உகாண்டாவின் பெந்தகொஸ்தே பாஸ்டர்கள் அடிக்கும் கூத்தை பற்றிய கடுமையான விமர்சனக்கட்டுரை
நன்றி மானிட்டர். உகாண்டா
I say, all Pentecostal pastors are frauds
July 22 - 28, 2007
Alan Tacca
For the seventh of July, 2007, Pastor Martin Sempa of Makerere Community Church (and other Pentecostal pastors) organised a package of celebrations, which they called 777 Mega-Fest. Hosted at Makerere's main sports ground, the 26-hour marathon event was scheduled to start at 5pm on July 6. According to a July 6 Daily Monitor preview, Pastor Sempa believed the repetitive seven marked a day of wonder and special significance in God's prophetic calendar.
In the West, where ignorance, faddish superstition and consumerism sometimes form an odd montage against a backdrop of advanced civilisation, thousands of people paid attention to 777, and many couples got married on the day.
The Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) of course had their roots in ancient Middle Eastern and Asian paganism. When God - part super Pharaoh and part super magician - was young, His creators did not extricate Him from their long-standing preoccupation with numbers: 3, 7 and 12 making frequent appearances.
Human civilisation has made huge strides in mathematics, astronomy and cosmology since biblical times. For anyone who has attempted to internalise the sheer scale of the universe, it must be blinkered idleness to seriously link any particular calendric coincidence to some overarching divine agenda dedicated to human affairs.
That approach belongs to the same dustbin as the dubious "science" of astrology.
Pastor Sempa knows that he is being fraudulent when he leads the semi-literate young undergraduates who form the bulk of his congregation to a binge of special prayers and worship to mark 777, describing it as the day symbolising 2007, "a year of God's unprecedented blessings." Comparing this period of spiritual abundance to El Nino rains, Sempa throws in the inevitable clincher: "If the farmers knew about this season, they would plant much and harvest much."
Is it a spiritual sowing? Maybe. Is it a material sowing? That cannot be ruled out. In any trade, a subtle practitioner learns to disguise his motives. But my central target is not even pastoral profiteering; it is the very heart - the doctrinal underpinnings - of the Pentecostal ethos.
Pastor Sempa and other "good" pastors (including Ronald Kayanja!) have been quick to distance themselves from the "frauds" accused of sodomy, extortion and overt manipulation, but none of them has renounced the dubiously simplistic notion that they are specially empowered (anointed) intercessors, standing between ordinary humans and the spirit world; that through them the will and the power of God are casually accessible.
They have not renounced their return to a grotesque paganism that masquerades as born-again. Yeboah Jr. would (presumably) manipulate his followers with a 12-volt electric shock machine. Because the process is overtly mechanical, Yeboah's type is readily recognised as a fraud.
Sempa, Kayanja and others regularly manipulate their followers with weird performances and 120-decibel psychedelic sounds. Because the effects on their victims are expressed in hidden brain cell activity, the frauds generally pass as innocent. And in this market place, the "good" pastors must now be eyeing the deserters from the other camp.
But the pastors are tapping into a ready-made reservoir. In many homes, not only is a religious upbringing flaunted as a moral upbringing, but also a non-religious upbringing is fallaciously projected as a non-moral upbringing. In infant schools, where barely literate instructors parrot religious hogwash to millions of kids, the general view is that those lessons are useful; or, at any rate, that they are harmless because they are elementary!
Higher up, religious education tends to be convictional and denominational, instead of being comparative and critical. During their holidays, the teenagers are lured to mass mind control crusades, where politicians and pastors see them as herds of future voters and tithe hostages.
At various colleges, where they would expand their knowledge and develop their critical powers, they find an education regime that teaches them to become "mechanics." When will the pastors face an authentic educated class that instructs them that they are all frauds?
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
டார்பரில் கருப்பின முஸ்லீம்களை கொல்ல சூடான் அல்குவேதாவுக்கு உதவி
அல்குவேதா உறுப்பினர்கள் மீது சூடானில் விதிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும் கட்டுப்பாடுகளை தளர்த்தப்போவதாகவும், பதிலுக்கு டார்பரில் கருப்பின முஸ்லீம்களை கொல்லவும், டார்பரில் பன்னாட்டு அமைதி படையினரை கொல்லவும் அல்குவேதா உதவும் என்றும் அறிவித்துள்ளது.
இந்த ஒப்பந்தம் 2004இலேயே அல்குவேதாவுக்கும் சூடான் அரசுக்கும் நடந்திருக்கிறது என்று ஆவணங்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.
இதுவரை சூடான் டார்பரில் 200000 கருப்பினத்தவர் அரபு சூடான் அரசால் பல்வேறு முறைகளில் கொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளனர்.
Sudan sought Al-Qaeda’s help to fight Darfur peacekeepers
Monday 30 July 2007 06:00.
By: Wasil Ali
July 29, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese government decided to lift restrictions on Al-Qaeda members in the country in return for their help in fighting peacekeepers in Darfur.
Osama bin Laden
The classified document sent to Sudan Tribune by a group named Kosh Liberation Movement (KLM) was dated April 27, 2004 and signed by senior members of Sudan’s presidency, ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and the army.
One of the signatories was Sudan’s presidential adviser Majzoub al-Khalifa who was killed in a car accident last month signing on behalf of the NCP.
The authenticity of the document could not be independently verified.
Osama bin Laden lived in Sudan for several years in the early 1990s.
The document requests all government agencies to allow “foreign Jihadis who came to Sudan with Osama Bin Laden in 1994 to resume their political activities in Sudan given the circumstances surrounding foreign intervention in Darfur to support armed forces and the people of Sudan to fight Zionist enemies”.
The decision outlines certain steps to be taken to allow Al-Qaeda to operate in Sudan such as unfreezing their bank accounts and returning all properties confiscated in 1996.
A copy of the order was sent to President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir, Head of Security Services and a representative of Al-Qaeda in Sudan.
Last year Al-Qaeda’s second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahri called on Muslims in a video released on Friday to launch a holy war against proposed U.N. peacekeepers in Sudan’s Darfur region.
The Los Angeles Times revealed last month that Sudan has secretly worked with the CIA to spy on the insurgency in Iraq, an example of how the U.S. has continued to cooperate with the Sudanese regime even while condemning its suspected role in the killing of tens of thousands of civilians in Darfur.
The U.S.-Sudan relationship goes beyond Iraq. Sudan has helped the United States track the turmoil in Somalia. Sudanese intelligence service has helped the US to attack the Islamic Courts positions in Somalia and to locate Al Qaeda suspects hiding there.
The Darfur conflict began in 2003 when an ethnic minority rose up against the Arab-dominated government in Khartoum, which then enlisted the Janjaweed militia group to help crush the rebellion.
According to UN estimates, at least 200,000 people have died from the combined effect of war and famine since the conflict started in February 2003. But Khartoum disputes the figures
இந்த ஒப்பந்தம் 2004இலேயே அல்குவேதாவுக்கும் சூடான் அரசுக்கும் நடந்திருக்கிறது என்று ஆவணங்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.
இதுவரை சூடான் டார்பரில் 200000 கருப்பினத்தவர் அரபு சூடான் அரசால் பல்வேறு முறைகளில் கொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளனர்.
Sudan sought Al-Qaeda’s help to fight Darfur peacekeepers
Monday 30 July 2007 06:00.
By: Wasil Ali
July 29, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese government decided to lift restrictions on Al-Qaeda members in the country in return for their help in fighting peacekeepers in Darfur.
Osama bin Laden
The classified document sent to Sudan Tribune by a group named Kosh Liberation Movement (KLM) was dated April 27, 2004 and signed by senior members of Sudan’s presidency, ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and the army.
One of the signatories was Sudan’s presidential adviser Majzoub al-Khalifa who was killed in a car accident last month signing on behalf of the NCP.
The authenticity of the document could not be independently verified.
Osama bin Laden lived in Sudan for several years in the early 1990s.
The document requests all government agencies to allow “foreign Jihadis who came to Sudan with Osama Bin Laden in 1994 to resume their political activities in Sudan given the circumstances surrounding foreign intervention in Darfur to support armed forces and the people of Sudan to fight Zionist enemies”.
The decision outlines certain steps to be taken to allow Al-Qaeda to operate in Sudan such as unfreezing their bank accounts and returning all properties confiscated in 1996.
A copy of the order was sent to President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir, Head of Security Services and a representative of Al-Qaeda in Sudan.
Last year Al-Qaeda’s second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahri called on Muslims in a video released on Friday to launch a holy war against proposed U.N. peacekeepers in Sudan’s Darfur region.
The Los Angeles Times revealed last month that Sudan has secretly worked with the CIA to spy on the insurgency in Iraq, an example of how the U.S. has continued to cooperate with the Sudanese regime even while condemning its suspected role in the killing of tens of thousands of civilians in Darfur.
The U.S.-Sudan relationship goes beyond Iraq. Sudan has helped the United States track the turmoil in Somalia. Sudanese intelligence service has helped the US to attack the Islamic Courts positions in Somalia and to locate Al Qaeda suspects hiding there.
The Darfur conflict began in 2003 when an ethnic minority rose up against the Arab-dominated government in Khartoum, which then enlisted the Janjaweed militia group to help crush the rebellion.
According to UN estimates, at least 200,000 people have died from the combined effect of war and famine since the conflict started in February 2003. But Khartoum disputes the figures
அரபு இனவெறி,
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
பிஜி இந்துவை பெந்தகொஸ்தே கிறிஸ்துவர்கள் கொலை
கலிபோர்னியாவில் பிஜி இந்துக்கள் குழுமி பாட்டுப்பாடிக்கொண்டிருந்த இடத்தில் ரஷ்யாவை சார்ந்த பெந்தகொஸ்தெ கிறிஸ்துவர்கள் அவர்களை திட்டி அடித்திருக்கின்றனர்.
சண்டை முற்றியதில் சத்தேந்தர் சிங் கொல்லப்பட்டார்.
பெந்தகொஸ்தே கிறிஸ்துவர்கள் தங்கள் வன்முறையை விட்டு அமைதி மார்க்கத்துக்கு வர இறையை இறைஞ்சுவோம்.
Russian Pentecostals hunt gays in US - daily
Moscow, July 31, Interfax - American police investigates murder of a Fijian immigrant killed in a clash with a group of Pentecostal Christian of Russian origin.
Satendar Singh, 26, was with six friends of Fijian and Indian descent at a picnic area near Lake Natoma, east of Sacramento, California. They listened music and sung their ethnic songs, Izvestia daily reports on Tuesday.
Witnesses reported that a group of Russian men picnicking with their families began hurling anti-gay and racist invectives. They perceived Singh as a gay.
As things escalated, Singh was stricken and fell down with his head on a stone. Four days later he died in hospital.
According to Novoye Russkoye Slovo periodical, in today’s America there are many religious fundamentalist groups hunting gay and lesbian people in bars and clubs where they meet.
American Pentecostal Archbishop Nikolay Gelis said a sermon in Sacramento urging his Russian-speaking congregation to live in peace. ‘We do not support any form of hatred. We should love each other and live in peace.’
However he said he supported ‘normal families, in which men and women would beget children and form strong communities for the betterment of the nation.’
சண்டை முற்றியதில் சத்தேந்தர் சிங் கொல்லப்பட்டார்.
பெந்தகொஸ்தே கிறிஸ்துவர்கள் தங்கள் வன்முறையை விட்டு அமைதி மார்க்கத்துக்கு வர இறையை இறைஞ்சுவோம்.
Russian Pentecostals hunt gays in US - daily
Moscow, July 31, Interfax - American police investigates murder of a Fijian immigrant killed in a clash with a group of Pentecostal Christian of Russian origin.
Satendar Singh, 26, was with six friends of Fijian and Indian descent at a picnic area near Lake Natoma, east of Sacramento, California. They listened music and sung their ethnic songs, Izvestia daily reports on Tuesday.
Witnesses reported that a group of Russian men picnicking with their families began hurling anti-gay and racist invectives. They perceived Singh as a gay.
As things escalated, Singh was stricken and fell down with his head on a stone. Four days later he died in hospital.
According to Novoye Russkoye Slovo periodical, in today’s America there are many religious fundamentalist groups hunting gay and lesbian people in bars and clubs where they meet.
American Pentecostal Archbishop Nikolay Gelis said a sermon in Sacramento urging his Russian-speaking congregation to live in peace. ‘We do not support any form of hatred. We should love each other and live in peace.’
However he said he supported ‘normal families, in which men and women would beget children and form strong communities for the betterment of the nation.’
பைபிளை படிக்க கட்டாயப்படுத்தும் கிறிஸ்துவ பள்ளி மீது மஹாராஷ்டிர அரசு விசாரணை
நவி மும்பையில் இருக்கும் செயிண்ட் அகாஸ்டீன் ஹை ஸ்கூல் மாணவர்களை மாணவிகளள கட்டாயமாக பைபிள் படிக்க வைக்கிறது என்ற குற்ற்சாட்டை சிவசேனா கட்சி கூறியதன் பின்னர், மஹாராஷ்டிர கல்வி அமைச்சர் ஹாசன் முஷ்ரிஃப் அந்த பள்ளி செய்திருந்தால் பள்ளி மீது நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கப்படும் என்று கூறியிருக்கிறார்.
Govt bows to Sena demand, probes Christian school
Nimisha Srivastava / CNN-IBN
Published on Thursday , July 26, 2007 at 21:35 in Nation section
Mumbai: The Maharashtra government’s education department is probing a Mumbai school which the Shiv Sena alleges is forcing the Bible on non-Christian students.
The Shiv Sena alleges the St Augustine High School in Navi Mumbai is forcing students to read the Bible against their wishes. Hasan Mushrif, Minister of State for School Education, told CNN-IBN the action would be taken against the school if the allegations are found correct.
"I have an ordered a probe to find out if the school is spreading Christianity and forcing Bible lessons on students," said Mushrif.
St Augustine’s has rejected the allegations. "We have all kinds of prayers in our assembly—we have Vande Mataram. No student is forced to do anything against his or her religion. All students are alike to us," says Head Mistress Lily Zachariah.
This is not the first time that a Christian institution is being probed. Christian leaders say probes and government attention on them strangely increase when the time comes for admissions. Abraham Mathai, General Secretary of All India Christian Council of Maharashtra, alleges the probe is politically motivated.
"Some disgruntled MPs who would not be able to get admission for their own people would be raising these issues to get back at the schools," says Mathai.
Govt bows to Sena demand, probes Christian school
Nimisha Srivastava / CNN-IBN
Published on Thursday , July 26, 2007 at 21:35 in Nation section
Mumbai: The Maharashtra government’s education department is probing a Mumbai school which the Shiv Sena alleges is forcing the Bible on non-Christian students.
