர்கள் மீது தாக்குதல் நடத்தியது நாங்கள் இல்லை என்றும் அறிக்கை வெளியிட்டுள்ளனர்.
கிறிஸ்துவ பயங்கரவாதிகளே இந்து தலைவர்களை கொன்றது என்று தெளிவாகியுள்ளது.
Maoists deny role in VHP leader’s murder
Staff Reporter
‘Some wayward cadre lured by some committed the crime’
Copy of the letter sent to VHP and Bajrang Dal leaders
Maoists also deny role in the murder of VHP activists at Jalaspata
BERHAMPUR: Mystery behind the gruesome murder of VHP leader Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati and his four associates has deepened. The Bajrang Dal and VHP activists as well sections of the media have received a suspected Maoists’ letter where they claim that their central committee had no role in the murder.
The letter claimed that some wayward cadre of the Maoist outfit were lured by nefarious elements to commit the crime. Meanwhile naxal sympathizers of Orissa have also claimed that Maoists had no hand in the murder of the VHP activists at Jalaspata in Kandhamal district.
A copy of the letter was sent to the State joint secretary of the VHP and the State joint coordinator of the Bajrang Dal, Ramakant Rath. The letter was claimed to be written by the Kotgarh unit of the CPI-Maoist party.
‘Action planned’
As per the letter the organization would initiate action against some of their cadres in Kandhamal district who could be hired for money by communal Christian miscreants for the murder of the VHP leader and his associates. The reason for the murder was their opposition to religious conversion by missionaries and recent clash over cow slaughter in Tumudibadh area. "The State central committee of the Maoists had no knowledge of this", the letter claimed. The naxals felt police were putting the blame of murder of VHP leader on them trying to detach them from the common mass.
Many Maoist sympathizers of south Orissa have also denied the role of CPI-Maoist in the murder of VHP leaders that sparked off communal violence in Kandhamnal district.
Through a press note Dandapani Mohanty, general secretary of the Orissa Forest Mazdoor Union said Maoists had no role in the communal murders in Kandhamal district. It may be noted that Mr Mohanty earlier headed the Daman Pratirodh Manch, which was banned by the State Government for its pro-naxal activities. The case filed by against the ban order is sub judice in the Orissa High Court.
It may be noted that the State unit of the BJP is also not buying the claim of the State Government that Maoists had murdered the VHP leader.
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விஹெச்பி தலைவர்கள் மீது தாக்குதல் நடத்தியது நாங்கள் இல்லை என்றும் அறிக்கை வெளியிட்டுள்ளனர்.
கிறிஸ்துவ பயங்கரவாதிகளே இந்து தலைவர்களை கொன்றது என்று தெளிவாகியுள்ளது.
Maoists deny role in VHP leader’s murder
Staff Reporter
‘Some wayward cadre lured by some committed the crime’
Copy of the letter sent to VHP and Bajrang Dal leaders
Maoists also deny role in the murder of VHP activists at Jalaspata
BERHAMPUR: Mystery behind the gruesome murder of VHP leader Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati and his four associates has deepened. The Bajrang Dal and VHP activists as well sections of the media have received a suspected Maoists’ letter where they claim that their central committee had no role in the murder.
The letter claimed that some wayward cadre of the Maoist outfit were lured by nefarious elements to commit the crime. Meanwhile naxal sympathizers of Orissa have also claimed that Maoists had no hand in the murder of the VHP activists at Jalaspata in Kandhamal district.
A copy of the letter was sent to the State joint secretary of the VHP and the State joint coordinator of the Bajrang Dal, Ramakant Rath. The letter was claimed to be written by the Kotgarh unit of the CPI-Maoist party.
‘Action planned’
As per the letter the organization would initiate action against some of their cadres in Kandhamal district who could be hired for money by communal Christian miscreants for the murder of the VHP leader and his associates. The reason for the murder was their opposition to religious conversion by missionaries and recent clash over cow slaughter in Tumudibadh area. "The State central committee of the Maoists had no knowledge of this", the letter claimed. The naxals felt police were putting the blame of murder of VHP leader on them trying to detach them from the common mass.
Many Maoist sympathizers of south Orissa have also denied the role of CPI-Maoist in the murder of VHP leaders that sparked off communal violence in Kandhamnal district.
Through a press note Dandapani Mohanty, general secretary of the Orissa Forest Mazdoor Union said Maoists had no role in the communal murders in Kandhamal district. It may be noted that Mr Mohanty earlier headed the Daman Pratirodh Manch, which was banned by the State Government for its pro-naxal activities. The case filed by against the ban order is sub judice in the Orissa High Court.
It may be noted that the State unit of the BJP is also not buying the claim of the State Government that Maoists had murdered the VHP leader.
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இந்து செய்திகள்,
கிறிஸ்துவ செய்திகள்
இந்தோனேஷியா ஜகார்த்தாவில் கைலாச மியூஸியம்
இந்தோனேஷியா ஜகார்த்தாவில் கைலாச மியூஸியம்
Kailasa museum, preserving Hindu civilization
Slamet Susanto, The Jakarta Post, Banjarnegara, Central Java
A lack of information and data on Central Java's archeological site in Dieng, Banjarnegara regency, has left the region a relatively unknown tourist destination.
As the oldest site of Hindu civilization on Java, Dieng is often seen by some people as the location of an ancient Hindu kingdom due to the lack of information.
In reality, no kingdom was ever set up on this plateau. It was the center of Shiva worship for Hindu saiwa sect followers during the 7th to 12th centuries.
The presence of this sect is shown through its Hindu features in the temple complex.
For instance, Arjuna Temple within the Dieng complex has the wimana (bamboo structure design) in India while Bima Temple represents the sikhara or India's pagoda.
One of the inscriptions also refers to Dieng as Kailasa, which is believed to be the heavenly abode of Shiva. Kailasa is also the name of a sacred mountain considered to be the center of the world by local Hindus.
Sadly, though, the historic value and natural marvels of Dieng have gone largely unnoticed. People are more familiar with Borobudur Temple and other historic places thanks to their better marketing systems.
In an effort to provide comprehensive information on Dieng, the Banjarnegara regency administration in cooperation with archeologists, historians and volcanologists of Yogyakarta's Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and the Archeological Heritage Conservation Agency has opened Kailasa Museum.
UGM archeologist Nia Nugrahani said preparations for the museum had taken place for years, but that intensive studies of Dieng, involving various disciplines of science, had been undertaken in the past 22 months.
Themed "Dieng in natural and cultural history", the studies gathered everything about the zone from the plateau's formation to the tradition of locals.
"It's like doing a jigsaw to create a Dieng information system," Nia said.
Dieng plateau is the second highest plateau in the world after Nepal. It lies at an altitude of 2,093 meters, where cool air, a beautiful hilly panorama and diverse flora and fauna can be enjoyed.
When the weather is fine, Dieng is the only place to watch the glows of the so-called "double sunrise".
The golden sunrise comes first, lasting from 5:30 am to 6:00 a.m.. From the 1,700-meter-high view station of Dieng, the yellowish red radiance of the rising sun is a wonderful spectacle.
After the golden sunrise, which lasts about 20 -30 minutes, visitors can still enjoy the second phase, known as the silver sunrise.
As a hilly zone formed out of millions of years of volcanic activity, Dieng is also naturally endowed with a lake called Telaga Warna -- named after the different colors it reflects as rays of sunlight pour over its surface.
Nia realized the museum could not yet supply all data on Dieng, yet it would hopefully serve as a center for primary sources of information on this archeological site, which is situated in two regencies, Banjarnegara and Wonosobo.
"So far Dieng has remained a site of mystery, with very little scientific data available amid numerous myths circulating in society," she said.
Kailasa museum, named after Shiva's heavenly home, is compiling the history of Dieng from the beginning of the temple zone to the growth of civilization of Dieng people.
The museum also presents the geological aspect of the plateau's formation as well as the endemic vegetation and wildlife of Dieng, where the originally 40 species, including Java's eagles, have been reduced to 19 as their habitat is lost.
The local people's perseverance as a farming community and their cultural life are well represented in the museum, in addition to a display of scattered statues found on the site in accordance with the chronicle of Dieng.
The museum also chronicles the history of Dieng's early period and its further developments in a 35-minute film.
Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik, who officially opened Kailasa Museum on July 28, said this museum collected statues and artifacts of very high value and significance in Dieng.
By further expounding on the significance of the findings, he hoped the public would form a positive attitude toward the preservation and utilization of the cultural heritage, historic site and zone while the Dieng community could actively participate in this effort.
In fact, according to Jero Wacik, Dieng is an attractive tourist destination. Apart from its gorgeous hilly areas, the cool climate of Dieng can offer an ideal place for tourists who are on their honeymoon.
