Saturday, February 23, 2008

இஸ்லாமிய அறிவியல்: பூமி தட்டையானது: சூரியனை விட பூமி பெரியது

ஈராக்கை சேர்ந்த அரபி மொழி அறிஞர், குரான் ஆராய்ச்சியாளர் கூறுவதின் படி, குரானில் பூமி தட்டை என்றுதான் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது. சூரியன் பூமியை விட சிறியது என்று கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது. சூரியனின் அளவு சந்திரனின் அளவை விட இரண்டு மடங்குதான் பெரியது என்றும் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது.

நம் ஊரில் (அரபி மொழியை தாய்மொழியாக கொள்ளாத ) தமிழ் முஸ்லீம்கள் (உதாரணம் சகோதரர் சுவனப்பிரியன்), குரானில் உலக அறிவியல் எல்லாம் இருக்கிறது என்று எழுதியிருந்தார்கள்.

அரபி மொழியை தாய்மொழியாக கொண்டவர்களே குரானில் பூமி தட்டை என்றுதான் சொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளது என்று கூறுகிறார்கள்.

Iraqi Researcher Defies Scientific Axioms: The Earth Is Flat and Much Larger than the Sun (Which Is Also Flat)

Following are excerpts from an Iraqi TV debate on whether the earth is flat, which aired on Al-Fayhaa TV on October 31, 2007.

Fadhel Al-Sa'd, Iraqi researcher on astronomy : The Koranic verse that I have just recited – "The breadth of Paradise is as the breadth of the heavens and earth" – attests to the fact that the Earth is flat.


Iraqi physicist 'Aboud Al-Taei: If the Earth is not round, what shape does it have? I have proof today, as a result of scientific development – using satellites, modern devices, and spaceships... In particular, considering the spaceships and space shuttles that constantly circle the Earth, and some have left Earth for the solar system... The photographs they took prove that the Earth is round.


When you watch a ship sailing towards the shore, all you see at first is the mast. Then you see the ship's bow, and eventually the entire ship.


Fadhel Al-Sa'd: When you stand on the beach and you look into the distance, everything you see is in the visible distance. In the blurred distance, you cannot see a thing. Later on, as the ship gets closer to the shore and the harbor, you see its upper part. How do you see it? The eye, as I have said... So far, no doctor has succeeded in understanding how the eye works. How come you see things as round when they are in the blurred distance, but when they get within visible distance, you see them as straight? It happens the same way. When we stand on the ground, we are close to it. Therefore, we see with only half of the eye. If we split the iris into half, we see with the upper half things that are far, and with the lower half things that are near.


In 1999, there was a full solar eclipse. We went to Mosul, and over there we climbed to Mar Matti Monastery, the altitude of which is 3,600 feet.

The sun began to disappear slowly behind the moon. This is because the moon is half the size of the sun. The moon's diameter is 1,200,000 km, while that of the sun is 2,400,000 km.


'Aboud Al-Taei: The figures he mentioned regarding the size of the moon... By means of scientific methods, and physical and astronomical principles, scientists have managed to determine the mass of the moon. It is one-sixth the mass of the Earth. This explains the gravity on the moon, which was determined by the astronauts who reached the surface of the moon. They proved that the moon is round. Gravity was less there. It was six times less than the gravity on the Earth, which is why the weight of things is one-sixth there.


Interviewer: Lunar and solar eclipses, sunset and sunrise, and the changing of seasons – how would you explain all these phenomena, if the Earth is not round, as you claim?

Fadhel Al-Sa'd: The sun circles the Earth because it is smaller than the Earth, as is evident in Koranic verses.


Have you ever seen how the sun moves? I have seen the sun moving. The sun makes one move every 24 hours.


What I say is based on Koranic science. He bases his arguments on the kind of science that I reject categorically – the modern science that they teach in schools. This science is a heretic innovation that has no confirmation in the Koran. No verse in the Koran indicates that the Earth is round or that it rotates. Anything that has no indication in the Koran is false.


Anonymous said...

இந்த பொய்யான புத்தகம் சொல்கிறது என்பதற்காகவா இத்தனை பேர் தற்கொலை செய்துகொள்கிறார்கள்?

Anonymous said...

Muslim claim: "Verse 79:30 decribes the earth as eggshaped, more precisely the egg of an ostrich, because of the word dahaha"

This claim is very popular among muslims, but its very wrong. Lets take a look at verse 79:30.