The Shiv Sena alleges the St Augustine High School in Navi Mumbai is forcing students to read the Bible against their wishes. Hasan Mushrif, Minister of State for School Education, told CNN-IBN the action would be taken against the school if the allegations are found correct.
"I have an ordered a probe to find out if the school is spreading Christianity and forcing Bible lessons on students," said Mushrif.
St Augustine’s has rejected the allegations. "We have all kinds of prayers in our assembly—we have Vande Mataram. No student is forced to do anything against his or her religion. All students are alike to us," says Head Mistress Lily Zachariah.
This is not the first time that a Christian institution is being probed. Christian leaders say probes and government attention on them strangely increase when the time comes for admissions. Abraham Mathai, General Secretary of All India Christian Council of Maharashtra, alleges the probe is politically motivated.
"Some disgruntled MPs who would not be able to get admission for their own people would be raising these issues to get back at the schools," says Mathai.
கட்டாய மதமாற்றம்,
புரட்சியின் விளைவு 1.7 மில்லியன் மனிதர்கள் பலி
சிவப்பு கம்போடியா என்ற பெயரில் கெமர் ரூஜ் புரட்சி செய்த கம்யூனிஸ்டுகள் கொன்ற கம்போடிய மக்களின் எண்ணிக்கை 1.7 மில்லியன்.

இவ்வளவு கொலைகளை செய்த கம்போடிய கம்யூனிஸ்டுகள் தண்டனைக்கு தப்பி காட்டுக்குள் ஓடிவிட்டார்கள். அதில் பலர் இறந்து போனார்கள்.
ஆனாலும் இங்கு குற்றங்களை விசாரிக்க அமைக்கப்பட்ட ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் விசாரணை கமிஷன் முதலாவது குற்றவாளியாக ஒரு கம்யூனிஸ ஜெயில் அதிகாரியை குற்றம் சாட்டியிருக்கிறது
கம்யூனிஸ்டுகள் எப்படி சித்ரவதைகள் செய்தார்கள் என்பதை கம்போடியர்கள் ஆவணப்படுத்தியிருக்கிறார்கள்.
புரட்சிகளின் விளைவை காண இதனை பாருங்கள்
First Khmer Rouge leader charged
Duch is the first of five suspects to be investigated
An ex-Khmer Rouge prison chief has been charged with crimes against humanity by a UN-backed tribunal in Cambodia.
Kang Kek Ieu, also known as Duch, was in charge of the notorious S21 jail in the country's capital, Phnom Penh.
Duch is the first of five suspects whom prosecutors have asked the tribunal to investigate over their role in the brutal Khmer Rouge regime.
More than a million people are thought to have died during the four years of Khmer Rouge rule between 1975-79.
Judges spent several hours interviewing Duch on Tuesday before formally filing charges against him.
"The co-investigating judges of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia have charged Kang Kek Ieu, alias Duch, for crimes against humanity and have placed him in provisional detention," tribunal judges said in a statement.
Key figures in the Khmer Rouge
Duch was not among the top level of Khmer Rouge leaders but he has become one of its most notorious members, according to the BBC's Guy De Launey in Phnom Penh.
He ran S21, a notorious jail where about 1,400 men, women and children were kept, and many of them brutally tortured.
A museum at the site illustrates in graphic detail what happened to the inmates, many of whom were executed at the so-called Killing Fields outside Phnom Penh.
Duch was also the Khmer Rouge cadre who took charge of French anthropologist Francois Bizot, who recorded his 90 days captivity in a best-selling book, The Gate.
Long process
The UN-backed tribunal has taken years to get off the ground.
But by charging Duch, the judges are sending out a clear message that the special courts are now operational and moving more quickly than many people expected, our correspondent says.
Survivors have welcomed the charges, but they have also expressed doubts about whether other, more senior Khmer Rouge leaders will ever be brought to justice.
Duch had been in military custody for eight years and it was a simple matter to transfer him to the special courts. But other Khmer Rouge figures have been living freely in Cambodia - and may prove more difficult to track down.
Among those thought to be on the tribunal's list of suspects are "Brother Number Two" Nuon Chea, former president Khieu Samphan and Khmer Rouge foreign minister Ieng Sary.
But the two most senior Khmer Rouge leaders will never be brought to trial.
"Brother Number One" Pol Pot, the founder and leader of the regime, died in a camp along the border with Thailand in 1998, and Ta Mok, the regime's military commander and one of Pol Pot's most ruthless henchmen, died last year.
Key figures in the Khmer Rouge
Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea live next door to each other
A United Nations-backed genocide tribunal has been set up in Cambodia, to seek justice for the Khmer Rouge's hundreds of thousands of victims.
It could see surviving leaders of the brutal regime brought to the dock, but the man most wanted for crimes against humanity in Cambodia will never be brought to justice.
Pol Pot, the founder and leader of the Khmer Rouge, died in a camp along the border with Thailand in 1998.
Other key figures have also died. Ta Mok - the regime's military commander and one of Pol Pot's most ruthless henchmen - died in July 2006.
As time goes on, some people are beginning to question whether it is too late to achieve a proper sense of justice for the Cambodian people.
But there are several surviving figures who have been implicated in the genocide that took place during the Khmer Rouge's four-year regime.
Judges at the tribunal started questioning their first suspect - Kang Kek Ieu, more commonly known as Duch - on 31 July, to decide whether he should stand trial.
Duch was the boss of Phnom Penh's notorious Tuol Sleng prison, where thousands of people were killed during the Khmer Rouge regime.
Now aged 65, he is the youngest surviving member of the movement's leadership.
Duch, who has since become a born-again Christian, has been in custody since 1999. He is said to be eager for his chance to go to trial to tell his version of events.
Escaping justice
Other senior Khmer Rouge leaders are still at liberty.
Two of the top names, Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan, live in Pailin, once the movement's jungle headquarters.
Pol Pot's regime is thought to have led to the deaths of 1.7m people
Both men deny being involved in the atrocities that went on during the Khmer Rouge regime, but critics suggest that at the very least they were fully informed of what was happening.
Nuon Chea was Pol Pot's second in command, and often referred to as "brother number two".
He defected from the Khmer Rouge in 1998 and was granted a pardon by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.
In December 2002 he was called to testify on behalf of the former Khmer Rouge general Sam Bith, who was sentenced to life in prison for ordering the kidnap and murder of three Western backpackers in 1994.
Khieu Samphan, as the official head of state, was the public face of the Khmer Rouge.
After defecting at the same time as Nuon Chea, the 73-year-old is now said to spend most of his time reading, listening to music or gardening in his Pailin home.
Another former leader, Ieng Sary, may yet escape trial.
Known as "Brother Number Three", Ieng Sary is Pol Pot's brother-in-law and served as minister of foreign affairs during the Khmer Rouge regime.
He became the first senior leader to defect in 1996 - and as a result was granted a royal pardon.
The United Nations says such a pardon cannot protect someone from prosecution, but Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has previously warned that going after Ieng Sary could re-ignite civil unrest in Cambodia.
Ieng Sary now lives in a luxury villa in Phnom Penh, as well as maintaining a home in Pailin.
The 76-year-old is said to be ill with a heart condition, and travels to Bangkok regularly for treatment.

இவ்வளவு கொலைகளை செய்த கம்போடிய கம்யூனிஸ்டுகள் தண்டனைக்கு தப்பி காட்டுக்குள் ஓடிவிட்டார்கள். அதில் பலர் இறந்து போனார்கள்.
ஆனாலும் இங்கு குற்றங்களை விசாரிக்க அமைக்கப்பட்ட ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் விசாரணை கமிஷன் முதலாவது குற்றவாளியாக ஒரு கம்யூனிஸ ஜெயில் அதிகாரியை குற்றம் சாட்டியிருக்கிறது
கம்யூனிஸ்டுகள் எப்படி சித்ரவதைகள் செய்தார்கள் என்பதை கம்போடியர்கள் ஆவணப்படுத்தியிருக்கிறார்கள்.
புரட்சிகளின் விளைவை காண இதனை பாருங்கள்
First Khmer Rouge leader charged
Duch is the first of five suspects to be investigated
An ex-Khmer Rouge prison chief has been charged with crimes against humanity by a UN-backed tribunal in Cambodia.
Kang Kek Ieu, also known as Duch, was in charge of the notorious S21 jail in the country's capital, Phnom Penh.
Duch is the first of five suspects whom prosecutors have asked the tribunal to investigate over their role in the brutal Khmer Rouge regime.
More than a million people are thought to have died during the four years of Khmer Rouge rule between 1975-79.
Judges spent several hours interviewing Duch on Tuesday before formally filing charges against him.
"The co-investigating judges of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia have charged Kang Kek Ieu, alias Duch, for crimes against humanity and have placed him in provisional detention," tribunal judges said in a statement.
Key figures in the Khmer Rouge
Duch was not among the top level of Khmer Rouge leaders but he has become one of its most notorious members, according to the BBC's Guy De Launey in Phnom Penh.
He ran S21, a notorious jail where about 1,400 men, women and children were kept, and many of them brutally tortured.
A museum at the site illustrates in graphic detail what happened to the inmates, many of whom were executed at the so-called Killing Fields outside Phnom Penh.
Duch was also the Khmer Rouge cadre who took charge of French anthropologist Francois Bizot, who recorded his 90 days captivity in a best-selling book, The Gate.
Long process
The UN-backed tribunal has taken years to get off the ground.
But by charging Duch, the judges are sending out a clear message that the special courts are now operational and moving more quickly than many people expected, our correspondent says.
Survivors have welcomed the charges, but they have also expressed doubts about whether other, more senior Khmer Rouge leaders will ever be brought to justice.
Duch had been in military custody for eight years and it was a simple matter to transfer him to the special courts. But other Khmer Rouge figures have been living freely in Cambodia - and may prove more difficult to track down.
Among those thought to be on the tribunal's list of suspects are "Brother Number Two" Nuon Chea, former president Khieu Samphan and Khmer Rouge foreign minister Ieng Sary.
But the two most senior Khmer Rouge leaders will never be brought to trial.
"Brother Number One" Pol Pot, the founder and leader of the regime, died in a camp along the border with Thailand in 1998, and Ta Mok, the regime's military commander and one of Pol Pot's most ruthless henchmen, died last year.
Key figures in the Khmer Rouge
Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea live next door to each other
A United Nations-backed genocide tribunal has been set up in Cambodia, to seek justice for the Khmer Rouge's hundreds of thousands of victims.
It could see surviving leaders of the brutal regime brought to the dock, but the man most wanted for crimes against humanity in Cambodia will never be brought to justice.
Pol Pot, the founder and leader of the Khmer Rouge, died in a camp along the border with Thailand in 1998.
Other key figures have also died. Ta Mok - the regime's military commander and one of Pol Pot's most ruthless henchmen - died in July 2006.
As time goes on, some people are beginning to question whether it is too late to achieve a proper sense of justice for the Cambodian people.
But there are several surviving figures who have been implicated in the genocide that took place during the Khmer Rouge's four-year regime.
Judges at the tribunal started questioning their first suspect - Kang Kek Ieu, more commonly known as Duch - on 31 July, to decide whether he should stand trial.
Duch was the boss of Phnom Penh's notorious Tuol Sleng prison, where thousands of people were killed during the Khmer Rouge regime.
Now aged 65, he is the youngest surviving member of the movement's leadership.
Duch, who has since become a born-again Christian, has been in custody since 1999. He is said to be eager for his chance to go to trial to tell his version of events.
Escaping justice
Other senior Khmer Rouge leaders are still at liberty.
Two of the top names, Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan, live in Pailin, once the movement's jungle headquarters.
Pol Pot's regime is thought to have led to the deaths of 1.7m people
Both men deny being involved in the atrocities that went on during the Khmer Rouge regime, but critics suggest that at the very least they were fully informed of what was happening.
Nuon Chea was Pol Pot's second in command, and often referred to as "brother number two".
He defected from the Khmer Rouge in 1998 and was granted a pardon by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.
In December 2002 he was called to testify on behalf of the former Khmer Rouge general Sam Bith, who was sentenced to life in prison for ordering the kidnap and murder of three Western backpackers in 1994.
Khieu Samphan, as the official head of state, was the public face of the Khmer Rouge.
After defecting at the same time as Nuon Chea, the 73-year-old is now said to spend most of his time reading, listening to music or gardening in his Pailin home.
Another former leader, Ieng Sary, may yet escape trial.
Known as "Brother Number Three", Ieng Sary is Pol Pot's brother-in-law and served as minister of foreign affairs during the Khmer Rouge regime.
He became the first senior leader to defect in 1996 - and as a result was granted a royal pardon.
The United Nations says such a pardon cannot protect someone from prosecution, but Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has previously warned that going after Ieng Sary could re-ignite civil unrest in Cambodia.
Ieng Sary now lives in a luxury villa in Phnom Penh, as well as maintaining a home in Pailin.
The 76-year-old is said to be ill with a heart condition, and travels to Bangkok regularly for treatment.
கம்யூனிஸ பயங்கரவாதம்,
கெமர் ரூஜ்,
சிவப்பு கம்போடியா
பிடல் காஸ்ட்ரோ தம்பி ரவுல் காஸ்ட்ரோ - கியூபா ஜனாதிபதி

உழைக்கும் பாட்டாளி வர்க்கத்துக்காக உருவாக்கப்பட்ட கியூபா புரட்சியை காப்பாற்ற பிடல் காஸ்ட்ரோவில் தம்பி ரவுல் காஸ்ட்ரோ சபதம் எடுத்திருக்கிறார்.
இந்தியாவிலும் குடும்ப அரசியல் இருப்பதால், இந்தியாவிலும் கம்யூனிஸ புரட்சி வந்துவிட்டது என்று கூறலாமா?
மற்றவர்கள் பிச்சை போடவில்லை என்றால், கியூபாவில் பசியும் பட்டினியும்தான் இருக்கும்.
அதனால், கியூபாவில் கம்யூனிஸம் சோறுபோடாது என்று உணர்ந்து தற்போது விவசாயத்தை சுதந்திரமாக செய்ய அனுமதிப்பதாக இருக்கிறார்களாம்.
Cuba farms hint at future reform
By Michael Voss
BBC News, Havana
Cuba's markets are lively, and have produce from local co-operatives
It was 31 July last year that a sick Fidel Castro issued a proclamation naming his younger brother Raul as acting head of state.
It proved to be a calm, smooth transition, with the Communist Party remaining firmly in control. But so far, stability has not led to any improvement to people's daily lives.
Only now, one year on, are there signs that caretaker President Raul Castro may be preparing the country for a dose of Chinese-style economic reforms.
So far, one of the very few legal forms of private enterprise allowed on this Caribbean island is the farmers' market.
One of the best and busiest is the 19th Street market in the Vedado district of the capital, Havana.