"This highland can be a special place for honeymooners. Dieng only lacks promotion so it is less familiar to people from other regions," he said.
Banjarnegara Regent Djasri said his administration was also working to improve the attractiveness of Dieng, as well as Wonosobo regency and Central Java province, as an archeological site.
Under this cooperation, local guides have been made available to provide more accurate information for visitors to Dieng.
The main problem facing the site today is the widespread conversion of forestland into potato plantations. The crop has even covered an area only dozens of meters away from Dieng's temple site.
"We are now regularly replanting the forest to restore the natural harmony of Dieng," Djasri said.
To prevent the further spread of potatoes, the regency is boosting strawberry planting, which is seen as economically no less profitable.
"Without any alternative, it is difficult to halt the expansion of potato plantations because the crop has become a source of living for part of the community," he said.
The greening of Dieng is also underway in Wonosobo regency, which launched its Wonosobo Planting Movement in 2007.
Kailasa museum, preserving Hindu civilization
Slamet Susanto, The Jakarta Post, Banjarnegara, Central Java
A lack of information and data on Central Java's archeological site in Dieng, Banjarnegara regency, has left the region a relatively unknown tourist destination.
As the oldest site of Hindu civilization on Java, Dieng is often seen by some people as the location of an ancient Hindu kingdom due to the lack of information.
In reality, no kingdom was ever set up on this plateau. It was the center of Shiva worship for Hindu saiwa sect followers during the 7th to 12th centuries.
The presence of this sect is shown through its Hindu features in the temple complex.
For instance, Arjuna Temple within the Dieng complex has the wimana (bamboo structure design) in India while Bima Temple represents the sikhara or India's pagoda.
One of the inscriptions also refers to Dieng as Kailasa, which is believed to be the heavenly abode of Shiva. Kailasa is also the name of a sacred mountain considered to be the center of the world by local Hindus.
Sadly, though, the historic value and natural marvels of Dieng have gone largely unnoticed. People are more familiar with Borobudur Temple and other historic places thanks to their better marketing systems.
In an effort to provide comprehensive information on Dieng, the Banjarnegara regency administration in cooperation with archeologists, historians and volcanologists of Yogyakarta's Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and the Archeological Heritage Conservation Agency has opened Kailasa Museum.
UGM archeologist Nia Nugrahani said preparations for the museum had taken place for years, but that intensive studies of Dieng, involving various disciplines of science, had been undertaken in the past 22 months.
Themed "Dieng in natural and cultural history", the studies gathered everything about the zone from the plateau's formation to the tradition of locals.
"It's like doing a jigsaw to create a Dieng information system," Nia said.
Dieng plateau is the second highest plateau in the world after Nepal. It lies at an altitude of 2,093 meters, where cool air, a beautiful hilly panorama and diverse flora and fauna can be enjoyed.
When the weather is fine, Dieng is the only place to watch the glows of the so-called "double sunrise".
The golden sunrise comes first, lasting from 5:30 am to 6:00 a.m.. From the 1,700-meter-high view station of Dieng, the yellowish red radiance of the rising sun is a wonderful spectacle.
After the golden sunrise, which lasts about 20 -30 minutes, visitors can still enjoy the second phase, known as the silver sunrise.
As a hilly zone formed out of millions of years of volcanic activity, Dieng is also naturally endowed with a lake called Telaga Warna -- named after the different colors it reflects as rays of sunlight pour over its surface.
Nia realized the museum could not yet supply all data on Dieng, yet it would hopefully serve as a center for primary sources of information on this archeological site, which is situated in two regencies, Banjarnegara and Wonosobo.
"So far Dieng has remained a site of mystery, with very little scientific data available amid numerous myths circulating in society," she said.
Kailasa museum, named after Shiva's heavenly home, is compiling the history of Dieng from the beginning of the temple zone to the growth of civilization of Dieng people.
The museum also presents the geological aspect of the plateau's formation as well as the endemic vegetation and wildlife of Dieng, where the originally 40 species, including Java's eagles, have been reduced to 19 as their habitat is lost.
The local people's perseverance as a farming community and their cultural life are well represented in the museum, in addition to a display of scattered statues found on the site in accordance with the chronicle of Dieng.
The museum also chronicles the history of Dieng's early period and its further developments in a 35-minute film.
Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik, who officially opened Kailasa Museum on July 28, said this museum collected statues and artifacts of very high value and significance in Dieng.
By further expounding on the significance of the findings, he hoped the public would form a positive attitude toward the preservation and utilization of the cultural heritage, historic site and zone while the Dieng community could actively participate in this effort.
In fact, according to Jero Wacik, Dieng is an attractive tourist destination. Apart from its gorgeous hilly areas, the cool climate of Dieng can offer an ideal place for tourists who are on their honeymoon.
"This highland can be a special place for honeymooners. Dieng only lacks promotion so it is less familiar to people from other regions," he said.
Banjarnegara Regent Djasri said his administration was also working to improve the attractiveness of Dieng, as well as Wonosobo regency and Central Java province, as an archeological site.
Under this cooperation, local guides have been made available to provide more accurate information for visitors to Dieng.
The main problem facing the site today is the widespread conversion of forestland into potato plantations. The crop has even covered an area only dozens of meters away from Dieng's temple site.
"We are now regularly replanting the forest to restore the natural harmony of Dieng," Djasri said.
To prevent the further spread of potatoes, the regency is boosting strawberry planting, which is seen as economically no less profitable.
"Without any alternative, it is difficult to halt the expansion of potato plantations because the crop has become a source of living for part of the community," he said.
The greening of Dieng is also underway in Wonosobo regency, which launched its Wonosobo Planting Movement in 2007.
இந்து செய்திகள்,
கேரளா மல்லப்புரம் மசூதிக்குள் முஸ்லீம்களுக்குள் நடந்த சண்டையில் இருவர் பலி 14 பேர் படுகாயம்
கேரளா மல்லப்புரம் மசூதிக்குள் முஸ்லீம்களுக்குள் நடந்த சண்டையில் இருவர் பலி 14 பேர் படுகாயம் அடைந்தனர்
Two killed in mosque violence
Pioneer News Service | Malappuram
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Two persons killed and fourteen others suffered injuries in the violence at the Juma Masjid at Aalinkunnu, Kottakkal in Malappuram district on Friday afternoon. The incident was the result of a conflict between the two sections of the faithful who had come to the mosque for the Juma Namaz on Friday. The dead were brothers and had been identified as Abdu and Aboobacker, sons of Muhammad Haji, Pulikkal.
Abdu died at a private hospital in Kottakkal while Aboobacker succumbed
to hack injuries at the Medical College Hospital, Kozhikode. District Superintendent of Police P Vijayan has started an inquiry into the incident. Vijayan said the violence was the result of a conflict between two sections over the control of the Mahallu committee. A large number of police personnel had been posted at the mosque to avoid any further violence.
Pulikkal Muhammad Haji had been the president of the Mahallu Committee for the past several years, and he had recently stepped down from the post following
complaints and protests from one section.
The issue had been live for the past many days in the mosque and the Mahallu. The police said this had led to the tension on Friday.
For any comments, queries or feedback, kindly mail us at pioneerletters@yahoo.co.in
Two killed in mosque violence
Pioneer News Service | Malappuram
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Two persons killed and fourteen others suffered injuries in the violence at the Juma Masjid at Aalinkunnu, Kottakkal in Malappuram district on Friday afternoon. The incident was the result of a conflict between the two sections of the faithful who had come to the mosque for the Juma Namaz on Friday. The dead were brothers and had been identified as Abdu and Aboobacker, sons of Muhammad Haji, Pulikkal.
Abdu died at a private hospital in Kottakkal while Aboobacker succumbed
to hack injuries at the Medical College Hospital, Kozhikode. District Superintendent of Police P Vijayan has started an inquiry into the incident. Vijayan said the violence was the result of a conflict between two sections over the control of the Mahallu committee. A large number of police personnel had been posted at the mosque to avoid any further violence.
Pulikkal Muhammad Haji had been the president of the Mahallu Committee for the past several years, and he had recently stepped down from the post following
complaints and protests from one section.
The issue had been live for the past many days in the mosque and the Mahallu. The police said this had led to the tension on Friday.
For any comments, queries or feedback, kindly mail us at pioneerletters@yahoo.co.in
இஸ்லாமிய செய்திகள்,
ஒரிஸ்ஸா கிருஸ்துவர்கள் மீதான தாக்குதல்-ஜெ. கண்டனம்
கிறிஸ்துவ பயங்கரவாதிகளை கண்டிக்காமல் எதிர்வினையை கண்டிக்கும் ஜெயலலிதாவுக்கு கடும் கண்டனைத்தை தெரிவித்துக்கொள்கிறேன்
ஒரிஸ்ஸா கிருஸ்துவர்கள் மீதான தாக்குதல்-ஜெ. கண்டனம்
வெள்ளிக்கிழமை, ஆகஸ்ட் 29, 2008
சென்னை: ஒரிஸ்ஸாவில் கிருஸ்துவர்கள் மீது நடத்தப்பட்டு வரும் மத வெறித் தாக்குதலுக்கு அதிமுக பொதுச் செயலாளர் ஜெயலலிதா கடும் கண்டனம் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.