[079.030] Waal-arda baAAda thalika dahaha

وَالأرْضَ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ دَحَاهَا

دَحَا = daha=spread out , level off , level. The last ha = هَا in dahaha means this. So dahaha actually means spread out this, level off this, level this.

Does "Dahaha" really mean egg-shaped?

In Arabic, each word must be derived from its root. The root usually consists of three letters that can be manipulated, by adding vowels, prefixes and suffixes in order to produce different words with different meanings.
For example, "ka-ta-ba" (to write) is the root for many words such as kitab (book), maktaba (library), katib (author), maktoob (written), kitabat (writings) etc...

Let's now take the word you mentioned to mean egg of an ostrich, "Duhiya". This word is NOT a root. It is a noun and is derived from "da-ha-wa", the same root that the verb "dahaha" comes from.
Furthermore, Duhiya doesn't even mean the egg of an ostrich! This is what the most respected dictionaries have to say on this subject:

From Lisan Al Arab:

الأُدْحِيُّ و الإدْحِيُّ و الأُدْحِيَّة و الإدْحِيَّة و الأُدْحُوّة مَبِيض النعام في الرمل , وزنه أُفْعُول من ذلك , لأَن النعامة تَدْحُوه برِجْلها ثم تَبِيض فيه وليس للنعام عُشٌّ . و مَدْحَى النعام : موضع بيضها , و أُدْحِيُّها موضعها الذي تُفَرِّخ فيه .ِ

Translation: "Al-udhy, Al-idhy, Al-udhiyya, Al-idhiyya, Al-udhuwwa:The place in sand where an ostrich lays its egg. That's because the ostrich spreads out the earth with its feet then lays its eggs there, an ostrich doesn't have a nest."

As for the meaning for the verb "dahaha", it's unanimously agreed on by all Arabic dictionaries:

Al Qamoos Al Muheet:
(دَحَا): الله الأرضَ
(يَدْحُوهَا وَيَدْحَاهَا دَحْواً) بَسَطَها

"Allah daha the Earth: He spread it out."

Al Waseet:
دَحَا الشيءَ: بسطه ووسعه. يقال: دحا اللهُ الأَرض

"To daha something: means to spread it out. For example: Allah daha the Earth."

Lisan Al Arab:
الدَّحْوُ البَسْطُ . دَحَا الأَرضَ يَدْحُوها دَحْواً بَسَطَها . وقال الفراء في قوله والأَرض بعد ذلك دَحاها قال : بَسَطَها ; قال شمر : وأَنشدتني أَعرابية : الحمدُ لله الذي أَطاقَا

بَنَى السماءَ فَوْقَنا طِباقَا

ثم دَحا الأَرضَ فما أَضاقا

قال شمر : وفسرته فقالت دَحَا الأَرضَ أَوْسَعَها ; وأَنشد ابن بري لزيد بن عمرو بن نُفَيْل : دَحَاها , فلما رآها اسْتَوَتْ

على الماء , أَرْسَى عليها الجِبالا

و دَحَيْتُ الشيءَ أَدْحاهُ دَحْياً بَسَطْته , لغة في دَحَوْتُه ; حكاها اللحياني . وفي حديث عليّ وصلاتهِ , اللهم دَاحِيَ المَدْحُوَّاتِ يعني باسِطَ الأَرَضِينَ ومُوَسِّعَها , ويروى ; دَاحِيَ المَدْحِيَّاتِ . و الدَّحْوُ البَسْطُ . يقال : دَحَا يَدْحُو و يَدْحَى أَي بَسَطَ ووسع

"To daha the earth: means to spread it out."
Then it mentions a couple of Arabic poems that confirm this meaning. I won't translate the rest but anyone who can read Arabic will find this to be the definitive proof that Daha means to spread out.

Also, Ibn Kathir agrees with me in his commentary on the Quran:
(30. And after that He spread the earth,)

Conclusion: While verse 015.019, 020.053, 043.010, 050.007, 051.048, 071.019, 078.006, 079.030, 088.020 and 091.006 ALL clearly states that the earth is flat. And not a single verse in the koran tells or even hints us that the shape of the earth is anything else than flat, the conclusion is clear; according to the Koran the earth is flat as a pancake.

Anonymous said...

விமானத்தில் பயணம் செய்யும்போது பூமியை ஜன்னல் வழியாக எட்டிப் பார்த்தால் அது தட்டையாக, flat ஆக ஒரு பெரிய pancake போலத்தானே தெரிகிறது !
அது உண்மையில்லையா?...

Anonymous said...