State quota
Like food markets the world over, it vibrates to the sound of stall-holders shouting out their sales pitches, enticing customers to buy their fruit and vegetables.
The private producer works harder and looks after his crops
Xavier Perez
The produce comes from nearby co-operative farms and smallholdings. Once they have met their state quota they are free to sell everything else they grow in the market.
It is only in the past 15 years that such capitalist-style activities have been allowed here - a limited concession forced by the collapse of the country's former benefactor, the Soviet Union.
While the state shops are half empty, there is no shortage of food in the farmers' market. But it is expensive.
The average wage in Cuba is around 100 pesos a week. I bought two mangos, four green peppers and a pound of cucumbers and it cost me 60 pesos - roughly three days wages. Although, with access to hard currency it is less than $3.
'Making sacrifices'
I asked some of the customers in the market how they could afford to shop there.
Will Fidel Castro allow the country to move away from his cherished ideal of egalitarianism, where every man must be equal even if all are poor?
"My husband makes handicrafts which he sells to tourists so I can afford to shop here," one woman told me.
But others are less fortunate. "It's about making sacrifices", another woman said.
Low wages, food shortages and poor public transport are the complaints that dominate conversations here much more than questions of political freedom.
In a televised speech last week, before a crowd of one 100,000 people, Raul Castro acknowledged that all was not well.
"To have more, we have to begin producing more... To reach these goals, the needed structural and conceptual changes will have to be introduced," he told the crowd.
Winds of change
He also said that the country may have to turn once again to foreign investment.
Many Cubans and Western observers believe this to be a signal that Chinese-style reforms are finally on the way - an opening up of the economy while maintaining political control.
His hand may not be on the tiller, but his presence remains immense
And it is agriculture which could be the first to feel the winds of change.
Some farmers already own their land.
Men like Xavier Perez, who employs four people on his two-hectare smallholding just east of the capital.
He grows bananas, mangos and guavas and once he has met his state quota, the rest goes to the market in Havana.
About 60% of farms are still run by the state. But according to government statistics published online, it is the co-operative and small private farms which provide almost 90% of all the food grown here.
Xavier Perez explained: "The private producer works harder and looks after his crops. If you are employed by the state it's just a job, nobody cares."
Revolutionary dedication
But will Fidel Castro allow the country to move away from his cherished ideal of egalitarianism, where every man must be equal even if all are poor?
The 80-year-old "commander-in-chief", as Fidel is still referred to here, continues to recuperate following a series of stomach operations.
Recent pictures show that he has put on weight and appears to be getting stronger.
In recent months Fidel Castro has increasingly made his presence felt through regular newspaper editorials, called Reflections by the Commander in Chief. Each are read out in full on the nightly news.
Last month he suggested that all that was really needed was more revolutionary dedication.
"The standard of living can be improved by raising knowledge, self-esteem and dignity of the people. It will be enough to reduce waste and the economy will grow."
For the moment Fidel Castro's role appears to be that of an elder statesman.
His hand may not be on the tiller, but his presence remains immense. Many believe that there can be no major changes in Cuba without his approval. Much less against his wishes.
போதை மருந்து கடத்திய சவுதி இளவரசர் நண்பர்கள் விடுதலை
சவுதி இளவரசரின் நண்பர்கள் அவரது விமானத்தில் கொக்கெய்ன் போதைமருந்து 2 டன் கடத்தினர். வெனிசுவெலாவிலிருந்து பாரிஸுக்கு கடத்தப்பட்ட இந்த போதைமருந்தை மியாமியில் பிடித்தனர்.
இது மியாமியில் பிடிக்கபப்ட்டாலும், இந்த போதைமருந்து அமெரிக்காவில் விற்கப்படுவதற்காக கடத்தப்படவில்லை என்ற காரணத்தை வைத்து இந்த சவுதி இளவரசர், அவரது நண்பர்களை குற்றமற்றவர்களாக கருதவேண்டும் என்று சவுதி இளவரசரின் வழக்குறைஞர்கள் வாதாடினர்
ஒப்புக்கொண்ட நீதிபதிகள் இவர்களை விடுதலை செய்தனர்.
U.S. Appeals Court overturns ruling in Saudi prince drug case
The Associated PressPublished: July 27, 2007
MIAMI: A Saudi prince's ex-girlfriend and a Colombian man who were convicted of using the prince's Boeing 727 to transport cocaine have asked to be released from jail after an appeals court dismissed the case against them.
Doris Mangeri Salazar and Ivan Lopez Vanegas had both been sentenced to more than 20 years in prison for helping to broker the transport of two tons of cocaine from Venezuela to Paris. But a federal appeals court ruled Thursday that the drug conspiracy statutes they were charged with did not apply.
That is because the cocaine was not transported through the United States and not intended for distribution in the country, the three-judge panel ruled unanimously. The government had argued during the pair's trial that because conspirators held meetings in Miami they could be tried in Florida.
"This was a courageous panel of judges that did the right thing and interpreted the law as it was meant to be," Salazar's attorney Scott Srebnick said.
Srebnick said that while the court ruled on whether the statutes applied to his client, he maintains the former Florida real estate agent is "100 percent factually innocent."
Attorneys asked that Salazar and Vanegas be released on bail while prosecutors decide whether to pursue the case.
U.S. Attorney R. Alexander Acosta was reviewing the 16-page decision by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta but had not yet decided how to respond. He has two weeks to make that decision. One option would be to ask the full court to review the decision of the three-judge panel.
Salazar and Lopez were convicted in 2005 of conspiracy to possess cocaine with intent to distribute and ordered to pay $25,000 (€18,314) in fines.
Lopez was said to have suggested approaching prince Nayef bin Sultan bin Fawwaz al-Shaalan about using his plane to smuggle cocaine. The plane was outfitted with extra tanks for long flights and the prince could travel under diplomatic immunity, avoiding most customs inspections.
After the 2-ton shipment, valued at $30 million (€21.98 million), arrived in Paris in 1999 it was sold to buyers in Italy and Spain before a ton was seized by French and Spanish authorities.
Lopez became a middle man between several Colombian drug lords and the prince, according to trial testimony. Salazar had been al-Shaalan's girlfriend at the University of Miami. Al-Shaalan, a Swiss banker, later married into the royal Saudi family, and Salazar was said to have helped arrange a transaction between Colombian drug traffickers and the prince.
இது மியாமியில் பிடிக்கபப்ட்டாலும், இந்த போதைமருந்து அமெரிக்காவில் விற்கப்படுவதற்காக கடத்தப்படவில்லை என்ற காரணத்தை வைத்து இந்த சவுதி இளவரசர், அவரது நண்பர்களை குற்றமற்றவர்களாக கருதவேண்டும் என்று சவுதி இளவரசரின் வழக்குறைஞர்கள் வாதாடினர்
ஒப்புக்கொண்ட நீதிபதிகள் இவர்களை விடுதலை செய்தனர்.
U.S. Appeals Court overturns ruling in Saudi prince drug case
The Associated PressPublished: July 27, 2007
MIAMI: A Saudi prince's ex-girlfriend and a Colombian man who were convicted of using the prince's Boeing 727 to transport cocaine have asked to be released from jail after an appeals court dismissed the case against them.
Doris Mangeri Salazar and Ivan Lopez Vanegas had both been sentenced to more than 20 years in prison for helping to broker the transport of two tons of cocaine from Venezuela to Paris. But a federal appeals court ruled Thursday that the drug conspiracy statutes they were charged with did not apply.
That is because the cocaine was not transported through the United States and not intended for distribution in the country, the three-judge panel ruled unanimously. The government had argued during the pair's trial that because conspirators held meetings in Miami they could be tried in Florida.
"This was a courageous panel of judges that did the right thing and interpreted the law as it was meant to be," Salazar's attorney Scott Srebnick said.
Srebnick said that while the court ruled on whether the statutes applied to his client, he maintains the former Florida real estate agent is "100 percent factually innocent."
Attorneys asked that Salazar and Vanegas be released on bail while prosecutors decide whether to pursue the case.
U.S. Attorney R. Alexander Acosta was reviewing the 16-page decision by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta but had not yet decided how to respond. He has two weeks to make that decision. One option would be to ask the full court to review the decision of the three-judge panel.
Salazar and Lopez were convicted in 2005 of conspiracy to possess cocaine with intent to distribute and ordered to pay $25,000 (€18,314) in fines.
Lopez was said to have suggested approaching prince Nayef bin Sultan bin Fawwaz al-Shaalan about using his plane to smuggle cocaine. The plane was outfitted with extra tanks for long flights and the prince could travel under diplomatic immunity, avoiding most customs inspections.
After the 2-ton shipment, valued at $30 million (€21.98 million), arrived in Paris in 1999 it was sold to buyers in Italy and Spain before a ton was seized by French and Spanish authorities.
Lopez became a middle man between several Colombian drug lords and the prince, according to trial testimony. Salazar had been al-Shaalan's girlfriend at the University of Miami. Al-Shaalan, a Swiss banker, later married into the royal Saudi family, and Salazar was said to have helped arrange a transaction between Colombian drug traffickers and the prince.
சஞ்சய் தத்துக்கு ஆறுவருடம் சிறை
பயங்கரவாதிகளிடமிருந்து ஆயுதங்களை பெற்றதற்காக சஞ்சய் தத்துக்கு ஆறு வருடம் சிறைத்தண்டனை விதிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
Sanjay Dutt jailed for 6 years
Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:26PM IST
By Krittivas Mukherjee
MUMBAI (Reuters) - Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt was jailed for six years on Tuesday for getting guns from gangsters involved in India's worst bombings, ending an epic trial that transfixed the country with tales of terror and revenge.
Dutt, an immensely popular star known for his macho anti-hero roles and troubled private life, was found guilty of acquiring illegal weapons from those blamed for the bombings in Mumbai that killed 257 people in 1993.
He has already served 16 months in jail while awaiting trial and his lawyer said he would appeal. He has millions of dollars riding on him in films under production, and millions more fans in Bollywood, the world's largest film industry by ticket sales.
The muscular 48-year-old was cleared of conspiracy charges in the serial blasts in Mumbai, but was found guilty of illegal possession of an automatic rifle and a pistol.
"The crime was not brutal, cruel, ghastly, inhuman, not anti-social, not immoral and did not result in any harm to anyone," judge Pramod Kode said, but added it was still a serious offence and he had encouraged others to break the law.
"It was an eminently dangerous act. With the punishment of a minimum of five years and maximum of 10 years it can in no way be a minor offence or of a less grave nature."
Dutt was also fined 25,000 rupees.
The actor is the most high-profile among 100 people, mostly Muslims, found guilty in the bombings trial, one of the world's longest court cases. Continued...
Sanjay Dutt jailed for 6 years
Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:26PM IST
By Krittivas Mukherjee
MUMBAI (Reuters) - Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt was jailed for six years on Tuesday for getting guns from gangsters involved in India's worst bombings, ending an epic trial that transfixed the country with tales of terror and revenge.
Dutt, an immensely popular star known for his macho anti-hero roles and troubled private life, was found guilty of acquiring illegal weapons from those blamed for the bombings in Mumbai that killed 257 people in 1993.
He has already served 16 months in jail while awaiting trial and his lawyer said he would appeal. He has millions of dollars riding on him in films under production, and millions more fans in Bollywood, the world's largest film industry by ticket sales.
The muscular 48-year-old was cleared of conspiracy charges in the serial blasts in Mumbai, but was found guilty of illegal possession of an automatic rifle and a pistol.
"The crime was not brutal, cruel, ghastly, inhuman, not anti-social, not immoral and did not result in any harm to anyone," judge Pramod Kode said, but added it was still a serious offence and he had encouraged others to break the law.
"It was an eminently dangerous act. With the punishment of a minimum of five years and maximum of 10 years it can in no way be a minor offence or of a less grave nature."
Dutt was also fined 25,000 rupees.
The actor is the most high-profile among 100 people, mostly Muslims, found guilty in the bombings trial, one of the world's longest court cases. Continued...
பாகிஸ்தான்: ராணுவமும் பயங்கரவாதிகளும் மோதல் 12 பேர் பலி
பாகிஸ்தான் ராணுவம் மிகத்தீவிரமாக இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகளை வேட்டையாடி வருகிறது.
ஹெலிகாப்டர் கன்ஷிப், ராணுவ தளவாடங்களோடு இஸ்லாமிய பயங்க்ரவாதிகளை சந்தித்த ராணுவம் 12 இஸ்லாமிய பயங்க்ரவாதிகளை கொன்றது.
Up to 12 militants killed in Pakistan's Waziristan
Tue Jul 31, 2007 6:05 PM IST
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistani security forces, backed by helicopter gunships, killed up to 12 Islamist militants in clashes in the troubled North Waziristan tribal region on the Afghan border on Tuesday, the military said.
Pakistan has seen a massive increase in violence, especially in the border tribal areas, since security forces stormed the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, in the capital Islamabad earlier this month.
The Tuesday clashes broke out after militants riding on two vehicles tried to attack security forces in Khawaja Wali village, near Miranshah, North Waziristan's main town.
Government forces broke the attack and killed militants in return fire, the military said.
"The security forces also had the support of helicopters and they killed 10 to 12 militants," a military official who declined to be identified told Reuters.
The latest clashes in North Waziristan, known as a hotbed of support for al Qaeda-linked fighters, came a day after seven people were killed in militant attacks.
In other action on Tuesday, a roadside bomb blast struck a paramilitary vehicle in district of Tank, near the troubled South Waziristan tribal region, wounding six soldiers, two of them seriously.
Near Bannu, a settled district and gateway to North Waziristan, suspected militants kidnapped four paramilitary soldiers, police chief Dar Ali Khattak said.
Khattak said the security forces were travelling in a vehicle towards a check-post in a tribal area when intercepted by the militants.
More than 200 security force personnel and civilians have died in militant violence since the army attack on the Lal Masjid complex, a radical Islamist centre, on July 10. More than 100 people died in that assault, mostly those who had been holding out in the mosque.
At the weekend, dozens of heavily armed masked militants seized a shrine and mosque in Mohmand tribal region and named the mosque after the Lal Masjid.
The government has called a jirga or traditional council of tribal elders to persuade the militants to vacate the compound.
Adding to the tension in Pakistan, President Pervez Musharraf has been under increasing pressure from the United States, an important ally and aid source, to step up action against Taliban and al Qaeda elements in the border areas.
Movement of military and paramilitary convoys in and around those regions has become more frequent and check-posts have been reinforced, although the government has not linked the steps to Washington's demands.
(Additional reporting by Zeeshan Haider)
ஹெலிகாப்டர் கன்ஷிப், ராணுவ தளவாடங்களோடு இஸ்லாமிய பயங்க்ரவாதிகளை சந்தித்த ராணுவம் 12 இஸ்லாமிய பயங்க்ரவாதிகளை கொன்றது.