அவர் வெளியிட்டுள்ள அறி்க்கையில், ஒரிஸ்ஸாவில் கிருஸ்துவர்கள் அதிகம் வசிக்கும் கந்தமால் மாவட்டத்தில் அவர்களையும் அவர்களது வழிபாட்டுத் தலங்களையும் தாக்கும் சமூக விரோத கும்பல்களை முளையிலேயே கிள்ளி எறிய வேண்டும்.
ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட மதத்தினரை குறி வைத்துத் தாக்குவது என்பது நாட்டுக்கே அவமானம். நாட்டில் மத வெறியை யார் தூண்டினாலும் அவர்கள் மீது மத்திய, மாநில அரசுகள் கடும் நடவடிக்கை எடுத்து ஒடுக்க வேண்டும்.
ஒரிஸ்ஸாவில் வன்முறைக்குப் பலியான குடும்பத்தினருக்கு எனது ஆழ்ந்த இரங்கலை தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கிறேன்.
பாதிக்கப்பட்ட கிருஸ்துவ மக்களுக்கு நஷ்டஈடு வழங்குவதோடு அவர்களுக்கும், அவர்களது உடமைகள், வழிபாட்டுத் தலங்களுக்கு உடனடியாக உரிய பாதுகாப்பை வழங்கிட மத்திய, மாநில அரசுகள் நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டும் என்று கூறியுள்ளார் ஜெயலலிதா.
ஒரிஸ்ஸா கிருஸ்துவர்கள் மீதான தாக்குதல்-ஜெ. கண்டனம்
வெள்ளிக்கிழமை, ஆகஸ்ட் 29, 2008
சென்னை: ஒரிஸ்ஸாவில் கிருஸ்துவர்கள் மீது நடத்தப்பட்டு வரும் மத வெறித் தாக்குதலுக்கு அதிமுக பொதுச் செயலாளர் ஜெயலலிதா கடும் கண்டனம் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.
அவர் வெளியிட்டுள்ள அறி்க்கையில், ஒரிஸ்ஸாவில் கிருஸ்துவர்கள் அதிகம் வசிக்கும் கந்தமால் மாவட்டத்தில் அவர்களையும் அவர்களது வழிபாட்டுத் தலங்களையும் தாக்கும் சமூக விரோத கும்பல்களை முளையிலேயே கிள்ளி எறிய வேண்டும்.
ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட மதத்தினரை குறி வைத்துத் தாக்குவது என்பது நாட்டுக்கே அவமானம். நாட்டில் மத வெறியை யார் தூண்டினாலும் அவர்கள் மீது மத்திய, மாநில அரசுகள் கடும் நடவடிக்கை எடுத்து ஒடுக்க வேண்டும்.
ஒரிஸ்ஸாவில் வன்முறைக்குப் பலியான குடும்பத்தினருக்கு எனது ஆழ்ந்த இரங்கலை தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கிறேன்.
பாதிக்கப்பட்ட கிருஸ்துவ மக்களுக்கு நஷ்டஈடு வழங்குவதோடு அவர்களுக்கும், அவர்களது உடமைகள், வழிபாட்டுத் தலங்களுக்கு உடனடியாக உரிய பாதுகாப்பை வழங்கிட மத்திய, மாநில அரசுகள் நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டும் என்று கூறியுள்ளார் ஜெயலலிதா.
இந்து செய்திகள்,
கிறிஸ்துவ செய்திகள்
Friday, August 29, 2008
படங்களுடன் - ஒரிஸ்ஸாவில் கிறிஸ்துவ பயங்கரவாதிகள் வெறியாட்டம்

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Viswa sambad kendra Bhubaneswar sambad kendra"
To: visakeobbsr@gmail.com
Date: 29 Aug. 2008
Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati (84) is known as second incarnation of
Lord Parsuram. He took the vow to develop the down trodden class of
people of the society and made his centre of activities at CHAKAPAD in
the tribal district, Kandhmal of Orissa.Besides social and religious
development of the tribal people he made them economically sound and
academically well up. He established a Gurukul pattern of school and
a college to teach Sanskrit in Chakapada a remote place of Kandhmal
Jalespatta is another ashram of Swamijee in Ganjam district of Orissa
where education is being imparted to women population with an
intention to build women workers for economic development of masses
who are culturally and politically neglected.
While there was a move to ban cow slaughter in India, Swamijee came
from Himalaya to Orissa. After the movement of cow protection was
over, Swamijee decided to return back to his Tapashya when the then
chief of RSS of Orissa Sri Bhupendra Kumar Basu narrated the sad
stories of the tribal population of the state and requested him to
help the suffering population. Swamijee went to Phulbani (Kondhmal)
with Sri Basu, saw the life of people there and decided to serve the
backward people there and focus them to join into the main stream of
the society. In 1969 he started his first ashram at Chakapada and the
ashram became a centre for brisk activities. He renovated the temples:
Birupakshya, Kumareswar and Jogeswar and established a Sanskrit school
and a college. Swamijee invested his full energy to teach the youth of
schedule caste and schedule tribe in Sanskrit and through Sanskrit he
built the youths to disciplined citizen well civilized, well
cultured, well educated, well spiritual and protector of the society.
Swamijee was well versed in Vedanta philosophy, Sanskrit grammer and
was awarded with the honour as "VEDANTA KESHARI". He was not only
giving philosophical talks to the people but looking to the
cultivation, animal care, and horticulture and so on. The students
coming out from Kalyan Ashram Gurukula are providing leadership in the
society in economic, social and cultural fields.
Due to his selfless service to humanity he received the award:
VIVEKANANDA SEVA PURASKAR" from Kumar Pustakalya, Kolkota.
As he stood firm in Phulbani district for a long time and struggled
against elements of Anti- dharma, the Sankaracharya of Govardhan
Pitha, Puri awarded him with the Upadhi as"BIDHARMI KUCHAKRA VIDARAN
While he started his work in Kandhamal, a devoted RSS Pracharak,
Sri Raghunath Sethi associated with him for a long period for the
said noble work.Swamijee was born in 1924 in the village Gurujang of
Angul district.He left his house in1953 with the blessing of his
father-in-law:"KALAJAYI SANYASI BHABA".He initially selected his place
of activities at Chakapad because there is Birupakhya temple.
Subsequently he established Kanyashram at Jalespatta, a Seva school at
Tulasipur, Banki in Cuttack district and an Ashram at Panitola in
Angul district..
The significance of Birupakshya Temple
The Birupakshya temple at Chakapada is situated in the district of
Kandhamala (Phulbani). It stands on an elevation of about 800ft. from
sea level. River Burutanga is flowing near the temple. The place is
surrounded by beautiful natural scenaries. Chakapada has also been
mentioned in the Ramayana. The old age name of Chakapada is
Ekachakranagari. The name is connected with Ramayana. Here exists a
siva temple where linga is bent to south and all the trees of the
place are also bent to south
Chakapada Hindu Sammelan
On the eve of Parama Pujaniya Sri Gurujee(Madhab Sadasiba Golwalkar)
Janma Satabarsik celeberation a unique Hindu Sammelan was held from
8th to 10th April06at Chakapada. More than 5 lakhs Vanabasi Hindus
participated in the sammelan. During this programme seven MAHAJAGNA
was perforformed:
1) NAMAJAGNA-1000 groups of Bhajan Mandalis(both gents &ladies)
participated for chanting the name of god.
2) GHRUTA JAGNA:-Besides offering ghee , a Sphatika Siva Linga
(Cristal) and statue of Adi Shankaracharya, Sata rudra, Sapta sati
were installed. This spatika sivalinga was installed in a temple
named as Laxmaneswar temple . The name was suggested by the
Shankaracharya of Puri- Swami Nischalananda Saraswati in the name of
3) GYANA JAGNA-Spiritual discourses were delivered by eminent monks
including Shankaracharya of Puri ,Swami Nischalananda Saraswati.
4) ANNA JAGNA-Prasad was provided to all participants
5) DEEPA JAGNA- Lakhs of deepa were offered by doveetes
6) SEVA JAGNA Medical checkup was provided to the needy for treatment
of eye, teeth, and hemoglobin deficiency
7) DHARMA JAGARAN JAGNA A meeting of monks and tribals was organized
who have faith in swadharma. Such type of gatherings were organied in
1986 where one lakh devotees participated. Besides that 8 Raths
traveled from various corners of Orissa to Chakapada and assembled
there on the first day of Hindu New Year i.e 30th March06.