Probably allah is at the height of airplane only?

Anonymous said...

நான் பலதடவை விமானத்தில் பயணம் செய்தும் அப்படி யாரும் தென்படவில்லையே!?

Anonymous said...


பாவம் வளைத்து வளைத்து செருகி குழப்பி சூரியனைத்தான் பூமி சுற்றுகிறது என்று குரான் சொல்லுகிறது என்று பூச்சுற்றிய ஜெயினுலாபுதீன் அபுமுறைக்கெல்லாம் ரொம்ப கஷ்டமாக இருக்கும்..

குரான் பொய்யென்று தெரிந்தே ஏன் இப்படி சால்ஜாப்பு சொல்கிறார்கள்?

எழில் said...

பதில்களுக்கு நன்றி

Admin said...

பூமி தட்டை அல்ல - 2
உலகம் தட்டை என்று இஸ்லாம் சொன்னதாக அனேகபேர் உலரக் காரணம் மூன்று விஷயங்களால்.

ஒன்று ) IBIN BAZ கோன்றோவேர்சி

IBIN BAZ controversy
One influential modern Muslim jurist has been said to have claimed that the earth is flat, and that anyone who denies this is an unbeliever. Ibn Baz, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, was a traditionally educated cleric who suffered from blindness. In 1993, he is said to have issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, declaring, “The Earth is flat.

Whoever claims it is round is an atheist deserving of punishment.”[70] While the edict reportedly caused embarrassment for many Saudis, Ibn Baz issued a statement maintaining that the earth was spherical but expansive enough to be flat.[71]

இரண்டு) serious debate between an Iraqi “Researcher on Astronomy” and a physicist on Iraqi television.

மூன்று) Suyuti

Many Muslim scholars declared a mutual agreement (Ijma) that celestial bodies are round, among them Ibn Hazm (d. 1069), Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 1200), and Ibn Taymiya (d. 1328).[52] Ibn Taymiya said, "Celestial bodies are round—as it is the statement of astronomers and mathematicians—it is likewise the statement of the scholars of Islam". Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi (d.1311) drew a planetary model which depicted the celestial bodies in an epicyclic model. Abul-Hasan ibn al-Manaadi, Abu Muhammad Ibn Hazm, and Abul-Faraj Ibn Al-Jawzi have said that the Muslim scholars are in agreement that all celestial bodies are round. Ibn Taymiyah also remarked that Allah has said, "And He (Allah) it is Who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon. They float, each in a Falak." Ibn Abbas says, "A Falaka like that of a spinning wheel." The word 'Falak' (in the Arabic language) means "that which is round."[52][53]

The Muslim scholars who held to the round earth theory used it in an impeccably Islamic manner, to calculate the distance and direction from any given point on the earth to Makkah (Mecca). This determined the Qibla, or Muslim direction of prayer. Muslim mathematicians developed spherical trigonometry which was used in these calculations.[54] Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406), in his Muqaddimah, also identified the world as spherical.

The later belief of Muslim scholars, like Suyuti (d. 1505), that the earth is flat represents a deviation from this earlier opinion.[52]


முதலாவது IBIN BAZ கோன்றோவேர்சி-னால் => அவருடைய சொந்த கருத்துக்கு இஸ்லாம் போருபெர்கமுடியாது.

physicist on Iraqi "TV" யில் உளறியது. => சரியான லூசுத்தனமாக உதாரணங்கள். => இதற்கும் இஸ்லாம் போருபெர்கமுடியாது.


Suyuti என்பவர் உடைய சொந்த கருத்து. அதற்கு முன்பு வரை உலகம் உருண்டை என்பதை நீர் தெளிவாக பாரும்.

Admin said...


அந்த காலத்து முஸ்லீம்கள் உலகம் உருண்டை என்றுதான் சொன்னார்கள் என்பதை கீழ் வரும் உதாரணத்தில் பாரும்.

Early Muslim Consensus: The Earth is Round
Published by Admin on 2004/3/30 (5455 reads)
Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728 H / 1328 CE), may Allah be merciful with him, in his famous treatise, ar-Risalah al-'Arshiyah, refutes the position of the neo-Platonic philosophers who identified Allah's Throne with the ninth celestial sphere (Majmu'ul-Fatawa, Vol. 6, pp. 546-ff). In the course of his response, Ibn Taymiyah discusses the question of the earth is it round or flat? He writes:

[That] celestial bodies are round (istidaaratul-aflaak) - as it is the statement of astronomers and mathematicians (ahlul-hay'ah wal-hisab) - it is [likewise] the statement of the scholars of the Muslims; as Abul-Hasan ibn al-Manaadi, Abu Muhammad ibn Hazm, Abul-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi and others have quoted: that the Muslim scholars are in agreement [that all celestial bodies are round]. Indeed Allah - taala - has said: And He (i.e., Allah) it is Who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon. They float, each in a falak. Ibn Abbas says: A falaka like that of a spinning wheel.

