முஸ்லீம் கட்சியினர், காங்கிரஸ், கம்யூனிஸ்ட் கட்சி ஆகியவை தஸ்லிமாவை ஓட ஓட துரத்தியதன் காரணமாக தஸ்லிமா நஸ்ரின் தனது புத்தகத்தில் இருக்கும் சர்ச்சைக்குரிய வாசகங்களை நீக்குவதாக அறிவித்துள்ளார்.
ஏற்கெனவே சந்தையில் இருக்கும் புத்தகங்களள திரும்பப் பெற்றுக்கொண்டு எதிர்கால பதிப்புகளில் அந்த பக்கங்களை நீக்குவதாகவும் அறிவித்துள்ளார்.
Taslima withdraws controversial lines from her book
Kolkata, (PTI): Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen on Friday said she was withdrawing some controversial lines from her autobiographical novel 'Dwikhandita' as those evoked strong protests from "a section of people in India."
"I am withdrawing controversial lines in 'Dwikhandita', written in 2002 with the memory of Bangladesh in the 1980s when the military threw out secularism in the country. I wrote the book in support of the people who defended secular values. I had no intention to hurt anybody's sentiment," she told PTI here over phone from an undisclosed location.
"Now since some people in India claim that it hurt their sentiments, I am withdrawing some lines in the book," Taslima said.
The Bangladeshi writer hoped that from now on, there would be no controversy, and "I'll be able to live peacefully in this country."
Taslima said she had already asked the publisher of the book 'People's Book Society' not not to circulate copies of the book which were in their possession.
"I asked my publisher to bring out the next edition of the book deleting those controversial lines", she said.
A spokesman of the publisher said that Taslima had requested them not to circulate copies of the book.
"We will withdraw 30 to 40 copies, already in circulation, from the market and in the next edition we will delete three controversial pages of the book," she said.
Taslima was virtually hounded out of Kolkata following large-scale violence during a strike called by the All India Minority Forum, a platform of minorities, demanding cancellation of her visa.
Shortly after the violence for which the army had to be called out, Taslima went to Jaipur from where she was moved to Delhi. At present, she is staying at an undisclosed location.
Friday, November 30, 2007
மலேசியாவில் இந்துக்களை தாக்கியதை கண்டித்து ஆவேசம்! - பாஜக எம்பிகள் தமிழ்நாடு எம்பிக்கள் கண்டனம்
இந்துக்கோவில்களை இடித்து, இந்துக்களது வாழ்வுரிமையை பறிக்கும் மலேசிய அரசுக்கு கண்டனங்கள் தெரிவித்த பாஜக மற்றும் திமுக, அதிமுக, கம்யூனிஸ்ட் கட்சி தலைவர்களுக்கு என் நன்றிகள்
மலேசியாவில் இந்துக்களை தாக்கியதை கண்டித்து ஆவேசம்! * லோக்சபாவில் தமிழக எம்.பி.,க்கள் கடும் கண்டனம் -நமது டில்லி நிருபர்-
மலேசியாவில் இந்துக்கள் மீது அந்நாட்டு போலீசார் நடத்திய தாக்குதல் சம்பவம் பார்லிமென்ட்டின் இரு சபைகளிலும் நேற்று எதிரொலித்தது.
தமிழக எம்.பி.,க்கள் ஒரே குரலில் கோஷம் எழுப்பி கடும் கண்டனம் தெரிவித்தனர். இவர்கள் ஆவேசத்தால் லோக்சபா ஒரு மணிநேரம் ஒத்திவைக்கப்பட்டது. இச்சம்பவம் குறித்து பிரதமரும், வெளியுறவுத் துறையும் உடனடியாக தலையிட்டு விரைந்து நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டும் என கோரிக்கை வைக்கப்பட்டது.
லோக்சபாவில் நேற்று கேள்வி நேரம் முடிந்ததும், தமிழக எம்.பி.,க்கள் கிருஷ்ணசாமி, கார்வேந்தன் மற்றும் கிருஷ்ணன் ஆகியோர், மலேசியாவில் தமிழர்கள் தாக்கப்பட்ட சம்பவம் குறித்து பிரச்னை கிளப்பினர். கார்வேந்தன் பேச, சபாநாயகர் சோம்நாத் சட்டர்ஜி வாய்ப்பு அளித்தார். கார்வேந்தன் பேசுகையில், `19ம் நூற்றாண்டில் தென்னிந்தியாவிலிருந்து தொழிலாளர்கள் பலரையும் மலேசியாவுக்கு பிரிட்டிஷார் அழைத்துச் சென்றனர். மலேசியாவில் உள்ள இந்திய சிறுபான்மை சமூக மக்கள் தொகையில் பெரும்பாலானோர் தமிழர்கள். இதில், 85 சதவீதம் பேர் தமிழ் பேசும் மக்கள். இவர்கள் கடந்த 25ம் தேதி அன்று தங்களது உரிமைகளை வலியுறுத்தி அமைதியான முறையில் பிரிட்டன் ஹை கமிஷன் அலுவலகத்தை நோக்கி பேரணி நடத்தினர். அதற்கு முந்தைய நாள் தமிழர் தலைவர்களில் மூன்று பேர் கைது செய்யப்பட்டனர். பேரணியில், ஆயுதம் தாங்கிய ஐந்தாயிரம் மலேசிய போலீசார், கண்ணீர் புகை குண்டு மற்றும் தண்ணீரை பீய்ச்சியடித்து அப்பாவி தமிழ் மக்கள் மீது கடுமையாக தாக்குதல் நடத்தினர். இதில் நிறைய பேர் காயமடைந்துள்ளனர். 190 பேர் கைது செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளனர். மலேசிய தமிழர்கள் தங்களது எதிர்காலத்திற்காக போராடுகின்றனர். எனவே, மத்திய அரசு தலையிட்டு மலேசிய தமிழர்களை காப்பாற்ற வேண்டும்' என்றார். அப்போது சபையில் வெளியுறவு அமைச்சர் பிரணாப் முகர்ஜி அமைதியாக அமர்ந்திருந்தார். பதில் ஏதும் தரவில்லை. உடன் பா.ஜ., எம்.பி., மல்கோத்ரா, `மலேசியாவில் இந்துக்கள் தாக்கப்பட்டுள்ளனர். பல இந்து கோவில்கள் சிதைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. இது கண்டனத்திற்குரியது' என பேச தொடங்க அவருக்கு ஆதரவாக பா.ஜ., எம்.பி.,க்கள் குரல் கொடுக்க சபையில் கூச்சல் குழப்பம் ஏற்பட்டது. இதையடுத்து, சபை ஒருமணி நேரம் ஒத்திவைக்கப்பட்டது.
ராஜ்யசபாவிலும் இப்பிரச்னை கிளப்பப்பட்டது. தி.மு.க., எம்.பி., திருச்சி சிவா பேசுகையில், `மகாத்மா காந்தியின் உருவப்படத்தை தாங்கியபடி அமைதியான முறையில் போராட்டம் நடத்திய மக்கள் மீது தண்ணீரை பீய்ச்சியடித்தும், கண்ணீர் புகை குண்டுகள் வீசியும் தாக்குதல் நடத்தியிருப்பது கண்டனத்திற்குரியது. இந்த அநீதியை சுட்டிக்காட்டி முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி, பிரதமருக்கு கடிதம் எழுதியுள்ளார். எனவே, வெளியுறவு அமைச்சகம் விரைந்து நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டும்' என்றார். காங்கிரஸ் எம்.பி., நாராயணசாமி பேசுகையில், `தங்கள் உரிமைகளை வலியுறுத்தி அமைதியான முறையில் போராட்டம் நடத்தியவர்கள் மீது மலேசிய போலீசார் காட்டுமிராண்டித்தனமான தாக்குதல் நடத்தியது கண்டனத்திற்குரியது. மலேசியாவில் தமிழர்கள் தாக்கப்பட்ட சம்பவம் மிகவும் கவலையளிக்கிறது. இது குறித்து விரைந்து நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டும்' என்றார்.
இந்திய கம்யூனிஸ்ட் எம்.பி., டி.ராஜா பேசும்போது, `இந்தியாவுக்கும் மலேசியாவுக்கும் இடையே இருக்கும் நல்லுறவைப் பயன்படுத்தி, இந்த தாக்குதல் சம்பவத்திற்கு உடனடி தீர்வு காண வேண்டும். இதுபோன்ற துயரமான சம்பவங்கள் நடைபெறாமல் இருக்க வெளியுறவு அமைச்சகம் துரிதமான நடவடிக்கைகளில் ஈடுபட வேண்டும்' என்றார்.
அ.தி.மு.க., எம்.பி., மலைச்சாமி பேசும் போது, `எங்களுக்கு கிடைத்துள்ள தகவல்களின்படி 64 இந்து கோவில்கள் இடிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. மேலும், பல இந்து வழிபாட்டு தலங்கள் தாக்குதலுக்கு உள்ளாகியுள்ளன. கோலாலம்பூரில் உள்ள இந்திய ஹை கமிஷன் அலுவலகம் திறம்பட செயலாற்றவில்லை என தெரிகிறது. தமிழர்கள் தாக்கப்பட்டது மிகவும் கண்டனத்திற்குரியது. இது குறித்து மத்திய அரசு நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டும்' என்றார்.
கைது செய்யப்பட்டவர்களிடம் விசாரணை: மலேசிய அரசு முடிவு: `இந்துராப்' அமைப்பின் தலைவர்களில் ஒருவரான உதய்குமார், பிரிட்டன் பிரதமர் கார்டன் பிரவுனுக்கு ஒரு அறிக்கை அனுப்பியுள்ளார். இந்த அறிக்கை, `வெப்லாக்' என்ற இணைய தள முகவரியில் வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. இதில், கடுமையான வாசகங்கள் இடம் பெற்றுள்ளதாக மலேசிய அரசு கருதுகிறது. இந்த அறிக்கையின் நம்பிக்கை தன்மை குறித்து ஆய்வு செய்யவும் மலேசிய அமைச்சரவை முடிவு செய்துள்ளது. போராட்டத்தில் ஈடுபட்டு கைது செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளவர்கள் போலீஸ் விசாரணைக்கு உட்படுத்தப்படுவர் என்றும் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது.
இது குறித்து மலேசிய அமைச்சர் நாஸ்ரி அசீஸ் கூறியதாவது: `ஒருங்கிணைந்த மலாய் மக்கள் தேசிய அமைப்பு கீழ் செயல்பட்டு வரும் மலேசியா, சிறுபான்மை இந்துக்கள் மீது இன அழிப்பு நடிவடிக்கை எடுத்து வருகிறது. எனவே, பிரிட்டன் அரசு தலையிட்டு உலக கோர்ட் முன் மலேசியாவை நிறுத்த வேண்டும்' என, அந்த அறிக்கையில் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது. மலேசியாவில் உள்ள இந்துக்களை அரசுக்கு எதிராக துாண்டிவிடும் செயலில் உதய்குமார் ஈடுபட்டுள்ளார் என்பதை இந்த அறிக்கை தெளிவாக எடுத்து காட்டுகிறது. `இன அழிப்பு', `இலங்கையில் நடப்பது போல, மலேசியாவில் நடக்கும்' போன்ற வாசகங்கள் பொறுப்பற்றத்தனமானவை. அரசுக்கு சவால் விட வேண்டாம். தனது நடவடிக்கைக்கு உதய்குமார் பொறுப்பேற்க வேண்டும். மலேசியாவில் ஆர்ப்பாட்டத்தில் ஈடுபட்ட இந்துக்களை, `ரவுடிகள்' என நான் குறிப்பிட்டதற்கு மன்னிப்பு கேட்ட வேண்டும் என எதிர்க்கட்சியான ஜனநாயக நடவடிக்கை கட்சி கூறியுள்ளதை ஏற்க முடியாது. `இந்துராப்' அமைப்பிடம் நான் மன்னிப்பு கேட்க மாட்டேன். ஆர்ப்பாட்டத்தில் இடம் பெற்ற 20 ஆயிரம் பேர் ரவுடிகள் தான். ஏனெனில் அவர்கள் சட்டத்துக்கு எதிராக செயல்பட்டுள்ளனர். இந்த வார்த்தையை நான் இந்து சமூகத்துக்கு எதிராக சொல்லவில்லை. சட்டவிரோதமான ஆர்ப்பாட்டத்தில் பங்கேற்றவர்களை பற்றி தான் கூறினேன். மலேசியாவில் 20 லட்சம் இந்துக்கள் உள்ளனர். அவர்கள் அமைதியையும், ஒற்றுமையையும் தான் விரும்புகின்றனர். அவர்களின் உணர்வுகளை இந்த ஆர்ப்பாட்டக்காரர்கள் எதிரொலிக்கவில்லை. இவ்வாறு அமைச்சர் நாஸ்ரி அசீஸ் கூறினார்.
காமன்வெல்த்துக்கு எடுத்து செல்ல மத்திய அரசுக்கு பா.ஜ., கோரிக்கை: மலேசியாவில் தமிழர்கள் துயரப்படுவதை தடுத்து நிறுத்த மத்திய அரசு அப்பிரச்னையில் தலையிட வேண்டும் என தமிழக முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி பிரதமர் மன்மோகன் சிங்குக்கு கோரிக்கை விடுத்து இருந்தார். இதற்கு பதிலடியாக மலேசிய சட்ட அமைச்சர் நாஸ்ரி அசீஸ்,` இப்பிரச்னையில் தமிழக முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி தலையிட வேண்டாம். இதை அவர் விட்டு விட வேண்டும். இப்பிரச்னைக்கும், அவருக்கும் எந்த தொடர்பும் இல்லை' என்ற ரீதியில் கருத்து தெரிவித்து இருந்தார். இது இந்தியாவில் பெரும் புகைச்சலை ஏற்படுத்தியுள்ளது. பா.ஜ., மூத்த தலைவர்களில் ஒருவரான மல்கோத்ரா கூறுகையில், `மலேசியாவில் இந்துக்களுக்கு இழைக்கப்படும் துன்பங்கள் குறித்த பிரச்னையை காமன்வெல்த் அமைப்புக்கும், ஐ.நா., அமைப்புக்கும் இந்தியா கொண்டு செல்ல வேண்டும். காமன்வெல்த் அமைப்பில் மலேசியாவும் இடம் பெற்றுள்ளது. மலேசியாவில், பெரும்பான்மை சமூகத்தினர் சிறுபான்மை சமூகத்தினரை துன்புறுத்துவதை அந்த அமைப்பு அனுமதிக்காது' என்றார்.
மலேசியாவில் இந்துக்களை தாக்கியதை கண்டித்து ஆவேசம்! * லோக்சபாவில் தமிழக எம்.பி.,க்கள் கடும் கண்டனம் -நமது டில்லி நிருபர்-
மலேசியாவில் இந்துக்கள் மீது அந்நாட்டு போலீசார் நடத்திய தாக்குதல் சம்பவம் பார்லிமென்ட்டின் இரு சபைகளிலும் நேற்று எதிரொலித்தது.
தமிழக எம்.பி.,க்கள் ஒரே குரலில் கோஷம் எழுப்பி கடும் கண்டனம் தெரிவித்தனர். இவர்கள் ஆவேசத்தால் லோக்சபா ஒரு மணிநேரம் ஒத்திவைக்கப்பட்டது. இச்சம்பவம் குறித்து பிரதமரும், வெளியுறவுத் துறையும் உடனடியாக தலையிட்டு விரைந்து நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டும் என கோரிக்கை வைக்கப்பட்டது.
லோக்சபாவில் நேற்று கேள்வி நேரம் முடிந்ததும், தமிழக எம்.பி.,க்கள் கிருஷ்ணசாமி, கார்வேந்தன் மற்றும் கிருஷ்ணன் ஆகியோர், மலேசியாவில் தமிழர்கள் தாக்கப்பட்ட சம்பவம் குறித்து பிரச்னை கிளப்பினர். கார்வேந்தன் பேச, சபாநாயகர் சோம்நாத் சட்டர்ஜி வாய்ப்பு அளித்தார். கார்வேந்தன் பேசுகையில், `19ம் நூற்றாண்டில் தென்னிந்தியாவிலிருந்து தொழிலாளர்கள் பலரையும் மலேசியாவுக்கு பிரிட்டிஷார் அழைத்துச் சென்றனர். மலேசியாவில் உள்ள இந்திய சிறுபான்மை சமூக மக்கள் தொகையில் பெரும்பாலானோர் தமிழர்கள். இதில், 85 சதவீதம் பேர் தமிழ் பேசும் மக்கள். இவர்கள் கடந்த 25ம் தேதி அன்று தங்களது உரிமைகளை வலியுறுத்தி அமைதியான முறையில் பிரிட்டன் ஹை கமிஷன் அலுவலகத்தை நோக்கி பேரணி நடத்தினர். அதற்கு முந்தைய நாள் தமிழர் தலைவர்களில் மூன்று பேர் கைது செய்யப்பட்டனர். பேரணியில், ஆயுதம் தாங்கிய ஐந்தாயிரம் மலேசிய போலீசார், கண்ணீர் புகை குண்டு மற்றும் தண்ணீரை பீய்ச்சியடித்து அப்பாவி தமிழ் மக்கள் மீது கடுமையாக தாக்குதல் நடத்தினர். இதில் நிறைய பேர் காயமடைந்துள்ளனர். 190 பேர் கைது செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளனர். மலேசிய தமிழர்கள் தங்களது எதிர்காலத்திற்காக போராடுகின்றனர். எனவே, மத்திய அரசு தலையிட்டு மலேசிய தமிழர்களை காப்பாற்ற வேண்டும்' என்றார். அப்போது சபையில் வெளியுறவு அமைச்சர் பிரணாப் முகர்ஜி அமைதியாக அமர்ந்திருந்தார். பதில் ஏதும் தரவில்லை. உடன் பா.ஜ., எம்.பி., மல்கோத்ரா, `மலேசியாவில் இந்துக்கள் தாக்கப்பட்டுள்ளனர். பல இந்து கோவில்கள் சிதைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. இது கண்டனத்திற்குரியது' என பேச தொடங்க அவருக்கு ஆதரவாக பா.ஜ., எம்.பி.,க்கள் குரல் கொடுக்க சபையில் கூச்சல் குழப்பம் ஏற்பட்டது. இதையடுத்து, சபை ஒருமணி நேரம் ஒத்திவைக்கப்பட்டது.
ராஜ்யசபாவிலும் இப்பிரச்னை கிளப்பப்பட்டது. தி.மு.க., எம்.பி., திருச்சி சிவா பேசுகையில், `மகாத்மா காந்தியின் உருவப்படத்தை தாங்கியபடி அமைதியான முறையில் போராட்டம் நடத்திய மக்கள் மீது தண்ணீரை பீய்ச்சியடித்தும், கண்ணீர் புகை குண்டுகள் வீசியும் தாக்குதல் நடத்தியிருப்பது கண்டனத்திற்குரியது. இந்த அநீதியை சுட்டிக்காட்டி முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி, பிரதமருக்கு கடிதம் எழுதியுள்ளார். எனவே, வெளியுறவு அமைச்சகம் விரைந்து நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டும்' என்றார். காங்கிரஸ் எம்.பி., நாராயணசாமி பேசுகையில், `தங்கள் உரிமைகளை வலியுறுத்தி அமைதியான முறையில் போராட்டம் நடத்தியவர்கள் மீது மலேசிய போலீசார் காட்டுமிராண்டித்தனமான தாக்குதல் நடத்தியது கண்டனத்திற்குரியது. மலேசியாவில் தமிழர்கள் தாக்கப்பட்ட சம்பவம் மிகவும் கவலையளிக்கிறது. இது குறித்து விரைந்து நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டும்' என்றார்.
இந்திய கம்யூனிஸ்ட் எம்.பி., டி.ராஜா பேசும்போது, `இந்தியாவுக்கும் மலேசியாவுக்கும் இடையே இருக்கும் நல்லுறவைப் பயன்படுத்தி, இந்த தாக்குதல் சம்பவத்திற்கு உடனடி தீர்வு காண வேண்டும். இதுபோன்ற துயரமான சம்பவங்கள் நடைபெறாமல் இருக்க வெளியுறவு அமைச்சகம் துரிதமான நடவடிக்கைகளில் ஈடுபட வேண்டும்' என்றார்.