Up to 12 militants killed in Pakistan's Waziristan
Tue Jul 31, 2007 6:05 PM IST
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistani security forces, backed by helicopter gunships, killed up to 12 Islamist militants in clashes in the troubled North Waziristan tribal region on the Afghan border on Tuesday, the military said.
Pakistan has seen a massive increase in violence, especially in the border tribal areas, since security forces stormed the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, in the capital Islamabad earlier this month.
The Tuesday clashes broke out after militants riding on two vehicles tried to attack security forces in Khawaja Wali village, near Miranshah, North Waziristan's main town.
Government forces broke the attack and killed militants in return fire, the military said.
"The security forces also had the support of helicopters and they killed 10 to 12 militants," a military official who declined to be identified told Reuters.
The latest clashes in North Waziristan, known as a hotbed of support for al Qaeda-linked fighters, came a day after seven people were killed in militant attacks.
In other action on Tuesday, a roadside bomb blast struck a paramilitary vehicle in district of Tank, near the troubled South Waziristan tribal region, wounding six soldiers, two of them seriously.
Near Bannu, a settled district and gateway to North Waziristan, suspected militants kidnapped four paramilitary soldiers, police chief Dar Ali Khattak said.
Khattak said the security forces were travelling in a vehicle towards a check-post in a tribal area when intercepted by the militants.
More than 200 security force personnel and civilians have died in militant violence since the army attack on the Lal Masjid complex, a radical Islamist centre, on July 10. More than 100 people died in that assault, mostly those who had been holding out in the mosque.
At the weekend, dozens of heavily armed masked militants seized a shrine and mosque in Mohmand tribal region and named the mosque after the Lal Masjid.
The government has called a jirga or traditional council of tribal elders to persuade the militants to vacate the compound.
Adding to the tension in Pakistan, President Pervez Musharraf has been under increasing pressure from the United States, an important ally and aid source, to step up action against Taliban and al Qaeda elements in the border areas.
Movement of military and paramilitary convoys in and around those regions has become more frequent and check-posts have been reinforced, although the government has not linked the steps to Washington's demands.
(Additional reporting by Zeeshan Haider)
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
பாகிஸ்தான்: மேலும் 3 ராணுவத்தினர், 4 பொதுமக்கள் முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாதிகளால் சுட்டுக்கொலை
பாகிஸ்தானில் புதிய மூன்று தாக்குதல்களில் மூன்று பாகிஸ்தான் ராணுவத்தினரும் 4 பொதுமக்களும் இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகளால் கொல்லப்பட்டனர்.
7 Killed in Pak Fresh Clashes
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, July 30--At least three soldiers and four civilians were killed and eight others were wounded in three different attacks on military convoys in North Waziristan tribal agency of Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan, said officials here Monday.
In the first attack, a military convoy came under attack near Miramshah, a main town of the agency, said military spokesman Waheed Arshad talking to media.
He said there was no human loss in the attack but there was minor damage to the military vehicle. He added the assailants were in two vehicles and were arrested while trying to flee in possession of remote-controlled explosive devices.
Another military convoy was heading to Miramshah from Bannu town when, near Datakhel area, men opened fire, the spokesman said adding that there was an exchange of fire.
Four soldiers were wounded and four civilians were also reportedly killed.
In the third attack, said the spokesman, a Frontier Core (FC) convoy came under attack in the agency and three soldiers were killed.
Elsewhere, four soldiers were wounded when men fired rockets at the military airfield in Miramshah Sunday night, said security officials.
They said one rocket damaged the runway while the other hit a water tank compound guarded by the soldiers.
Pakistani authorities struck a deal with the local militants last September in a bid to isolate foreign groups and curb cross-border incursions into Afghanistan.
But the militants denounced the agreement early this month and have since launched several attacks on security forces.
The army said it killed at least 54 militants in clashes with militants in several days of fighting that erupted on July 21.
7 Killed in Pak Fresh Clashes
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, July 30--At least three soldiers and four civilians were killed and eight others were wounded in three different attacks on military convoys in North Waziristan tribal agency of Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan, said officials here Monday.
In the first attack, a military convoy came under attack near Miramshah, a main town of the agency, said military spokesman Waheed Arshad talking to media.
He said there was no human loss in the attack but there was minor damage to the military vehicle. He added the assailants were in two vehicles and were arrested while trying to flee in possession of remote-controlled explosive devices.
Another military convoy was heading to Miramshah from Bannu town when, near Datakhel area, men opened fire, the spokesman said adding that there was an exchange of fire.
Four soldiers were wounded and four civilians were also reportedly killed.
In the third attack, said the spokesman, a Frontier Core (FC) convoy came under attack in the agency and three soldiers were killed.
Elsewhere, four soldiers were wounded when men fired rockets at the military airfield in Miramshah Sunday night, said security officials.
They said one rocket damaged the runway while the other hit a water tank compound guarded by the soldiers.
Pakistani authorities struck a deal with the local militants last September in a bid to isolate foreign groups and curb cross-border incursions into Afghanistan.
But the militants denounced the agreement early this month and have since launched several attacks on security forces.
The army said it killed at least 54 militants in clashes with militants in several days of fighting that erupted on July 21.
முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாதம்
அனைத்து ஜாதி சிறுவர்களுக்கும் அர்ச்சகர் பயிற்சி: கேரளா
கல்பேட்டா: கேரளாவில் இந்து கோவில்களில் உள்ள சம்பிரதாயங்களையும் நடைமுறைகளையும் மாற்ற வேண்டும் என்று கோரிக்கைகள் வலுப்பெற்று வரும் நிலையில் மிகப்பெரும் சீர்திருத்த நடவடிக்கையாக ஆதிவாசி சிறுவர்கள் உட்பட அனைத்து ஜாதிகளையும் சேர்ந்தவர்களுக்கு கோவில் அர்ச்சகருக் கான பயிற்சி அளிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது. கோவில் பாதுகாப்பு கமிட்டி என்ற அமைப்பு இப்பயிற்சியை அளித்து வருகிறது.
கேரளா, கல்பேட்டா அருகில் பொங்கினி தேவி என்ற கோவில் உள்ளது. இந்த கோவிலில் ஆதிவாசி இன சிறுவர்கள் உள்ள இந்து சமுதாயத்தை சேர்ந்த அனைத்து பிரிவு சிறுவர்களுக்கும் "உபன்யாணம்' என்ற வேத பயிற்சி அளிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது. கேரள கோவில் பாதுகாப்பு கமிட்டி என்ற அமைப்பின் உதவியுடன் சிறுவர்களுக்கு வேத பயிற்சி அளிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது. இப்பயிற்சி வகுப்பில் ஆதிவாசி இனத்தை சேர்ந்த 14 சிறுவர்கள் உட் பட மொத்தம் 25 சிறுவர்கள் படிக் கின்றனர். இதில், தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப் பட்ட சிறுவர் களுக்கு சமஸ்கிருதம், மந்திரங்கள், வேத சோதிடம் மற்றும் சம்பிரதாயங்கள் ஆகியவை சொல்லி தரப்படுகின்றன. பையனுõர் ஸ்ரீதரன் நம்பூதிரி தலைமையிலான வேத விற்பன் னர்கள் சிறுவர்களுக்கு அர்ச்சகர் பயிற்சி அளிக்கின்றனர். சிறுவர்களுக்கு தங்கள் படிப்பில் பிரச்னை ஏற்படக்கூடாது என் பதற்காக சனிக்கிழமை, ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமைகளில் தான் இந்த பயிற்சி அளிக்கப் படுகிறது.வடக்கு கேரளத்தில் கோவில் அர்ச்சகர்கள் கிடைப்பதில் ஏற்படும் சிரமங்கள் தான் இப்பயிற்சி துவங்குவதற்கான காரணம் என்று இப்பயிற்சிக்கான அமைப்பாளர் பாலன் நம்பியார் தெரிவித்தார்.
அர்ச்சகர் பயிற்சிக்கு அனைத்து பிரிவினரும் தரும் ஊக்கம் உற்சாகமளிக்கிறது. பெரும் பாலான நம்பூதிரிகளும் இந்த திட்டத்தில் தாமாக உதவி அளிக்க முன்வந்துள்ளனர். இந்து சமய பழக்க வழக்கங்களையும் நடைமுறைகளையும் பாதுகாக்க வேண்டும் என்பதே எங்கள் நோக்கம். இதற்கு அனைத்து பிரிவினரின் ஒருமித்த ஆதரவும் பங்கேற்பும் இல்லாமல் இதை பூர்த்தி செய்ய முடியாது என்று பாலன் நம்பியார் கூறினார்.
நன்றி தினமலர்
கேரளா, கல்பேட்டா அருகில் பொங்கினி தேவி என்ற கோவில் உள்ளது. இந்த கோவிலில் ஆதிவாசி இன சிறுவர்கள் உள்ள இந்து சமுதாயத்தை சேர்ந்த அனைத்து பிரிவு சிறுவர்களுக்கும் "உபன்யாணம்' என்ற வேத பயிற்சி அளிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது. கேரள கோவில் பாதுகாப்பு கமிட்டி என்ற அமைப்பின் உதவியுடன் சிறுவர்களுக்கு வேத பயிற்சி அளிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது. இப்பயிற்சி வகுப்பில் ஆதிவாசி இனத்தை சேர்ந்த 14 சிறுவர்கள் உட் பட மொத்தம் 25 சிறுவர்கள் படிக் கின்றனர். இதில், தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப் பட்ட சிறுவர் களுக்கு சமஸ்கிருதம், மந்திரங்கள், வேத சோதிடம் மற்றும் சம்பிரதாயங்கள் ஆகியவை சொல்லி தரப்படுகின்றன. பையனுõர் ஸ்ரீதரன் நம்பூதிரி தலைமையிலான வேத விற்பன் னர்கள் சிறுவர்களுக்கு அர்ச்சகர் பயிற்சி அளிக்கின்றனர். சிறுவர்களுக்கு தங்கள் படிப்பில் பிரச்னை ஏற்படக்கூடாது என் பதற்காக சனிக்கிழமை, ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமைகளில் தான் இந்த பயிற்சி அளிக்கப் படுகிறது.வடக்கு கேரளத்தில் கோவில் அர்ச்சகர்கள் கிடைப்பதில் ஏற்படும் சிரமங்கள் தான் இப்பயிற்சி துவங்குவதற்கான காரணம் என்று இப்பயிற்சிக்கான அமைப்பாளர் பாலன் நம்பியார் தெரிவித்தார்.
அர்ச்சகர் பயிற்சிக்கு அனைத்து பிரிவினரும் தரும் ஊக்கம் உற்சாகமளிக்கிறது. பெரும் பாலான நம்பூதிரிகளும் இந்த திட்டத்தில் தாமாக உதவி அளிக்க முன்வந்துள்ளனர். இந்து சமய பழக்க வழக்கங்களையும் நடைமுறைகளையும் பாதுகாக்க வேண்டும் என்பதே எங்கள் நோக்கம். இதற்கு அனைத்து பிரிவினரின் ஒருமித்த ஆதரவும் பங்கேற்பும் இல்லாமல் இதை பூர்த்தி செய்ய முடியாது என்று பாலன் நம்பியார் கூறினார்.
நன்றி தினமலர்
சாமியார் படத்துக்கு தடை கோரி இந்து மக்கள் கட்சி அரசுக்கு கடிதம்
சாமியார் படத்துக்கு தடை கோரி இந்து மக்கள் கட்சி அரசுக்கு கடிதம்
கோவை : ஆன்மிக மக்களின் மனதை புண்படுத்தும் வகையில் எடுக்கப்படும், சாமியார் சினிமா படத்தை, ஆரம்பத்திலேயே தடைசெய்ய வேண்டும்'' என, இந்து மக்கள் கட்சி, முதல்வருக்கு கோரிக்கை விடுத்துள்ளது. இந்து மக்கள் கட்சியின் மாநில செயலர் செந்தில்குமார் முதல்வருக்கு அனுப்பியுள்ள கடிதம்: இந்து மதத்தையும், மடாதிபதிகளையும் கேவலப்படுத்தும் நிகழ்ச்சி, தமிழகத்தில் அடிக்கடி நடக்கிறது. எந்த அரசியல் கட்சியும் இதற்காக கவலைப்படுவதில்லை. கடவுளை நம்புவோர் பல கோடி பேர் உள்ளனர்; கடவுளை நம்பாதவர் சில நுõறு பேர் மட்டுமே. மேல்மருவத்துõர் அடிகளார், காஞ்சி சங்கர மடம், சத்ய சாய்பாபா, போன்ற மகான்களை கேவலப்படுத்தும் வகையில், சாமியார் என்ற சினிமா படம் எடுக்க திட்டமிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. தமிழக அரசு இந்த படத்தை ஆரம்ப கட்டத்திலேயே தடை செய்ய வேண்டும். தென்னிந்திய திரைப்பட நடிகர்கள் சங்கம், தயாரிப்பாளர் சங்கங்களும் இதில் தலையிட்டு, சாமியார் சினிமா படத்தை தடுத்து நிறுத்த வேண்டும். இவ்வாறு கடிதத்தில் செந்தில்குமார் கூறியுள்ளார்.
நன்றி தினமலர்
கோவை : ஆன்மிக மக்களின் மனதை புண்படுத்தும் வகையில் எடுக்கப்படும், சாமியார் சினிமா படத்தை, ஆரம்பத்திலேயே தடைசெய்ய வேண்டும்'' என, இந்து மக்கள் கட்சி, முதல்வருக்கு கோரிக்கை விடுத்துள்ளது. இந்து மக்கள் கட்சியின் மாநில செயலர் செந்தில்குமார் முதல்வருக்கு அனுப்பியுள்ள கடிதம்: இந்து மதத்தையும், மடாதிபதிகளையும் கேவலப்படுத்தும் நிகழ்ச்சி, தமிழகத்தில் அடிக்கடி நடக்கிறது. எந்த அரசியல் கட்சியும் இதற்காக கவலைப்படுவதில்லை. கடவுளை நம்புவோர் பல கோடி பேர் உள்ளனர்; கடவுளை நம்பாதவர் சில நுõறு பேர் மட்டுமே. மேல்மருவத்துõர் அடிகளார், காஞ்சி சங்கர மடம், சத்ய சாய்பாபா, போன்ற மகான்களை கேவலப்படுத்தும் வகையில், சாமியார் என்ற சினிமா படம் எடுக்க திட்டமிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. தமிழக அரசு இந்த படத்தை ஆரம்ப கட்டத்திலேயே தடை செய்ய வேண்டும். தென்னிந்திய திரைப்பட நடிகர்கள் சங்கம், தயாரிப்பாளர் சங்கங்களும் இதில் தலையிட்டு, சாமியார் சினிமா படத்தை தடுத்து நிறுத்த வேண்டும். இவ்வாறு கடிதத்தில் செந்தில்குமார் கூறியுள்ளார்.