Ibn Taymiyah continues: The [word] falak [in the Arabic language] means that which is round. From which is the statement [of the Arabs]: <> (Vol. 6, pp. 566-567)

In an earlier passage (Vol. 6, pp. 565-566), Ibn Taymiyah discusses why those on the other side of the earth are not below us, just like we are not below them. He writes:

As for the other side of the earth it is surrounded by water. [Note: Admittedly, Ibn Taymiyah - as all Muslim scholars of his day- were not aware of the Americas and believed that the Old World was encompassed by an ocean.] There are no human beings or anything like that [on that side]. Even if we were to imagine that people were on that side of the earth, such individuals would still be on the face of the earth. Those on that side of the earth are not below those who are on this side; just like those on this side are not below those on that side. For as all spherical bodies surround a center point (markaz), no one side of a spherical body is under the other, nor is the north pole under the south [Note: Unlike Western maps, Muslim cartographers (map-makers) would draw the world with the south-side up.] or vice versa.

In another passage (Vol. 5, p. 150) Ibn Taymiyah clearly states the earth is spherical.

Significantly Abu Ya'la in his work Tabaqatal-Hanabilah (Biographical Entries of the Hanabali Scholars) quotes the unanimous consensus (ijma) of all Muslim scholars that the earth is round.

This consensus was mentioned by the scholars of the second generation (the students of the Prophet's Companions) and was based upon Ibn Abbas' explanation to 21:33 (previously cited) and other evidences.

The later belief of Muslim scholars, like as-Suyuti (died 911 AH / 1505 CE) that the earth is flat represents a deviation from this earlier opinion.

Admin said...



In early times, people believed that the earth is flat. For centuries, men were afraid to venture out too far, lest they should fall off the edge. Sir Francis Drake was the first person who proved that the earth is spherical when he sailed around it in 1597. Consider the following Qur’aanic verse regarding the alternation of day and night:

“Seest thou not that Allah merges Night into Day And He merges Day into Night?” [Al-Qur’aan 31:29]

Merging here means that the night slowly and gradually changes to day and vice versa. This phenomenon can only take place if the earth is spherical. If the earth was flat, there would have been a sudden change from night to day and from day to night.

The following verse also alludes to the spherical shape of the earth:

“He created the heavens And the earth In true (proportions): He makes the Night Overlap the Day, and the Day Overlap the Night.” [Al-Qur’aan 39:5]

The Arabic word used here is Kawwara meaning ‘to overlap’ or ‘to coil’– the way a turban is wound around the head. The overlapping or coiling of the day and night can only take place if the earth is spherical.

The earth is not exactly round like a ball, but geo-spherical i.e. it is flattened at the poles. The following verse contains a description of the earth’s shape: The Qur’aan and Modern Science: Compatible or Incompatible?

“And the earth, moreover, Hath He made egg shaped.” [Al-Qur’aan 79:30]*

(* The Arabic word dahaha has been translated by A. Yusuf Ali as “vast expanse”, which also is correct. The word dahaha also means an ostrich-egg. Consider the following verses related to the nature of light from the sun and the moon: “It is He who made the sun To be a shining glory And the moon to be a light (Of beauty).” [Al-Qur’aan 10:5])

The Arabic word for egg here is dahaha, which means an ostrich-egg. The shape of an ostrich-egg resembles the geo-spherical shape of the earth. Thus the Qur’aan correctly describes the shape of the earth, though the prevalent notion when the Qur’aan was revealed was that the earth is flat.

Admin said...


For a long time European philosophers and scientists believed that the earth stood still in the centre of the universe and every other body including the sun moved around it. In the West, this geocentric concept of the universe was prevalent right from the time of Ptolemy in the second century B.C. In 1512, Nicholas Copernicus put forward his Heliocentric Theory of Planetary Motion, which asserted that the sun is motionless at the centre of the solar system with the planets revolving around it.

In 1609, the German scientist Yohannus Keppler published the ‘Astronomia Nova’. In this he concluded that not only do the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun, they also rotate upon their axes at irregular speeds. With this knowledge it became possible for European scientists to explain correctly many of the mechanisms of the solar system including the sequence of night and day.