அ.தி.மு.க., எம்.பி., மலைச்சாமி பேசும் போது, `எங்களுக்கு கிடைத்துள்ள தகவல்களின்படி 64 இந்து கோவில்கள் இடிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. மேலும், பல இந்து வழிபாட்டு தலங்கள் தாக்குதலுக்கு உள்ளாகியுள்ளன. கோலாலம்பூரில் உள்ள இந்திய ஹை கமிஷன் அலுவலகம் திறம்பட செயலாற்றவில்லை என தெரிகிறது. தமிழர்கள் தாக்கப்பட்டது மிகவும் கண்டனத்திற்குரியது. இது குறித்து மத்திய அரசு நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டும்' என்றார்.
கைது செய்யப்பட்டவர்களிடம் விசாரணை: மலேசிய அரசு முடிவு: `இந்துராப்' அமைப்பின் தலைவர்களில் ஒருவரான உதய்குமார், பிரிட்டன் பிரதமர் கார்டன் பிரவுனுக்கு ஒரு அறிக்கை அனுப்பியுள்ளார். இந்த அறிக்கை, `வெப்லாக்' என்ற இணைய தள முகவரியில் வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. இதில், கடுமையான வாசகங்கள் இடம் பெற்றுள்ளதாக மலேசிய அரசு கருதுகிறது. இந்த அறிக்கையின் நம்பிக்கை தன்மை குறித்து ஆய்வு செய்யவும் மலேசிய அமைச்சரவை முடிவு செய்துள்ளது. போராட்டத்தில் ஈடுபட்டு கைது செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளவர்கள் போலீஸ் விசாரணைக்கு உட்படுத்தப்படுவர் என்றும் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது.
இது குறித்து மலேசிய அமைச்சர் நாஸ்ரி அசீஸ் கூறியதாவது: `ஒருங்கிணைந்த மலாய் மக்கள் தேசிய அமைப்பு கீழ் செயல்பட்டு வரும் மலேசியா, சிறுபான்மை இந்துக்கள் மீது இன அழிப்பு நடிவடிக்கை எடுத்து வருகிறது. எனவே, பிரிட்டன் அரசு தலையிட்டு உலக கோர்ட் முன் மலேசியாவை நிறுத்த வேண்டும்' என, அந்த அறிக்கையில் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது. மலேசியாவில் உள்ள இந்துக்களை அரசுக்கு எதிராக துாண்டிவிடும் செயலில் உதய்குமார் ஈடுபட்டுள்ளார் என்பதை இந்த அறிக்கை தெளிவாக எடுத்து காட்டுகிறது. `இன அழிப்பு', `இலங்கையில் நடப்பது போல, மலேசியாவில் நடக்கும்' போன்ற வாசகங்கள் பொறுப்பற்றத்தனமானவை. அரசுக்கு சவால் விட வேண்டாம். தனது நடவடிக்கைக்கு உதய்குமார் பொறுப்பேற்க வேண்டும். மலேசியாவில் ஆர்ப்பாட்டத்தில் ஈடுபட்ட இந்துக்களை, `ரவுடிகள்' என நான் குறிப்பிட்டதற்கு மன்னிப்பு கேட்ட வேண்டும் என எதிர்க்கட்சியான ஜனநாயக நடவடிக்கை கட்சி கூறியுள்ளதை ஏற்க முடியாது. `இந்துராப்' அமைப்பிடம் நான் மன்னிப்பு கேட்க மாட்டேன். ஆர்ப்பாட்டத்தில் இடம் பெற்ற 20 ஆயிரம் பேர் ரவுடிகள் தான். ஏனெனில் அவர்கள் சட்டத்துக்கு எதிராக செயல்பட்டுள்ளனர். இந்த வார்த்தையை நான் இந்து சமூகத்துக்கு எதிராக சொல்லவில்லை. சட்டவிரோதமான ஆர்ப்பாட்டத்தில் பங்கேற்றவர்களை பற்றி தான் கூறினேன். மலேசியாவில் 20 லட்சம் இந்துக்கள் உள்ளனர். அவர்கள் அமைதியையும், ஒற்றுமையையும் தான் விரும்புகின்றனர். அவர்களின் உணர்வுகளை இந்த ஆர்ப்பாட்டக்காரர்கள் எதிரொலிக்கவில்லை. இவ்வாறு அமைச்சர் நாஸ்ரி அசீஸ் கூறினார்.
காமன்வெல்த்துக்கு எடுத்து செல்ல மத்திய அரசுக்கு பா.ஜ., கோரிக்கை: மலேசியாவில் தமிழர்கள் துயரப்படுவதை தடுத்து நிறுத்த மத்திய அரசு அப்பிரச்னையில் தலையிட வேண்டும் என தமிழக முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி பிரதமர் மன்மோகன் சிங்குக்கு கோரிக்கை விடுத்து இருந்தார். இதற்கு பதிலடியாக மலேசிய சட்ட அமைச்சர் நாஸ்ரி அசீஸ்,` இப்பிரச்னையில் தமிழக முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி தலையிட வேண்டாம். இதை அவர் விட்டு விட வேண்டும். இப்பிரச்னைக்கும், அவருக்கும் எந்த தொடர்பும் இல்லை' என்ற ரீதியில் கருத்து தெரிவித்து இருந்தார். இது இந்தியாவில் பெரும் புகைச்சலை ஏற்படுத்தியுள்ளது. பா.ஜ., மூத்த தலைவர்களில் ஒருவரான மல்கோத்ரா கூறுகையில், `மலேசியாவில் இந்துக்களுக்கு இழைக்கப்படும் துன்பங்கள் குறித்த பிரச்னையை காமன்வெல்த் அமைப்புக்கும், ஐ.நா., அமைப்புக்கும் இந்தியா கொண்டு செல்ல வேண்டும். காமன்வெல்த் அமைப்பில் மலேசியாவும் இடம் பெற்றுள்ளது. மலேசியாவில், பெரும்பான்மை சமூகத்தினர் சிறுபான்மை சமூகத்தினரை துன்புறுத்துவதை அந்த அமைப்பு அனுமதிக்காது' என்றார்.
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
ஏன் எம்.எப் ஹூசேன் வெளிநாட்டுக்கு ஓடினார்?
பாரதிய ஜனதா கட்சி எதிர்ப்பாளர்கள் துரத்தியதால்தான் எம்.எப்.ஹூசேன் இந்தியாவை விட்டு ஓடினார் என்று சில அறிவுஜீவிகள் எழுதிக்கொண்டிருக்கிறார்கள்.
உண்மையை சொல்லத்தான் இந்த பதிவு.
கீழே டெலிகிராப் செய்தி இருக்கிறது. படித்து தெரிந்துகொள்ளுங்கள்.
மீனாட்சி - டேல் ஆப் திரி சிட்டிஸ் என்று ஒரு படம் எடுத்தார் திரு. எம். எப் .உசேன். அந்த படத்தில் ஒரு வார்த்தை (ஞாபகத்திலிருந்து சொல்கிறேன். நூர் என்ற வார்த்தை) உபயோகித்தது இந்திய இஸ்லாமிய அறிஞர்களை கோபப்படுத்தியதால் அவர் மீது பட்வா விதித்தார்கள்.
உடனே இந்த படத்தை வாபஸ் வாங்கிவிட்டு தலைமறைவாகிவிட்டார்.
But the painter, who had stood by his works when under attack from the Shiv Sena, was incommunicado on why he chose to withdraw the film when the ulemas had demanded only the removal of a phrase.
Husain stops Meenaxi
Mumbai, April 16: Faced with criticism from Islamic organisations on the use of a phrase, M.F. Husain has withdrawn his film Meenaxi: A Tale of Three Cities from theatres. But the painter has left his critics more stunned than happy.
The All India Ulema Council met the police commissioner yesterday, demanding that Husain drop the phrase Noorun-ala-noor from a song picturised on the heroine, Tabu.
“The phrase is used only for the Holy Prophet and it was blasphemous when used about a woman,” said Sohail Rokaria of the Raza Academy that supported the ulemas.
“But we requested only for the removal of these words. We made it clear we didn’t want a ban on the film,” he added. “We are very surprised as to why Husain did it.”
In a statement, Husain said: “My reaction to something like this is that I withdraw the film.”
But the painter, who had stood by his works when under attack from the Shiv Sena, was incommunicado on why he chose to withdraw the film when the ulemas had demanded only the removal of a phrase.
உண்மையை சொல்லத்தான் இந்த பதிவு.
கீழே டெலிகிராப் செய்தி இருக்கிறது. படித்து தெரிந்துகொள்ளுங்கள்.
மீனாட்சி - டேல் ஆப் திரி சிட்டிஸ் என்று ஒரு படம் எடுத்தார் திரு. எம். எப் .உசேன். அந்த படத்தில் ஒரு வார்த்தை (ஞாபகத்திலிருந்து சொல்கிறேன். நூர் என்ற வார்த்தை) உபயோகித்தது இந்திய இஸ்லாமிய அறிஞர்களை கோபப்படுத்தியதால் அவர் மீது பட்வா விதித்தார்கள்.
உடனே இந்த படத்தை வாபஸ் வாங்கிவிட்டு தலைமறைவாகிவிட்டார்.
But the painter, who had stood by his works when under attack from the Shiv Sena, was incommunicado on why he chose to withdraw the film when the ulemas had demanded only the removal of a phrase.
Husain stops Meenaxi
Mumbai, April 16: Faced with criticism from Islamic organisations on the use of a phrase, M.F. Husain has withdrawn his film Meenaxi: A Tale of Three Cities from theatres. But the painter has left his critics more stunned than happy.
The All India Ulema Council met the police commissioner yesterday, demanding that Husain drop the phrase Noorun-ala-noor from a song picturised on the heroine, Tabu.
“The phrase is used only for the Holy Prophet and it was blasphemous when used about a woman,” said Sohail Rokaria of the Raza Academy that supported the ulemas.
“But we requested only for the removal of these words. We made it clear we didn’t want a ban on the film,” he added. “We are very surprised as to why Husain did it.”
In a statement, Husain said: “My reaction to something like this is that I withdraw the film.”
But the painter, who had stood by his works when under attack from the Shiv Sena, was incommunicado on why he chose to withdraw the film when the ulemas had demanded only the removal of a phrase.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
முஸ்லீம் சிலுவையிலறைந்து கொலை: இரண்டு பௌத்தர்கள் தலை துண்டாக்கி கொலை
தாய்லாந்தில், இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகள், ஒரு முஸ்லீம், தாய்லாந்து அரசுக்கு ஆதரவாக செயல்பட்டார் என்று அவரை சிலுவையில் அறைந்து கொன்றார்கள். இரண்டு பௌத்தர்கள் தலை துண்டாக்கி கொல்லப்பட்டனர்.
காபிர்களை (இஸ்லாமை நம்பாதவர்கள்)இப்படித்தான் கொல்லப்படுவார்கள் என்று இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகள் அறிவித்துள்ளனர்.
Muslim crucified, two Buddhists beheaded in Thailand: police
1 day ago
NARATHIWAT, Thailand (AFP) — A Muslim military informant was shot and crucified, while two Buddhist men were beheaded Wednesday by suspected Islamic separatists in Thailand's restive south, police said.
The Muslim man, a 58-year-old who belonged to a government-backed militia, was shot and then stabbed so badly that he was nearly decapitated, police Lieutenant Khanchitthol Kreunor told AFP.
Suspected rebels then drove six-inch nails through his head, arms and legs to attach him to two pieces of wood, which were laid out like a cross in the middle of a road in Rueso district of Narathiwat province, near the southern border with Malaysia, he said.
Khanchitthol said police found a note written in Thai and left near the cross, reading: "This is what the infidels deserve. The soldier dogs must meet this end."
"The victim was attacked and killed in such a grisly way because they knew he was a military informant. This is to terrify the people," Khanchitthol said.
About two hours later, two Buddhist fishmongers aged 20 and 61 were shot and then beheaded in another district of Narathiwat, police said.
The killings came after a month of spiralling violence in the region, which has seen more than 2,700 killed since separatist unrest erupted four years ago.
Thailand's southernmost provinces were an ethnic Malay sultanate until the Buddhist kingdom annexed it a century ago, provoking decades of tension.
Monitoring group Intellectual Deep South Watch said last week that November has been one of the most violent months this year.
Thailand's new army chief, General Anupong Paojinda, had announced last month that he was bolstering the 30,000 government forces in the region to try to clamp down on the violence.
The military has also requested massive spending increases to buy new weaponry, including a dozen fighter jets already ordered from Sweden, saying it needs the hardware to battle the insurgency.
But near-daily shootings, bombings and ambushes continue to hit southern Thailand despite the military crackdown, arrests and a raft of peace initiatives by the army-backed government.
Attacks have become increasingly brutal, with corpses sometimes mutilated or savagely stabbed. Corpses are often left in streets or other public areas where passersby find them.
The government also relies heavily on paramilitary forces like the one that the latest Muslim victim belonged to.
Many villages have lost any faith that the government can protect them and have begun to organise their own sectarian vigilante forces.
Rights groups and analysts have voiced alarm at the trend, saying such forces only increase tensions among communities and hamper efforts to make security forces more accountable.
Despite the rampant violence, few people have been prosecuted over the unrest.
In June, the government began raiding villages and making mass arrests, but courts last month ordered authorities to free 384 young men who had been held without charge in what the army said was a job training programme.
The army said it feared the men were susceptible to recruitment by separatists, but finally obeyed the court orders to free them on November 18.
காபிர்களை (இஸ்லாமை நம்பாதவர்கள்)இப்படித்தான் கொல்லப்படுவார்கள் என்று இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகள் அறிவித்துள்ளனர்.
Muslim crucified, two Buddhists beheaded in Thailand: police
1 day ago
NARATHIWAT, Thailand (AFP) — A Muslim military informant was shot and crucified, while two Buddhist men were beheaded Wednesday by suspected Islamic separatists in Thailand's restive south, police said.
The Muslim man, a 58-year-old who belonged to a government-backed militia, was shot and then stabbed so badly that he was nearly decapitated, police Lieutenant Khanchitthol Kreunor told AFP.
Suspected rebels then drove six-inch nails through his head, arms and legs to attach him to two pieces of wood, which were laid out like a cross in the middle of a road in Rueso district of Narathiwat province, near the southern border with Malaysia, he said.
Khanchitthol said police found a note written in Thai and left near the cross, reading: "This is what the infidels deserve. The soldier dogs must meet this end."
"The victim was attacked and killed in such a grisly way because they knew he was a military informant. This is to terrify the people," Khanchitthol said.
About two hours later, two Buddhist fishmongers aged 20 and 61 were shot and then beheaded in another district of Narathiwat, police said.
The killings came after a month of spiralling violence in the region, which has seen more than 2,700 killed since separatist unrest erupted four years ago.
Thailand's southernmost provinces were an ethnic Malay sultanate until the Buddhist kingdom annexed it a century ago, provoking decades of tension.
Monitoring group Intellectual Deep South Watch said last week that November has been one of the most violent months this year.
Thailand's new army chief, General Anupong Paojinda, had announced last month that he was bolstering the 30,000 government forces in the region to try to clamp down on the violence.
The military has also requested massive spending increases to buy new weaponry, including a dozen fighter jets already ordered from Sweden, saying it needs the hardware to battle the insurgency.
But near-daily shootings, bombings and ambushes continue to hit southern Thailand despite the military crackdown, arrests and a raft of peace initiatives by the army-backed government.
Attacks have become increasingly brutal, with corpses sometimes mutilated or savagely stabbed. Corpses are often left in streets or other public areas where passersby find them.
The government also relies heavily on paramilitary forces like the one that the latest Muslim victim belonged to.
Many villages have lost any faith that the government can protect them and have begun to organise their own sectarian vigilante forces.
Rights groups and analysts have voiced alarm at the trend, saying such forces only increase tensions among communities and hamper efforts to make security forces more accountable.
Despite the rampant violence, few people have been prosecuted over the unrest.
In June, the government began raiding villages and making mass arrests, but courts last month ordered authorities to free 384 young men who had been held without charge in what the army said was a job training programme.
The army said it feared the men were susceptible to recruitment by separatists, but finally obeyed the court orders to free them on November 18.
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
மௌலானா பஜுலுல்லாவின் இடத்தை பாகிஸ்தான் துருப்புகள் கைப்பற்றின - 250 பலி
ஸ்வாத் பள்ளத்தாக்கிலிருந்துகொண்டு பாகிஸ்தானிய துருப்புகள் மீது புனிதப்போர் ஜிகாத் செய்யும் படி தனியே ரேடியோ நிலையம் வைத்துக்கொண்டு கூக்குரலிட்டுவந்த மௌலானா பஜுலுல்லாவின் இடத்தை பாகிஸ்தானிய துருப்புகள் கைப்பற்றின
கடந்த இரண்டு வாரங்களாக நடந்துவந்த போரில் 250க்கும் மேற்பட்ட இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகள் கொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளனர்
Pakistan troops seize radical cleric's base: officials
1 day ago
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AFP) — Pakistani troops Wednesday seized the base of a radical cleric in northwestern Swat valley where nearly two weeks of clashes have killed around 250 militants, officials said.
Swat, a top scenic tourist spot, had been partially overrun since July by followers of Maulana Fazlullah, an Islamic leader nicknamed "Mullah Radio" because he used a private FM station to call for holy war.
"Security forces entered the town of Imam Dheri which was the main base of Maulana Fazlullah," provincial government spokesman Amjad Iqbal told AFP.
The whereabouts of Fazlullah remain unknown. "He has gone underground," the official said.
The cleric had a huge complex under his control in Imam Dheri including a mosque and a madrassa, or Islamic seminary.
Prior to the recent clashes, some 200 armed followers used to guard the complex spread over an area of around two square kilometres (more than a mile).
The base, some eight kilometres from the valley's main town of Mingora, is located in the troubled Kabal district, where most towns have fallen to the government in the past two days.
Security sources in the area said the cleric's close aides have also fled, including his spokesman, Maulana Sirajuddin. They quoted residents as saying they were seen heading for the mountains.
President Pervez Musharraf, who cited the growing militancy as one of the reasons for declaring emergency rule on November 3, ordered the army to purge Swat of rebels after they had made sweeping gains since July.
Iqbal said security forces were in "complete control" of a large stretch of Kabal district after shelling suspected insurgent locations with artillery and mortar fire.
As the militants fled, people in a number of towns destroyed the fortified bunkers they left behind, Iqbal said, adding that authorities would Thursday extend a break in the curfew to allow residents time to demolish the remaining positions.
He said foreign militants were fighting alongside the Fazlullah loyalists. "The security forces recovered six bodies from Najia Top, they included two foreigners," Iqbal added, referring to the highest peak in Kabal district.
The army said one of the dead fighters was an Uzbek.
கடந்த இரண்டு வாரங்களாக நடந்துவந்த போரில் 250க்கும் மேற்பட்ட இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகள் கொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளனர்
Pakistan troops seize radical cleric's base: officials
1 day ago
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AFP) — Pakistani troops Wednesday seized the base of a radical cleric in northwestern Swat valley where nearly two weeks of clashes have killed around 250 militants, officials said.
Swat, a top scenic tourist spot, had been partially overrun since July by followers of Maulana Fazlullah, an Islamic leader nicknamed "Mullah Radio" because he used a private FM station to call for holy war.
"Security forces entered the town of Imam Dheri which was the main base of Maulana Fazlullah," provincial government spokesman Amjad Iqbal told AFP.
The whereabouts of Fazlullah remain unknown. "He has gone underground," the official said.
The cleric had a huge complex under his control in Imam Dheri including a mosque and a madrassa, or Islamic seminary.
Prior to the recent clashes, some 200 armed followers used to guard the complex spread over an area of around two square kilometres (more than a mile).
The base, some eight kilometres from the valley's main town of Mingora, is located in the troubled Kabal district, where most towns have fallen to the government in the past two days.
Security sources in the area said the cleric's close aides have also fled, including his spokesman, Maulana Sirajuddin. They quoted residents as saying they were seen heading for the mountains.
President Pervez Musharraf, who cited the growing militancy as one of the reasons for declaring emergency rule on November 3, ordered the army to purge Swat of rebels after they had made sweeping gains since July.
Iqbal said security forces were in "complete control" of a large stretch of Kabal district after shelling suspected insurgent locations with artillery and mortar fire.