Due to his multi dimensional activities for the development of the
Hindu Culture , Hindu Traditions, Hindu Dharma, as well as the
economical background of the poor mass a wave of consciousness
overwhelmed in the society which was eyesore to the anti Hindu and
anti-social elements. After contributing a lot to the society , he
sacrificed his life on the occasion of Janmastami on 23rd Augest08,
along with his four colleagues-Madhubaba,Kishorebaba,Maunibaba,and
Matajee, who was in charge of Girls Hostel, at Jalespatta, by a group
of miscreants who attacked in the night with Rifle and bomb.
Pujya Swami Lakshmananda Saraswati
Date of Birth: 1924 Shravan Krushna Navami
Birth Place: Nua Sahi, Gurujanga, Anugul Jilla
Swami Ji came out of home for pursuit of spirituality in 1953, at the age of 29.
DVD Track and Meaning
1:35 - 2:20 - Conversion initiative in Phulbani area, creating
3:00 - Sangh Started working in the tribal area
3:45 - Swami Lakshmananda Saraswati Ji's introduction by karyakartas -
Vhupen Kumar Basu Chakapada - the then Ma. Pranta Sangh Chalak
4:45 - Swamiji worked for School, Mandirs (Birupakhya Pith), Satsangs,
Nisa nibran - Creating alcohol free society - Shri Dukhiram Kuaanra
and his First Sahyogi Shri Raghunath Sethi.
8:00 - In 1986 Sar. Karyavah Ma Yadav Rao Joshi Ji inagurated Rath to
Phulbani - Ma. Sankaracharya Ji welcomed it.
9:15 - Kalinga Jagannath Mandir established and Rath went to Chakapada
(With Ma. Governer B.N.Pande, Sah Prant Pracharak Ma. Shyam Ji gupt
welcoming guests) Harihar Da was also present.
11:35 - 12:15 Jagnas, Eye Camps, and massive gatherings to brought in
confidence and awareness among everyone the need of sewa in the weaker
section of the society.
12:45 - 14:30 Banvasi Kalyan Ashram started Hanuman temple brought in
social transformations like liquor free village, and personal hygiene
through education, pravachans, Geta, Bhagbat chantngs and Satsangs.
16:00 - 17:00 Many temple established by VHP more than 16 temples and
numerous satsangs. Where as some hostile churches did not hesitate to
grab Devottara properties of Gramadevi.
17:00 - 20:15 Swami Ji started Samskrit Vidylaya - Education and self
employment training is imparted here. Students learn veda path and
Jagnya, pooja vidhi along with other subjects. In 1978 it became a
collage, 300 students studying currently and more than 1650 studens
have graduated from here.
21:20 - 25:20 Cow protection and gorakhya - Pujya Swami Ji inspired
villagers, leading by example. The villagers along with their
Sarpanchs were doing cultivation traditionally at wrong time there by
getting very less yield, also were not ready to accept any change. To
bring in prosperity to the villages swamiji started cultivation in the
ashram land and showed the villagers the benefits of having cows for
milk, milk products, and proper way of cultivation.
His perseverance and patience changed the ways the villagers were
operating and started getting better yields. Cultivation became an
initiative for economic growth for the entire village. He emphasized
the need of forestation - brought in Kranti to save the forest and
made use of forest products. His vision was to make each village self
sufficient in food thereby make the whole country proud.
25:20 - 27:10 Like a Drasta (visionary) Pujya swamji encouraged
saving the forest. To bring in harmony (samarasata), and eliminate
cast discrimination between Savarna and Asavarna swamiji started Nama
Jagnya celebration in 1982 (Chanting divine name of God), where
everyone irrespective of cast and creed comes together to get immerged
in the divine experience.
27:10 - 28:50 - Ashram for girl students - Near the bank of Rahul Nadi
there is Shiva Pith Swami Ji established Jalespata Shankaracharya
Kanyashrama in 1988. More than 250 students are residing and studying
33:00 - 34:20 Shikshya Vikash Parishad started Saraswati Shishu Mandir
schools in Phubni. Temple Trusty Natabar Panda explains Pujya swamiji
Ji's initiatives for communal harmony.
34:50 - 36:20 While comparing Missionary work vs VHP, Shri Laxmikant
Malik, Baliguda Congress MLA explained - while the former
(Missionaries) worked with Allurement of the poor the later (VHP)
focused on cultural program, self development and education of the
youth. For instance the Samskrut Vidyalay established in 1980's
trained the youths in understanding scriptures like Vedas and
increased their appreciation of our culture and traditions.
37:00 - 37:45 Social Transformation - Shri Jagannath Mandir - Raja
Shri Nalinikanta Deo Bad habits were eradicated, education and
vocational training brought in economic empowerment. Medical camps,
health awareness camps brought well being of the whole village -
explained Mangulu Patra, Dharma Jagaran Samiti state president.
37:45 - 38:30 Shri Santosh Pradhan (OAS), Alumni of the school at
Chakapada - He learned to work with the common people, take everyone's
cooperation while working, a practice he learned in the school,
implements in his administrative role as well.
39:40 - 40:50 Pavitra Kahanra, from Telapalli village, Kashimpadar
High School Samskrit Teacher, introduces himself as a Vanvasi Kandha
(tribal) - did study in the samskrut school in 1978 and got inspired
to pursue higher education and went to Puri to study Samkrita Acharya
,and became first Samskrut teacher in Phulbani. Pujya SwamiJi's
samskrita Vidyalaya trained and inspired thousands of Samskrut
Shiksaks, that are have gone to Phulbani, Koraput, Malkangiri
districts and have become teachers there (than 50% of the teachers are
form the Ashram School).
Puri Seer, Orissa CM condoled death of Swamiji, 144 in entire Kandhamal
Bhubaneswar: Puri Gobardhan Pitha Sankaracharya Jagadguru Swami
Nischalananda Saraswati and Orissa Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik
condoled the death of senior VHP leader Swami Laxmananda Saraswati,
who was gun down by some unidentified assailants at Jalaspata Ashram
under Tumulibandha Police limits of tribal dominated Phulabani, the
erstwhile Kandhamal.
Christians killed Swamiji, blames VHP, calls 12-hour Orissa bandh on Monday
Bhubaneswar: 23/8(viswasambad Kendra,orissa)Viswa Hindu Parishad has
blamed the Christians for the gruesome killing of Swami Laxmananda
Saraswati at Jalaspatta Ashram under Tumlibandha Police limits of
tribal dominated Phulabani district, the erstwhile Kandhamal on
Saturday night.
"The killing of Swamiji was most unfortunate incident and unwarranted.
He was a true social reformer. We all missed Guruji of Chakapa for a
longtime, his security concerns downplayed," VHP said. Swami, who is
more a social reformer than a religious thinker was killed by
Christians, VHP said.
The killing took place even at a time, when the entire tribal
community in that area was celebrating Janmastami, birthday of Lord
Krishan. The Hindu Seer had on Friday received a threat letter and
informed the Tumulibandha Police Station but adequate security was not
made to protect Swamiji and his followers. Madhu Baba and Kishor Baba,
two close aids of the Seer also killed in the grenade attack.
"Christians have killed Swamiji, we would give a befitting reply to it
very soon," VHP State general secretary Gouri Prasad Rath said. He
further demanded a high level probe into the issue and ban on Churches
working in the district. VHP went on to add that as a mark of protest,
it would shut down Orissa on Monday.
"We would forced to opt violent protest if action not taken against
the killers," Rath warned. "We have called a 12-hour shut down on
Monday protesting against the killing," he added.
Swamiji's contribution to the socio-economic empowerment of tribal
living in Orissa's southern region has posed a major threat for the
conversion activities and finally the missionaries killed Swamiji,
Rath added. He further informed Swamiji has been attacked for ninth
consecutive time till his death and each time the Christians hatched
the conspiracy.
Swamiji have been working in Kandhamal area since late 70s and he
successfully understands object poverty of that region and worked
relentlessly for the socio-economic empowerment of tribal, the VHP
said. VHP also hosted a condoled meeting to pay homage to the departed
Dated the 24th August 2008
Yesterday, around 9.30 p.m. Vedanta Keshari Swami Laxanananda
Saraswati was murdered at his Ashram by armed assailants who used
grenades and sophisticated arms. Along with him Mataji (a female saint
who was looking after the Girls' Boarding School at Jaleshpata), Madhu
baba, Kishore baba and Mauni Baba also got killed by the bullets of
the assailants. The assailants are suspected to be from among the
Dalit Christians blonging to the Baptist church and the Catholic
Church who had threatened him in writing after resolving in a meeting
held at Raikia on the 9th August 2008. There was a well calculated
conspiracy to do away with the Swamijee as he was the biggest obstacle
against proselytisation of the Kondh tribes and the scheduled caste
people in the Kondhmal District. On Friday Swamijee had brought it to
the notice of the district administration, but inspite of the fact
that he was a repeated target of the militant Christians, still the
state government miserably failed to protect his life. He had
organized the local Hindus to prevent Cow slaughter and conversion to
Christianity by strictly implementing two different Acts by the Orissa
Legislature to this effect. Only a month back there was an attack by
more than two thousand armed people at Tumudibandh, only three kilo
meters from his Jalaspata Ashram.