After these discoveries, it was thought that the Sun was stationary and did not rotate about its axis like the Earth. I remember having studied this fallacy from Geography books during my school days. Consider the following Qur’aanic verse:

“It is He Who created The Night and the Day, And the sun and the moon: All (the celestial bodies) Swim along, each in its Rounded course.” [Al-Qur’aan 21:33]

The Arabic word used in the above verse is yasbahûn. The word yasbahûn is derived from the word sabaha. It carries with it the idea of motion that comes from any moving body. If you use the word for a man on the ground, it would not mean that he is rolling but would mean he is walking or running. If you use the word for a man in water it would not mean that he is floating but would mean that he is swimming.

Similarly, if you use the word yasbah for a celestial body such as the sun it would not mean that it is only flying through space but would mean that it is also rotating as it goes through space. Most of the school textbooks have incorporated the fact that the sun rotates about its axis. The rotation of the sun about its own axis can be proved with the help of an equipment that projects the image of the sun on the table top so that one can examine the image of the sun without being blinded. It is noticed that the sun has spots which complete a circular motion once every 25 days i.e. the sun takes approximately 25 days to rotate around its axis.

In fact, the sun travels through space at roughly 150 miles per second, and takes about 200 million years to complete one revolution around the center of our Milky Way Galaxy.

“It is not permitted To the Sun to catch up The Moon, nor can The Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along In (its own) orbit (According to Law).” [Al-Qur’aan 36:40]

This verse mentions an essential fact discovered by modern astronomy, i.e. the existence of the individual orbits of the Sun and the Moon, and their journey through space with their own motion. The ‘fixed place’ towards, which the sun travels, carrying with it the solar system, has been located exactly by modern astronomy. It has been given a name, the Solar Apex. The solar system is indeed moving in space towards a point situated in the constellation of Hercules (alpha Layer) whose exact location is firmly established.

The moon rotates around its axis in the same duration that it takes to revolve around the earth. It takes approximately 29½ days to complete one rotation. One cannot help but be amazed at the scientific accuracy of the Qur’aanic verses. Should we not ponder over the question: “What was the source of knowledge contained in the Qur’aan?”

Admin said...

எவனோ சொன்னான் என்பதாக உலகத்தின் வயது 5000 என்று இஸ்லாம் சொன்னது என்று உளறிக் கொட்டாதே.

மேலும் சொல்கிறேன் எவனோ ஒரு முஸ்லீம்/சமுகம் சேர்வது எல்லாம் இஸ்லாம் ஆகி விடாது. =>அதை வைத்து கொண்ண்டு இஸ்லாத்தை எடை போடக்குடாது.

தவறிப்போனவர்கள் யாராக இருந்தாலும் தவறு தவறுதான்.

அது இஸ்லாமியர்கள் ஆனாலும் சரி அல்லது வேறு யாராக இருந்தாலும் சரி.

அதனால் தான் சொல்கிறேன் கஞ்சா விளைத்து க்கொண்டும் , தீவிர வாதம் செய்து க்கொண்டும், சொல்லவே கூஸக் கூடிய வற்றை குல்லா போட்டு கொண்டு புனித குரான் மீது சத்தியம் சைபவனும், ...........................

மேலும் பொறுமை-உம் அமைதியையும் நீளைனட்டிகொண்டு இருப்பவனுகுஉம்
வித்தியாசம் இல்லையா?

அநிதம் செய்பவன் அழித்தே போவான்.

இறைவன் ஒவொரு சமூகத்தையும்/மனிதர்களுக்கும் குறிப்பிட்ட தவணை கொடுத்துள்ளான். அதற்குள் அவர்கள் திருந்த விடில் அழிக்கப் படுவார்கள்.

அது "98"% இருந்தால் என்ன "100"% இருந்தால் என்ன?

நீ எங்களுகாக ஒன்றும் மூக்கு சிந்த வேண்டாம்.

மேலும், நெஞ்சு கறிக்கவும் வேண்டாம்.

எதாவது உன் வழிபாட்டு தளத்தில் உன் வேலையை பார்.

எங்களுக்கு புத்தி சொல்ல வரவேண்டாம், இறைவன் அநிதம் செய்பவனை
அழித்து விடுவான்.

உன் வேலை உனக்கு என் வேலை எனக்கு.

எங்கள் மேல் அவதுறு சொல்வதை நிறுத்து..