As the militants fled, people in a number of towns destroyed the fortified bunkers they left behind, Iqbal said, adding that authorities would Thursday extend a break in the curfew to allow residents time to demolish the remaining positions.
He said foreign militants were fighting alongside the Fazlullah loyalists. "The security forces recovered six bodies from Najia Top, they included two foreigners," Iqbal added, referring to the highest peak in Kabal district.
The army said one of the dead fighters was an Uzbek.
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
சவுதி முட்டவா செய்த கொலைக்கு முட்டாவாவுக்கு தண்டனை கிடையாது
மது அருந்தியதற்காக ஒருவரை கைது செய்து முடாவா என்ற சவுதி அரேபிய மத கோட்பாடு போலீஸ் அடித்ததில் அந்த நபர் இறந்துவிட்டார்.
மனித உரிமை போராளிகள் வற்புறுத்தல் காரணமாக அந்த முட்டாவாக்கள் மீது வழக்கு தொடரப்பட்டது.
சவுதி அரேபிய நீதிமன்றம், அந்த முட்டாவாக்கள் அப்பாவிகள் என்று அவர்களை விடுதலை செய்துள்ளது.
Saudi religious policemen not found guilty of man's death
Front page / Society
11/29/2007 07:07 Source: AP ©
Two members of the religious police who had been charged with the death of a man in their custody, were found innocent, a Saudi court ruled.
The two religious police members were accused of killing Salman al-Aridi after arresting him in May because he allegedly had consumed alcohol (www.fullpassport.com)
Al-Watan newspaper reported that the judge presiding over the case said Wednesday that there was not sufficient evidence against the two religious police members to convict them.
The two religious police members were accused of killing Salman al-Aridi after arresting him in May because he allegedly had consumed alcohol.
"The investigation revealed that the deceased was hit by the foot on his head," the newspaper quoted the judge as saying, but adding that such a blow was not deadly.
A representative of the man's family told the paper that he would appeal the judge's decision within 30 days.
Wednesday's decision was the second in recent months in connection with the powerful force, long resented for intimidating people as it enforces Saudi Arabia's strict version of Islam.
In the first case, a Saudi court dropped charges against three members of the religious police and a regular police officer in connection with the death of a man, also in custody, shortly after his arrest in June. That man had been arrested for being alone with a woman not from his family.
The religious police work for the Commission for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice to enforce the kingdom's strict Islamic lifestyle. The police patrol public places to ensure women are covered and not wearing makeup. They also patrol to ensure that men and women don't mingle, that shops close five times a day for Muslim prayers and that men go to a mosque to worship.
மனித உரிமை போராளிகள் வற்புறுத்தல் காரணமாக அந்த முட்டாவாக்கள் மீது வழக்கு தொடரப்பட்டது.
சவுதி அரேபிய நீதிமன்றம், அந்த முட்டாவாக்கள் அப்பாவிகள் என்று அவர்களை விடுதலை செய்துள்ளது.
Saudi religious policemen not found guilty of man's death
Front page / Society
11/29/2007 07:07 Source: AP ©
Two members of the religious police who had been charged with the death of a man in their custody, were found innocent, a Saudi court ruled.
The two religious police members were accused of killing Salman al-Aridi after arresting him in May because he allegedly had consumed alcohol (www.fullpassport.com)
Al-Watan newspaper reported that the judge presiding over the case said Wednesday that there was not sufficient evidence against the two religious police members to convict them.
The two religious police members were accused of killing Salman al-Aridi after arresting him in May because he allegedly had consumed alcohol.
"The investigation revealed that the deceased was hit by the foot on his head," the newspaper quoted the judge as saying, but adding that such a blow was not deadly.
A representative of the man's family told the paper that he would appeal the judge's decision within 30 days.
Wednesday's decision was the second in recent months in connection with the powerful force, long resented for intimidating people as it enforces Saudi Arabia's strict version of Islam.
In the first case, a Saudi court dropped charges against three members of the religious police and a regular police officer in connection with the death of a man, also in custody, shortly after his arrest in June. That man had been arrested for being alone with a woman not from his family.
The religious police work for the Commission for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice to enforce the kingdom's strict Islamic lifestyle. The police patrol public places to ensure women are covered and not wearing makeup. They also patrol to ensure that men and women don't mingle, that shops close five times a day for Muslim prayers and that men go to a mosque to worship.
1865 இந்திய பெண்கள் அரபு எஜமானர்களால் துன்புறுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளனர்
பல்வேறு காரணங்களுக்காக 81000 இந்தியர்கள் வளைகுடா நாடுகளிலிருந்து வெளியேற்றப்பட்டுள்ளார்கள்.
இதில் 1865 இந்திய பெண்கள் தங்களது அரபு எஜமானர்கள் தங்களை துன்புறுத்தி உள்ளனர் என்று புகார் கொடுத்துள்ளனர்
எதிர்காலத்தில் இதே அரபுகள் இந்தியர்களிடம் வேலைக்கு கெஞ்சும்போது, அப்போது அரபுகள் இந்தியர்களால் நல்லமாதிரியாகவே நடத்தப்படுவார்கள்.
வரும் காலம் நற்காலம்.
Over 81,000 Indians deported from Gulf in ‘07
New Delhi, Nov 29: Over 81,000 Indians were deported from Gulf countries this year on various grounds, including non-possession of valid visas, resident permits and violation of local laws, government said on Thursday.
Majority of the Indian workers were deported from United Arab Emirates, followed by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, figures tabled in the Rajya Sabha by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs showed.
According to government, the UAE has deported or issued emergency certificates to 40,088 workers, while Saudi Arabia has taken action against 28,904 illegal migrants and Kuwait 8,234.
Other Middle-East countries who have deported Indian workers are Qatar (2,050), Bahrain (1,481) and Oman (1,086).
Giving the figures, Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi said Indian missions regularly take up the matter with local authorities for either regularising the stay of Indian workers or organising their smooth deportation.
"Further the complaints of ill treatment, harassment, breach of contracts received from Indian workers are also taken up by the missions with sponsors, labour department and police authorities," he said.
Indian missions in Gulf countries have received 1,865 complaints from female workers while the ministry has received 42 complaints regarding cheating, ill-treatment and non-payment or less payment of salary.
Majority of the complaints were from UAE (514), while the least reported from Oman (110).
For the protection and welfare of female workers, Ravi said, the ministry has decided not to grant emigration clearance certificates to women below 30 years if they are seeking job as housemaids in any foreign country.
"It has also been made mandatory that the work contracts of women household service workers will be duly attested by Indian missions before they are given emigration clearance," he said.
Other measures include providing counselling and round-the-clock helpline services to housemaids and organising quarterly open house meetings to hear their concerns, the minister told the Upper House.
"The Indian missions in the Gulf have also been asked to notify a minimum wage for women household service workers," he said.
Over 6,76,000 Indian workers, majority of them from Kerala and Tamil Nadu, have flown to Gulf countries last year in search of jobs.
Out of the 6,76,912 Indians who flew to various Middle-East countries, 6,51,893 are skilled workers, the ministry said.
To a separate question, Ravi said the Overseas Indian Affairs Ministry is launching a pre-departure orientation and skill upgradation programme for the benefit of emigrant workers.
"The proposed scheme envisages training of 1.6 lakh potential emigrants at a per capita cost of Rs 5,000 over a period of five years (2007-2012)," he added.
Bureau Report
இதில் 1865 இந்திய பெண்கள் தங்களது அரபு எஜமானர்கள் தங்களை துன்புறுத்தி உள்ளனர் என்று புகார் கொடுத்துள்ளனர்
எதிர்காலத்தில் இதே அரபுகள் இந்தியர்களிடம் வேலைக்கு கெஞ்சும்போது, அப்போது அரபுகள் இந்தியர்களால் நல்லமாதிரியாகவே நடத்தப்படுவார்கள்.
வரும் காலம் நற்காலம்.
Over 81,000 Indians deported from Gulf in ‘07
New Delhi, Nov 29: Over 81,000 Indians were deported from Gulf countries this year on various grounds, including non-possession of valid visas, resident permits and violation of local laws, government said on Thursday.
Majority of the Indian workers were deported from United Arab Emirates, followed by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, figures tabled in the Rajya Sabha by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs showed.
According to government, the UAE has deported or issued emergency certificates to 40,088 workers, while Saudi Arabia has taken action against 28,904 illegal migrants and Kuwait 8,234.
Other Middle-East countries who have deported Indian workers are Qatar (2,050), Bahrain (1,481) and Oman (1,086).
Giving the figures, Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi said Indian missions regularly take up the matter with local authorities for either regularising the stay of Indian workers or organising their smooth deportation.
"Further the complaints of ill treatment, harassment, breach of contracts received from Indian workers are also taken up by the missions with sponsors, labour department and police authorities," he said.
Indian missions in Gulf countries have received 1,865 complaints from female workers while the ministry has received 42 complaints regarding cheating, ill-treatment and non-payment or less payment of salary.
Majority of the complaints were from UAE (514), while the least reported from Oman (110).
For the protection and welfare of female workers, Ravi said, the ministry has decided not to grant emigration clearance certificates to women below 30 years if they are seeking job as housemaids in any foreign country.
"It has also been made mandatory that the work contracts of women household service workers will be duly attested by Indian missions before they are given emigration clearance," he said.
Other measures include providing counselling and round-the-clock helpline services to housemaids and organising quarterly open house meetings to hear their concerns, the minister told the Upper House.
"The Indian missions in the Gulf have also been asked to notify a minimum wage for women household service workers," he said.
Over 6,76,000 Indian workers, majority of them from Kerala and Tamil Nadu, have flown to Gulf countries last year in search of jobs.
Out of the 6,76,912 Indians who flew to various Middle-East countries, 6,51,893 are skilled workers, the ministry said.
To a separate question, Ravi said the Overseas Indian Affairs Ministry is launching a pre-departure orientation and skill upgradation programme for the benefit of emigrant workers.
"The proposed scheme envisages training of 1.6 lakh potential emigrants at a per capita cost of Rs 5,000 over a period of five years (2007-2012)," he added.
Bureau Report
மலேசிய அமைச்சர் கலைஞர் கருணாநிதியை அவமரியாதை!
மலேசிய தமிழ் இந்துக்களை மலேசிய அரசாங்கம் கடுமையாக ஒடுக்குவதை கண்டித்து கலைஞர் மு கருணாநிதி பாரதப்பிரதமர் மன்மோகன் சிங்குக்கு எழுதிய கடிதம் புயலை கிளப்பியுள்ளது
மலேசிய அமைச்சர் நாஸ்ரி அஜீஸ், மலேசிய தமிழர் விவகாரத்தில் கலைஞர் கருணாநிதி உள் நுழைந்தது தவறு, அவரது வேலையை கவனிக்க வேண்டும் என்று கடுமையாக பேசியுள்ளார்
Lay off, Malaysian minister tells Karunanidhi
Published on Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 12:58, Updated at Thu, Nov 29, 2007 in World section
New Delhi: Malayasia has reacted sharply to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Karunanidhi's appeal to the Prime Minister to intervene on behalf of that country's ethnic Tamils.
Malaysian Justice Minister Nazri Aziz has asked Karunanidhi to back off, saying the matter has got nothing to do with him.
"His place is in Tamil Nadu, not Malaysia. He should worry about his own state. His own state has got problems," news agency PTI quoted Nazri Aziz as saying.
He added that it had nothing to do with him and said he should, “lay off”.
Karunanidhi had on Tuesday written a letter to Prime Minister Manomhan Singh asking him to take "immediate and appropriate action on the sufferings and bad treatment of Tamils in Malaysia".
Scores of ethnic Tamils and others of Indian descent have been arrested and detained since last Sunday's 10,000 strong protest.
They were demonstrating against what they felt were the government's discriminatory employment practices.
Aziz also refused to apologise for calling Sunday’s protestors thugs. The organisers of that rally the Hindu Rights Action Force have denied allegations that the gathering was politically motivated or racist.
Earlier on Thursday the leader of the Hindu Rights Action Force Ganapathy Rao was arrested.
He and two others had organised and led Sunday's demonstration that drew more than 10,000 people. Ethnic Tamils form about 8 per cent of Malaysia's population and have long complained of limited employment opportunities.
மலேசிய அமைச்சர் நாஸ்ரி அஜீஸ், மலேசிய தமிழர் விவகாரத்தில் கலைஞர் கருணாநிதி உள் நுழைந்தது தவறு, அவரது வேலையை கவனிக்க வேண்டும் என்று கடுமையாக பேசியுள்ளார்
Lay off, Malaysian minister tells Karunanidhi
Published on Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 12:58, Updated at Thu, Nov 29, 2007 in World section
New Delhi: Malayasia has reacted sharply to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Karunanidhi's appeal to the Prime Minister to intervene on behalf of that country's ethnic Tamils.
Malaysian Justice Minister Nazri Aziz has asked Karunanidhi to back off, saying the matter has got nothing to do with him.
"His place is in Tamil Nadu, not Malaysia. He should worry about his own state. His own state has got problems," news agency PTI quoted Nazri Aziz as saying.
He added that it had nothing to do with him and said he should, “lay off”.
Karunanidhi had on Tuesday written a letter to Prime Minister Manomhan Singh asking him to take "immediate and appropriate action on the sufferings and bad treatment of Tamils in Malaysia".
Scores of ethnic Tamils and others of Indian descent have been arrested and detained since last Sunday's 10,000 strong protest.
They were demonstrating against what they felt were the government's discriminatory employment practices.
Aziz also refused to apologise for calling Sunday’s protestors thugs. The organisers of that rally the Hindu Rights Action Force have denied allegations that the gathering was politically motivated or racist.
Earlier on Thursday the leader of the Hindu Rights Action Force Ganapathy Rao was arrested.
He and two others had organised and led Sunday's demonstration that drew more than 10,000 people. Ethnic Tamils form about 8 per cent of Malaysia's population and have long complained of limited employment opportunities.
சாலை விபத்துக்களில் இறந்தவர்கள் இந்தியாவிலேயே தமிழ்நாட்டில்தான் மிக அதிகம்
சாலை விபத்துக்களில் இறந்தவர்கள் இந்தியாவிலேயே தமிழ்நாட்டில்தான் மிக அதிகம்
2005இல் மட்டும் தமிழ்நாட்டில் சாலைவிபத்துகளில் 13961 மக்கள் இறந்துள்ளனர். இதற்கு அடுத்தபடி ஆந்திரா (10,944), மஹாராஷ்டிரா (10,613), உத்தரபிரதேசம் (9,860) கர்னாடகா (6,876) ஆகிய்வை வருகின்றன
2005 stats show Tamil Nadu has highest accident deaths
26 Nov 2007, 0001 hrs IST,Vishwa Mohan,TNN
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NEW DELHI: Official figures say road accidents kill nearly 280 people every day in India. While Delhi tops amongst the metros, the National Crime Records Bureau statistics for 2005 show that among the states, Tamil Nadu had highest casualties (13,961), followed by Andhra Pradesh (10,944), Maharashtra (10,613), UP (9,860) and Karnataka (6,876). Tamil Nadu and Andhra together have, in fact, reported more than one-fourth of total road accident deaths in the country.
NCRB has data for 35 cities and though it merely compiles the figures received every year from states and Union Territories and does not go into causes, experts believe that the rising graph of road deaths, increasing steadily since 2001, is not only due to increase in number of vehicles but also because of poor quality of roads and blatant violation of traffic and driving rules.
The deaths on Indian roads, where annual road traffic growth rate is 7-10%, contributed to more than 8% of total deaths due to road accidents worldwide. According to UN figures, about 1,200,000 people die in road accidents every year. It was observed at the UN General Assembly two years ago that while the number of road deaths was decreasing in the west, they were rising in the developing world, in regions like the Indian sub-continent. Though in all states, the share of accidental deaths in cities and big towns is more than in rural areas, villagers invariably tend to be vulnerable along highways where buses and trucks emerge as major killers. Males, perhaps due to their sheer number on roads as well as behind the wheels, are more prone to accidental death on roads
2005இல் மட்டும் தமிழ்நாட்டில் சாலைவிபத்துகளில் 13961 மக்கள் இறந்துள்ளனர். இதற்கு அடுத்தபடி ஆந்திரா (10,944), மஹாராஷ்டிரா (10,613), உத்தரபிரதேசம் (9,860) கர்னாடகா (6,876) ஆகிய்வை வருகின்றன
2005 stats show Tamil Nadu has highest accident deaths
26 Nov 2007, 0001 hrs IST,Vishwa Mohan,TNN
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NEW DELHI: Official figures say road accidents kill nearly 280 people every day in India. While Delhi tops amongst the metros, the National Crime Records Bureau statistics for 2005 show that among the states, Tamil Nadu had highest casualties (13,961), followed by Andhra Pradesh (10,944), Maharashtra (10,613), UP (9,860) and Karnataka (6,876). Tamil Nadu and Andhra together have, in fact, reported more than one-fourth of total road accident deaths in the country.
NCRB has data for 35 cities and though it merely compiles the figures received every year from states and Union Territories and does not go into causes, experts believe that the rising graph of road deaths, increasing steadily since 2001, is not only due to increase in number of vehicles but also because of poor quality of roads and blatant violation of traffic and driving rules.
The deaths on Indian roads, where annual road traffic growth rate is 7-10%, contributed to more than 8% of total deaths due to road accidents worldwide. According to UN figures, about 1,200,000 people die in road accidents every year. It was observed at the UN General Assembly two years ago that while the number of road deaths was decreasing in the west, they were rising in the developing world, in regions like the Indian sub-continent. Though in all states, the share of accidental deaths in cities and big towns is more than in rural areas, villagers invariably tend to be vulnerable along highways where buses and trucks emerge as major killers. Males, perhaps due to their sheer number on roads as well as behind the wheels, are more prone to accidental death on roads
இமாம் மெஹ்தி சொன்னதால்தான் குடும்பத்தை கொன்றேன் - அப்பா வாக்குமூலம்
இமாம் மெஹ்தி என்ற இறுதி இறைதூதர் கனவில் வந்து சொன்னதால்தான் குடும்பத்தை கொன்றேன் என்று குவாய்தை சேர்ந்த ஒரு தந்தை வாக்குமூலம் கொடுத்துள்ளார்
இமாம் மெஹ்தியாவது ஒன்றாவது என்று கோர்ட் இவருக்கு தூக்கு தண்டனை விதித்துள்ளது.
Dad said Imam Mahdi ordered him to kill his family
Kuwait's 'dream killer' must hang: court
Kuwait's appeals court on Monday upheld a death sentence handed down against a Shiite Muslim who said he had been ordered in a dream to kill his wife and two children.
Dhaher al-Fadhli, 47, shot and killed his 38-year-old wife Badriya, his eldest son Waleed, 21, and 16-year-old daughter Baida in December 2004, claiming he was ordered to do so in a dream by Imam al-Mahdi, the "hidden imam" and a central figure in the Shiite faith.
Fadhli also shot at another daughter but missed. He then fled with three more daughters to the Gulf shore where he expected the imam to arrive to "bless" his deed.
The sentence must be now approved by the court of cassation, the emirate's highest court, before he is executed by hanging.
Fadhli, a "bidoon" or stateless Arab, worked as a computer engineer in the Kuwaiti army until 1999 when he was fired after being allegedly involved in a drug case.
Shiites believe that Imam al-Mahdi, a descendant of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and the 12th imam of Shiite Islam, will one day return to take charge of the world as its just leader.
இமாம் மெஹ்தியாவது ஒன்றாவது என்று கோர்ட் இவருக்கு தூக்கு தண்டனை விதித்துள்ளது.
Dad said Imam Mahdi ordered him to kill his family
Kuwait's 'dream killer' must hang: court
Kuwait's appeals court on Monday upheld a death sentence handed down against a Shiite Muslim who said he had been ordered in a dream to kill his wife and two children.
Dhaher al-Fadhli, 47, shot and killed his 38-year-old wife Badriya, his eldest son Waleed, 21, and 16-year-old daughter Baida in December 2004, claiming he was ordered to do so in a dream by Imam al-Mahdi, the "hidden imam" and a central figure in the Shiite faith.
Fadhli also shot at another daughter but missed. He then fled with three more daughters to the Gulf shore where he expected the imam to arrive to "bless" his deed.
The sentence must be now approved by the court of cassation, the emirate's highest court, before he is executed by hanging.