We strongly demand that CBI should enquire into the matter and bring
the consipiracy out of the bag and the real culprits be brought to
book. We do not suspect any Maoist hand behind the incident. Maoist
façade is used deliberately by the church to obfuscate the issue and
terrorize the public.
Hindu organizations suspect Church hand in Swamijee murder
Bhubaneswar, 24/8 (Viswasambadkendra, Orissa ) In a Press release the
President of Hindu Jagarana Samukhya, Shri Ashok Sahu accused the
State Government of deliberately misleading the public by giving a
Maoist color to the gruesome murder of Swamijee Laxanananda Saraswati
at his ashram in Jalasapata in Orissa. For having utterly failed to
give adequate security to Swamijee in the face of repeated attack and
imminent danger to his life and frequent letters from Swamijee himself
to the authorities. In last December on 23rd he escaped a violent
attack and was hospitalized with fatal injuries. Shri Sahu revealed
quoting Swamijee that there was a meeting at Raikia Community Centre
on the 9th August 2008 attended by many Christian militants
representing NGOs and persons like Nakul Nayak the ex-Member of
Parliament and Krishna Padseth the ex- Chairman of the Block from
Tumudibandh. The conspiracy to kill Swami Laxanananda was hatched in
the meeting and on 13th August a threatening letter was circulated to
the district and state authorities along with copies to individual
targets including Swamijee. On 22nd August Swamijee appealed the
District magistrate to enhance his personal security. The news that
his life is in danger has been broadcast by the media in the morning
hours, but alas he was done away with in a well planned cold blooded
murder by the evening before midnight in his own room. He died on the
spot along with all those four others who were with him in the
spiritual discourse. Besides him, the deceased included Mataji who was
in charge of the Girls' Boarding School, Amritananda Baba, Kishore
Baba and guardian of a female student in the Ashram.Swamijee was
preventing the Kondh tribes who were targeted by the Missionaries for
baptisation and was also trying to bring back the Dalit and tribal
converts among Christians back to Hindu fold. For last forty-two years
Swamijee was relentlessly fighting for prevention of Cow- slaughter
and conversion to Christianity particularly the poor and illiterate
Kondh tribes who constitute more than 50% of the population in the
district. He had made Kondhmal his abode and centre of missionary
movement to protect Hindutwa in Orissa. He was one man Army against
the onslaughts of the Church which the Missionaries could not
withstand and at last resorted to the most cowardly act of killing an
84 years old saint in his own hermit, Shri Sahu stated. Earlier also
there were seven such attacks from which he used to providentially
escape. His last words before getting killed, while speaking to one of
his devotees "Never have fears of death when you are working for the
cause of the Motherland". He laid his life for the cause for which he
stood his entire life.Shri Sahu demanded CBI enquiry into the ghastly
incident and wanted the conspiracy angle to unravel. Being queried by
the Press whether the CBI is free from the clutches of the Catholic
Sonia Gandhi at the center, Shri Sahu replied that one has to choose
between two evils and CBI is a lesser evil. Shri Sahu demanded that
the State government has lost their moral right to continue in power
and specially the BJP which has been benefiting by aligning at times
with Hindu cause. The Government failure in protecting Hindu saints
will only compel the peace loving Hindus of Orissa to arm themselves
to protect their interest, Shri Sahu warned. The Press conference
addressed by Shri Sahu was also attended by Shri Ajit Kumar patnaik
the General secretary and Shri Simanchal Khatua the media chief.
Puri Maharaja Shri Dibya Singdeo has strongly demanded the CBI to
bring the culprits to book. Jagadguru Shankaracharya has demanded
resignation of the BJP ministers who have failed to protect the
Swamijee and compel the government to fall for this classic failure of
governance. The Hindu Organizations have given a dawn to dusk bundh
call on Monday, the 25th August through out the State of Orissa to
respect Hindu solidarity and tribute to the departed soul.
Christians killed Swamiji, blames VHP, calls 12-hour Orissa bandh on Monday
Bhubaneswar: 23/8(viswasambad Kendra,orissa)Viswa Hindu Parishad has
blamed the Christians for the gruesome killing of Swami Laxmananda
Saraswati at Jalaspatta Ashram under Tumlibandha Police limits of
tribal dominated Phulabani district, the erstwhile Kandhamal on
Saturday night.
"The killing of Swamiji was most unfortunate incident and unwarranted.
He was a true social reformer. We all missed Guruji of Chakapa for a
longtime, his security concerns downplayed," VHP said. Swami, who is
more a social reformer than a religious thinker was killed by
Christians, VHP said. The killing took place even at a time, when the
entire tribal community in that area was celebrating Janmastami,
birthday of Lord Krishan. The Hindu Seer had on Friday received a
threat letter and informed the Tumulibandha Police Station but
adequate security was not made to protect Swamiji and his followers.
Madhu Baba and Kishor Baba, two close aids of the Seer also killed in
the grenade attack. "Christians have killed Swamiji, we would give a
befitting reply to it very soon," VHP State general secretary Gouri
Prasad Rath said. He further demanded a high level probe into the
issue and ban on Churches working in the district. VHP went on to add
that as a mark of protest, it would shut down Orissa on Monday. "We
would forced to opt violent protest if action not taken against the
killers," Rath warned. "We have called a 12-hour shut down on Monday
protesting against the killing," he added. Swamiji's contribution to
the socio-economic empowerment of tribal living in Orissa's southern
region has posed a major threat for the conversion activities and
finally the missionaries killed Swamiji, Rath added. He further
informed Swamiji has been attacked for ninth consecutive time till his
death and each time the Christians hatched the conspiracy. Swamiji
have been working in Kandhamal area since late 70s and he successfully
understands object poverty of that region and worked relentlessly for
the socio-economic empowerment of tribal, the VHP said. VHP also
hosted a condoled meeting to pay homage to the departed soul.
VHP demands Special Court to trail killers of Swamiji
Expressing strong displeasure over the failure of BJD-BJP Government
led by Naveen Patnaik, Viswa Hindu Parishad on Tuesday demanded to set
up a Special Court to trail the killers of Swami Laxmananda Saraswati
at Jalasapata Ashram in Kandhamal district. Parishad also demanded
death sentence for the Christian Militants, those who shot dead
"Christian Militants have killed Swamiji not Maoists. Police as well
as the Orissa Government trying to cover up the matter and sheltering
the Church sponsored Militants," the VHP lambasted.
Speaking at a Press Conference here, VHP International General
Secretary Dr Prabin Bhai Togadia demanded that the Orissa Government
should set up a Special Court to trail the killers of Swami and ensure
death sentence for them for their heinous activities.
"We have also demanded to set up a Commission to look into the
activities of Churches, Missionaries, Church sponsored NGOs, foreign
funding to NGOs working for conversion and strict implementation of
anti-conversion laws," Dr Togadiaji said.
Holding the Orissa Government responsible for the gruesome killing of
the noted reformer, Togadia asked Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik to
book the accused as soon as possible and trial them in a Special
Court. Government neglected Swamiji's security concerns, he added.
"It seems, Orissa Government is patronizing conversion activities and
it is also under pressure from the Churches," he argued. He further
warned that if Orissa Government did not take action against the
killers, VHP would opt violent way to take revenge.
"We can't keep silent, Sadhus and Santhas from across the country
would march towards Orissa Chief Minister's office in Bhubaneswar," he
VHP would conduct Ratha Yatras carrying the ashes of Swamiji through
out Orissa and spread his message and create public opinion against
conversion activities of the Churches, Togadia informed.
Dr Vedantiji, who is leading the Ram Janmabhumi Movement in Ayodhya,
however came down heavily on Missionaries and warned for a violent
agitation. Congress president Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh jointly hatching conspiracy against the Hindus in support of the
Churches, the fire brand Hindu Seer said.
"From Nepal to Kashmir to Kandhamal, they only want to eliminate
Hindus. In a country like India, majority feeling persecuted under the
UPA's rule at Centre," Dr Vedantiji added. VHP State secretary Gouri
Prasad Rath, Bajarang Dal national co-convener Subash Chouhan and
State coordinator Umashankar Acharya were among those present at the
meeting. Earlier on Monday, both Togadiaji and Dr Vedantiji attended
funeral ceremony of Swamiji at Chakapada.