நன்றி தினமலர்
தினமலர் நிருபருக்கு திமுக அரிவாள் வெட்டு?
தினமலர் நிருபருக்கு அரிவாள் வெட்டு
திருவாரூர் : திருவாரூர் தினமலர் நிருபரை பைக்கில் வந்த நான்கு பேர் கொண்ட கும்பல், அரிவாளால் வெட்டிவிட்டு தலைமறைவான சம்பவம் அப்பகுதியில் பெரும் பரபரப்பை ஏற்படுத்தியது. நாகை மாவட்டம் பிரதாம ராமபுரத்தைச் சேர்ந்தவர் சுப்பையன் மகன் ராஜ்கண்ணன்(42). திருவாரூர் தினமலர் நிருபராக பணி செய்கிறார். திருவாரூர் கமலாலய குளம் அருகில் உள்ள கிளப்பில் நடப்பவை குறித்து செய்தி வெளியானதால் திருவாரூர் நகர தி.மு.க., செயலரும், நகராட்சி கவுன்சிலருமான சங்கர் மற்றும் அவரது ஆட்கள் சிலர், நிருபர் ராஜ்கண்ணனை தேடி வந்தனர். நேற்று காலை நகராட்சி கூட்டம் நடந்தது. இக்கூட்டத்துக்கு அனைத்து நிருபர்களுடன் ராஜ்கண்ணனும் சென்று திரும்பினார். திருவாரூர் கடைவீதியில் அவர் வந்தபோது, இரு பைக்கில் நான்கு மர்ம நபர்கள் வந்தனர். "ராஜ்கண்ணன் யார்' என்று உடன் வந்த சக நிருபர்களிடம் மர்ம நபர்கள் கேட்டனர். "இவர் தான்' என்று சக நிருபர்கள் அடையாளம் காட்டியதும், மர்ம நபர்கள் தாங்கள் மறைத்து வைத்திருந்த அரிவாளால் ராஜ் கண்ணனை சரமாரியாக வெட்டினர். சற்று தொலைவில் வந்து கொண்டிருந்த பத்திரிகை போட்டோகிராபர்கள் ஓடி வரும் முன், மர்ம நபர்கள் தப்பிச் சென்றனர். திருவாரூர் அரசு மருத்துவமனையில் ராஜ்கண்ணன் அனுமதிக்கப்பட்டார். நிருபரை மர்ம கும்பல் வெட்டியது குறித்து, திருவாரூர் டவுன் போலீஸ் இன்ஸ்பெக்டர் சிவவடிவேல் விசாரித்து வருகிறார்.
நன்றி தினமலர்
திருவாரூர் : திருவாரூர் தினமலர் நிருபரை பைக்கில் வந்த நான்கு பேர் கொண்ட கும்பல், அரிவாளால் வெட்டிவிட்டு தலைமறைவான சம்பவம் அப்பகுதியில் பெரும் பரபரப்பை ஏற்படுத்தியது. நாகை மாவட்டம் பிரதாம ராமபுரத்தைச் சேர்ந்தவர் சுப்பையன் மகன் ராஜ்கண்ணன்(42). திருவாரூர் தினமலர் நிருபராக பணி செய்கிறார். திருவாரூர் கமலாலய குளம் அருகில் உள்ள கிளப்பில் நடப்பவை குறித்து செய்தி வெளியானதால் திருவாரூர் நகர தி.மு.க., செயலரும், நகராட்சி கவுன்சிலருமான சங்கர் மற்றும் அவரது ஆட்கள் சிலர், நிருபர் ராஜ்கண்ணனை தேடி வந்தனர். நேற்று காலை நகராட்சி கூட்டம் நடந்தது. இக்கூட்டத்துக்கு அனைத்து நிருபர்களுடன் ராஜ்கண்ணனும் சென்று திரும்பினார். திருவாரூர் கடைவீதியில் அவர் வந்தபோது, இரு பைக்கில் நான்கு மர்ம நபர்கள் வந்தனர். "ராஜ்கண்ணன் யார்' என்று உடன் வந்த சக நிருபர்களிடம் மர்ம நபர்கள் கேட்டனர். "இவர் தான்' என்று சக நிருபர்கள் அடையாளம் காட்டியதும், மர்ம நபர்கள் தாங்கள் மறைத்து வைத்திருந்த அரிவாளால் ராஜ் கண்ணனை சரமாரியாக வெட்டினர். சற்று தொலைவில் வந்து கொண்டிருந்த பத்திரிகை போட்டோகிராபர்கள் ஓடி வரும் முன், மர்ம நபர்கள் தப்பிச் சென்றனர். திருவாரூர் அரசு மருத்துவமனையில் ராஜ்கண்ணன் அனுமதிக்கப்பட்டார். நிருபரை மர்ம கும்பல் வெட்டியது குறித்து, திருவாரூர் டவுன் போலீஸ் இன்ஸ்பெக்டர் சிவவடிவேல் விசாரித்து வருகிறார்.
நன்றி தினமலர்
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதத்தால் 1700 பேர் பிலிப்பைன்ஸில் 7 வருடத்தில் பலி
கடந்த 7 வருடங்களில் 1700 பேருக்கும் மேல் பிலிப்பைன்ஸில் இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதத்தால் கொல்லப்பட்டிருக்கின்றனர்.
இதில் மோரோ இஸ்லாமிக் லிபரேஷன் பிரண்ட் என்ற அமைப்பு மிகத்தீவிரமாக இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதத்தை முன்னெடுத்து செல்கிறது என்று அறிக்கைகள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.
Philippines is Southeast Asia's terror hotspot: report
By Manny Mogato
Monday, July 30, 2007; 1:20 AM
MANILA (Reuters) - More than 1,700 people have been killed or wounded in Islamic militant attacks in the Philippines during the last seven years, the highest number in Southeast Asia, a human rights group said on Monday.
In a report, U.S.-based Human Rights Watch blamed two small militant groups based in the southern Philippines for the killings -- Abu Sayyaf and the Rajah Solaiman Movement.
The scale of violence in the Philippines, however, has not received widespread attention outside the region, said John Sifton, senior researcher on terrorism and counter-terrorism at Human Rights Watch in New York.
"Extremist armed groups have spread terror among civilians in the Philippines," Sifton said.
"They have bombed buses carrying workers, food markets where people were shopping, airports where relatives were waiting for loved ones and ferry boats carrying families."
The 28-page report also faulted the Philippine government for not prosecuting those responsible for the attacks. Although some suspects had been arrested since 2000, it said very few had been brought successfully to trial.
The group also criticized Manila's new law to fight terrorism, saying it contained "dangerous over-broad provisions that violate human rights standards."
"The Philippines doesn't need a new abusive counter terrorism law," said Sifton. "The government isn't using the laws it already has, so why does it need new provisions that violate human rights?"
The Philippines is hosting Asia-Pacific's largest security gathering this week in Manila, where it is pushing for Southeast Asian countries to create a regional human rights body.
Human Rights Watch said it suspected the Abu Sayyaf and Rajah Solaiman continued to have links with rogue elements of larger Muslim rebel groups -- the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF).
The group called on the United States and the international community to provide assistance to ongoing peace talks between the government and Muslim rebels to make sure any deals reached would promote human rights and protect civilian population.
"To end the bombings, kidnappings and other violence, other governments have to pressure Philippine leaders to put a greater emphasis on protecting civilian life," Sifton said.
இதில் மோரோ இஸ்லாமிக் லிபரேஷன் பிரண்ட் என்ற அமைப்பு மிகத்தீவிரமாக இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதத்தை முன்னெடுத்து செல்கிறது என்று அறிக்கைகள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.
Philippines is Southeast Asia's terror hotspot: report
By Manny Mogato
Monday, July 30, 2007; 1:20 AM
MANILA (Reuters) - More than 1,700 people have been killed or wounded in Islamic militant attacks in the Philippines during the last seven years, the highest number in Southeast Asia, a human rights group said on Monday.
In a report, U.S.-based Human Rights Watch blamed two small militant groups based in the southern Philippines for the killings -- Abu Sayyaf and the Rajah Solaiman Movement.
The scale of violence in the Philippines, however, has not received widespread attention outside the region, said John Sifton, senior researcher on terrorism and counter-terrorism at Human Rights Watch in New York.
"Extremist armed groups have spread terror among civilians in the Philippines," Sifton said.
"They have bombed buses carrying workers, food markets where people were shopping, airports where relatives were waiting for loved ones and ferry boats carrying families."
The 28-page report also faulted the Philippine government for not prosecuting those responsible for the attacks. Although some suspects had been arrested since 2000, it said very few had been brought successfully to trial.
The group also criticized Manila's new law to fight terrorism, saying it contained "dangerous over-broad provisions that violate human rights standards."
"The Philippines doesn't need a new abusive counter terrorism law," said Sifton. "The government isn't using the laws it already has, so why does it need new provisions that violate human rights?"
The Philippines is hosting Asia-Pacific's largest security gathering this week in Manila, where it is pushing for Southeast Asian countries to create a regional human rights body.
Human Rights Watch said it suspected the Abu Sayyaf and Rajah Solaiman continued to have links with rogue elements of larger Muslim rebel groups -- the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF).
The group called on the United States and the international community to provide assistance to ongoing peace talks between the government and Muslim rebels to make sure any deals reached would promote human rights and protect civilian population.
"To end the bombings, kidnappings and other violence, other governments have to pressure Philippine leaders to put a greater emphasis on protecting civilian life," Sifton said.
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
Monday, July 30, 2007
ஹனீஃபுக்கு வேலை கொடுப்பதை பாஜக தலைவர் முக்தார் அப்பாஸ் நக்வி வரவேற்பு
பாரதிய ஜனதா கட்சி தலைவர் முக்தார் அப்பாஸ் நக்வி, ஆஸ்திரேலியாவில் தொல்லையுற்ற டாக்டர் ஹனீபுக்கு கர்னாடக அரசு அரசாங்க வேலை தர முன்வந்திருப்பதை வரவேற்றார்.
Govt job offer to Haneef is a healing touch, says BJP
Pioneer News Service | New Delhi
The BJP on Monday welcomed the Karnataka Chief Minister for offering a job to Mohammed Haneef, who was released from an Australian jail when charges against him in with the failed UK terror plot were dropped.
"It's a healing touch," BJP vice-president Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said in his reaction to the Chief Minister's job offer to Haneef.
All developed countries must realise that being a Muslim does not make a person commander of Osama bin Laden. They should take utmost care before branding anybody a terrorist," he added. The BJP leader's comments came a day after Haneef flew home after his release from Australia.
BJP spokesman Prakash Javadekar said: "We oppose victimisation of innocent people and stand for stern action against those involved in terrorism. He is a good doctor and the Karnataka Government's move is a good gesture."
Govt job offer to Haneef is a healing touch, says BJP
Pioneer News Service | New Delhi
The BJP on Monday welcomed the Karnataka Chief Minister for offering a job to Mohammed Haneef, who was released from an Australian jail when charges against him in with the failed UK terror plot were dropped.
"It's a healing touch," BJP vice-president Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said in his reaction to the Chief Minister's job offer to Haneef.
All developed countries must realise that being a Muslim does not make a person commander of Osama bin Laden. They should take utmost care before branding anybody a terrorist," he added. The BJP leader's comments came a day after Haneef flew home after his release from Australia.
BJP spokesman Prakash Javadekar said: "We oppose victimisation of innocent people and stand for stern action against those involved in terrorism. He is a good doctor and the Karnataka Government's move is a good gesture."
டாக்டர் ஹனீப்,
முக்தார் அப்பாஸ் நக்வி
இன்னொரு பிணைக்கைதி கிறிஸ்துவ போதகர் தாலிபானால் கொலை
இன்னொரு கிறிஸ்துவ போதகர் தாலிபானால் கொல்லப்பட்டார் என்று தாலிபான் தெரிவித்துள்ளது.
Taliban say kill hostage after demands are ignored
By Sayed Salahuddin
1 hour, 11 minutes ago
KABUL (Reuters) - Taliban kidnappers shot dead a male South Korean hostage on Monday, a spokesman said, accusing the Afghan government of not listening to rebel demands for the release of Taliban prisoners.
"We shot dead a male captive because the government did not listen to our demands," spokesman Qari Mohammad Yousuf told Reuters by telephone.
"We killed one of the male hostages at 6.30 this evening (1400 GMT) because the Kabul administration did not listen to our repeated demands," he told Reuters by telephone from an unknown location.
He said the Taliban would kill more hostages if Kabul ignored their demand to release rebel prisoners, but gave no new deadline. He said the body had been dumped by the side of a road.
The shooting was a bloody rejection of the authorities' request for more time for talks on freeing the South Korean hostages after the expiry of a rebel deadline earlier in the day.
The Taliban seized 23 Korean Christians, 18 of them women, 11 days ago from a bus in Ghazni on the main highway south from Kabul and killed the leader of the group on Wednesday after an earlier deadline passed.
The hostage crisis has focused attention on growing lawlessness in Afghanistan with Taliban influence, suicide bombs and attacks spreading to many areas previously considered safe and making road travel between major cities a risky affair.
A spokesman for the governor of Ghazni province, southwest of the capital Kabul, where the hostages were seized, said earlier that Afghan authorities had asked for two more days in which to settle the hostage crisis peacefully.
The Taliban had earlier extended its 'final' deadline but insisted the release of Taliban prisoners was the only way to settle the crisis.
On Sunday, the Taliban ruled out further talks after they said government negotiators demanded the unconditional release of the hostages and a senior Afghan official said that force might be used to rescue them if talks failed.
The government had wanted the Taliban to first release the 18 women hostages, but the insurgents demanded the government release its prisoners first, leading to deadlock, said a Kabul-based Western security analyst who declined to be named.
President Hamid Karzai has remained silent throughout the hostage ordeal, except for condemning the abduction, the largest by the Taliban since U.S.-led forces overthrew the movement's radical Islamic government in 2001.
He came under harsh criticism for freeing a group of Taliban in March in exchange for the release of an Italian journalist.
The body of the South Korean Christian pastor shot dead by the Taliban last week arrived in South Korea on Monday.
The bullet-ridden body of Bae Hyung-kyu was found last Wednesday, the day he would have turned 42. His brother, Bae Shin-kyu, told reporters the family would not hold a funeral until the other hostages returned to South Korea.
"My heart is trembling," said a mother of one of the hostages, who asked not to be named. "They have to return our children. Please help our children return safely."
Another hostage's mother said "I am most worried about their health. All I can say is that I want the 22 hostages to be returned safely as soon as possible in the state of health they are in now."