Fadhli, a "bidoon" or stateless Arab, worked as a computer engineer in the Kuwaiti army until 1999 when he was fired after being allegedly involved in a drug case.
Shiites believe that Imam al-Mahdi, a descendant of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and the 12th imam of Shiite Islam, will one day return to take charge of the world as its just leader.
இமாம் மெஹ்தி,
கேரளாவிலும் ஒரு நந்திகிராம்- முன்னாரிலிருந்து பழங்குடியினரை சிபிஎம் துரத்தல்
ஹிந்துஸ்தான் நியூஸ்பிரிண்ட் என்ற நிறுவனத்துக்காக கோதாவில் இறங்கிய சிபிஎம் குண்டர்கள், பழங்குடியினர்களை அவர்கள் வாழும் நிலங்களிலிருந்து துரத்தினர்.
CPI-M activists evict Kerala tribal families
Web posted at: 11/27/2007 0:54:59
Source ::: The Peninsula/ By John Mary
Thiruvananthapuram • In a Nadigram-style operation minus the violence, Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM) activists drove out tribal people from Government land atop the Munnar hills today, thwarting their move for a permanent settlement.
Tribal families, who had pitched tents on 1,500 acres allotted to Hindustan Newsprint for its captive plantation at Chinnakkanal, were caught unawares as the CPM cadres staged the takeover operation this morning. The activists, backed by local party reinforcements later in the day, tore down tents and put party flags, declaring the success of the operation.
Local people said tension prevailed in the area since tribal activists have threatened to recover the land and not to leave until the Government honored its commitment to distribute land to all landless Adivasi families in the State.
Tribal families, including children, had occupied the land under the banner of the Adivasi Punaradhivasa Samrakshana Samithy (tribal rehabilitation protection committee).
The provocation had come as the fallout of the deal struck between Chief Minister AK Antony and tribal leader C K Janu. At a grand function, Antony distributed title-deeds but only 540 families out of the 798 families got the land.
“They had waited for more than five years for the land. The Government had forced them to resort to direct action. They have run out of patience and there’s no question of returning without getting the land”, said tribal solidarity leader C P Shaji.
However, the local CPM leaders alleged that Congress and Communist Party of India had instigated the tribal people to occupy Government land so they could grab the land once the dust settled.
Tribal agitation has traversed a chequered course in Kerala. Janu had led many families on a 48-day sit-in in front of the Government Secretariat soon after Antony came to power in 2001.
The agitation ended with Antony agreeing to a seven-point demand, mainly five acres to each landless tribal family and a rehabilitation package to ensure that the land was not alienated.
However, the pact suffered a setback after Janu led a tribal band to the Muthanga wildlife sanctuary in the northern Wynad district two years later, leading to deaths a policeman and a tribal youth.
The most important fallout of agitations has been that both the Government and the tribal activists succeeded in shifting the focus of the nearly 50-year-old tribal struggle in Kerala from the issue of “restoration of alienated land” to one of “land for the landless tribal people”.
In April 1975, Kerala Assembly unanimously adopted the Kerala Scheduled Tribes (Restriction on Transfer of Lands and Restoration of Alienated Lands) Act, which sought to prevent the lands of the tribal people from falling into the hands of non-tribal people. The Act also sought to restore to the tribal people their previously alienated lands.
But that has remained mostly on paper.
CPI-M activists evict Kerala tribal families
Web posted at: 11/27/2007 0:54:59
Source ::: The Peninsula/ By John Mary
Thiruvananthapuram • In a Nadigram-style operation minus the violence, Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM) activists drove out tribal people from Government land atop the Munnar hills today, thwarting their move for a permanent settlement.
Tribal families, who had pitched tents on 1,500 acres allotted to Hindustan Newsprint for its captive plantation at Chinnakkanal, were caught unawares as the CPM cadres staged the takeover operation this morning. The activists, backed by local party reinforcements later in the day, tore down tents and put party flags, declaring the success of the operation.
Local people said tension prevailed in the area since tribal activists have threatened to recover the land and not to leave until the Government honored its commitment to distribute land to all landless Adivasi families in the State.
Tribal families, including children, had occupied the land under the banner of the Adivasi Punaradhivasa Samrakshana Samithy (tribal rehabilitation protection committee).
The provocation had come as the fallout of the deal struck between Chief Minister AK Antony and tribal leader C K Janu. At a grand function, Antony distributed title-deeds but only 540 families out of the 798 families got the land.
“They had waited for more than five years for the land. The Government had forced them to resort to direct action. They have run out of patience and there’s no question of returning without getting the land”, said tribal solidarity leader C P Shaji.
However, the local CPM leaders alleged that Congress and Communist Party of India had instigated the tribal people to occupy Government land so they could grab the land once the dust settled.
Tribal agitation has traversed a chequered course in Kerala. Janu had led many families on a 48-day sit-in in front of the Government Secretariat soon after Antony came to power in 2001.
The agitation ended with Antony agreeing to a seven-point demand, mainly five acres to each landless tribal family and a rehabilitation package to ensure that the land was not alienated.
However, the pact suffered a setback after Janu led a tribal band to the Muthanga wildlife sanctuary in the northern Wynad district two years later, leading to deaths a policeman and a tribal youth.
The most important fallout of agitations has been that both the Government and the tribal activists succeeded in shifting the focus of the nearly 50-year-old tribal struggle in Kerala from the issue of “restoration of alienated land” to one of “land for the landless tribal people”.
In April 1975, Kerala Assembly unanimously adopted the Kerala Scheduled Tribes (Restriction on Transfer of Lands and Restoration of Alienated Lands) Act, which sought to prevent the lands of the tribal people from falling into the hands of non-tribal people. The Act also sought to restore to the tribal people their previously alienated lands.
But that has remained mostly on paper.
கம்யூனிஸ பயங்கரவாதம்,
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
பிரான்ஸில் மீண்டும் முஸ்லீம்கள் கலவரம்
பிரான்ஸில் தொடர்ந்து முஸ்லீம்கள் கலவரங்களில் இறங்கி அங்குள்ள போலீஸாரையும் அப்பாவி பிரான்ஸ் மக்களையும் தொடர்ந்து தாக்கி வருகின்றனர்.
Youths riot for 3rd night outside Paris By NICOLAS GARRIGA, Associated Press Writer
Tue Nov 27, 6:54 PM ET
VILLIERS-LE-BEL, France - Youths rampaged for a third night in the tough suburbs north of Paris and violence spread to a southern city late Tuesday as police struggled to contain rioters who have burned cars and buildings and — in an ominous turn — shot at officers.
A senior police union official warned that "urban guerrillas" had joined the unrest, saying the violence was worse than during three weeks of rioting that raged around French cities in 2005, when firearms were rarely used.
Bands of young people set more cars on fire in and around Villiers-le-Bel, the Paris suburb where the latest trouble first erupted, and 18 people were detained, the regional government said. In the south, 10 cars and a library went up in flames in Toulouse, police said.
Despite the renewed violence, France's prime minister said the situation was calmer than the two previous nights.
The government was striving to keep violence from spreading in what was shaping up as a stern test for new President Nicolas Sarkozy. The unrest showed anger still smolders in France's poor neighborhoods, where many Arabs, blacks and other minorities live largely isolated from the rest of society.
The trigger was the deaths Sunday of two minority teens when their motorscooter collided with a police car in Villiers-le-Bel, a blue-collar town on Paris' northern edge.
Residents claimed the officers left without helping the teens. Prosecutor Marie-Therese de Givry denied that, saying police stayed on the scene until firefighters arrived.
Rioting and arson quickly erupted after the crash. The violence worsened Monday night as it spread from Villiers-le-Bel to other impoverished suburbs north of the French capital. Rioters burned a library, a nursery school and a car dealership and tried to set some buildings on fire by crashing burning cars into them.
Police reinforcements were moved into trouble spots north of Paris on Tuesday. Helicopters flew overhead, shining powerful spotlights into apartment buildings to keep people from leaving their homes.
"The situation is under control," said Denis Joubert, director of public safety for the region surrounding Villiers-le-Bel.
Prime Minister Francois Fillon, who was briefed by police in Villiers-le-Bel, said things were "much calmer than the previous two nights, but we feel that things are still fragile, and we need a large preventative force on the ground so that what happened last night does not happen again."
Patrice Ribeiro of the Synergie police union said rioters this time included "genuine urban guerrillas," saying the use of firearms — hunting shotguns so far — had added a dangerous dimension.
Police said 82 officers were injured Monday night, 10 of them by buckshot and pellets. Four were seriously wounded, the force said. Police unions said 30 officers were struck by buckshot.
One rioter with a shotgun "was firing off two shots, reloading in a stairwell, coming back out — boom, boom — and firing again," said Gilles Wiart, No. 2 official in the SGP-FO police union.
Youths, many of them Arab and black children of immigrants, again appeared to be lashing out at police and other targets seen to represent a French establishment they feel has left them behind.
"I don't think it's an ethnic problem," Wiart said. "Most of all it is youths who reject all state authority. They attack firefighters, everything that represents the state."
Suspicion of the police runs high among people in the drab housing project where the two teenagers died in the crash. The boys were identified in French media only by their first names, Lakhami, 16, and Mouhsin, 15.
There have long been tensions between France's largely white police force and the ethnic minorities trapped in poor neighborhoods.
Despite decades of problems and heavy state investments to improve housing and create jobs, the depressed projects that ring Paris are a world apart from the tourist attractions of the capital. Police speak of no-go zones where they and firefighters fear to patrol.
"The problem of bad relations between the police and minorities is underestimated," said criminologist Sebastian Roche.
Sarkozy, speaking from China, appealed for calm and called a security meeting with his Cabinet ministers for Wednesday on his return home.
Sarkozy was interior minister, in charge of police, during the riots of 2005 and took a hard line against the violence. He angered many in housing projects when he called delinquents there "scum."
The rioting youths "want Sarkozy — they want him to come and explain" what happened to the two teenage boys, said Linda Beddar, a 40-year-old mother of three in Villiers-le-Bel. Beddar woke Tuesday to find the library across from her house a burned-out shell.
The violence two years ago also started in the suburbs of northern Paris, when two teens were electrocuted in a power substation while hiding from police. The government is keen to keep the new violence from spreading.
In Villiers-le-Bel late Monday, arsonists set fire to the municipal library and burned books littered its floor Tuesday. Shops and businesses were also attacked, and more than 70 vehicles were torched, authorities said.
Rioters even rammed burning cars into buildings, trying to set the structures on fire, authorities said. Police reported six arrests.
Several hundred youths organized in small groups led the rioting in Villiers-le-Bel, and incidents were also reported in five other towns north of Paris, the regional government reported.
It refused to give specific figures on injuries among the police, rioters or other civilians, or the numbers of cars and buildings set on fire, saying it feared that doing so would encourage youths to try to wound more officers and destroy more property.
Associated Press writers Angela Charlton in Villiers-le-Bel and John Leicester in Paris contributed to this report.
Youths riot for 3rd night outside Paris By NICOLAS GARRIGA, Associated Press Writer
Tue Nov 27, 6:54 PM ET
VILLIERS-LE-BEL, France - Youths rampaged for a third night in the tough suburbs north of Paris and violence spread to a southern city late Tuesday as police struggled to contain rioters who have burned cars and buildings and — in an ominous turn — shot at officers.
A senior police union official warned that "urban guerrillas" had joined the unrest, saying the violence was worse than during three weeks of rioting that raged around French cities in 2005, when firearms were rarely used.
Bands of young people set more cars on fire in and around Villiers-le-Bel, the Paris suburb where the latest trouble first erupted, and 18 people were detained, the regional government said. In the south, 10 cars and a library went up in flames in Toulouse, police said.
Despite the renewed violence, France's prime minister said the situation was calmer than the two previous nights.
The government was striving to keep violence from spreading in what was shaping up as a stern test for new President Nicolas Sarkozy. The unrest showed anger still smolders in France's poor neighborhoods, where many Arabs, blacks and other minorities live largely isolated from the rest of society.
The trigger was the deaths Sunday of two minority teens when their motorscooter collided with a police car in Villiers-le-Bel, a blue-collar town on Paris' northern edge.
Residents claimed the officers left without helping the teens. Prosecutor Marie-Therese de Givry denied that, saying police stayed on the scene until firefighters arrived.
Rioting and arson quickly erupted after the crash. The violence worsened Monday night as it spread from Villiers-le-Bel to other impoverished suburbs north of the French capital. Rioters burned a library, a nursery school and a car dealership and tried to set some buildings on fire by crashing burning cars into them.
Police reinforcements were moved into trouble spots north of Paris on Tuesday. Helicopters flew overhead, shining powerful spotlights into apartment buildings to keep people from leaving their homes.
"The situation is under control," said Denis Joubert, director of public safety for the region surrounding Villiers-le-Bel.
Prime Minister Francois Fillon, who was briefed by police in Villiers-le-Bel, said things were "much calmer than the previous two nights, but we feel that things are still fragile, and we need a large preventative force on the ground so that what happened last night does not happen again."
Patrice Ribeiro of the Synergie police union said rioters this time included "genuine urban guerrillas," saying the use of firearms — hunting shotguns so far — had added a dangerous dimension.
Police said 82 officers were injured Monday night, 10 of them by buckshot and pellets. Four were seriously wounded, the force said. Police unions said 30 officers were struck by buckshot.
One rioter with a shotgun "was firing off two shots, reloading in a stairwell, coming back out — boom, boom — and firing again," said Gilles Wiart, No. 2 official in the SGP-FO police union.
Youths, many of them Arab and black children of immigrants, again appeared to be lashing out at police and other targets seen to represent a French establishment they feel has left them behind.
"I don't think it's an ethnic problem," Wiart said. "Most of all it is youths who reject all state authority. They attack firefighters, everything that represents the state."
Suspicion of the police runs high among people in the drab housing project where the two teenagers died in the crash. The boys were identified in French media only by their first names, Lakhami, 16, and Mouhsin, 15.
There have long been tensions between France's largely white police force and the ethnic minorities trapped in poor neighborhoods.
Despite decades of problems and heavy state investments to improve housing and create jobs, the depressed projects that ring Paris are a world apart from the tourist attractions of the capital. Police speak of no-go zones where they and firefighters fear to patrol.
"The problem of bad relations between the police and minorities is underestimated," said criminologist Sebastian Roche.
Sarkozy, speaking from China, appealed for calm and called a security meeting with his Cabinet ministers for Wednesday on his return home.
Sarkozy was interior minister, in charge of police, during the riots of 2005 and took a hard line against the violence. He angered many in housing projects when he called delinquents there "scum."
The rioting youths "want Sarkozy — they want him to come and explain" what happened to the two teenage boys, said Linda Beddar, a 40-year-old mother of three in Villiers-le-Bel. Beddar woke Tuesday to find the library across from her house a burned-out shell.
The violence two years ago also started in the suburbs of northern Paris, when two teens were electrocuted in a power substation while hiding from police. The government is keen to keep the new violence from spreading.
In Villiers-le-Bel late Monday, arsonists set fire to the municipal library and burned books littered its floor Tuesday. Shops and businesses were also attacked, and more than 70 vehicles were torched, authorities said.
Rioters even rammed burning cars into buildings, trying to set the structures on fire, authorities said. Police reported six arrests.
Several hundred youths organized in small groups led the rioting in Villiers-le-Bel, and incidents were also reported in five other towns north of Paris, the regional government reported.
It refused to give specific figures on injuries among the police, rioters or other civilians, or the numbers of cars and buildings set on fire, saying it feared that doing so would encourage youths to try to wound more officers and destroy more property.
Associated Press writers Angela Charlton in Villiers-le-Bel and John Leicester in Paris contributed to this report.
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
மலேசியா இந்துக்கள் பேரணியில் பங்குபெற்றதற்கு 80 தமிழர்கள் கைது
மலேசியா இந்துக்கள் பேரணியில் பங்குபெற்றதற்கு 80 தமிழர்கள் கைது செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளார்கள்.
கைது செய்யப்பட்ட தமிழர்களுக்கு குரல் கொடுக்க தமிழகத்து கட்சிகள் முன் வரவேண்டும்.
நசுக்கப்படும் இந்துக்களின் உரிமைகளை மீட்டெடுக்க கலைஞர் கருணாநிதி குரல் எழுப்பியது போன்று அனைத்து தமிழநாட்டு மக்களும்,கட்சியினரும் குரலெழுப்பவேண்டும்.
Scores charged over Hindu rally
Water cannons and tear gas were deployed by police
At least 80 ethnic Indians have been charged with illegal assembly in Malaysia, after a weekend of protests in the capital, Kuala Lumpur.
Activists appeared in several courts around the country to deny the charges, and many were freed on bail.
Thousands of Hindu activists took to the streets to protest at what they regard as decades of discrimination by the mainly Malay-Muslim government.
One of the rally's organisers vowed to continue fighting for Indian rights.
"People won't be deterred. They want to put their foot down," said P Uthayakumar.
"To me it is racially motivated. The public will have more hatred for the government."
Thiruchelven Rajoo, a 30-year-old electrician who was charged with illegal assembly, told the Associated Press he did not regret taking part in the rally.
"I am not worried because I am doing it for my rights. It is unfair to all Indians in Malaysia ... they treat us like dogs."
Compensation claim
Meanwhile, government lawyers are seeking to overturn a decision by the courts to free three of the protest's organisers, who were held on charges of sedition, state news agency Bernama reports.
Judges freed the men after prosecutors failed to provide a translation of their allegedly seditious comments, which had been made in Tamil.
The legal moves against the activists came the day after Malaysia's Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi raised the possibility of using strict security laws to clamp down on protesters.
Mr Abdullah said the Internal Security Act, which allows indefinite detention without trial, could be used.
The stated aim of Sunday's rally was to call on the British government to pay compensation to the descendants of ethnic Indians taken to Malaysia as indentured labourers in the 19th Century.
But the real goal of the demonstrators was to highlight perceived discrimination against ethnic Indians.
Activists say policies granting jobs and economic advantages to the ethnic Malay Muslim majority leave many Hindus in poverty.
கைது செய்யப்பட்ட தமிழர்களுக்கு குரல் கொடுக்க தமிழகத்து கட்சிகள் முன் வரவேண்டும்.
நசுக்கப்படும் இந்துக்களின் உரிமைகளை மீட்டெடுக்க கலைஞர் கருணாநிதி குரல் எழுப்பியது போன்று அனைத்து தமிழநாட்டு மக்களும்,கட்சியினரும் குரலெழுப்பவேண்டும்.
Scores charged over Hindu rally
Water cannons and tear gas were deployed by police
At least 80 ethnic Indians have been charged with illegal assembly in Malaysia, after a weekend of protests in the capital, Kuala Lumpur.
Activists appeared in several courts around the country to deny the charges, and many were freed on bail.
Thousands of Hindu activists took to the streets to protest at what they regard as decades of discrimination by the mainly Malay-Muslim government.
One of the rally's organisers vowed to continue fighting for Indian rights.
"People won't be deterred. They want to put their foot down," said P Uthayakumar.
"To me it is racially motivated. The public will have more hatred for the government."
Thiruchelven Rajoo, a 30-year-old electrician who was charged with illegal assembly, told the Associated Press he did not regret taking part in the rally.
"I am not worried because I am doing it for my rights. It is unfair to all Indians in Malaysia ... they treat us like dogs."
Compensation claim
Meanwhile, government lawyers are seeking to overturn a decision by the courts to free three of the protest's organisers, who were held on charges of sedition, state news agency Bernama reports.
Judges freed the men after prosecutors failed to provide a translation of their allegedly seditious comments, which had been made in Tamil.
The legal moves against the activists came the day after Malaysia's Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi raised the possibility of using strict security laws to clamp down on protesters.
Mr Abdullah said the Internal Security Act, which allows indefinite detention without trial, could be used.
The stated aim of Sunday's rally was to call on the British government to pay compensation to the descendants of ethnic Indians taken to Malaysia as indentured labourers in the 19th Century.
But the real goal of the demonstrators was to highlight perceived discrimination against ethnic Indians.
Activists say policies granting jobs and economic advantages to the ethnic Malay Muslim majority leave many Hindus in poverty.
இந்துக்கள் வாழ்வுரிமை,
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாத திட்டங்கள் முறியடிப்பு: 208 பயங்கரவாதிகள் சவுதி அரசாங்கத்தால் கைது
சவுதி அரேபிய அரசாங்கம். சவுதி அரேபியாவுக்குள்ளேயே போட்டுப்பார்க்க முனைந்த 208 இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகளை கைது செய்துள்ளது.