Golakha Chandra Das
Violent blowback in Kandhamal
Anuradha Dutt
[ Rice bowl conversions and 'harvesting of souls' by christian missionaries lead to social strife ]
Violence is raging across Kandhamal district in Orissa in the wake of the killing of the aged Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati and four others by a gang of suspected Christian proselytisers at an ashram on the night of August 24. A VHP leader, the swami had been steering the anti-conversion movement in vulnerable tribal areas since the late 1960s. He was reported to have survived an attack last Christmas.
His death has ignited a vicious cycle of reprisal, with an orphanage run by Christian missionaries in the district and some small 'prayer halls' being set on fire on August 25. The VHP enforced a bandh on the same day. Killings and arson are continuing, with most of the district under curfew and the police and paramilitary contingents patrolling the disturbed areas.
Kandhamal district has experienced clashes between Hindus and Christians over the years. Its estimated population of 6,00,000 includes about 1,50,000 Christians. Orissa, on account of widespread poverty and backwardness, is fertile ground for professional proselytisers, whose conversion activities, hinging on economic inducements, often prove counter-productive.
A case in point is the brutal killing of Australian evangelist Graham Staines and his two minor sons at Manoharpur village of Orissa's Keonjhar district in the early morning of January 23, 1999. They were burnt alive by an angry mob that set their station wagon afire while they were asleep.
Dara Singh, a Hindu activist, is standing trial for the crime, with the secular lobby castigating Hindutva proponents and their outfits. But they seem to have overlooked the fact that Staines, secretary-cum-treasurer of the Evangelical Missionary Society of Mayurbhanj, was not merely engaged in converting tribals and other disadvantaged people; he was also virulently opposed to Hinduism. This is reportedly apparent in his progress reports to sponsors, carried in a journal called Tidings.
The demand by Hindu organisations for the expulsion of Christian missionaries from India arises from the perception that the latter, besides converting people by giving them monetary, educational and health benefits, also try to subvert the dominant Hindu ethos.
Staines, for instance, while doing commendable work via the Leprosy Mission, was also seen by adversaries to be insidiously spreading the poison of hatred against the mainstream faith.
The issue has two important facets. The first is the colossal failure of the state and Hindu preceptors to address the problems of social oppression and economic deprivation, suffered by disadvantaged groups. And the second is the willingness of Christian missionaries to ameliorate their lot, often -- though not always -- for a price. Yet, after all these decades of frenetic evangelism, a mere 2.3 per cent of the population is Christian as per the 2001 Census.
The Constitution's article 25 enshrines the right to "free profession, practice and propagation of religion", subject to curbs. There are anti-conversion laws in several States to prevent forced conversions. It is important to draw a distinction between unscrupulous professional proselytisers, who are paid by head-count, and missionaries, dedicated to good work such as running excellent hospitals and health centres, schools and colleges for the poor and for the vast middle class.
One cannot tar everyone with the same brush. Politician Eduardo Faleiro observes in an article, Freedom of Religion (June 6, 2006): "Whilst freedom of religion is a basic human right, proselytism receives universal condemnation. Proselytism is defined as the use of unscrupulous methods of persuasion such as material inducements, psychological pressure or spiritual threats to compel a person to change his or her religion. Proselytism... attacks other religious beliefs and practices and proclaims that its own religion is the only way to salvation. It is often supported by financial resources and marketing techniques that make local religious activities seem second rate and inferior".
" It turns out that Staines and his wife Gladys,regularly filed despatches for a journal in Australia, TIDINGS. This journal is run by a missionary organization in Australia which financed Staines and his activities in Manoharpur. When the Commission (Justice Wadhwa) learned about the despatches,it requested the concerned persons for copies of the journal. None were supplied! The Commission had to obtain these from other sources. Justice Wadhwa reproduces several extracts from these despatches.
GRAHAM and GLADYS STAINES - MAYURBHANJ, 25 APRIL 1997: The first jungle camp in Ramchandrapur was a fruitful time and the Spirit of God worked among the people. About 100 attended and some were baptized t the camp. At present Misayel and some of the Church leaders are touring a number of places where people are asking for baptism. Five were baptized at Bigonbadi. Pray for the Etani Trust in which the mission properties are vested. One man managed by underhand means to get parts of the property in his own name and a number of nominal Christians of the Baripada Church are also trying to get some of this valuable property for themselves. The Trust is having to take legal action to rectify this.
GRAHAM and GLADYS STAINES, MAYURBHANJ, 23 July 1997: Praise God for answered prayer in recent Jagannath car festival at Baripada. A good team of preachers came from the village churches and four OM workers helped in the second part of the festival. There were record book sales,so a lot of literature has gone into people's hands - - - . [ Incidentally, OM is a carefully chosen acronym: the organization it signifies is actually one of the largest publishers and distributors of missionary literature, and has its offices in Carlisle, Cumbria, United Kingdom.]
GRAHAM and GLADYS STAINES, MAYURBHANJ, 19 September 1997: Praise God we now have the HO New Testament in Oriya script and many copies are now in the hands of the HO people [Staines had done the translation himself]. Pray God that it will be used of God to speak to many as they read his word in their own language - - - .
GRAHAM and GLADYS STAINES, MAYURBHANJ, 11 February 1998: Jungle camp means four days of Bible teaching, prayer and fellowship of Christians living together.It enables believers from other churches to meet with local Christians to discuss experiences and encourage one another - - - . The camp can also create hunger in the hearts of those who come just to observe. Each camp has a bookstall,which for many is the only chance to buy Christian literature - - -. It was also encouraging to see so many HO people following the references in the HO New Testament during the messages at Sarat Jungle Camp. We sold all the New Testaments that we took there - - -.
GRAHAM and GLADYS STAINES, MAYURBHANJ, 19 December 1998: It is encouraging to hear of some improvement in the Church at Manoharpur and that they are preparing for the jungle camp. Misayel, Paul and Nehemiah visited Patana in early December but, as many were away rice harvesting,they could meet only with a few. They were able to encourage a new believer who had been a priest of the Sana Dhoram, an animist sect.The village people pleaded with him not to become a Christian saying 'How can we continue our worship if you leave us?'. 'You can do as you like, but I am following Christ', he said. Continue to pray. God is working.
The typical concerns of a typical missionary - harvesting souls for the Church,ensuring that properties of the Church do not fall into the hands of others,ensuring that control of the Church affairs remains in the hands of persons who will heed the missionary. The prejudices of a missionary - Sanatana Dharma, an animist sect! While his wife and some others denied this,one of his close associates spoke of his "hatred" for other religions. This associate reported - and even Gladys, Staines wife, acknowledged - that, if he happened to be at any non-Christian function,Graham Staines would never take PRASAD,as, Mrs. Staines claimed, doing so is prohibited in the Bible -- - .
After reviewing the evidence, the Wadhwa Commission concludes: " Besides his involvement with the Leprosy House,Staines was also involved in missionary work.The missionary work of Staines has come to light from the various desptches sent by him to Australia,which are published in the newsletter TIDINGS. Staines also used to take part in baptism ceremonies - - - - - -. However,it is the despatchs sent by Staines to Australia in the newsletter TIDINGS that make it clear that Staines was also involved in active propogation of his religion apart from his social work. It is also clear from the said despatches that conversions were taking place in jungle camps. -- - - . It is obvious, therefore, that Staines was both a social worker engaged in the treatment and eradication of leprosy amongst the poorest of the poor and also a missionary driven by a deep commitment to his religion and the belief that he should spread its tenets amongst the people in the area. His missionary activities,did lead to conversions of tribals to his faith."
Manmohan, this should be a matter of national shame and should affect your sleep. Are you spending sleepless nights reading reports of the trauma of schoolgirls of an ashram in Kandhamal?
Trauma in ashram, schoolgirls witnessed Swami’s murder
Ravik Bhattacharya
Posted online: Friday, August 29, 2008 at 0127 hrs IST
Jelaspota (Orissa), August 28
While violence rages across Kandhamal district, in the ashram, where its spark was lit when Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati and four others were killed on August 24, the adults are angry, the children traumatised.
Many of the 130 girls in the Kanya Ashram, a residential school on the campus, were eyewitnesses to the killing of the VHP leader and that incident has burnt memories they will never forget.
“First, we thought someone is bursting crackers and so we ran towards the main gate. Then we saw and heard people screaming and running. There was blood all over the place. Swamiji and Mataji and others were lying in blood. I shouted and ran away, we all started running here and there,” said 15-year old Anita Pradhan. She is from Raikia and has been in the ashram for three years.
According to Anita, it was around 7 in the evening, prayer time in the students’ quarters. Swamiji and Mataji Bhaktimoyee, head of the girls hostel, were inside Swamiji’s room adjacent to the main entrance.