A South Korean shipment of emergency medical supplies and daily necessities has been delivered to the Taliban, but Seoul has not been able to confirm if the goods have reached the Koreans, South Korea's Yonhap news agency quoted a presidential spokesman as saying.
The Koreans were abducted a day after two German aid workers and their five Afghan colleagues were seized by Taliban in neighboring Wardak province.
The body of one of the Germans has been found with gunshots and the Taliban still hold the other along with four Afghans.
Taliban say kill hostage after demands are ignored
By Sayed Salahuddin
1 hour, 11 minutes ago
KABUL (Reuters) - Taliban kidnappers shot dead a male South Korean hostage on Monday, a spokesman said, accusing the Afghan government of not listening to rebel demands for the release of Taliban prisoners.
"We shot dead a male captive because the government did not listen to our demands," spokesman Qari Mohammad Yousuf told Reuters by telephone.
"We killed one of the male hostages at 6.30 this evening (1400 GMT) because the Kabul administration did not listen to our repeated demands," he told Reuters by telephone from an unknown location.
He said the Taliban would kill more hostages if Kabul ignored their demand to release rebel prisoners, but gave no new deadline. He said the body had been dumped by the side of a road.
The shooting was a bloody rejection of the authorities' request for more time for talks on freeing the South Korean hostages after the expiry of a rebel deadline earlier in the day.
The Taliban seized 23 Korean Christians, 18 of them women, 11 days ago from a bus in Ghazni on the main highway south from Kabul and killed the leader of the group on Wednesday after an earlier deadline passed.
The hostage crisis has focused attention on growing lawlessness in Afghanistan with Taliban influence, suicide bombs and attacks spreading to many areas previously considered safe and making road travel between major cities a risky affair.
A spokesman for the governor of Ghazni province, southwest of the capital Kabul, where the hostages were seized, said earlier that Afghan authorities had asked for two more days in which to settle the hostage crisis peacefully.
The Taliban had earlier extended its 'final' deadline but insisted the release of Taliban prisoners was the only way to settle the crisis.
On Sunday, the Taliban ruled out further talks after they said government negotiators demanded the unconditional release of the hostages and a senior Afghan official said that force might be used to rescue them if talks failed.
The government had wanted the Taliban to first release the 18 women hostages, but the insurgents demanded the government release its prisoners first, leading to deadlock, said a Kabul-based Western security analyst who declined to be named.
President Hamid Karzai has remained silent throughout the hostage ordeal, except for condemning the abduction, the largest by the Taliban since U.S.-led forces overthrew the movement's radical Islamic government in 2001.
He came under harsh criticism for freeing a group of Taliban in March in exchange for the release of an Italian journalist.
The body of the South Korean Christian pastor shot dead by the Taliban last week arrived in South Korea on Monday.
The bullet-ridden body of Bae Hyung-kyu was found last Wednesday, the day he would have turned 42. His brother, Bae Shin-kyu, told reporters the family would not hold a funeral until the other hostages returned to South Korea.
"My heart is trembling," said a mother of one of the hostages, who asked not to be named. "They have to return our children. Please help our children return safely."
Another hostage's mother said "I am most worried about their health. All I can say is that I want the 22 hostages to be returned safely as soon as possible in the state of health they are in now."
A South Korean shipment of emergency medical supplies and daily necessities has been delivered to the Taliban, but Seoul has not been able to confirm if the goods have reached the Koreans, South Korea's Yonhap news agency quoted a presidential spokesman as saying.
The Koreans were abducted a day after two German aid workers and their five Afghan colleagues were seized by Taliban in neighboring Wardak province.
The body of one of the Germans has been found with gunshots and the Taliban still hold the other along with four Afghans.
கிறிஸ்துவ போதகர்,
செருப்புக்குள் வெடிகுண்டு வைத்திருந்தவரிடம் அலலா உரையாடல்?
செருப்புக்குள் வெடிகுண்டு வைத்துக்கொண்டு விமானத்தில் பயணித்த பயங்கரவாதி தன்னிடம் அல்லா பேசினார் என்றும், வெகு விரைவில் அவர் விடுவிக்கப்படுவார் என்று அல்லா தன்னிடம் கூறினார் என்றும் கூறியுள்ளார்.
The letters of shoe bomber Richard Reid: Allah says I'll be home soon
Last updated at 09:11am on 30th July 2007
Failed shoe bomber Richard Reid has told his British relatives he hopes to be free from captivity soon.
Writing from an American jail cell where he is serving a 110-year sentence for trying to blow up a transatlantic airliner carrying 200 passengers, Reid also calls on his father to convert to Islam.
The 33-year-old from Bromley, southeast London, writes: "I had a couple of good dreams about my situation changing for the better in the not too distant future so this is a blessing from Allah.
"I place my trust in Allah that he will bring that into fruition and ask him to give me patience until the time when that occurs."
Reid, who was arrested in December 2001, is held in virtual solitary confinement at the maximum security ADX Florence in Colorado. The petty criminal converted to Islam while in Feltham young offenders institution.
In the letters Reid tells his father Robin, who is a recovering drug addict living in a homeless hostel, that his deceased aunt could not be in a "better place" because she was not a Muslim.
Reid added: "How's your situation in regards to upholding the daily prayers?
"Hopefully my advice was well received and if you didn't start praying yet, I'd ask you to re-read the two letters I wrote earlier this year on that subjectand to reflect on your situation with Allah.
"As long as we strive to follow the laws which he has laid down for us then everything which occurs in this life contains some good for us."
The letters of shoe bomber Richard Reid: Allah says I'll be home soon
Last updated at 09:11am on 30th July 2007
Failed shoe bomber Richard Reid has told his British relatives he hopes to be free from captivity soon.
Writing from an American jail cell where he is serving a 110-year sentence for trying to blow up a transatlantic airliner carrying 200 passengers, Reid also calls on his father to convert to Islam.
The 33-year-old from Bromley, southeast London, writes: "I had a couple of good dreams about my situation changing for the better in the not too distant future so this is a blessing from Allah.
"I place my trust in Allah that he will bring that into fruition and ask him to give me patience until the time when that occurs."
Reid, who was arrested in December 2001, is held in virtual solitary confinement at the maximum security ADX Florence in Colorado. The petty criminal converted to Islam while in Feltham young offenders institution.
In the letters Reid tells his father Robin, who is a recovering drug addict living in a homeless hostel, that his deceased aunt could not be in a "better place" because she was not a Muslim.
Reid added: "How's your situation in regards to upholding the daily prayers?
"Hopefully my advice was well received and if you didn't start praying yet, I'd ask you to re-read the two letters I wrote earlier this year on that subjectand to reflect on your situation with Allah.
"As long as we strive to follow the laws which he has laid down for us then everything which occurs in this life contains some good for us."
பாலஸ்தீன முஸ்லீம் டாக்டர் சித்திரவதை
குழந்தைகளுக்கு எய்ட்ஸ் கிருமி கொடுத்தார்கள் என்று குற்றம் சாட்டி ஒரு பாலஸ்தீன டாக்டர், பல பல்கேரிய நர்ஸ்கள் ஆகியோரை லிபியா சிறை பிடித்தது.
இவர்கள் சிறையில் இருந்தபோது இந்த பல்கெரிய நர்ஸ்கள் சித்திரவதை , கற்பழிப்பு, நாய்களுடன் கூண்டில் அடைத்தது ஆகியவற்றை லிபிய அரசாங்கம் செய்தது என்று பாலஸ்தீன டாக்டர் குற்றம் சாட்டியுள்ளார்.
Freed doctor describes torture ordeal inside Libyan jail
· Medic left with scars after being caged with dogs
· Bulgarian nurses raped claims Palestinian
Kate Connolly in Berlin
Monday July 30, 2007
The Guardian
The Palestinian doctor who was held in Libyan custody along with five Bulgarian nurses on charges they infected hundreds of children with HIV, has described in detail how they were tortured during their eight-year ordeal. Ashraf Alhajouj, 38, said he was beaten, held in cages with police dogs and given electric shocks, including to his private parts. He said that he and the nurses were sometimes put together naked in the same room and tortured.
In a harrowing first-person account, published in the latest edition of the German news magazine Der Spiegel following the release of the six last week, Dr Alhajouj described how following his initial arrest in January 1999, along with the nurses, he was taken to a police dog training centre outside Tripoli.
"For the first days I was locked up with three dogs who were ordered to attack me. My leg is full of scars and marks from where they bit me [and] I had a big hole in my knee," he said.
Later, he said, wire cable that had been stripped of its plastic coating, was wound round his penis and he was dragged "screaming and crying" across the floor. He was also given electric shocks with a generator-style machine.
"They put the minus cable on my finger and the plus cable on my ear or my genitals. The most painful thing was their ability to increase the speed of the electricity flow. When I fell unconscious they would throw cold water over my naked body and then begin all over again," he said. The torture times were set for between 5pm and 5am and continued for 13 months. The nurses were submitted to similar treatment.
"Sometimes we were tortured in the same room. I saw them half-naked, they saw me completely naked when I was being electrocuted. We heard each others' whimpering, crying and screaming." He said he saw the women being raped and watched as one of them broke a piece of glass from the window and cut her wrists when she could not bear it any longer.
Dr Alhajouj, who is temporarily living in Bulgaria, denies the charges that he and the nurses infected 426 Libyan children with HIV. He described the hygiene conditions at Bengasi hospital, where he went to work in 1998, as "catastrophic".
"We had no needles, the sterilisation apparatus was broken and there was only one pair of scissors to cut the umbilical cord of a dozen newborns". He said he planned to sue his torturers.
இவர்கள் சிறையில் இருந்தபோது இந்த பல்கெரிய நர்ஸ்கள் சித்திரவதை , கற்பழிப்பு, நாய்களுடன் கூண்டில் அடைத்தது ஆகியவற்றை லிபிய அரசாங்கம் செய்தது என்று பாலஸ்தீன டாக்டர் குற்றம் சாட்டியுள்ளார்.
Freed doctor describes torture ordeal inside Libyan jail
· Medic left with scars after being caged with dogs
· Bulgarian nurses raped claims Palestinian
Kate Connolly in Berlin
Monday July 30, 2007
The Guardian
The Palestinian doctor who was held in Libyan custody along with five Bulgarian nurses on charges they infected hundreds of children with HIV, has described in detail how they were tortured during their eight-year ordeal. Ashraf Alhajouj, 38, said he was beaten, held in cages with police dogs and given electric shocks, including to his private parts. He said that he and the nurses were sometimes put together naked in the same room and tortured.
In a harrowing first-person account, published in the latest edition of the German news magazine Der Spiegel following the release of the six last week, Dr Alhajouj described how following his initial arrest in January 1999, along with the nurses, he was taken to a police dog training centre outside Tripoli.
"For the first days I was locked up with three dogs who were ordered to attack me. My leg is full of scars and marks from where they bit me [and] I had a big hole in my knee," he said.
Later, he said, wire cable that had been stripped of its plastic coating, was wound round his penis and he was dragged "screaming and crying" across the floor. He was also given electric shocks with a generator-style machine.
"They put the minus cable on my finger and the plus cable on my ear or my genitals. The most painful thing was their ability to increase the speed of the electricity flow. When I fell unconscious they would throw cold water over my naked body and then begin all over again," he said. The torture times were set for between 5pm and 5am and continued for 13 months. The nurses were submitted to similar treatment.
"Sometimes we were tortured in the same room. I saw them half-naked, they saw me completely naked when I was being electrocuted. We heard each others' whimpering, crying and screaming." He said he saw the women being raped and watched as one of them broke a piece of glass from the window and cut her wrists when she could not bear it any longer.
Dr Alhajouj, who is temporarily living in Bulgaria, denies the charges that he and the nurses infected 426 Libyan children with HIV. He described the hygiene conditions at Bengasi hospital, where he went to work in 1998, as "catastrophic".
"We had no needles, the sterilisation apparatus was broken and there was only one pair of scissors to cut the umbilical cord of a dozen newborns". He said he planned to sue his torturers.
பாகிஸ்தான்: கராச்சியில் வீடியோ கடைகளை மூடவைக்க வெடிகுண்டுகள்
பாகிஸ்தான் கராச்சியில் ஒழுக்கத்தை நிலைநாட்ட வீடியோ கடைகள், சினிமா தியேட்டர்கள் ஆகியவற்றில் செப்டம்பர் 27ஆம் தேதி குண்டுவைக்கப்படும் என்று மிரட்டல் நோட்டீஸ்கள் அனுப்பப்பட்டுள்ளன.
வாய்ஸ் ஆஃப் இஸ்லாமிக் ஷாரியா என்ற அமைப்பின் மூலம் வினியோகிக்கப்படும் இந்த நோட்டீஸ்கள் பலரை பீதிக்குள்ளாக்கியிருக்கின்றன.
Shut down by September 27 or else...: Islamist threatens to bomb Rainbow Centre
* Issues warning to cable operators, cinemas and bus drivers who play loud music
By Faraz Khan
KARACHI: A pamphlet from a man threatening to blow up Rainbow Centre unless it shut down by September 27 was distributed Saturday night, sparking panic in the ground-floor business owners and people who live in the flats above.
“If the video business does not shut down in two months, there will be an explosion so big that the entire world will remember it,” said the A4 size open letter, written in crude Urdu handwriting and signed by ‘Fatah’. “Even if I do not remain, the voice of Islamic Shariat will never die.”
The open letter also issued a warning to the city’s cinemas, cable operators and public bus drivers who play loud music. “All of Karachi’s cinema hall owners are requested to shut down otherwise after July 27 any one of them could be blown up with a bomb at any time,” the letter said.
“Cable operators should only air Islamic channels and if any vulgar programmes are broadcast in any locality of Karachi, the cable operator’s office will be blown up,” it added.
The letter’s writer said that vulgarity and obscenity had become exceedingly common and that the various forms of the media were showing dancing and singing. He appealed to people to shun these forms of entertainment and for those he threatened to desist from their work.
The pamphlet was reportedly distributed to all the shops on the ground floor of Rainbow Centre by two children, aged seven and nine, said Waqas Khalid who works at shop No. G-39 and Nadim of shop No. G-112. The children did not know what was written in the letter, added Waqas of shop No. G-111. As the salesmen read it and the news spread, shopkeepers grabbed the children and questioned them.
The children, who are from the neighbourhood, said that they were given Rs 100 each by a tall man with a big beard. He was wearing a shalwar kameez and skull cap. He gave them the pamphlets and told them to just throw it into each shop.
The Rainbow Centre union got together to discuss the problem and when this report was filed they were drafting a letter to the law enforcement agencies that they planned to dispatch Monday (today).
Acting chief of police Javaid Bukhari told Daily Times Sunday night that he had not received any complaint but if he did the police would obviously do everything in their power to prevent anything bad from happening. “We can give solve the problem 10 percent by giving them extra security but 90 percent of it will depend on their own vigilance,” Bukhari said, adding that he was going to look into the matter today.