பொதுவாக பாகிஸ்தான் மட்டுமே பாகிஸ்தானுக்குள்ளெயே இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாத செயல்களில் ஈடுபடும் பயங்கரவாதிகளை கைது செய்து இந்தியாவுக்கு அனுப்பி வந்திருக்கிறது.
இப்போது சவுதி அரேபியாவும் இந்த பிரச்னையில் மாட்டுக்கொண்டுள்ளது போலிருக்கிறது.
Saudis: 208 arrested in different plots
By ABDULLAH SHIHRI, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 53 minutes ago
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - More than 200 al-Qaida-linked suspects involved in different plots against the kingdom have been arrested in recent months in Saudi Arabia's largest anti-terrorism sweep to date, the Interior Ministry said Wednesday.
The ministry first reported the arrest of eight men, said to be linked to al-Qaida and allegedly planning to attack oil installations in the kingdom.
An Interior Ministry statement, carried by the Saudi Press Agency, said the eight were part of a terrorist cell led by a non-Saudi man, who was one of those arrested. The planned attacks were to take place in the eastern region of the country, which is home to Saudi's main oil resources.
The arrest of the eight "pre-empted an imminent attack on an oil installation," the statement said without naming the target or providing more details.
The ministry also said 22 other suspects were arrested for allegedly supporting the al-Qaida terror network. This group plotted to assassinate the country's religious leaders and security officials, it said.
The ministry also gave the following breakdown of other arrests:
• 18 suspects, led by an alleged expert in launching missiles, were arrested separately. "They were planning to smuggle eight missiles into the kingdom to carry out terrorist operations," the ministry's said.
• 112 Saudis were arrested for links and "coordination with outside circles" to assist in smuggling men to troubled areas — shorthand for Iraq and Afghanistan — for training, after which they would be brought back for attacks in the kingdom.
• 32 men — both Saudis and non-Saudis — were arrested for providing financial aid to al-Qaida operations in the kingdom.
• 16 men were arrested in the holy city of Medina for colluding to issue a publication propagating "misleading ideology" and criminal acts. The group also worked on helping volunteers go fight in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The ministry said a total of 208 were arrested.
The statement gave no timeline on the arrests of the separate groups.
Saudi Arabia, which has a quarter of the world's proven oil reserves, has seen a rise in attacks by Islamist extremists over the last few years.
The kingdom, which is the birthplace of Osama bin Laden, has been waging a crackdown on al-Qaida militants since a wave of attacks on foreigners in the kingdom in 2003.
In February 2006, two suicide bombers attacked the oil facility at Abqaiq on the east coast, killing two security guards and wounding eight foreign workers in an incident later claimed by the Saudi branch of al-Qaida.
The previous large sweep by the Saudi authorities was announced in April, netting 172 militants, including pilots they say were trained for oil refinery attacks using civilian planes.
In August, Saudi Arabia said it was setting up a 35,000-strong special force to protect its oil facilities due to the increasing threats against al-Qaida.
Associated Press Writer Maamoun Youssef contributed to this report from Cairo, Egypt.
பொதுவாக பாகிஸ்தான் மட்டுமே பாகிஸ்தானுக்குள்ளெயே இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாத செயல்களில் ஈடுபடும் பயங்கரவாதிகளை கைது செய்து இந்தியாவுக்கு அனுப்பி வந்திருக்கிறது.
இப்போது சவுதி அரேபியாவும் இந்த பிரச்னையில் மாட்டுக்கொண்டுள்ளது போலிருக்கிறது.
Saudis: 208 arrested in different plots
By ABDULLAH SHIHRI, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 53 minutes ago
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - More than 200 al-Qaida-linked suspects involved in different plots against the kingdom have been arrested in recent months in Saudi Arabia's largest anti-terrorism sweep to date, the Interior Ministry said Wednesday.
The ministry first reported the arrest of eight men, said to be linked to al-Qaida and allegedly planning to attack oil installations in the kingdom.
An Interior Ministry statement, carried by the Saudi Press Agency, said the eight were part of a terrorist cell led by a non-Saudi man, who was one of those arrested. The planned attacks were to take place in the eastern region of the country, which is home to Saudi's main oil resources.
The arrest of the eight "pre-empted an imminent attack on an oil installation," the statement said without naming the target or providing more details.
The ministry also said 22 other suspects were arrested for allegedly supporting the al-Qaida terror network. This group plotted to assassinate the country's religious leaders and security officials, it said.
The ministry also gave the following breakdown of other arrests:
• 18 suspects, led by an alleged expert in launching missiles, were arrested separately. "They were planning to smuggle eight missiles into the kingdom to carry out terrorist operations," the ministry's said.
• 112 Saudis were arrested for links and "coordination with outside circles" to assist in smuggling men to troubled areas — shorthand for Iraq and Afghanistan — for training, after which they would be brought back for attacks in the kingdom.
• 32 men — both Saudis and non-Saudis — were arrested for providing financial aid to al-Qaida operations in the kingdom.
• 16 men were arrested in the holy city of Medina for colluding to issue a publication propagating "misleading ideology" and criminal acts. The group also worked on helping volunteers go fight in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The ministry said a total of 208 were arrested.
The statement gave no timeline on the arrests of the separate groups.
Saudi Arabia, which has a quarter of the world's proven oil reserves, has seen a rise in attacks by Islamist extremists over the last few years.
The kingdom, which is the birthplace of Osama bin Laden, has been waging a crackdown on al-Qaida militants since a wave of attacks on foreigners in the kingdom in 2003.
In February 2006, two suicide bombers attacked the oil facility at Abqaiq on the east coast, killing two security guards and wounding eight foreign workers in an incident later claimed by the Saudi branch of al-Qaida.
The previous large sweep by the Saudi authorities was announced in April, netting 172 militants, including pilots they say were trained for oil refinery attacks using civilian planes.
In August, Saudi Arabia said it was setting up a 35,000-strong special force to protect its oil facilities due to the increasing threats against al-Qaida.
Associated Press Writer Maamoun Youssef contributed to this report from Cairo, Egypt.
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
சவுதி அரேபியா
வயாகரா, ஆபாச சிடிகள் கடத்தும் ஹஜ் யாத்ரீகர்கள்!
பங்களாதேஷ் விமான போலீஸார் ஆயிரக்கணக்கான வயகரா மாத்திரைகள், 50000க்கும் மேற்பட்ட ஆபாச சிடிகளை ஹஜ் யாத்ரீகர்களிடமிருந்து கைப்பற்றியுள்ளார்கள்.
Haj pilgrims caught with huge cache of Viagra, porn
Published on Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 15:46, Updated at Wed, Nov 28, 2007 in World
Dhaka: Customs officials at the Zia International Airport have seized large quantities of Viagra, other banned drugs, pornographic material and precious stones that Haj pilgrims were trying to smuggle out of the country.
Reports of seizures and arrests have come even as authorities are struggling to send the pilgrims on the journey to Saudi Arabia amidst chaos caused by disruption of flight schedules of the ailing national carrier Bangladesh Biman International.
Long delays have led to angry demonstrations by the pilgrims, media reports said.
A joint task force of customs and the Bangladesh Air Force seized over 5,000 Viagra and Munish pills, prescription drugs used for treating male impotence, from the luggage of a Haj pilgrim on Nov 22. More than 6,000 precious stones were seized Tuesday from the luggage of another pilgrim, the Daily Star reported Wednesday.
In two separate drives Tuesday, the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) seized illegal drugs worth about $320,000 and 50,000 CDs with pornographic movies.
Humayun Kabir, additional commissioner of customs at the international airport, said during luggage scanning the joint task force discovered large quantities of banned pharmaceutical drugs and 47 cans of zarda (chewing tobacco) inside the luggage of a man called Shahdur Rahman at a camp where pilgrims are housed before making the journey.
Rahman, however, managed to leave for Jeddah. The customs commissioner said he had asked the immigration officials here to arrest him on his return.
Humayun said they found the precious gems while scanning the luggage of another pilgrim, Ali Azam. The luggage had 696 rings studded with precious stones and 5,968 other gems hidden inside.
During interrogation, Azam confessed to smuggling out gems while in the guise of a pilgrim for the last four years.
Haj pilgrims caught with huge cache of Viagra, porn
Published on Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 15:46, Updated at Wed, Nov 28, 2007 in World
Dhaka: Customs officials at the Zia International Airport have seized large quantities of Viagra, other banned drugs, pornographic material and precious stones that Haj pilgrims were trying to smuggle out of the country.
Reports of seizures and arrests have come even as authorities are struggling to send the pilgrims on the journey to Saudi Arabia amidst chaos caused by disruption of flight schedules of the ailing national carrier Bangladesh Biman International.
Long delays have led to angry demonstrations by the pilgrims, media reports said.
A joint task force of customs and the Bangladesh Air Force seized over 5,000 Viagra and Munish pills, prescription drugs used for treating male impotence, from the luggage of a Haj pilgrim on Nov 22. More than 6,000 precious stones were seized Tuesday from the luggage of another pilgrim, the Daily Star reported Wednesday.
In two separate drives Tuesday, the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) seized illegal drugs worth about $320,000 and 50,000 CDs with pornographic movies.
Humayun Kabir, additional commissioner of customs at the international airport, said during luggage scanning the joint task force discovered large quantities of banned pharmaceutical drugs and 47 cans of zarda (chewing tobacco) inside the luggage of a man called Shahdur Rahman at a camp where pilgrims are housed before making the journey.
Rahman, however, managed to leave for Jeddah. The customs commissioner said he had asked the immigration officials here to arrest him on his return.
Humayun said they found the precious gems while scanning the luggage of another pilgrim, Ali Azam. The luggage had 696 rings studded with precious stones and 5,968 other gems hidden inside.
During interrogation, Azam confessed to smuggling out gems while in the guise of a pilgrim for the last four years.
போலந்து: அல்டர் சிறுவனை கற்பழித்த கத்தோலிக்க பாதிரியாருக்கு தண்டனை
போலந்து: அல்டர் பாய் என்னும் சர்ச்சில் பாட்டுப்பாடும் சிறுவனை கற்பழித்த கத்தோலிக்க பாதிரியாருக்கு தண்டனை கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
Priest sentenced for molesting altar boy
27.11.2007 15:26
The District Court in Czluchow, north-central Poland has sentenced Piotr T., former parson of a parish near Czluchow, to four years in prison for molesting an altar boy and two other minors and giving them drugs.
“Additionally, the priest has also been banned from contacting the molested teenager for the next four years”, informed the spokeswoman for the District Court in Slupsk, judge Danuta Jastrzebska, quoted by “Rzeczpospolita”.
The trial of the 38-year old priest started in March this year. For the sake of the three teenagers involved, the hearings were held behind closed doors.
The indictment included nine charges, among them rape, paedophilia, providing minors with drugs and alcohol, instigating them to committing suicide as well as embezzlement of over 27,000 zlotys from the parish funds.
Prosecutors did not mange to prove the priest guilty of all charges. As judge Jastrzebska informed he was cleared of the rape and embezzlement charges.
The suicide charge will be investigated in a separate trial
Priest sentenced for molesting altar boy
27.11.2007 15:26
The District Court in Czluchow, north-central Poland has sentenced Piotr T., former parson of a parish near Czluchow, to four years in prison for molesting an altar boy and two other minors and giving them drugs.
“Additionally, the priest has also been banned from contacting the molested teenager for the next four years”, informed the spokeswoman for the District Court in Slupsk, judge Danuta Jastrzebska, quoted by “Rzeczpospolita”.
The trial of the 38-year old priest started in March this year. For the sake of the three teenagers involved, the hearings were held behind closed doors.
The indictment included nine charges, among them rape, paedophilia, providing minors with drugs and alcohol, instigating them to committing suicide as well as embezzlement of over 27,000 zlotys from the parish funds.
Prosecutors did not mange to prove the priest guilty of all charges. As judge Jastrzebska informed he was cleared of the rape and embezzlement charges.
The suicide charge will be investigated in a separate trial
சவுதி அரேபியா: ஷம்மார் ஜாதிப்பெண்ணின் குழந்தை அவரிடமிருந்து பறிமுதல்
ஷம்மார் ஜாதியை சேர்ந்த ஷௌக் அல்ஷம்மாரி என்பவரை அவரது கணவரின் குடும்பம் சித்திரவதை செய்து அவரின் குழந்தையை அவரிடமிருந்து பிரித்து எடுத்து சென்றுவிட்டது என்று இவர் மனித உரிமை கழகத்திடம் புகார் செய்துள்ளார்.
ஷம்மார் ஜாதியின் ஷேக்குகளில் ஒருவரான ஷேக் மக்லஃப் பின் தாம் அல்ஷம்மாரி என்பவர் சவுதி அரேபிய மனித உரிமை போராளியாக இருக்கிறார். அவரது மகளே இந்த பெண்.
இவர் மனித உரிமை போராளியாக இருப்பதாலும், இவர் ஷியா ஷேக்குகளுடன் நட்புறவோடு இருப்பதாலும் இவரும் இவரது குடும்பத்தினரும் சவுதி அரேபிய நீதித்துறையாலும் போலீஸாலும் தாக்கப்படுகிறார்கள்.
Urgent Call for Help from a Saudi Mother: Saudi Police and Wahhabi Judges deny her Maternal Rights
By: Aafaq.org
Published : 27/11/2007 12:09 PM
(Dammam -Aafaq – Special) - A young Saudi woman is appealing for assistance in having her infant child restored to her. In a letter she sent to Aafaq, Shouk Alshammary, said that her life and the life of her infant daughter are in jeopardy, and has asked that her message and appeal be delivered to human rights organizations and defenders of women, motherhood and children, in all quarters of the world, and of all religious faiths. [Full Story in Arabic]
She is the daughter of Saudi human rights activist Sheikh Mekhlef bin Daham Alshammary, one of the sheikhs of the Shammar tribe. In her letter to Aafaq she recounts how she was mistreated by her husband and his family. They deprived her of her two-month old infant daughter; they beat and tortured her, with knives and electricity, and by deprivation of food, drink and health care, to prevent her from disclosing information she had about the killing of a woman in which members of her husband's family were involved. They forced her to sign and stamp documents that she had not read with the prints of her hands.
When she sought relief, and the return of her infant in the court of the city of Hafr Al-Batin, she found that she was the victim of conspiracies among judges of the court, who were spiteful toward her father, Sheikh Mekhlef, because of his association with Shi'ite clerics. And her husband, contesting the return of the infant, subjected her father to sectarian and ethnic slurs and insults in the presence of the judge. She wrote in the letter, "I was expelled from the court because my father appeared in a picture with a Shi'ite citizen, and therefore they were spiteful toward me and took revenge on me, and expelled me and I lost my nerves and attempted suicide." After she was expelled from the court in great mental distress, she writes, the Hafr Al-Batin police and her husband's family connived in untruthfully accusing her of trying to attack the police department, causing her to be imprisoned by the judges for 50 days, until her innocence was established and she was released.
She still has not had her infant daughter returned to her, and the case has been appealed to the Appellate Court in Riyadh. She fears for her own physical and mental health, and the health f her infant. "I am still suffering the effects of torture and beatings ... If I do not die of this I will kill myself out of sorrow for my infant. Are these sheikhs of religion applying Islam with me – no, by God they are torturing me out of their hatred for my father."
Shouk Alshammary concludes her letter with the plea, "Can I find someone in this earth who can help me? You who call for mercy and compassion among Muslims ... Will one of the human rights organizations help me? I feel that I will die, I and my infant, the result of this torture that we have been subjected to, and if we die, it will be a black mark and scar on the whole of humanity, and on human rights and Muslim and Christian and Jewish rights organizations."
ஷம்மார் ஜாதியின் ஷேக்குகளில் ஒருவரான ஷேக் மக்லஃப் பின் தாம் அல்ஷம்மாரி என்பவர் சவுதி அரேபிய மனித உரிமை போராளியாக இருக்கிறார். அவரது மகளே இந்த பெண்.
இவர் மனித உரிமை போராளியாக இருப்பதாலும், இவர் ஷியா ஷேக்குகளுடன் நட்புறவோடு இருப்பதாலும் இவரும் இவரது குடும்பத்தினரும் சவுதி அரேபிய நீதித்துறையாலும் போலீஸாலும் தாக்கப்படுகிறார்கள்.
Urgent Call for Help from a Saudi Mother: Saudi Police and Wahhabi Judges deny her Maternal Rights
By: Aafaq.org
Published : 27/11/2007 12:09 PM
இவர்தான் Shouk Alshammary
(Dammam -Aafaq – Special) - A young Saudi woman is appealing for assistance in having her infant child restored to her. In a letter she sent to Aafaq, Shouk Alshammary, said that her life and the life of her infant daughter are in jeopardy, and has asked that her message and appeal be delivered to human rights organizations and defenders of women, motherhood and children, in all quarters of the world, and of all religious faiths. [Full Story in Arabic]
She is the daughter of Saudi human rights activist Sheikh Mekhlef bin Daham Alshammary, one of the sheikhs of the Shammar tribe. In her letter to Aafaq she recounts how she was mistreated by her husband and his family. They deprived her of her two-month old infant daughter; they beat and tortured her, with knives and electricity, and by deprivation of food, drink and health care, to prevent her from disclosing information she had about the killing of a woman in which members of her husband's family were involved. They forced her to sign and stamp documents that she had not read with the prints of her hands.
When she sought relief, and the return of her infant in the court of the city of Hafr Al-Batin, she found that she was the victim of conspiracies among judges of the court, who were spiteful toward her father, Sheikh Mekhlef, because of his association with Shi'ite clerics. And her husband, contesting the return of the infant, subjected her father to sectarian and ethnic slurs and insults in the presence of the judge. She wrote in the letter, "I was expelled from the court because my father appeared in a picture with a Shi'ite citizen, and therefore they were spiteful toward me and took revenge on me, and expelled me and I lost my nerves and attempted suicide." After she was expelled from the court in great mental distress, she writes, the Hafr Al-Batin police and her husband's family connived in untruthfully accusing her of trying to attack the police department, causing her to be imprisoned by the judges for 50 days, until her innocence was established and she was released.
She still has not had her infant daughter returned to her, and the case has been appealed to the Appellate Court in Riyadh. She fears for her own physical and mental health, and the health f her infant. "I am still suffering the effects of torture and beatings ... If I do not die of this I will kill myself out of sorrow for my infant. Are these sheikhs of religion applying Islam with me – no, by God they are torturing me out of their hatred for my father."
Shouk Alshammary concludes her letter with the plea, "Can I find someone in this earth who can help me? You who call for mercy and compassion among Muslims ... Will one of the human rights organizations help me? I feel that I will die, I and my infant, the result of this torture that we have been subjected to, and if we die, it will be a black mark and scar on the whole of humanity, and on human rights and Muslim and Christian and Jewish rights organizations."
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
சவுதி அரேபியா
கனடா கால்கரி: பர்தா போட்டுகொண்டுதான் புட்பால்
பெற்றோர் வற்புறுத்தலால், பர்தா போட்டுக்கொண்டு புட்பால் விளையாட பெண் வற்புறுத்துகிறார்.
இது மற்ற விளையாட்டு வீரர்களுக்கு ஆபத்தானது என்று கோச் மறுக்கிறார்.
இவ்வாறு கோச் மறுப்பது தவறு அவர் மன்னிப்பு கேட்கவேண்டும் என்று பர்தாபெண்ணின் பெற்றோர் வற்புறுத்துகிறார்கள்.
Soccer player's hijab sparks ejection
Referee sends Calgary teen off the field
Sean Myers, Calgary Herald
Published: Monday, November 26, 2007
The family of a 14-year-old girl is demanding an apology from a referee who refused to allow her to play indoor soccer while wearing a religious headscarf.
But the head of referee development for Alberta's governing soccer body says wearing hijabs can pose a threat to player safety.
Safaa Menhem arrived late in the first half of her game with the Chinook Phantom under-16 girls team at the Calgary Soccer Centre on Saturday. After her first shift in the game, the referee told the coach she couldn't play if she wore her hijab.
The Calgary girl said Sunday she couldn't understand why she was not allowed to play.
"I was very embarrassed," she said. "I felt very hurt. I was confused because I've been playing for five seasons and nothing like this has ever happened."