According to eyewitnesses, 10 to 15 men climbed the wall and started firing indiscriminately. They first shot dead Amritanandji, a disciple of Swamiji. The attackers then entered a small room, home to Prabhati Ganta, the guardian of one of the students who was living there. They shot him, too. Later, Kishore Baba, a resident of Boudh, was shot just outside this room.
It was then that they broke open Saraswati’s room. “Swamiji ran into the toilet to save himself and shut the door. Mataji, who hid behind the door, was shot first. The miscreants then broke open the toilet door and sprayed bullets,” said an eyewitness.
Vijaylaxmi Mullick, a Class X student at the ashram, is too traumatised to narrate the incident. Her voice trembles and falters as she remembers. “I rushed towards the main gate along with others only to see some men running around and loud cracking noise. I heard the cries of Swamiji and others. I saw other Swamijis running here and there. I was scared and ran inside the hostel room with another girl. We sat huddled together. Until after a long time, one of the Swamijis came and escorted us out of the room.”
Kusum Pradhan, a Class 6 student, could not venture out of her hostel room after dark following the incident. “I too rushed out after hearing the noise. I saw bodies lying in blood. I touched Swamiji’s feet, who was lying in the bathroom. It was still warm but he did not move. Nor did Mataji, who lay inside the room,” was all Kusum could say.
The 130 girls, who now reside inside the hostels of the sprawling ashram, now cannot venture out. The ashram is guarded by CRPF and Orissa police constables. The girls’ relatives are unable to visit the ashram and take them home because of the violence and the ongoing curfew in the district.
Brahmachari Shankar Chaitanya, who is now in charge of the ashram and is always escorted by police constables and CRPF personnel, seethes with anger against both Christians and the state government. “We had written 30 times to the state government that Swamiji’s and our lives were at stake, that we were being threatened by Christian leaders. Before the incident, we got a letter threatening to kill Swamiji. We formally complained to the police and district authorities. They sent only four baton-wielding constables,” said Shankar Chaitanya. “Not a single minister visited us after the incident, not even of our BJP. The Collector comes sometimes. He gave us rice, dal and sugar for the children.”
Chaitanya alleged that it was Christians, not Maoists, who were responsible for the incident. “The Maoists can never do this. It is Christians who threaten us everyday and they did this,” he said. He alleged that the ashram has been kept out of the peace process. “No one called us for any meeting or to take part in any peace process. As long as are kept out, the violence will continue.”
Swami Laxamananda Saraswati was instrumental in bringing out a dramatic developments in the tribals in Phulbani district, in Orissa , for last 42 years almost half of his age . He was born in the district of Anugul(erstwhile Dhenkanal) and led an ascetic life . He left his home and went to Himalayas for meditation.
During one of his visit to the state of Orissa in 1966, he was moved by the miseries of the tribals in Phulbani and took on himself for the up-liftment of these down-trodden mass.. He established an Ashram at Birupakshya Pitha, Chakapad, Phulbani, school for education, hostel for the poor, kanyaahram for the girls, taught various methods of cultivation and farming .
He succeeded in bringing out a drastic change in the day-to-day living of the locals in the field of education, health and culture and thus protected the inhabitants from the false allurement shown by the missionaries with the sole aim of conversion to Christianity.
Thus Swami Laxamananda Saraswati became the soft target to the missionaries who use to exploit the tribals. The missionaries has both money and hence muscle power. These organizations attempted to kill him several times - nine attempts have failed. They tried to kill him in last week of December 2007- where about 200 people were organized with all the hand weapons to kill him but he was luckily saved. This was not the end of the conspiracy.
There was a meeting on 9th Aug 2008 at Kulmaha village near Tumudibandha . This was attended by the infamous John Dayal spokeman of All India Christian Council who had already hinted earlier that the attack on Hindus by Christians had started, Arch Bishop of Bhubaneswar Raphel Chinath. They had conspired the plot. John Dayal was in the state for last 15 days probably to oversee the details of planning. A letter of threatening was dispatched to Swamiji on 13 Aug 08 .He returned from Cuttack on 22 Aug 08. In a well planned way he was assassinated on 23 Aug 08 evening at 1945 hours when mass prayer was going in the Ashram .
Swamiji was like a God to the locals. The day when Lord Krishna was borne Swamiji was assassinated. Is this a Janmstami Present by the Christians to the Hindu community ? The Christian missionaries are mistaken that they have achieved their goal . Probably another Krishna will be borne. .
-- Dr. Umesh Patri,
Please visit following website for all articles.
http://vivekajyoti. blogspot. com/2008/ 08/who-killed- swami-lakshmanan anda.html
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71O8LzOWaWo Christian war on India and Africa
Maoists deny role in VHP leader's murder
Staff Reporter
'Some wayward cadre lured by some committed the crime'
Copy of the letter sent to VHP and Bajrang Dal leaders
Maoists also deny role in the murder of VHP activists at Jalaspata
BERHAMPUR: Mystery behind the gruesome murder of VHP leader Swami
Lakshmanananda Saraswati and his four associates has deepened. The
Bajrang Dal and VHP activists as well sections of the media have
received a suspected Maoists' letter where they claim that their
central committee had no role in the murder.
The letter claimed that some wayward cadre of the Maoist outfit were
lured by nefarious elements to commit the crime. Meanwhile naxal
sympathizers of Orissa have also claimed that Maoists had no hand in
the murder of the VHP activists at Jalaspata in Kandhamal district.
A copy of the letter was sent to the State joint secretary of the VHP
and the State joint coordinator of the Bajrang Dal, Ramakant Rath. The
letter was claimed to be written by the Kotgarh unit of the CPI-Maoist
'Action planned'
As per the letter the organization would initiate action against some
of their cadres in Kandhamal district who could be hired for money by
communal Christian miscreants for the murder of the VHP leader and his
associates. The reason for the murder was their opposition to
religious conversion by missionaries and recent clash over cow
slaughter in Tumudibadh area. "The State central committee of the
Maoists had no knowledge of this", the letter claimed. The naxals felt
police were putting the blame of murder of VHP leader on them trying
to detach them from the common mass.
Many Maoist sympathizers of south Orissa have also denied the role of
CPI-Maoist in the murder of VHP leaders that sparked off communal
violence in Kandhamnal district.
Through a press note Dandapani Mohanty, general secretary of the
Orissa Forest Mazdoor Union said Maoists had no role in the communal
murders in Kandhamal district. It may be noted that Mr Mohanty earlier
headed the Daman Pratirodh Manch, which was banned by the State
Government for its pro-naxal activities. The case filed by against the
ban order is sub judice in the Orissa High Court.
It may be noted that the State unit of the BJP is also not buying the
claim of the State Government that Maoists had murdered the VHP
இந்து செய்திகள்,
கிறிஸ்துவ செய்திகள்
பாலுறவு பலாத்காரம் செய்ததாக மிச்சிகன் கிறிஸ்துவ பாதிரி கைது
பாலுறவு பலாத்காரம் செய்ததாக மிச்சிகன் கிறிஸ்துவ பாதிரி கைது
Imprisoned priest faces trial on molestation charges
Posted by Chronicle News Service August 28, 2008 07:14AM
Categories: Grand Rapids
Shamaun BeasGRAND RAPIDS -- After emotional testimony from a pair of teenage sisters, a Catholic priest with local ties, who already is in prison following an Internet sex sting, now faces trial here for allegedly molesting the girls.
The Rev. Shamaun Beas, 39, on Wednesday was ordered to stand trial in Kent County Circuit Court on two counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct. If convicted, he faces up to 15 years in prison.
Beas earlier had worked out a plea deal to exchange a guilty plea for the alleged molestation of one of the sisters for a one-year jail sentence. But a Circuit Court judge last month rejected that deal -- and Beas then took back his guilty plea -- sending the case against the Pakistan native back to Rockford District Court.
Now the victim's sister is alleging Beas also touched her inappropriately, prompting the second charge.
It led a detective watching the court proceedings Wednesday to wonder whether there are other local victims.
"I don't know if there are others out there. But now that his name is out there for this, they may come forward," said Kent County sheriff's Detective Ed Kolakowski.
Beas served as a priest at a church in Portland and at the Holy Family parish in Sparta, where he was assigned for six months in 2001. He came here on a three-year internship with the Diocese of Grand Rapids.
Beas already is serving six to 20 years in a Jackson prison stemming from a 2004 Internet sex sting in which police say he tried to solicit someone he thought was a 14-year-old girl for sexual purposes. He actually was talking online with an investigator working with the state Attorney General's office.
The local teens in the current case allege Beas, a family friend, groped them on separate occasions two years before the Internet sting.
