Sunday, July 08, 2007

முகமது அலி ஜின்னாவை பாராட்டும் மோடி அரசு

குஜராத் அரசு வெளியிடும் குஜராத் என்ற பத்திரிக்கையில் முகம்மது அலி ஜின்னாவை புகழந்து, இந்து முஸ்லீம் ஒற்றுமையின் தூதுவர் என்று பாராட்டி கட்டுரை வெளிவ்ந்துள்ளது பெரும் சர்ச்சையாக உருவாகியிருக்கிறது.

இது பாரதிய ஜனதா கட்சிக்கும், விஹெச்பி என்ற விஷ்வ ஹிந்து பரிஷத்துக்கும் இடையேயான போராக வெடித்துள்ளது.

அதில், பாகிஸ்தான் பிரிவினைக்கு காரணம் காங்கிரஸ் தலைவர்களே என்றும் எழுதப்பட்டுள்ளது காங்கிரஸிடமிருந்தும் எதிர்ப்புணர்வை உருவாக்கியிருக்கிறது.

Togadia slams Jinnah eulogy
8 Jul 2007, 0211 hrs IST,TNN

GANDHINAGAR: The publishing of an article calling Mohammad Ali Jinnah as the "symbol of Hindu-Muslim unity" in the Gujarat government mouthpiece, 'Gujarat', is expectedly taking political overtones.

VHP's international general secretary Pravin Togadia has taken a strong exception to the article and said,"This obviously reflects the view of those who rule Gujarat".

Togadia told TOI, "The present government in Gujarat came to power on a Hindu vote. It should not have betrayed the Hindus by printing such an article. By printing it in its official journal, it has betrayed its anti-Hindu attitude."

Saying that if the article had been published by a literary person in a private publication, it could have been construed as freedom of expression. However, Togadia underlined, "When it is published in an official mouthpiece, it is undoubtedly the government view." Togadia said, "No true Hindu or Indian would ever certify Jinnah as symbol of Hindu-Muslim unity. It is a historical fact that Jinnah broke up India, instigating brutal genocide of Hindus."

Suspended BJP MLA Siddharth Parmar, taking a similar view, was more direct and accused Narendra Modi of getting the article published in the official Gujarat government mouthpiece only to please his guru, L K Advani.

Calling Modi a "fake Hindu", Parmar said, "Modi used the Hindu sentiment to become popular. However, he knows he cannot go up the national ladder if he does not appease the minority community. Like Advani, Modi has also begun using the Jinnah card in order gain cheap popularity," Parmar added.

Congress Arjun Modhvadia said, "The Congress has decided to make Modi's new love for Jinnah a political issue. The article blames Congress leaders for pushing Jinnah towards breaking India. The BJP and Jinnah seem to have the same enemy."

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