At halftime, the rest of the team -- with the support of parents in the stands -- threatened to forfeit the game in protest, but Safaa urged them to continue playing.
"She walked off the field with her head down in tears thinking she'd done something wrong, which she hadn't," said her eldest brother, Hekmet Menhem, 27, who may face disciplinary action for confronting the referee on the field.
"The look I saw on her face when she came off killed me. That's when I snapped."
Assistant coach Andre Giesbers was behind the bench while the head coach was out of town taking in the Grey Cup.
He said Safaa has played five games this season without incident.
"The ref said it was for safety reasons," said Giesbers. "He told me we could get a letter from Calgary Minor Soccer allowing her to play. So I asked him to let her finish the game and we would get the letter for next week's game, but he wasn't flexible. He said, 'I made the call.'
"She's been playing since the beginning of the year without any problems. We need to get this fixed so she plays next week with her headscarf on."
In February, a girls soccer team made up of Grade 6 students from Nepean, Ont., forfeited a tournament in Laval, Que., when one of the players was ordered by a referee to remove her hijab. Four other teams from Ottawa also forfeited their games in protest.
The referee's decision was upheld by the Quebec soccer federation.
Two years ago, a Calgary Sikh teenager was ejected from a tournament in Langley, B.C., for refusing to take off his patka, a type of headscarf that sits on top of the head.
In that case, the B.C. Soccer Association ruled that the referee was in error and that players are free to wear religious headgear such as turbans.
Gary Roy, the referee development officer with the Alberta Soccer Association, said he supports the decision the Calgary referee made on Saturday.
"This is definitely not about religion, far from it. It's about safety," said Roy. "And it's not a discretionary call. Referees are specifically trained in what is permitted and what is not permitted."
Roy noted that the Canadian Soccer Association upheld the Quebec decision and the international governing body, FIFA, has ruled that no headgear is permitted to be worn during games.
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இது மற்ற விளையாட்டு வீரர்களுக்கு ஆபத்தானது என்று கோச் மறுக்கிறார்.
இவ்வாறு கோச் மறுப்பது தவறு அவர் மன்னிப்பு கேட்கவேண்டும் என்று பர்தாபெண்ணின் பெற்றோர் வற்புறுத்துகிறார்கள்.
Soccer player's hijab sparks ejection
Referee sends Calgary teen off the field
Sean Myers, Calgary Herald
Published: Monday, November 26, 2007
The family of a 14-year-old girl is demanding an apology from a referee who refused to allow her to play indoor soccer while wearing a religious headscarf.
But the head of referee development for Alberta's governing soccer body says wearing hijabs can pose a threat to player safety.
Safaa Menhem arrived late in the first half of her game with the Chinook Phantom under-16 girls team at the Calgary Soccer Centre on Saturday. After her first shift in the game, the referee told the coach she couldn't play if she wore her hijab.
The Calgary girl said Sunday she couldn't understand why she was not allowed to play.
"I was very embarrassed," she said. "I felt very hurt. I was confused because I've been playing for five seasons and nothing like this has ever happened."
At halftime, the rest of the team -- with the support of parents in the stands -- threatened to forfeit the game in protest, but Safaa urged them to continue playing.
"She walked off the field with her head down in tears thinking she'd done something wrong, which she hadn't," said her eldest brother, Hekmet Menhem, 27, who may face disciplinary action for confronting the referee on the field.
"The look I saw on her face when she came off killed me. That's when I snapped."
Assistant coach Andre Giesbers was behind the bench while the head coach was out of town taking in the Grey Cup.
He said Safaa has played five games this season without incident.
"The ref said it was for safety reasons," said Giesbers. "He told me we could get a letter from Calgary Minor Soccer allowing her to play. So I asked him to let her finish the game and we would get the letter for next week's game, but he wasn't flexible. He said, 'I made the call.'
"She's been playing since the beginning of the year without any problems. We need to get this fixed so she plays next week with her headscarf on."
In February, a girls soccer team made up of Grade 6 students from Nepean, Ont., forfeited a tournament in Laval, Que., when one of the players was ordered by a referee to remove her hijab. Four other teams from Ottawa also forfeited their games in protest.
The referee's decision was upheld by the Quebec soccer federation.
Two years ago, a Calgary Sikh teenager was ejected from a tournament in Langley, B.C., for refusing to take off his patka, a type of headscarf that sits on top of the head.
In that case, the B.C. Soccer Association ruled that the referee was in error and that players are free to wear religious headgear such as turbans.
Gary Roy, the referee development officer with the Alberta Soccer Association, said he supports the decision the Calgary referee made on Saturday.
"This is definitely not about religion, far from it. It's about safety," said Roy. "And it's not a discretionary call. Referees are specifically trained in what is permitted and what is not permitted."
Roy noted that the Canadian Soccer Association upheld the Quebec decision and the international governing body, FIFA, has ruled that no headgear is permitted to be worn during games.
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சவுதி அரேபியா: 1500 இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகள் விடுதலை
தக்பீர் என்ற கொள்கை (என்றால் என்ன?) உடைய 1500 இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகளை சவுதி அரசாங்கம் விடுதலை செய்துள்ளது.
இஸ்லாமியரல்லாதவர்கள் அனைவரையும் எந்த விதமான குற்ற உணர்வும் இல்லாமல் கொல்லலாம் என்று போதிக்கப்பட்டு மூளைச்சலவை செய்த இந்த இளைஞர்களை பல மாதங்கள் முயன்று திருத்திவிட்டதாக சவுதி அரசாங்கம் கூறுகிறது.
Over 1,500 Extremists Freed After Repenting
Arab News
RIYADH, 26 November 2007 — Saudi authorities have released more than 1,500 reformed extremists, who were detained on charges of embracing and spreading takfeer (the ideology that brands other Muslims who disagree with them as infidels).
The extremists, under the guidance of the Ministry of Interior, had undergone lengthy counseling, according to Muhammad Al-Nujaimi, a member of the Counseling Committee and professor of comparative jurisprudence at the King Fahd Security College.
Al-Nujaimi told Al-Watan newspaper that the Counseling Committee, which is the brainchild of Prince Muhammad ibn Naif, assistant minister of interior for security affairs, was established in 2004 with the approval of Interior Minister Prince Naif. The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Call and Guidance jointly supervise activities of the committee comprising 100 members. Members include religious scholars, preachers, specialists in religious doctrine and law, psychologists and social workers.
The committee is tasked with the duty of reforming youths in an intellectual and rational manner on the basis of Shariah. “The committee has met around 5,000 times to offer counseling to 3,200 people, who were accused of embracing the takfeer ideology. The committee has successfully completed reforming 1,500 people,” Al-Nujaimi said.
The suspects were largely confused about the meaning of jihad, which led to their believing in committing blind violence. They also viewed that the present Muslim rulers, scholars and public were infidels, and therefore demanded the establishment of a single Islamic state, said Al-Nujaimi.
“After several graded sessions with the committee, and having been convinced of their misguided vision, they renounced their erroneous ideologies, including the concept of driving out all infidels from the Arabian Peninsula,” he said.
The committee first evaluates the personality and the ideological crisis suffered by the suspect, and then decides on how to clean his mind of the mistaken impressions, said Al-Nujaimi.
The committee in the later stages of counseling holds several sessions on the concept of obedience to a ruler, loyalty, conditions for baiat (declaration of allegiance to a ruler) and the mistaken concept of murder and violence without guilt.
இஸ்லாமியரல்லாதவர்கள் அனைவரையும் எந்த விதமான குற்ற உணர்வும் இல்லாமல் கொல்லலாம் என்று போதிக்கப்பட்டு மூளைச்சலவை செய்த இந்த இளைஞர்களை பல மாதங்கள் முயன்று திருத்திவிட்டதாக சவுதி அரசாங்கம் கூறுகிறது.
Over 1,500 Extremists Freed After Repenting
Arab News
RIYADH, 26 November 2007 — Saudi authorities have released more than 1,500 reformed extremists, who were detained on charges of embracing and spreading takfeer (the ideology that brands other Muslims who disagree with them as infidels).
The extremists, under the guidance of the Ministry of Interior, had undergone lengthy counseling, according to Muhammad Al-Nujaimi, a member of the Counseling Committee and professor of comparative jurisprudence at the King Fahd Security College.
Al-Nujaimi told Al-Watan newspaper that the Counseling Committee, which is the brainchild of Prince Muhammad ibn Naif, assistant minister of interior for security affairs, was established in 2004 with the approval of Interior Minister Prince Naif. The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Call and Guidance jointly supervise activities of the committee comprising 100 members. Members include religious scholars, preachers, specialists in religious doctrine and law, psychologists and social workers.
The committee is tasked with the duty of reforming youths in an intellectual and rational manner on the basis of Shariah. “The committee has met around 5,000 times to offer counseling to 3,200 people, who were accused of embracing the takfeer ideology. The committee has successfully completed reforming 1,500 people,” Al-Nujaimi said.
The suspects were largely confused about the meaning of jihad, which led to their believing in committing blind violence. They also viewed that the present Muslim rulers, scholars and public were infidels, and therefore demanded the establishment of a single Islamic state, said Al-Nujaimi.
“After several graded sessions with the committee, and having been convinced of their misguided vision, they renounced their erroneous ideologies, including the concept of driving out all infidels from the Arabian Peninsula,” he said.
The committee first evaluates the personality and the ideological crisis suffered by the suspect, and then decides on how to clean his mind of the mistaken impressions, said Al-Nujaimi.
The committee in the later stages of counseling holds several sessions on the concept of obedience to a ruler, loyalty, conditions for baiat (declaration of allegiance to a ruler) and the mistaken concept of murder and violence without guilt.
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
சவுதி அரேபியா
மலேசிய இந்துக்களுக்கு ஆதரவாக கலைஞர் கருணாநிதி போர்க்குரல்
இந்துக்கோவில்களை உடைத்தும், இந்துக்களின் உரிமைகளை மிதித்தும், இந்துக்களை பிச்சைக்காரர்களிலும் கேவலமாக நடத்திய மலேசிய அரசை எதிர்த்தும், இந்துக்களின் வாழ்வுரிமைக்கு ஆதரவாகவும், கலைஞர் மு கருணாநிதி போர்க்குரல் கொடுத்திருக்கிறார்.
உடனே இந்திய மத்திய அரசு தலையிட்டு மலேசிய அரசு, இந்துக்களுக்கு உதவவேண்டும் என்று பிரதமர் மன்மோகன் சிங்குக்கு கடிதம் எழுதியுள்ளார்
Karunanidhi writes to Manmohan
Special Correspondent
Seeks action to end “sufferings and bad treatment” of Tamils in Malaysia
CHENNAI: Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi on Tuesday urged the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to take immediate and appropriate action on the “sufferings and bad treatment” of Tamils in Malaysia.
Referring to the police action against the Tamils, who organised a rally in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday to protest against the “marginalisation” of the ethnic Indian minority in the South-East Asian nation, Mr. Karunanidhi said the Tamils constituted the largest percentage of the Indian community.
The protesters, who carried pictures of Mahatma Gandhi, demanded equal rights. The Malaysian police had used water cannons and tear gas to “crush the demonstration” and disperse the rally. Mr. Karunanidhi said the people of the State were disturbed over the happenings in Kuala Lumpur. He conveyed their concern over the treatment being meted out to the Tamils living in Malaysia for a very long period of time.
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உடனே இந்திய மத்திய அரசு தலையிட்டு மலேசிய அரசு, இந்துக்களுக்கு உதவவேண்டும் என்று பிரதமர் மன்மோகன் சிங்குக்கு கடிதம் எழுதியுள்ளார்
Karunanidhi writes to Manmohan
Special Correspondent
Seeks action to end “sufferings and bad treatment” of Tamils in Malaysia
CHENNAI: Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi on Tuesday urged the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to take immediate and appropriate action on the “sufferings and bad treatment” of Tamils in Malaysia.
Referring to the police action against the Tamils, who organised a rally in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday to protest against the “marginalisation” of the ethnic Indian minority in the South-East Asian nation, Mr. Karunanidhi said the Tamils constituted the largest percentage of the Indian community.
The protesters, who carried pictures of Mahatma Gandhi, demanded equal rights. The Malaysian police had used water cannons and tear gas to “crush the demonstration” and disperse the rally. Mr. Karunanidhi said the people of the State were disturbed over the happenings in Kuala Lumpur. He conveyed their concern over the treatment being meted out to the Tamils living in Malaysia for a very long period of time.
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கலைஞர் மு கருணாநிதி,
மலேசிய இந்துக்கள்
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
மகப்பேறு மருத்துவமனைக்கு சென்றுகொண்டிருந்த உணவு வண்டிகள் தாலிபானால் எரிப்பு
மகப்பேறுமருத்துவமனைக்கு சென்றுகொண்டிருந்த உணவு வண்டிகள் தாலிபானால் எரிக்கப்பட்டன.
Taliban burn aid agency food: officials
WANA: Local Taliban militants seized and burned thousands of kilogrammes of food destined for pregnant women from a hospital in South Waziristan, officials said on Sunday.
The food, mainly lentils and cooking oil, had been supplied by the aid charity Save the Children to feed pregnant women suffering from malnutrition.
A Taliban activist said they were destroyed because “foreign NGOs want to harm our future generations.” An administration official, Tariq Salim, said the Health Ministry officials had not consulted him before distributing food directly to the women. Meanwhile, in North Waziristan, three people were killed and five wounded when troops conducted “retaliatory” strikes on suspected militant hideouts in Mir Ali, local officials said. Several houses were destroyed in the strikes that came after militants hit a checkpost with a missile barrage. One soldier was wounded in the rocket attack late Saturday, they said. afp
Taliban burn aid agency food: officials
WANA: Local Taliban militants seized and burned thousands of kilogrammes of food destined for pregnant women from a hospital in South Waziristan, officials said on Sunday.
The food, mainly lentils and cooking oil, had been supplied by the aid charity Save the Children to feed pregnant women suffering from malnutrition.
A Taliban activist said they were destroyed because “foreign NGOs want to harm our future generations.” An administration official, Tariq Salim, said the Health Ministry officials had not consulted him before distributing food directly to the women. Meanwhile, in North Waziristan, three people were killed and five wounded when troops conducted “retaliatory” strikes on suspected militant hideouts in Mir Ali, local officials said. Several houses were destroyed in the strikes that came after militants hit a checkpost with a missile barrage. One soldier was wounded in the rocket attack late Saturday, they said. afp
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்
பெண்ணின் உடையால் அப்பாவி இளைஞர்கள் கற்பழிக்க தூண்டப்பட்டார்கள் -சவுதி நீதித்துறை அமைச்சர்

பெண்ணின் உடையால் அப்பாவி இளைஞர்கள் கற்பழிக்க தூண்டப்பட்டார்கள்
என்று சவுதி அரேபியாவின் நீதித்துறை அமைச்சர் கூறியுள்ளார்.
சவுதி அரேபியாவிலிருந்து வரும் வாசகர்களுக்கு கேள்வி
இந்த மூன்று பெண்களில் யாரேனும் உங்களை கற்பழிக்க தூண்டுகிறார்களா?
Justice Minister says “the girl from Qatif” provoked her rapists
In a lengthy declaration the official states that the young women was married and therefore is an adulteress, she was in a car with a non-relative male – which is forbidden – and according to those who attacked her she was “indecently dressed”.
Riyadh (AsiaNews) – The young Saudi women condemned to prison and 200 lashes is an adulteress who “provoked the attack” of her rapists because she was “indecently dressed”. That is the conclusion of the Saudi Minister for Justice in an official declaration reported today by the Saudi news agency SPA.
The Minister defends the sentencing and confirms that the national judiciary is based on “the book of God and prophet Muhammad’s teachings”.
Known as “the girl from Qatif”, the nineteen year old Saudi was kidnapped and rapped by a group of men, only to find herself condemned by a court to six months in prison and 90 lashings, because she was in a car with a non-relative male, which is forbidden by law. The sentence passed last year had condemned the six rapists to one to five years in prison.
Abdul Rahman al-Lahem countered that the aggressors punishment was too lenient for a crime theoretically punishable with the death sentence, while that of his client too harsh. In appeal, the rapists sentences were increased: now they must spend between two and nine years in prison. But the girl also saw her sentence increase, for having tried to influence the court via media pressure. The same court also removed her lawyer from the case, and suspended his license.
Faced with outraged reactions in western press, as well as neighbouring Arab nations, the lengthy declaration issued by the Justice Minister aims to explain the reasoning behind the verdict. It begins with an expression of “regret” for the “false” and “wrong” reports spread by the press, clarifying that the “woman is married” and that it was she who called the man on her mobile phone “from her husbands house” for a forbidden private meeting. “She got into his car and both headed to the cornice to a dark area where they remained for a period of time”. At this area, they were seen by the rest of the defendants referred to in the case, and she the woman was in an “indecent condition”. The girl “knew that being in privately alone in a meeting with an illegal companion is religiously prohibited”.
She is also being charged with the fact that neither she nor the young man she was with denounced the incident at time, but only three months later, when the young woman’s husband on receiving an e-mail confronted her about the incident and denounced the betrayal.
Monday, November 26, 2007
உண்மையான அறவழியில் போராடிய மலேசிய தமிழர் தலைவர்கள் விடுதலை
உண்மையான அறவழியில் போராடிய மலேசிய தமிழர் தலைவர்கள் விடுதலை
Malaysia Hindu activists released
Hundreds of supporters greeted the men when they left court
Three Hindu activists, arrested before a rally in Malaysia's capital city and charged with sedition, have been freed.
The charges were dropped as prosecutors could not provide a translation of their allegedly seditious comments.
The men said their release was a "small step" towards justice for the Indian community in Malaysia.
They were detained before a march in Kuala Lumpur on the weekend, where thousands of ethnic Indians sought to draw attention to a host of grievances.
The released men - the chairman of the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy, and two of his associates - faced up to three years in prison had they been convicted.
They were accused of making seditious comments in Tamil, the south Indian language spoken by many ethnic Indians in Malaysia.
But a judge ruled that they had to be released as the authorities were unable to provide copies of the remarks which provided the basis of the case against them.
Malice claim
It was not immediately clear whether the men could be rearrested if translations were provided in the future.
Mr Ponnusamy told reporters outside the court that the verdict "shows that we have made a small step in the correct direction".
"It is a victory for the Indian community in Malaysia, but there is still a lot more work to do," he said.
The men were carried from the courthouse on their supporters' shoulders when the release order was given.
P Uthayakumar, one of those charged, told reporters he and his colleagues had been "maliciously prosecuted".
"They charged us for sedition when we spoke the truth," he said.
The stated aim of Sunday's rally was to call on the British government to pay compensation to the ancestors of the ethnic Indians taken to the country as indentured labourers in the 19th Century.
However, commentators said the real goal of the demonstrators was to highlight perceived discrimination by the Malay Muslim-dominated government against ethnic Indians.
Activists say that policies granting jobs and economic advantages to the ethnic Malay Muslim majority leave many Hindus in poverty.
Under Malaysian law, gatherings of more than five people require permission from the government.
The protesters had not received permission, and the rally ended in violence as police clashed with the demonstrators.
Malaysia Hindu activists released
Hundreds of supporters greeted the men when they left court
Three Hindu activists, arrested before a rally in Malaysia's capital city and charged with sedition, have been freed.
The charges were dropped as prosecutors could not provide a translation of their allegedly seditious comments.
The men said their release was a "small step" towards justice for the Indian community in Malaysia.
They were detained before a march in Kuala Lumpur on the weekend, where thousands of ethnic Indians sought to draw attention to a host of grievances.
The released men - the chairman of the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy, and two of his associates - faced up to three years in prison had they been convicted.
They were accused of making seditious comments in Tamil, the south Indian language spoken by many ethnic Indians in Malaysia.
But a judge ruled that they had to be released as the authorities were unable to provide copies of the remarks which provided the basis of the case against them.
Malice claim
It was not immediately clear whether the men could be rearrested if translations were provided in the future.
Mr Ponnusamy told reporters outside the court that the verdict "shows that we have made a small step in the correct direction".
"It is a victory for the Indian community in Malaysia, but there is still a lot more work to do," he said.
The men were carried from the courthouse on their supporters' shoulders when the release order was given.
P Uthayakumar, one of those charged, told reporters he and his colleagues had been "maliciously prosecuted".
"They charged us for sedition when we spoke the truth," he said.