Rainbow Centre union president Salim Memon said that while he agreed that there should be an Islamic system, threatening people with bombs was no way to impose it. One of his colleagues, Muslim, added that some people thought that distributing a letter like this was a “short cut” to heaven. Rainbow Centre will tighten security but are also deciding whether to continue work as usual or shut up shop.
The chairman of Media Plus Communications Amir who is also part of the management of Nishat Cinema said that they had not received the pamphlet.
JUI-S’s Mufti Muhammad Usman Yar Khan urged would-be suicide bombers and note writers to stay away from unlawful activities and use the Islamic way of Da’wah (Tableegh), instead. Religion does not condone suicide bombings, said JI’s Merajul Huda Siddiqui. “Rulers should also realise, however, that the undue use of power gives rise to another kind of powerful movement. Our rulers think that steam would be released if they have a photo session at the Ka’ba.”
வாய்ஸ் ஆஃப் இஸ்லாமிக் ஷாரியா என்ற அமைப்பின் மூலம் வினியோகிக்கப்படும் இந்த நோட்டீஸ்கள் பலரை பீதிக்குள்ளாக்கியிருக்கின்றன.
Shut down by September 27 or else...: Islamist threatens to bomb Rainbow Centre
* Issues warning to cable operators, cinemas and bus drivers who play loud music
By Faraz Khan
KARACHI: A pamphlet from a man threatening to blow up Rainbow Centre unless it shut down by September 27 was distributed Saturday night, sparking panic in the ground-floor business owners and people who live in the flats above.
“If the video business does not shut down in two months, there will be an explosion so big that the entire world will remember it,” said the A4 size open letter, written in crude Urdu handwriting and signed by ‘Fatah’. “Even if I do not remain, the voice of Islamic Shariat will never die.”
The open letter also issued a warning to the city’s cinemas, cable operators and public bus drivers who play loud music. “All of Karachi’s cinema hall owners are requested to shut down otherwise after July 27 any one of them could be blown up with a bomb at any time,” the letter said.
“Cable operators should only air Islamic channels and if any vulgar programmes are broadcast in any locality of Karachi, the cable operator’s office will be blown up,” it added.
The letter’s writer said that vulgarity and obscenity had become exceedingly common and that the various forms of the media were showing dancing and singing. He appealed to people to shun these forms of entertainment and for those he threatened to desist from their work.
The pamphlet was reportedly distributed to all the shops on the ground floor of Rainbow Centre by two children, aged seven and nine, said Waqas Khalid who works at shop No. G-39 and Nadim of shop No. G-112. The children did not know what was written in the letter, added Waqas of shop No. G-111. As the salesmen read it and the news spread, shopkeepers grabbed the children and questioned them.
The children, who are from the neighbourhood, said that they were given Rs 100 each by a tall man with a big beard. He was wearing a shalwar kameez and skull cap. He gave them the pamphlets and told them to just throw it into each shop.
The Rainbow Centre union got together to discuss the problem and when this report was filed they were drafting a letter to the law enforcement agencies that they planned to dispatch Monday (today).
Acting chief of police Javaid Bukhari told Daily Times Sunday night that he had not received any complaint but if he did the police would obviously do everything in their power to prevent anything bad from happening. “We can give solve the problem 10 percent by giving them extra security but 90 percent of it will depend on their own vigilance,” Bukhari said, adding that he was going to look into the matter today.
Rainbow Centre union president Salim Memon said that while he agreed that there should be an Islamic system, threatening people with bombs was no way to impose it. One of his colleagues, Muslim, added that some people thought that distributing a letter like this was a “short cut” to heaven. Rainbow Centre will tighten security but are also deciding whether to continue work as usual or shut up shop.
The chairman of Media Plus Communications Amir who is also part of the management of Nishat Cinema said that they had not received the pamphlet.
JUI-S’s Mufti Muhammad Usman Yar Khan urged would-be suicide bombers and note writers to stay away from unlawful activities and use the Islamic way of Da’wah (Tableegh), instead. Religion does not condone suicide bombings, said JI’s Merajul Huda Siddiqui. “Rulers should also realise, however, that the undue use of power gives rise to another kind of powerful movement. Our rulers think that steam would be released if they have a photo session at the Ka’ba.”
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
முஸ்லீம்களின் தலையை துண்டாக்கிய கிறிஸ்துவ பயங்கரவாதிகள் 17 பேருக்கு சிறை
முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாதிகள் கிறிஸ்துவர்களின் தலையை துண்டாக்கி கொன்றதால், கோபமுற்ற கிறிஸ்துவ பயங்கரவாதிகள் 2 முஸ்லீம்களது தலைகளை வெட்டினார்கள்.
இந்த குற்றத்துக்காக இந்தோனேஷிய கிறிஸ்துவ பயங்கரவாதிகள் 17 பேருக்கு 8 வருட சிறைதண்டனை விதிக்கப்பட்டது.
வன்முறை மார்க்கத்தில் இருக்கும் இந்த கிறிஸ்துவ , முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாதிகள் தங்களது வன்முறை மார்க்கங்களை விட்டு விட்டு அமைதி மார்க்கத்தை விரும்பவேண்டும் என இறைஞ்சுவோம்.
17 Christians Convicted in Indonesia
The Associated Press
Thursday, July 26, 2007; 9:43 AM
JAKARTA, Indonesia -- A dozen Christian men were convicted Thursday and sentenced to up to 14 years in jail for beating to death and beheading two Muslims to avenge the government executions of three Christians in Indonesia last year.
Five other Christians received eight-year terms for burying the pair, who were set upon by a mob as they drove though a Christian neighborhood on Sulawesi island a day after the Sept. 22, 2006, executions of Fabianus Tibo and two other Christian militants.
The three executed Christians had been found guilty of leading a militia that killed at least 70 Muslims during a 1999-2002 religious war on the island that led to the deaths of at least 1,000 people from both faiths.
The South Jakarta District Court found all 17 men guilty Thursday of violating anti-terrorism laws.
"It has been proven that they carried out acts of terror together and tried to hide the crime by hiding the bodies," said head judge Ahmad Subari.
Two of the 12 found guilty of murder were sentenced to 14 years in jail each, while the other 10 got 12 years.
It was not clear whether any of defendants intended to appeal.
The executions of the three Christian militiamen took place despite an appeal by Pope Benedict XVI to spare the men and claims by human rights groups that their trials were unfair. The revenge killings were the bloodiest incident in several days of protests at the executions.
More than 90 percent of Indonesia's 220 million people are Muslims, but Sulawesi has a roughly equal number of Muslims and Christians. Earlier this year, police rounded up several Islamic militants accused in bombings and shootings since 2002, and the island has been peaceful since then.
இந்த குற்றத்துக்காக இந்தோனேஷிய கிறிஸ்துவ பயங்கரவாதிகள் 17 பேருக்கு 8 வருட சிறைதண்டனை விதிக்கப்பட்டது.
வன்முறை மார்க்கத்தில் இருக்கும் இந்த கிறிஸ்துவ , முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாதிகள் தங்களது வன்முறை மார்க்கங்களை விட்டு விட்டு அமைதி மார்க்கத்தை விரும்பவேண்டும் என இறைஞ்சுவோம்.
17 Christians Convicted in Indonesia
The Associated Press
Thursday, July 26, 2007; 9:43 AM
JAKARTA, Indonesia -- A dozen Christian men were convicted Thursday and sentenced to up to 14 years in jail for beating to death and beheading two Muslims to avenge the government executions of three Christians in Indonesia last year.
Five other Christians received eight-year terms for burying the pair, who were set upon by a mob as they drove though a Christian neighborhood on Sulawesi island a day after the Sept. 22, 2006, executions of Fabianus Tibo and two other Christian militants.
The three executed Christians had been found guilty of leading a militia that killed at least 70 Muslims during a 1999-2002 religious war on the island that led to the deaths of at least 1,000 people from both faiths.
The South Jakarta District Court found all 17 men guilty Thursday of violating anti-terrorism laws.
"It has been proven that they carried out acts of terror together and tried to hide the crime by hiding the bodies," said head judge Ahmad Subari.
Two of the 12 found guilty of murder were sentenced to 14 years in jail each, while the other 10 got 12 years.
It was not clear whether any of defendants intended to appeal.
The executions of the three Christian militiamen took place despite an appeal by Pope Benedict XVI to spare the men and claims by human rights groups that their trials were unfair. The revenge killings were the bloodiest incident in several days of protests at the executions.
More than 90 percent of Indonesia's 220 million people are Muslims, but Sulawesi has a roughly equal number of Muslims and Christians. Earlier this year, police rounded up several Islamic militants accused in bombings and shootings since 2002, and the island has been peaceful since then.
கிறிஸ்துவ பயங்கரவாதம்,
முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாதம்
பெந்தகொஸ்தே கிறிஸ்துவ பாஸ்டர்கள் பெண்களை பாலுறவு அடிமைகளாக வைத்திருப்பதற்கு எதிர்ப்பு
பார்ன் அகைன் கிறிஸ்துவ பாஸ்டர்கள் பெண்களை பாலுறவு அடிமைகளாக வைத்திருக்கிறார்கள் என்று பலத்த குற்றச்சாட்டு எழுந்துள்ளது. ஏராளமான பெண்கள் முன்வந்து இப்படிப்பட்ட குற்றச்சாட்டுகளை வைத்துள்ளார்கள்.
உகாண்டா பெந்தகொஸ்தே சபை பாஸ்டர்கள் மீது வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ள குற்றச்சாட்டுகளை பல பெந்த கொஸ்தே பாஸ்டர்கள் ஒப்புக்கொண்டுள்ளனர்
Sex slavery in church
At least 300 believers have so far come up to accuse born-again pastors of various crimes including extortion, sex slavery, fraud and manipulation. The growing list of the victims is being compiled by Pastor Solomon Male and lawyer John Kaggwa who are also recording their testimonies with a view to take the errant pastors to court.
"I have so far received more than 300 complaints and lawyer John Kaggwa and I are opening cases to bring these 'big men and women of God' to justice," said Pastor Male who runs a Christian counselling organisation Arising for Christ. He said many pastors even have military escorts whom they use for protection and intimidation.
COMPILING LIST: Pastor Male said he would pursue errant pastors. Photo by Frank Nyakairu
"Most of the pastors in town are high level crooks in one way or another. They enjoy army protection, they are highly connected and can kill to cover up their sins," Pastor Male told Sunday Monitor in an interview on Friday.
The Pentecostal church movement in Uganda has been thrown into confusion following several complaints and testimonies of people who say they have been conned and asexually abused by their pastors in their respective born-again churches in and around the city. The matters have been made worse after reports that pastors use "electric machines" to shock their believers and fake miracles.
"The victims are usually scared of coming out. These people have military protection, they hold diplomatic passports and of course have what it takes to get anything done,' Pastor Male said.
However the UPDF on Friday issued a strong warning to whoever is providing army escorts to pastors.
"We have never officially offered any escorts to these pastors. Whoever is doing it is doing so on individual basis and we are saying that it should stop immediately," Amy and Defence spokesman Major Felix Kulayigye said.
Some of the 300 victims who have given their testimonies to Pastor Male include a girl who was defiled by a pastor and says a similar fate befell many other girls.
Sex slavery
A 23-year-girl whose initials are A.K, accused one Pastor in Mengo (names withheld) of sexually exploiting and intentionally starving unemployed young girls.
"He convinced our parents that he was going to get us employment and he kept us in a hostel in Mengo. He did not give us food but he would come, pick one of us, take her in a nice restaurant after that he would demand sex. When I refused he beat me up badly," the girl narrated in tears.
Mr David Nsubuga of Bombo accuses his pastor and another church official (both names withheld) of taking his Pick Up truck by false pretence. "They told me that if I offered them my Pick Up Reg. No. 209 UAN, I would get blessed six times and in six months with a Pajero. It's now seven years and my car is nowhere to be seen. When I first came to explain my problem to Pastor Male, the pastor who took my Pick Up (names withheld) coerced me in retracting my story, but I could not continue being tossed around like that," Mr Nsubuga said in a statement dated July 11.
Soon after, Pastor Male picks up Nsubuga’s story, a UPDF lieutenant in military uniform came to his office and "tried to intimidate me into leaving that case, but we are not shaken." A former interpreter of a pastor accuses the "Man of God" of impregnating more than 10 young girls in his church in Kawala.
Pregnant girls
"He exploits girls who are desperate. He calls them for special prayers in his bedroom and forces them into sex. I have interpreted for him for years but two weeks ago when I attempted to expose him, I was jailed and tortured for several days at Old Kampala Police Station," says Mr Richard Mubiru.
He showed Sunday Monitor wounds and bruises which he claimed were inflicted on him during his detention. He was released after Pastor Male intervened.
Mr Robert Bukenya, a pump attendant in Mulago, accused another pastor of a church in the area (names withheld) of extorting Shs510,000 from him on a false promise that he would take him to the United States in 2005.
"The pastor told me he would take me to the US specifically Texas to work. So he asked me for Shs2 million. But I had to give him Shs510,000 first, for the visa and bank statement. After giving him the money he disappeared for several months,” Mr Bukenya said.
“When I met him finally I asked him about the travel, but he told me that hurricane Katrina had covered Texas in water so planes could not land. I asked him to refund my money, but he said he had already spent it.”
உகாண்டா பெந்தகொஸ்தே சபை பாஸ்டர்கள் மீது வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ள குற்றச்சாட்டுகளை பல பெந்த கொஸ்தே பாஸ்டர்கள் ஒப்புக்கொண்டுள்ளனர்
Sex slavery in church
At least 300 believers have so far come up to accuse born-again pastors of various crimes including extortion, sex slavery, fraud and manipulation. The growing list of the victims is being compiled by Pastor Solomon Male and lawyer John Kaggwa who are also recording their testimonies with a view to take the errant pastors to court.
"I have so far received more than 300 complaints and lawyer John Kaggwa and I are opening cases to bring these 'big men and women of God' to justice," said Pastor Male who runs a Christian counselling organisation Arising for Christ. He said many pastors even have military escorts whom they use for protection and intimidation.
COMPILING LIST: Pastor Male said he would pursue errant pastors. Photo by Frank Nyakairu
"Most of the pastors in town are high level crooks in one way or another. They enjoy army protection, they are highly connected and can kill to cover up their sins," Pastor Male told Sunday Monitor in an interview on Friday.
The Pentecostal church movement in Uganda has been thrown into confusion following several complaints and testimonies of people who say they have been conned and asexually abused by their pastors in their respective born-again churches in and around the city. The matters have been made worse after reports that pastors use "electric machines" to shock their believers and fake miracles.
"The victims are usually scared of coming out. These people have military protection, they hold diplomatic passports and of course have what it takes to get anything done,' Pastor Male said.