In court Wednesday, the 17-year-old sister was preparing to testify against Beas when she glanced at him and burst into tears. She told Judge Steven Servaas that in the spring of 2002, Beas entered her unlocked home when she was alone, groped her, then said, "It's all right, I'm a priest," when she protested.
She said Beas returned to her home 10 minutes later when her family returned and acted as if nothing happened. It took her four years to reveal what happened, prompting defense attorney David Dodge to question the delay.
"I was embarrassed. I didn't want to tell anybody. I didn't want to have to be here doing this now, talking about it," she testified.
The girl said she reported the incident to a church camp counselor in 2006, leading to the police investigation and the charge against Beas in 2007.
Her 19-year-old sister then testified that Beas also molested her when she was in sixth or seventh grade, but she told no one, even once her younger sister's allegation against the priest came to light.
Dodge pressed her on this.
"So you are testifying that you know what your sister said, but you didn't tell your sister, your mother or the investigator?" he asked.
The 19-year-old said she saw what her sister was going through and did not want to take her story public.
As the teens testified against him, Beas dropped his head and shook it in disagreement.
Imprisoned priest faces trial on molestation charges
Posted by Chronicle News Service August 28, 2008 07:14AM
Categories: Grand Rapids
Shamaun BeasGRAND RAPIDS -- After emotional testimony from a pair of teenage sisters, a Catholic priest with local ties, who already is in prison following an Internet sex sting, now faces trial here for allegedly molesting the girls.
The Rev. Shamaun Beas, 39, on Wednesday was ordered to stand trial in Kent County Circuit Court on two counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct. If convicted, he faces up to 15 years in prison.
Beas earlier had worked out a plea deal to exchange a guilty plea for the alleged molestation of one of the sisters for a one-year jail sentence. But a Circuit Court judge last month rejected that deal -- and Beas then took back his guilty plea -- sending the case against the Pakistan native back to Rockford District Court.
Now the victim's sister is alleging Beas also touched her inappropriately, prompting the second charge.
It led a detective watching the court proceedings Wednesday to wonder whether there are other local victims.
"I don't know if there are others out there. But now that his name is out there for this, they may come forward," said Kent County sheriff's Detective Ed Kolakowski.
Beas served as a priest at a church in Portland and at the Holy Family parish in Sparta, where he was assigned for six months in 2001. He came here on a three-year internship with the Diocese of Grand Rapids.
Beas already is serving six to 20 years in a Jackson prison stemming from a 2004 Internet sex sting in which police say he tried to solicit someone he thought was a 14-year-old girl for sexual purposes. He actually was talking online with an investigator working with the state Attorney General's office.
The local teens in the current case allege Beas, a family friend, groped them on separate occasions two years before the Internet sting.
In court Wednesday, the 17-year-old sister was preparing to testify against Beas when she glanced at him and burst into tears. She told Judge Steven Servaas that in the spring of 2002, Beas entered her unlocked home when she was alone, groped her, then said, "It's all right, I'm a priest," when she protested.
She said Beas returned to her home 10 minutes later when her family returned and acted as if nothing happened. It took her four years to reveal what happened, prompting defense attorney David Dodge to question the delay.
"I was embarrassed. I didn't want to tell anybody. I didn't want to have to be here doing this now, talking about it," she testified.
The girl said she reported the incident to a church camp counselor in 2006, leading to the police investigation and the charge against Beas in 2007.
Her 19-year-old sister then testified that Beas also molested her when she was in sixth or seventh grade, but she told no one, even once her younger sister's allegation against the priest came to light.
Dodge pressed her on this.
"So you are testifying that you know what your sister said, but you didn't tell your sister, your mother or the investigator?" he asked.
The 19-year-old said she saw what her sister was going through and did not want to take her story public.
As the teens testified against him, Beas dropped his head and shook it in disagreement.
கிறிஸ்துவ செய்திகள்
பர்தா போட்ட பெண்ணை ஈராக்கிய போலீஸார் கொடுமை
தற்கொலை குண்டுவெடித்து ஏராளமான பொதுமக்களை கொல்ல வந்த பெண் மனம் மாறி சரணடைந்த பெண்ணை கம்பியில் கட்டி வைத்து கொடுமை செய்வதை படத்தில் பார்க்கலாம்.

இது போல தற்கொலை குண்டுதாரியாக பெண்கள் வருவார்கள் என்று தவறாக கருதி முஸ்லீம் பெண்களை பரிசோதனை செய்யும் ஈராக்கிய போலீஸாரை வன்மையாக கண்டிப்போம்.
(நான் இப்ப அரிவு ஜீவியா?)
Girl suicide bomber shows 'al Qaeda's desperation'
4:00AM Wednesday August 27, 2008
A girl, who police suspected of being a suicide bomber, is seen handcuffed to railings in a street in Baqouba, Iraq. Photo / AP
Iraq war
Highly paid contractors bolster spy agency ranks
US troops to leave Iraq 'by 2011'
Police say they wanted to show "the desperate level al Qaeda has reached" when they released video footage of a teenage girl with an explosives vest strapped to her body.
In the footage the girl is seen handcuffed to a metal grid, her head repeatedly falling forward in apparent exhaustion as several policemen huddle around her.
After several minutes, the officers lift her flowered robe, remove the white vest hidden underneath and then take her for questioning, videotaping her in the presence of reporters. They prod her to confess to plans to stage a suicide attack, but she denies the allegation.
Police in Baqouba, where the girl - who says she was born in 1993 - was caught on Sunday, said she was fitted with the explosives by female relatives of her husband, whom she married five months ago.
One police official alleged that some in the girl's family had links to the al Qaeda in Iraq terror network.
Police wanted to "show the desperate level al Qaeda has reached, with members of one family driving each other to death," said Ibrahim Bajilan, head of the provincial council in the Diyala province, of which Baqouba is the capital.
AdvertisementThe arrest of the girl, who gave her first name as Rania, heightened concern about a rise in suicide bombings by women in Iraq. The number of female bombers has more than tripled, from eight last year to 29 this year, say US military officials. That compares with a total of four in 2005 and 2006.
The circumstances of the girl's arrest remain unclear. US officials said she had turned herself in after being hooked to the explosives against her will. Local police said she was caught by a police patrol after arousing suspicion while walking in downtown Baqouba.
Reporters attended part of an interrogation session yesterday, in which the girl told police the explosives were strapped to her by female relatives of her husband. She told police her husband was unaware she was given the explosives.
Rania's mother said she was unaware of the alleged plot. She said her husband was missing.
- AP

இது போல தற்கொலை குண்டுதாரியாக பெண்கள் வருவார்கள் என்று தவறாக கருதி முஸ்லீம் பெண்களை பரிசோதனை செய்யும் ஈராக்கிய போலீஸாரை வன்மையாக கண்டிப்போம்.
(நான் இப்ப அரிவு ஜீவியா?)
Girl suicide bomber shows 'al Qaeda's desperation'
4:00AM Wednesday August 27, 2008
A girl, who police suspected of being a suicide bomber, is seen handcuffed to railings in a street in Baqouba, Iraq. Photo / AP
Iraq war
Highly paid contractors bolster spy agency ranks
US troops to leave Iraq 'by 2011'
Police say they wanted to show "the desperate level al Qaeda has reached" when they released video footage of a teenage girl with an explosives vest strapped to her body.
In the footage the girl is seen handcuffed to a metal grid, her head repeatedly falling forward in apparent exhaustion as several policemen huddle around her.
After several minutes, the officers lift her flowered robe, remove the white vest hidden underneath and then take her for questioning, videotaping her in the presence of reporters. They prod her to confess to plans to stage a suicide attack, but she denies the allegation.
Police in Baqouba, where the girl - who says she was born in 1993 - was caught on Sunday, said she was fitted with the explosives by female relatives of her husband, whom she married five months ago.
One police official alleged that some in the girl's family had links to the al Qaeda in Iraq terror network.
Police wanted to "show the desperate level al Qaeda has reached, with members of one family driving each other to death," said Ibrahim Bajilan, head of the provincial council in the Diyala province, of which Baqouba is the capital.
AdvertisementThe arrest of the girl, who gave her first name as Rania, heightened concern about a rise in suicide bombings by women in Iraq. The number of female bombers has more than tripled, from eight last year to 29 this year, say US military officials. That compares with a total of four in 2005 and 2006.
The circumstances of the girl's arrest remain unclear. US officials said she had turned herself in after being hooked to the explosives against her will. Local police said she was caught by a police patrol after arousing suspicion while walking in downtown Baqouba.
Reporters attended part of an interrogation session yesterday, in which the girl told police the explosives were strapped to her by female relatives of her husband. She told police her husband was unaware she was given the explosives.
Rania's mother said she was unaware of the alleged plot. She said her husband was missing.
- AP
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