The stated aim of Sunday's rally was to call on the British government to pay compensation to the ancestors of the ethnic Indians taken to the country as indentured labourers in the 19th Century.
However, commentators said the real goal of the demonstrators was to highlight perceived discrimination by the Malay Muslim-dominated government against ethnic Indians.
Activists say that policies granting jobs and economic advantages to the ethnic Malay Muslim majority leave many Hindus in poverty.
Under Malaysian law, gatherings of more than five people require permission from the government.
The protesters had not received permission, and the rally ended in violence as police clashed with the demonstrators.
மௌரிட்டானியா: முன்னாள் அடிமைகள் நலவாழ்வுக்கு 18 மில்லியம் ஈரோ ஒதுக்கல்
மௌரிட்டானியா: முன்னாள் அடிமைகள் நலவாழ்வுக்கு 18 மில்லியம் ஈரோ ஒதுக்கப்படும் என்று அறிவித்துள்ளது
(ANSAmed) - NOUAKCHOTT, NOVEMBER 26 - The Mauritanian government has allocated more than 19 million euro of the 2008 budget for social programmes favouring ex-slaves, Economy and Finance Minister Abderrahmane Ould Hamma Vezzaz said, quoted by a Mauritanian agency. This sum "will be in line with the fight against the after-effects of slavery and poverty among the former slaves," the minister commented for Agence Mauritanienne d'Information (AMI) the day after the approval of the 2008 budget. The Mauritanian government must also fund, spending up to 8 million euro, the repatriation programme of the Negro-Mauritanian refugees living in Senegal and Mali, the total cost of which is estimated at around 50 million euro and which is to be completed by "partnerships for development", Ould Vezzaz explained. The minister also promised a "marked improvement of the living conditions of the population" in 2008, due to the launching of various development projects that are expected to create new job opportunities and strengthen growth. Slavery, officially abolished in 1981, has been practised in all the communities and mainly in the countryside. Last August the National Assembly adopted a law to criminalise slavery in the country for the first time. The repatriation of the Negro-Mauritanian refugees, escaped in Senegal and Mali after the violence among some ethnic groups in the period from 1989 to 1991, is expected to start in December and 12,600 refugees are reported to have already expressed their desire to be repatriated. (ANSAmed).
2007-11-26 12:46
(ANSAmed) - NOUAKCHOTT, NOVEMBER 26 - The Mauritanian government has allocated more than 19 million euro of the 2008 budget for social programmes favouring ex-slaves, Economy and Finance Minister Abderrahmane Ould Hamma Vezzaz said, quoted by a Mauritanian agency. This sum "will be in line with the fight against the after-effects of slavery and poverty among the former slaves," the minister commented for Agence Mauritanienne d'Information (AMI) the day after the approval of the 2008 budget. The Mauritanian government must also fund, spending up to 8 million euro, the repatriation programme of the Negro-Mauritanian refugees living in Senegal and Mali, the total cost of which is estimated at around 50 million euro and which is to be completed by "partnerships for development", Ould Vezzaz explained. The minister also promised a "marked improvement of the living conditions of the population" in 2008, due to the launching of various development projects that are expected to create new job opportunities and strengthen growth. Slavery, officially abolished in 1981, has been practised in all the communities and mainly in the countryside. Last August the National Assembly adopted a law to criminalise slavery in the country for the first time. The repatriation of the Negro-Mauritanian refugees, escaped in Senegal and Mali after the violence among some ethnic groups in the period from 1989 to 1991, is expected to start in December and 12,600 refugees are reported to have already expressed their desire to be repatriated. (ANSAmed).
2007-11-26 12:46
தஸ்லிமா விசாவை நீடிக்கக்கூடாது - சிபிஎம் நடுவண் அரசிடம் வற்புறுத்தல்
நந்திக்கிராமத்தில் முஸ்லீம்களை சிபிஎம் குண்டர்கள் கொன்றது எல்லோருக்கும் மறந்துபோய், தஸ்லிமாவை வைத்து முஸ்லீம்களின் காவலனாக ஆக முயற்சிக்கும் சிபிஎம் கம்யூனிஸ்டுகளுக்கு வாழ்த்துக்கள்
WB govt had objected to extension of Nasreen's visa: Congress
Monday, November 26, 2007 18:00 IST
NEW DELHI: The Taslima Nasreen issue acquired a new dimension on Monday, with the Congress claiming that the West Bengal government had objected to extension of her visa which was over-ruled by the Centre.
It also claimed that the Centre was completely in the dark on Nasreen being moved from one place to another, from Kolkata to Jaipur and then to Delhi.
AICC spokesman Abhishek Singhvi hit back at the BJP and also appeared critical of the Left Front government in West Bengal, saying, "Nobody has the right in this country to take her here and there without the Centre's permission."
Steering clear of questions on whether the Congress or the Central government agreed with the views of the controversial Bangladesh writer, Singhvi said it is not important whether the government agreed or disagreed with the content of her views.
"Agreement or disagreement with the content of views has nothing to do with grant or denial of permission to stay in the country," he said.
Singhvi said when the Centre was examining the request to extend Nasreen's visa, the West Bengal government had raised some 'legitimate objections' that the Union Government later over-ruled and granted her permission to stay on.
He said there are set rules for granting such visas and cited the example of Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama.
"Such people have to observe certain conditionalities, such as they cannot participate in political activities and should not cause strains in our relations with any country," Singhvi said.
WB govt had objected to extension of Nasreen's visa: Congress
Monday, November 26, 2007 18:00 IST
NEW DELHI: The Taslima Nasreen issue acquired a new dimension on Monday, with the Congress claiming that the West Bengal government had objected to extension of her visa which was over-ruled by the Centre.
It also claimed that the Centre was completely in the dark on Nasreen being moved from one place to another, from Kolkata to Jaipur and then to Delhi.
AICC spokesman Abhishek Singhvi hit back at the BJP and also appeared critical of the Left Front government in West Bengal, saying, "Nobody has the right in this country to take her here and there without the Centre's permission."
Steering clear of questions on whether the Congress or the Central government agreed with the views of the controversial Bangladesh writer, Singhvi said it is not important whether the government agreed or disagreed with the content of her views.
"Agreement or disagreement with the content of views has nothing to do with grant or denial of permission to stay in the country," he said.
Singhvi said when the Centre was examining the request to extend Nasreen's visa, the West Bengal government had raised some 'legitimate objections' that the Union Government later over-ruled and granted her permission to stay on.
He said there are set rules for granting such visas and cited the example of Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama.
"Such people have to observe certain conditionalities, such as they cannot participate in political activities and should not cause strains in our relations with any country," Singhvi said.
முஸ்லீம் ஓட்டுகளுக்காக சிபிஎம்மால் தஸ்லிமா துரத்தியடிக்கப்பட்டார்- மேதா பட்கர் குற்றச்சாட்டு
முஸ்லீம் ஓட்டுகளுக்காக சிபிஎம்மால் தஸ்லிமா துரத்தியடிக்கப்பட்டார்- மேதா பட்கர் குற்றச்சாட்டு
தஸ்லிமாவுக்கு ஆதரவு தெரிவிக்கும் வங்காள மக்கள் பேரணி நடத்த இருக்கிறார்கள்
Taslima Nasreen supporters hold rally in Kolkata
26 Nov 2007, 0236 hrs IST,TNN
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KOLKATA: A senior West Bengal government official said the state would prefer that Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen stays away from the city till the Kolkata Book Fair is over early next year. This is because there are apprehensions that fundamentalist groups and other miscreants might try to burn her books at the venue.
The writer's friends are planning to stage a demonstration at Esplanade soon. On Sunday, her supporters staged a protest rally at Esplanade demanding that she be allowed to come back to Kolkata.
Activist Medha Patkar said the state government had failed to provide the necessary security to the writer in exile and described it as unfortunate. She blamed Left Front for indulging in politics for the sake of minority votes and demanded that Taslima be allowed to stay in the city.
தஸ்லிமாவுக்கு ஆதரவு தெரிவிக்கும் வங்காள மக்கள் பேரணி நடத்த இருக்கிறார்கள்
Taslima Nasreen supporters hold rally in Kolkata
26 Nov 2007, 0236 hrs IST,TNN
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KOLKATA: A senior West Bengal government official said the state would prefer that Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen stays away from the city till the Kolkata Book Fair is over early next year. This is because there are apprehensions that fundamentalist groups and other miscreants might try to burn her books at the venue.
The writer's friends are planning to stage a demonstration at Esplanade soon. On Sunday, her supporters staged a protest rally at Esplanade demanding that she be allowed to come back to Kolkata.
Activist Medha Patkar said the state government had failed to provide the necessary security to the writer in exile and described it as unfortunate. She blamed Left Front for indulging in politics for the sake of minority votes and demanded that Taslima be allowed to stay in the city.
எவ்வாறு சவுதி கொடுக்கும் பெட்ரோ டாலர் உலகெங்கும் ஜிகாதி போர்களை உருவாக்குகிறது- பிபிஸி ஆவணப்படம்
எவ்வாறு சவுதி கொடுக்கும் பெட்ரோ டாலர் உலகெங்கும் ஜிகாதி போர்களை உருவாக்குகிறது என்ற் ஆராய்ந்து அமெரிக்க, பிரிட்டிஷ் அதிகாரிகள் கூறுவதை பிபிஸி ஆவணப்படம் காட்டுகிறது.
Jihad and the Saudi petrodollar
BBC Middle East analyst Roger Hardy has spent the last two months investigating Wahhabism, Saudi Arabia's austere brand of Islam.
In the first of a two-part series, to be broadcast on the BBC World Service, he looks at the fierce debate over whether Wahhabism and Saudi petrodollars have fomented extremism.
Saudis feature heavily among those accused of anti-US terrorism
"The essence of Wahhabism is purity," says Lawrence Wright, author of a Pulitzer-prize-winning book about al-Qaeda.
"They are only interested in purification - and that's what makes them so repressive."
Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former head of Saudi intelligence and former ambassador in London and Washington, dismisses the accusation out of hand.
"From our point of view in the kingdom, there is no such thing as Wahhabism. That's a canard."
Saudis have never cared for the "Wahhabi" label which historically was a term of abuse applied to them by their critics.
They are highly sensitive to the charge that they have used their vast oil wealth to turn an obscure desert sect into a global force.
Charge and counter-charge
Over the last two months I've talked to officials of the Saudi government and Saudi charities who argue the campaign against them is unjust.
I've heard some of the world's leading experts, gathered in a small town in the Dutch countryside, attempt to define Wahhabism - and Salafism, the bigger family of conservative Sunni Islam of which it's part.
They are teaching the students that whoever disagrees with Wahhabism is either an infidel or a deviant
Hassan al-Maliki
I've heard senior US investigators describe their deep-rooted suspicions about Saudi charities - and the frustrations of following the money trail.
Top US attorney Patrick Fitzgerald told me why he'd come to believe a Saudi charity headquartered in Chicago was an al-Qaeda front.
The US authorities shut down the charity, the Benevolence Foundation, in 2002.
Two years later another major Saudi charity, al-Haramain, came under scrutiny.
The US and Saudi governments designated 10 of its branches "financiers of terrorism".
But American investigators have often found it hard to turn suspicion into proof.
And that reinforces the scepticism of Saudi and American Muslims about US government claims.
Hate literature
I looked at the role of Wahhabi literature - used in Saudi schools and exported round the world - in promoting suspicion and hatred of non-believers.
The Saudi ambassador in Washington, Adel Jubeir, assured me a series of steps had been taken to reform the country's educational system to instil values of tolerance.
The genie came out of the bottle and the Saudis could no longer put it back in."
Bernard Heykel
Professor of Near East studies, Princeton
Saudi educationalist Hassan al-Maliki remains to be convinced.
"They are teaching the students," he told me, "that whoever disagrees with Wahhabism is either an infidel or a deviant - and should repent or be killed."
This, he added, was an attack on half of Saudi society, where Shia and Sufi minorities coexist uneasily with the dominant Wahhabi religious establishment.
I visited the offices of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (Wamy), part of the global network of well-funded Islamic institutions created by Saudi Arabia's King Faisal in the 1960s and 1970s.
Militant networks
These bodies built mosques and schools and provided humanitarian aid to Muslims in need.
But there is evidence that, over time, some of their local branches became involved in militant networks.
Bernard Haykel, professor of Near East studies at Princeton, believes the Saudis set in motion a process over which they lost control. The Saudis' funding of militant Islam reached a new pitch in the 1980s when, with the United States and others, they bankrolled the jihad against Soviet troops occupying Afghanistan.
The Afghan war was the crucible from which emerged al-Qaeda.
"The genie came out of the bottle," says Professor Haykel, "and the Saudis could no longer put it back in."
The first of Roger Hardy's programmes, Jihad & the Petrodollar, can be heard on the BBC World Service on Friday, 16 November.
Jihad and the Saudi petrodollar II
BBC Middle East analyst Roger Hardy investigates Wahhabism, Saudi Arabia's austere brand of Islam, which is accused by its critics of funding religious extremism.
In the second of his two-part series, he meets top US investigators who have had the frustrating task of finding out where Saudi cash ended up.
US investigators believe Saudi donations have funded jihad
In 2002, just a year after the 11 September attacks, the US authorities shut down a Saudi charity headquartered in Chicago.
"It was a big hoopla," recalls Sam Roe, an investigative journalist who covered the story for the Chicago Tribune.
"The US attorney general at the time, John Ashcroft, flew out to Chicago and held a press conference.
"It was trumpeted as one of the first major victories in the 'war on terrorism'."
The charity was the Benevolence Foundation.
'Al-Qaeda front'
The Benevolence Foundation had been set up in Chicago a decade earlier by a wealthy Saudi businessman, Adel Batterjee.
I never met Osama Bin Laden. I have never flown to any of these hot places
Soliman al-Buthi
Petrodollar Jihad: Part I
But he soon handed over the running of it to his right-hand man, a Syrian called Enaam Arnaout.
The two men had met in Afghanistan in the 1980s when both had been helping Muslims fight the Soviet occupation forces.
The charity began to arouse the suspicions of the US authorities in the 1990s. But it was only after 11 September that the case acquired any real urgency - and attracted the attention of a star US attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald.
Speaking to me at his office in an imposing federal building in Chicago, he told me how he became convinced the Benevolence Foundation was an al-Qaeda front.
Documents found at its office in Bosnia, he says, described al-Qaeda's founding meeting, its membership and the shipment of weapons.
But however strong his suspicions, Patrick Fitzgerald could not make the terrorism charges stick.
Wealthy and respected
On the eve of the trial, he struck a deal with Mr Arnaout, who was convicted on a racketeering charge.
Patrick Fitzgerald tried, but could not make terrorism charges stick
He was found guilty of supplying boots and uniforms to Bosnian Muslim fighters, while pretending he was only helping civilians.
It was, at best, an ambiguous victory for the US authorities. They had shut down a charity but had failed to prove its links to al-Qaeda.
While Arnaout serves out his jail term, his former boss Adel Batterjee remains in the Saudi city of Jeddah, a wealthy and respected businessman.
Did he break his ties with Benevolence in the 1990s, as he has always claimed? Or did he run it from afar, as the court documents suggest?
After repeated efforts to hear his side of the story, I spoke briefly to him on his mobile phone - but he declined to be interviewed.
For Saudi Arabia, however, the charity issue refused to go away.
In 2004, at a joint press conference in Washington, the US and Saudi governments announced the closure of five branches of a prominent Saudi charity, al-Haramain.
Have the Saudis bankrolled the global jihad? They certainly have a case to answer
Eventually 10 branches - stretching from the Netherlands to Indonesia - were designated "financiers of terrorism" and shut down.
Set up in the 1990s, al-Haramain was a large and prestigious organisation with close ties to the Saudi government and ruling family.
At its height, it had some 50 branches worldwide.
Its literature proclaimed it had built hundreds of mosques, run orphanages and helped equip clinics and hospitals.
At a tent in a Riyadh suburb, I met the Saudi who had set up a branch of al-Haramain in Ashland, Oregon.
He is now a wanted man.
'Compelling evidence'
Sitting on cushions drinking tea, in the company of two American lawyers, Soliman al-Buthi laughed off the charge that he was a "specially designated global terrorist".
"I never met Osama Bin Laden," he told me.
Adel Jubeir admits the charity commission has not materialised
"I have never flown to any of these hot places - Bosnia or Chechnya or Afghanistan or Pakistan."
He insists that he was engaged in the non-violent propagation of Islam - and that no real evidence has ever been presented against al-Haramain.
But for investigators like Dennis Lormel, a senior FBI official who worked on the case, the evidence of links to al-Qaeda was compelling.
Persuading the Saudi authorities to take it seriously, however, was another matter.
It took more than two years of sustained US pressure for them to act.
Eventually 10 branches of al-Haramain were shut down, and its director in Riyadh was sacked.
The Saudi ambassador to Washington, Adel Jubeir, told me the kingdom was not responsible for the overseas branches of its charities.
He acknowledged that a Saudi charity commission responsible for activities overseas - whose birth he himself had announced in 2004 - had still not materialised.
But he insisted that over the last few years Saudi Arabia had taken draconian steps to regulate its charities.
The two case studies show how hard it has been for the American authorities to turn suspicion into proof.
It is a striking fact that, in these and other Muslim charity cases in the US, they have not managed to secure a single conviction on a terrorism charge.
But what's also clear is that, for decades, Saudi charities were virtually unregulated.
Have the Saudis bankrolled the global jihad? They certainly have a case to answer.
The export of Wahhabism - which got going with the oil boom of the 1970s - acquired a dynamic of its own and ended up empowering radical Islamists.
After 11 September, the chickens came home to roost.
The second part of Roger Hardy's series Jihad & the Petrodollar will be broadcast on the BBC World Service on Friday, 23 November.
Jihad and the Saudi petrodollar
BBC Middle East analyst Roger Hardy has spent the last two months investigating Wahhabism, Saudi Arabia's austere brand of Islam.
In the first of a two-part series, to be broadcast on the BBC World Service, he looks at the fierce debate over whether Wahhabism and Saudi petrodollars have fomented extremism.
Saudis feature heavily among those accused of anti-US terrorism
"The essence of Wahhabism is purity," says Lawrence Wright, author of a Pulitzer-prize-winning book about al-Qaeda.
"They are only interested in purification - and that's what makes them so repressive."
Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former head of Saudi intelligence and former ambassador in London and Washington, dismisses the accusation out of hand.
"From our point of view in the kingdom, there is no such thing as Wahhabism. That's a canard."
Saudis have never cared for the "Wahhabi" label which historically was a term of abuse applied to them by their critics.
They are highly sensitive to the charge that they have used their vast oil wealth to turn an obscure desert sect into a global force.
Charge and counter-charge
Over the last two months I've talked to officials of the Saudi government and Saudi charities who argue the campaign against them is unjust.
I've heard some of the world's leading experts, gathered in a small town in the Dutch countryside, attempt to define Wahhabism - and Salafism, the bigger family of conservative Sunni Islam of which it's part.
They are teaching the students that whoever disagrees with Wahhabism is either an infidel or a deviant
Hassan al-Maliki
I've heard senior US investigators describe their deep-rooted suspicions about Saudi charities - and the frustrations of following the money trail.
Top US attorney Patrick Fitzgerald told me why he'd come to believe a Saudi charity headquartered in Chicago was an al-Qaeda front.
The US authorities shut down the charity, the Benevolence Foundation, in 2002.
Two years later another major Saudi charity, al-Haramain, came under scrutiny.
The US and Saudi governments designated 10 of its branches "financiers of terrorism".
But American investigators have often found it hard to turn suspicion into proof.
And that reinforces the scepticism of Saudi and American Muslims about US government claims.
Hate literature
I looked at the role of Wahhabi literature - used in Saudi schools and exported round the world - in promoting suspicion and hatred of non-believers.
The Saudi ambassador in Washington, Adel Jubeir, assured me a series of steps had been taken to reform the country's educational system to instil values of tolerance.
The genie came out of the bottle and the Saudis could no longer put it back in."
Bernard Heykel
Professor of Near East studies, Princeton
Saudi educationalist Hassan al-Maliki remains to be convinced.
"They are teaching the students," he told me, "that whoever disagrees with Wahhabism is either an infidel or a deviant - and should repent or be killed."
This, he added, was an attack on half of Saudi society, where Shia and Sufi minorities coexist uneasily with the dominant Wahhabi religious establishment.
I visited the offices of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (Wamy), part of the global network of well-funded Islamic institutions created by Saudi Arabia's King Faisal in the 1960s and 1970s.
Militant networks
These bodies built mosques and schools and provided humanitarian aid to Muslims in need.
But there is evidence that, over time, some of their local branches became involved in militant networks.
Bernard Haykel, professor of Near East studies at Princeton, believes the Saudis set in motion a process over which they lost control. The Saudis' funding of militant Islam reached a new pitch in the 1980s when, with the United States and others, they bankrolled the jihad against Soviet troops occupying Afghanistan.
The Afghan war was the crucible from which emerged al-Qaeda.
"The genie came out of the bottle," says Professor Haykel, "and the Saudis could no longer put it back in."
The first of Roger Hardy's programmes, Jihad & the Petrodollar, can be heard on the BBC World Service on Friday, 16 November.
Jihad and the Saudi petrodollar II
BBC Middle East analyst Roger Hardy investigates Wahhabism, Saudi Arabia's austere brand of Islam, which is accused by its critics of funding religious extremism.
In the second of his two-part series, he meets top US investigators who have had the frustrating task of finding out where Saudi cash ended up.
US investigators believe Saudi donations have funded jihad
In 2002, just a year after the 11 September attacks, the US authorities shut down a Saudi charity headquartered in Chicago.
"It was a big hoopla," recalls Sam Roe, an investigative journalist who covered the story for the Chicago Tribune.
"The US attorney general at the time, John Ashcroft, flew out to Chicago and held a press conference.
"It was trumpeted as one of the first major victories in the 'war on terrorism'."
The charity was the Benevolence Foundation.
'Al-Qaeda front'
The Benevolence Foundation had been set up in Chicago a decade earlier by a wealthy Saudi businessman, Adel Batterjee.
I never met Osama Bin Laden. I have never flown to any of these hot places
Soliman al-Buthi
Petrodollar Jihad: Part I
But he soon handed over the running of it to his right-hand man, a Syrian called Enaam Arnaout.
The two men had met in Afghanistan in the 1980s when both had been helping Muslims fight the Soviet occupation forces.
The charity began to arouse the suspicions of the US authorities in the 1990s. But it was only after 11 September that the case acquired any real urgency - and attracted the attention of a star US attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald.
Speaking to me at his office in an imposing federal building in Chicago, he told me how he became convinced the Benevolence Foundation was an al-Qaeda front.
Documents found at its office in Bosnia, he says, described al-Qaeda's founding meeting, its membership and the shipment of weapons.
But however strong his suspicions, Patrick Fitzgerald could not make the terrorism charges stick.
Wealthy and respected
On the eve of the trial, he struck a deal with Mr Arnaout, who was convicted on a racketeering charge.
Patrick Fitzgerald tried, but could not make terrorism charges stick
He was found guilty of supplying boots and uniforms to Bosnian Muslim fighters, while pretending he was only helping civilians.
It was, at best, an ambiguous victory for the US authorities. They had shut down a charity but had failed to prove its links to al-Qaeda.
While Arnaout serves out his jail term, his former boss Adel Batterjee remains in the Saudi city of Jeddah, a wealthy and respected businessman.
Did he break his ties with Benevolence in the 1990s, as he has always claimed? Or did he run it from afar, as the court documents suggest?
After repeated efforts to hear his side of the story, I spoke briefly to him on his mobile phone - but he declined to be interviewed.
For Saudi Arabia, however, the charity issue refused to go away.
In 2004, at a joint press conference in Washington, the US and Saudi governments announced the closure of five branches of a prominent Saudi charity, al-Haramain.
Have the Saudis bankrolled the global jihad? They certainly have a case to answer
Eventually 10 branches - stretching from the Netherlands to Indonesia - were designated "financiers of terrorism" and shut down.
Set up in the 1990s, al-Haramain was a large and prestigious organisation with close ties to the Saudi government and ruling family.
At its height, it had some 50 branches worldwide.
Its literature proclaimed it had built hundreds of mosques, run orphanages and helped equip clinics and hospitals.
At a tent in a Riyadh suburb, I met the Saudi who had set up a branch of al-Haramain in Ashland, Oregon.
He is now a wanted man.
'Compelling evidence'
Sitting on cushions drinking tea, in the company of two American lawyers, Soliman al-Buthi laughed off the charge that he was a "specially designated global terrorist".
"I never met Osama Bin Laden," he told me.
Adel Jubeir admits the charity commission has not materialised
"I have never flown to any of these hot places - Bosnia or Chechnya or Afghanistan or Pakistan."
He insists that he was engaged in the non-violent propagation of Islam - and that no real evidence has ever been presented against al-Haramain.
But for investigators like Dennis Lormel, a senior FBI official who worked on the case, the evidence of links to al-Qaeda was compelling.
Persuading the Saudi authorities to take it seriously, however, was another matter.
It took more than two years of sustained US pressure for them to act.
Eventually 10 branches of al-Haramain were shut down, and its director in Riyadh was sacked.
The Saudi ambassador to Washington, Adel Jubeir, told me the kingdom was not responsible for the overseas branches of its charities.
He acknowledged that a Saudi charity commission responsible for activities overseas - whose birth he himself had announced in 2004 - had still not materialised.
But he insisted that over the last few years Saudi Arabia had taken draconian steps to regulate its charities.
The two case studies show how hard it has been for the American authorities to turn suspicion into proof.
It is a striking fact that, in these and other Muslim charity cases in the US, they have not managed to secure a single conviction on a terrorism charge.
But what's also clear is that, for decades, Saudi charities were virtually unregulated.
Have the Saudis bankrolled the global jihad? They certainly have a case to answer.
The export of Wahhabism - which got going with the oil boom of the 1970s - acquired a dynamic of its own and ended up empowering radical Islamists.
After 11 September, the chickens came home to roost.
The second part of Roger Hardy's series Jihad & the Petrodollar will be broadcast on the BBC World Service on Friday, 23 November.
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
குஜராத் தேர்தல்: முஸ்லீம் பெண்களுக்கு சீட் கொடுக்க முஸ்லீம் தலைவர்கள் கடும் எதிர்ப்பு
எந்த கட்சியினரும் முஸ்லீம் பெண்களுக்கு சீட் கொடுக்கக்கூடாது என்று முஸ்லீம் தலைவர்கள் கடும் எதிர்ப்பு தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்
Gujarat Election: stiff opposition to tickets to Muslim women
2007-11-25 19:49:56
Gujarat Global News Network, Delhi
Muslim women candidates are facing stiff opposition from their own community leaders. A group of minority leaders, which met party president here today, demanded that no Muslim women should be given ticket.
The news of former Ahmedabad Mayor Aneesa Mirza getting ticket from Shahpur evoked sharp protests from members of minority community. They said that people from minority community did not like women contesting elections and it would have adverse affect on the results.
It may be noted that the party has given ticket this time to husband of sitting MLA Rasheeda from Vagara constituency. Putting ahead this fact the group is demanding that Aneesa should not be given ticket from Shahpur. They say that even Shanaz Babi from Junagadh was not willing to contest and she was forced to file nomination.
Gujarat Election: stiff opposition to tickets to Muslim women
2007-11-25 19:49:56
Gujarat Global News Network, Delhi
Muslim women candidates are facing stiff opposition from their own community leaders. A group of minority leaders, which met party president here today, demanded that no Muslim women should be given ticket.
The news of former Ahmedabad Mayor Aneesa Mirza getting ticket from Shahpur evoked sharp protests from members of minority community. They said that people from minority community did not like women contesting elections and it would have adverse affect on the results.
It may be noted that the party has given ticket this time to husband of sitting MLA Rasheeda from Vagara constituency. Putting ahead this fact the group is demanding that Aneesa should not be given ticket from Shahpur. They say that even Shanaz Babi from Junagadh was not willing to contest and she was forced to file nomination.
தொடரும் ஷியா சுன்னி கலவரத்தில் மேலும் 50 பேர் பாகிஸ்தானில் பலி
தொடரும் ஷியா சுன்னி கலவரத்தில் மேலும் 50 பேர் பாகிஸ்தானில் பலிஆனார்கள்
இரு பிரிவினரும் கனரக ஆயுதங்களை கொண்டு ஒருவரை ஒருவர் தாக்கிக்கொள்வதால், கட்டுப்படுத்த ராணுவம் அழைக்கப்படுகிறது.
அருகே ராணுவ தளத்தில் இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகள் தாக்கியதில் 20 பேர்கள் பலியானார்கள்
Sectarian clashes kill 50 in Pakistan
Peshawar, AFP :
At least 50 people were killed in renewed sectarian fighting overnight in a remote Pakistani district engulfed by unrest since last week, officials said today.
Heavy fighting broke out at several places in the Parachinar district late yesterday and continued throughout the night, a local administration official said.
"We have reports that more than 50 people died in the clashes," the official said, adding that the fighting subsided early today.
Last week rival Shiite and Sunni groups fought fierce gunbattles which left around 112 people dead, forcing the government to deploy troops to restore order.
The sectarian bloodshed adds to concerns facing key US ally President Pervez Musharraf, who is already facing a bloody militant revolt in northern Swat valley and frequent suicide attacks in the rest of the country.
Authorities today clamped a 24-hour curfew on Swat after militants loyal to a pro-Taliban cleric exchanged heavy fire with security forces overnight, officials said.
"There was some fighting late yesterday and several militants were killed, but we do not have exact details of casualties," government spokesman Amjad Iqbal said.
The new curfew runs for 24 hours from 2:00pm today local time, he said.
Earlier today, two suicide bombings targeting security forces killed at least 20 people in the garrison town of Rawalpindi.
இரு பிரிவினரும் கனரக ஆயுதங்களை கொண்டு ஒருவரை ஒருவர் தாக்கிக்கொள்வதால், கட்டுப்படுத்த ராணுவம் அழைக்கப்படுகிறது.
அருகே ராணுவ தளத்தில் இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகள் தாக்கியதில் 20 பேர்கள் பலியானார்கள்
Sectarian clashes kill 50 in Pakistan
Peshawar, AFP :
At least 50 people were killed in renewed sectarian fighting overnight in a remote Pakistani district engulfed by unrest since last week, officials said today.
Heavy fighting broke out at several places in the Parachinar district late yesterday and continued throughout the night, a local administration official said.
"We have reports that more than 50 people died in the clashes," the official said, adding that the fighting subsided early today.
Last week rival Shiite and Sunni groups fought fierce gunbattles which left around 112 people dead, forcing the government to deploy troops to restore order.
The sectarian bloodshed adds to concerns facing key US ally President Pervez Musharraf, who is already facing a bloody militant revolt in northern Swat valley and frequent suicide attacks in the rest of the country.
Authorities today clamped a 24-hour curfew on Swat after militants loyal to a pro-Taliban cleric exchanged heavy fire with security forces overnight, officials said.
"There was some fighting late yesterday and several militants were killed, but we do not have exact details of casualties," government spokesman Amjad Iqbal said.
The new curfew runs for 24 hours from 2:00pm today local time, he said.
Earlier today, two suicide bombings targeting security forces killed at least 20 people in the garrison town of Rawalpindi.
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
Sunday, November 25, 2007
பாகிஸ்தான் அச்சடிக்கும் இந்திய ரூபாய் நோட்டுகள் தமிழ்நாட்டில் ! ஜாக்கிரதை - RBI
ஏராளமான நூறு ரூபாய் போலி நோட்டுக்களை உயர்ந்த தரத்தில் அச்சடித்து பாகிஸ்தான் தமிழ்நாட்டில் வினியோகம் செய்கிறது. ஜாக்கிரதை என்று ஆர்பிஐ மக்களை எச்சரித்துள்ளது
Beware of Pak-made currency notes: RBI
25 Nov 2007, 1520 hrs IST,PTI
SALEM (Tamil Nadu): The Reserve Bank of India has cautioned banks to be on their guard against "Pakistan-made" fake Indian currency notes of high quality print, which were in circulation and hard to detect.
The currency notes of Rs 100 denomination came to light during RBI's routine examination of a bunch of soiled notes sent by one of the State Bank of India branches in this city of Tamil Nadu recently, police said here on Sunday.
The RBI Chennai unit, during examination, found 11 of the notes to be fake and alerted the Fort Branch of SBI here, which in turn lodged a complaint with the local police.
Police quoted bank officials as saying that RBI Chennai in its communication to the bank had stated that these notes were so sophisticatedly printed that they could not be detected easily.
However, details were not available as to how RBI found the notes to be of Pakistan origin.
Beware of Pak-made currency notes: RBI
25 Nov 2007, 1520 hrs IST,PTI
SALEM (Tamil Nadu): The Reserve Bank of India has cautioned banks to be on their guard against "Pakistan-made" fake Indian currency notes of high quality print, which were in circulation and hard to detect.
The currency notes of Rs 100 denomination came to light during RBI's routine examination of a bunch of soiled notes sent by one of the State Bank of India branches in this city of Tamil Nadu recently, police said here on Sunday.
The RBI Chennai unit, during examination, found 11 of the notes to be fake and alerted the Fort Branch of SBI here, which in turn lodged a complaint with the local police.
Police quoted bank officials as saying that RBI Chennai in its communication to the bank had stated that these notes were so sophisticatedly printed that they could not be detected easily.
However, details were not available as to how RBI found the notes to be of Pakistan origin.
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
போலி நோட்டுகள்
அஸாமில் தொடர் குண்டுவெடிப்புகள்- உல்பா கம்யூனிஸ்டுகள் வெறியாட்டம்- 2 பேர் பலி
அஸாமில் தொடர் குண்டுவெடிப்புகள்- உல்பா கம்யூனிஸ்டுகள் வெறியாட்டம்- 2 பேர் பலி
18 பேர் படுகாயம்
Serial blasts in Assam, 2 killed
25 Nov 2007, 1946 hrs IST,PTI
GUWAHATI: Two persons were killed and 18 injured as three serial blasts, suspected to have been triggered by ULFA, rocked Assam on Sunday.
One person was killed and 16 injured in a car bomb explosion at Bengpukhuri area in Tinsukia town on Sunday evening, officials said.
In another blast in Athgaon area here, one person was killed and two were injured.
The third explosion took place in Fatasil Ambari area of the city but there was no report of any casualty.
18 பேர் படுகாயம்
Serial blasts in Assam, 2 killed
25 Nov 2007, 1946 hrs IST,PTI
GUWAHATI: Two persons were killed and 18 injured as three serial blasts, suspected to have been triggered by ULFA, rocked Assam on Sunday.
One person was killed and 16 injured in a car bomb explosion at Bengpukhuri area in Tinsukia town on Sunday evening, officials said.
In another blast in Athgaon area here, one person was killed and two were injured.
The third explosion took place in Fatasil Ambari area of the city but there was no report of any casualty.
உல்பா கம்யூனிஸ்டுகள்,
கம்யூனிஸ பயங்கரவாதம்
பாகிஸ்தானின் இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகள் உலகம் முழுவதும் தாக்குவார்கள்- சொல்வது முஷாரப்
பாகிஸ்தானின் இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகள் உலகம் முழுவதும் பல்வேறு இடங்களில் பயங்க்ரவாத செயல்களில் ஈடுபட்டு பொதுமக்களை தாக்க திட்டமிட்டுள்ளார்கள். என்று பர்வேஸ் முஷாரப் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.
Pak-based militants planning worldwide attacks: Musharraf
24 Nov 2007, 0000 hrs IST,ANI
ISLAMABAD: President Pervez Musharraf has once again justified his Emergency rule, saying that foreign militants based in Pakistan were planning terrorist attacks around the world.
He said Pakistan had to "get their own house in order" and then show its efforts to the West. "Foreigners are sitting here and are planning terrorism all over the world," he said in an interactive programme.
"We have caught people who had maps of European countries and targets there. They (the West) are asking us to eliminate these people," said Musharraf.
Pak-based militants planning worldwide attacks: Musharraf
24 Nov 2007, 0000 hrs IST,ANI
ISLAMABAD: President Pervez Musharraf has once again justified his Emergency rule, saying that foreign militants based in Pakistan were planning terrorist attacks around the world.
He said Pakistan had to "get their own house in order" and then show its efforts to the West. "Foreigners are sitting here and are planning terrorism all over the world," he said in an interactive programme.
"We have caught people who had maps of European countries and targets there. They (the West) are asking us to eliminate these people," said Musharraf.
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
மலேசிய தமிழர்கள் வாழ்வுரிமை போர்- போலீஸ் அராஜகம் - காட்சிகள்

Malaysia police fire tear gas to halt protestors
A protester flash a thumb up signs as Malaysian riot police use their water canon during a street protest by ethnic Indians in Kuala Lumpur November 25, 2007. (REUTERS/Zainal Abd Halim)
By Mark Bendeich
November 24, 2007
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian police used tear gas and water cannon on Sunday to quell a street protest by more than 5,000 ethnic Indians, the second crackdown this month on a demonstration critical of the government.
more stories like thisThousands defied official warnings to stay away from a planned rally in central Kuala Lumpur called by a Hindu rights group to draw attention to complaints of government discrimination against the minority ethnic Indian community.
At least one policeman was injured after protesters, wielding motorcycle helmets as weapons, clashed with riot police. Protesters also threw bottles and drink cans at police in a standoff outside the capital's iconic twin towers.
"We are here for our rights," one protester told Reuters. "The British brought our forefathers here 150 years ago. Whatever the government is supposed to give us, to look after our welfare, well, they have failed."
Despite tight security, some ethnic Indians gathered a few hundred meters from the British embassy, ostensibly to call on the former colonial ruler to make reparations for bringing Indians to Malaysia as indentured labor just over a century ago.
Some ethnic Indians, who make up about 7 percent of the population, complain that they are marginalized in terms of employment and business opportunities by a government dominated by politicians from the majority race, the ethnic Malays.
The group had promised to hold a peaceful rally in the capital on Sunday but the government had warned ethnic Indians not to participate, saying it could stoke racial tension.
On Friday, police arrested three Indians from the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), charging them under Malaysia's colonial-era Sedition Act for making what the authorities called seditious speeches at a recent rally outside the capital.
On Sunday, about 5,000 ethnic Indian men, some carrying Malaysian flags and others holding placards, gathered near a normally busy intersection in central Kuala Lumpur as dozens of police trucks and hundreds of riot police stood guard. A police helicopter hovered overhead.
Some shouted "No democracy in Malaysia, no human rights in Malaysia." Others held placards that read: "We too fought for the independence of this country. Why neglect our rights?"
Police fired water cannon laced with chemicals, drove back crowds and chased protesters into nearby buildings.
One protester, K K Krishna, said ethnic Indians were far under-represented in Malaysian universities. "Why is that -- are Indians stupid?" he said.
Fu Ah Kiow, Deputy Minister for Internal Security, was quoted as saying the government might even invoke the draconian Internal Security Act if national security was at stake, although that would be a last resort.
"Priority would be given to maintaining public order," the Sunday Star newspaper quoted him as saying. "The impression that they are hoping to paint is that the government does not give an opportunity to the people to express their views."
Outside the twin towers, police chased protesters down side streets and fired tear gas to disperse the crowds, sending curious tourists scurrying out of hotels to take a look.
Many, like engineer Sara Vicriman, travelled from out of town to attend the protest.
"They are threatening us like a dog," said Vicriman, who is from the northern state of Penang. "They don't want to give education places for Indians, they don't want to give any opportunities for Indians to do any business."
Malaysiakini, an independent news Web site, said scores of protesters had also gathered at Batu Caves, a Hindu place of worship and tourist spot, just outside the capital.
Police had taken the unusual step of securing a court order preventing anyone from attending the rally. Offenders, including journalists, could face more serious penalties than would be the case under laws against illegal assembly.
Malaysia bans public assemblies of more than five people without a police permit. In practice, police deny permits to anti-government protests but often issue them for protests aimed at foreign governments, such as the United States.
The ethnic Indian group's core complaint, that the current government has done little to better the community's standard of living, has riled the administration. Only two weeks ago it cracked down on a protest by about 10,000 people demanding electoral reform.
"We don't support street demonstrations," said S. Samy Vellu, leader of the country's main Indian ruling political party. "This is an opposition ploy to smear the government's name."
(Additional reporting by Jalil Hamid; writing by Liau Y-Sing; editing by Roger Crabb)
© Copyright 2007 Reuters.
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