However the UPDF on Friday issued a strong warning to whoever is providing army escorts to pastors.
"We have never officially offered any escorts to these pastors. Whoever is doing it is doing so on individual basis and we are saying that it should stop immediately," Amy and Defence spokesman Major Felix Kulayigye said.
Some of the 300 victims who have given their testimonies to Pastor Male include a girl who was defiled by a pastor and says a similar fate befell many other girls.
Sex slavery
A 23-year-girl whose initials are A.K, accused one Pastor in Mengo (names withheld) of sexually exploiting and intentionally starving unemployed young girls.
"He convinced our parents that he was going to get us employment and he kept us in a hostel in Mengo. He did not give us food but he would come, pick one of us, take her in a nice restaurant after that he would demand sex. When I refused he beat me up badly," the girl narrated in tears.
Mr David Nsubuga of Bombo accuses his pastor and another church official (both names withheld) of taking his Pick Up truck by false pretence. "They told me that if I offered them my Pick Up Reg. No. 209 UAN, I would get blessed six times and in six months with a Pajero. It's now seven years and my car is nowhere to be seen. When I first came to explain my problem to Pastor Male, the pastor who took my Pick Up (names withheld) coerced me in retracting my story, but I could not continue being tossed around like that," Mr Nsubuga said in a statement dated July 11.
Soon after, Pastor Male picks up Nsubuga’s story, a UPDF lieutenant in military uniform came to his office and "tried to intimidate me into leaving that case, but we are not shaken." A former interpreter of a pastor accuses the "Man of God" of impregnating more than 10 young girls in his church in Kawala.
Pregnant girls
"He exploits girls who are desperate. He calls them for special prayers in his bedroom and forces them into sex. I have interpreted for him for years but two weeks ago when I attempted to expose him, I was jailed and tortured for several days at Old Kampala Police Station," says Mr Richard Mubiru.
He showed Sunday Monitor wounds and bruises which he claimed were inflicted on him during his detention. He was released after Pastor Male intervened.
Mr Robert Bukenya, a pump attendant in Mulago, accused another pastor of a church in the area (names withheld) of extorting Shs510,000 from him on a false promise that he would take him to the United States in 2005.
"The pastor told me he would take me to the US specifically Texas to work. So he asked me for Shs2 million. But I had to give him Shs510,000 first, for the visa and bank statement. After giving him the money he disappeared for several months,” Mr Bukenya said.
“When I met him finally I asked him about the travel, but he told me that hurricane Katrina had covered Texas in water so planes could not land. I asked him to refund my money, but he said he had already spent it.”
பாலுறவு அடிமைமுறற,
நக்ஸலைட்டுகளும் உல்பா கம்யூனிஸ்டுகளும் கூட்டு
வேற்று மொழி பேசும் தொழிலாளர்களை கொன்று வரும் உல்பா கம்யூனிஸ்டு அமைப்பும், நக்ஸைலைட்டுகள் மாவோயிஸ்டுகள் என்ற பெயரில் மக்களை கொன்றுவரும் கம்யூனிஸ பயங்கரவாதிகளும் கூட்டு வைத்திருக்கின்றனர் என்பது வெளிவந்திருக்கிறது.
உல்பா கம்யூனிஸ்டுகள் பிகாரைச் சேர்ந்த தொழிலாளர்களை அஸாமில் கொன்றுவருவது தெரிந்ததே.
மாவோயிஸ்டுகள் பிகாரில் வலிமையுடன் இருக்கின்றனர். அவர்களோடு கூட்டு வைத்து அவர்களின் உதவியுடன் பிகாருக்குள் நுழைய திட்டமிட்டுள்ளனர்.
Naxal Alliance sets off alarm bells
7/28/2007 9:42:48 PM
The deadly alliance between the two most dreaded outfits -- the ULFA and the Maoist -- has set the alarm bells ringing for the Bihar police as intelligence reports indicate that ULFA might slowly seep
The deadly alliance between the two most dreaded outfits -- the ULFA and the Maoist -- has set the alarm bells ringing for the Bihar police as intelligence reports indicate that ULFA might slowly seep in to Bihar. It's learnt that the highly-organised and hi-tech group, Maoists, have joined hands with the bane of the North-East, the UlFA.
The deadly alliance poses a huge threat to the state of Bihar as the chances of ULFA infiltrating into the state of Bihar is not remote. ULFA has already gained access to one territory and can seep into another territory easily to set naxal breeding grounds.
Shockingly, plans of such a dangerous alliance was admitted by one of Bihar's top cop. Commenting on the alliance, Gupteshwar Pandey, DIG, Tirhut range said:"A meeting of Maoists took place somewhere in the border area of India and Nepal in which few ULFA activists also participated. This is a matter of grave concern for us and we are trying to gather more information."
Sources have given more details about the cladestine meeting, which was attended by the top CPI leaders (Maoists), ULFA activists, Communist Party of Nepal and Ultras. Sources claimed that a series of meetings were held in the West Champaran district in Bihar.
This reportedly has set the authorities on tenterhooks as ULFA is known to have targeted Biharis in Assam leading to an almost exodus of the migrants from the state. And now, with the ULFA gaining access to one naxal territory, it could possibly mean their infiltration into other naxal breeding grounds.
(Jagori Dhar)
உல்பா கம்யூனிஸ்டுகள் பிகாரைச் சேர்ந்த தொழிலாளர்களை அஸாமில் கொன்றுவருவது தெரிந்ததே.
மாவோயிஸ்டுகள் பிகாரில் வலிமையுடன் இருக்கின்றனர். அவர்களோடு கூட்டு வைத்து அவர்களின் உதவியுடன் பிகாருக்குள் நுழைய திட்டமிட்டுள்ளனர்.
Naxal Alliance sets off alarm bells
7/28/2007 9:42:48 PM
The deadly alliance between the two most dreaded outfits -- the ULFA and the Maoist -- has set the alarm bells ringing for the Bihar police as intelligence reports indicate that ULFA might slowly seep
The deadly alliance between the two most dreaded outfits -- the ULFA and the Maoist -- has set the alarm bells ringing for the Bihar police as intelligence reports indicate that ULFA might slowly seep in to Bihar. It's learnt that the highly-organised and hi-tech group, Maoists, have joined hands with the bane of the North-East, the UlFA.
The deadly alliance poses a huge threat to the state of Bihar as the chances of ULFA infiltrating into the state of Bihar is not remote. ULFA has already gained access to one territory and can seep into another territory easily to set naxal breeding grounds.
Shockingly, plans of such a dangerous alliance was admitted by one of Bihar's top cop. Commenting on the alliance, Gupteshwar Pandey, DIG, Tirhut range said:"A meeting of Maoists took place somewhere in the border area of India and Nepal in which few ULFA activists also participated. This is a matter of grave concern for us and we are trying to gather more information."
Sources have given more details about the cladestine meeting, which was attended by the top CPI leaders (Maoists), ULFA activists, Communist Party of Nepal and Ultras. Sources claimed that a series of meetings were held in the West Champaran district in Bihar.
This reportedly has set the authorities on tenterhooks as ULFA is known to have targeted Biharis in Assam leading to an almost exodus of the migrants from the state. And now, with the ULFA gaining access to one naxal territory, it could possibly mean their infiltration into other naxal breeding grounds.
(Jagori Dhar)
கம்யூனிஸ பயங்கரவாதம்,
டார்பரில் இன்னும் 25000 கருப்பினத்தவர் வீடுகளிலிருந்து துரத்தப்பட்டுள்ளனர்
வடக்கு டார்பரில் சூடானின் விமானங்கள் குண்டு வீசுவதாலும் ஜஞ்சாவீது அரபு படை துரத்துவதாலும் அங்குள்ள கருப்பின முஸ்லீம் மக்கள் அகதிகள் முகாமுக்கு வந்த வண்ணம் உள்ளனர்
இன்னும் 25000 பேர் அகதியாக ஆனதாக ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் சபை அறிக்கை கூறுகிறது
இதுவரை 200000 கருப்பின முஸ்லீம்களை சூடான் நாட்டு அரபு அரசு கொன்றிருப்பதாக கணக்கிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
சூடான் அரசோ இதுவரை 9000 கருப்பினத்தவரையே கொன்றிருப்பதாக கூறுகிறது. எண்ணிக்கையை அதிகரித்து ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் சபை கூறுவதாக சூடான் அரபு அரசு குற்றம் சாட்டுகிறது.
25,000 more Darfuris flee homes, strain camps - UN
Wednesday 25 July 2007 03:30.
July 24, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — Violence and insecurity in Darfur has forced 25,000 more people from their homes and is straining the capacity of camps swollen with refugees fleeing conflict in western Sudan, the U.N. said in a report on Tuesday.
Darfur refugees are seen at Goz Amir camp in eastern Chad, December 22, 2006. (Reuters)"Aerial bombings by the military continued to be reported in North Darfur up to late June while clashes between the military and rebel factions continued to be reported ... in various locations," the United Nations said in a statement.
The report said in May and June a further 25,000 people fled their homes, bringing the number of camp residents in Darfur to 2.2 million.
The United Nations said there are more than 200,000 Darfuri refugees in neighbouring Chad and 140,000 Chadians displaced by the Darfur conflict, which has bled across the border.
"A very visible consequence of the increasing pace of displacement is the increasing population of IDP camps — many of which can no longer absorb new arrivals," the report said.
The report said one aid agency was asked to leave Kutum in North Darfur and that the number of aid workers in Darfur had fallen to 12,300, down 2,400 from a year ago. Access to those affected fell to 68 percent from 78 percent last year.
"At the same time the caseload of conflict-affected populations has increased by more than half a million, to 4.2 million, it said.
The report was issued on the same day U.N. and African Union Darfur envoys issued invitations to rebel factions to meet in Tanzania and negotiate a unified position ahead of peace talks with the government.
In a joint statement U.N. Darfur envoy Jan Eliasson and his counterpart Salim Ahmed Salim said the August 3-5 meeting in Arusha will focus on "ensuring a speedy, negotiated and sustainable settlement of the Darfur conflict, including the format and venue of and participation in the negotiations."
The envoys did not say which of the more than dozen rebel factions had been sent invitations, describing them only as "leading personalities of the non-signatory movements to the Darfur Peace Agreement."
Only one of three negotiating factions signed a peace deal in the Nigerian capital Abuja in May 2006. The rebels further factionalized following the deal.
In more than four years of rape, murder and looting, international experts say 200,000 people have died. Khartoum puts the death toll at 9,000, blaming Western media for exaggerating the conflict.
இன்னும் 25000 பேர் அகதியாக ஆனதாக ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் சபை அறிக்கை கூறுகிறது
இதுவரை 200000 கருப்பின முஸ்லீம்களை சூடான் நாட்டு அரபு அரசு கொன்றிருப்பதாக கணக்கிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
சூடான் அரசோ இதுவரை 9000 கருப்பினத்தவரையே கொன்றிருப்பதாக கூறுகிறது. எண்ணிக்கையை அதிகரித்து ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் சபை கூறுவதாக சூடான் அரபு அரசு குற்றம் சாட்டுகிறது.
25,000 more Darfuris flee homes, strain camps - UN
Wednesday 25 July 2007 03:30.
July 24, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — Violence and insecurity in Darfur has forced 25,000 more people from their homes and is straining the capacity of camps swollen with refugees fleeing conflict in western Sudan, the U.N. said in a report on Tuesday.
Darfur refugees are seen at Goz Amir camp in eastern Chad, December 22, 2006. (Reuters)"Aerial bombings by the military continued to be reported in North Darfur up to late June while clashes between the military and rebel factions continued to be reported ... in various locations," the United Nations said in a statement.
The report said in May and June a further 25,000 people fled their homes, bringing the number of camp residents in Darfur to 2.2 million.
The United Nations said there are more than 200,000 Darfuri refugees in neighbouring Chad and 140,000 Chadians displaced by the Darfur conflict, which has bled across the border.
"A very visible consequence of the increasing pace of displacement is the increasing population of IDP camps — many of which can no longer absorb new arrivals," the report said.
The report said one aid agency was asked to leave Kutum in North Darfur and that the number of aid workers in Darfur had fallen to 12,300, down 2,400 from a year ago. Access to those affected fell to 68 percent from 78 percent last year.
"At the same time the caseload of conflict-affected populations has increased by more than half a million, to 4.2 million, it said.
The report was issued on the same day U.N. and African Union Darfur envoys issued invitations to rebel factions to meet in Tanzania and negotiate a unified position ahead of peace talks with the government.
In a joint statement U.N. Darfur envoy Jan Eliasson and his counterpart Salim Ahmed Salim said the August 3-5 meeting in Arusha will focus on "ensuring a speedy, negotiated and sustainable settlement of the Darfur conflict, including the format and venue of and participation in the negotiations."
The envoys did not say which of the more than dozen rebel factions had been sent invitations, describing them only as "leading personalities of the non-signatory movements to the Darfur Peace Agreement."
Only one of three negotiating factions signed a peace deal in the Nigerian capital Abuja in May 2006. The rebels further factionalized following the deal.
In more than four years of rape, murder and looting, international experts say 200,000 people have died. Khartoum puts the death toll at 9,000, blaming Western media for exaggerating the conflict.
தாங்கள் கருப்பின மக்களை கொல்வதற்கு யூதர்களே காரணம் - சூடான்
தாங்கள் கருப்பின மக்களை டார்பரிலிருந்து துரத்துவதற்கும், கொல்வதற்கும் யூதர்களே காரணம் என்று சூடான் அரசு தெரிவித்துள்ளது.
கருப்பின மக்களுக்கு 24 யூத அமைப்புகள் உதவுவதாகவும், அதனாலேயே இன்னும் தொடர்ந்து அங்கு போர் நடைபெறுகிறது என்றும் சூடானின் பாதுகாப்பு அமைச்சர் அப்துல் ரஹிம் முகம்மது உசேன் தெரிவித்தார்.
Sudan: Jews behind Darfur conflict
Sudanese defense minister says '24 Jewish organizations fueling conflict in Darfur'
Yaakov Lappin Published: 07.29.07, 20:29 / Israel News
Sudan's defense minister, Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein, has accused "24 Jewish organizations" of "fueling the conflict in Darfur" last week in an interview with a Saudi newspaper.
Hussein was interviewed during an official state-visit to the Saudi kingdom last week.
Darfur Crisis
'Israel creating unnecessary drama' / Roee Nahmias
Sudanese minister promises his country 'will find the way to deal with refugees'. Israel to continue aiding those fleeing Darfur until international solution is found
Full story
A journalist from Saudi Arabia's Okaz newspaper asked Hussein: "Some people are talking about the penetration of Jewish organizations in Darfur and that there is no conflict there?"
"The Darfur issue is being fuelled by 24 Jewish organizations, who are making the largest amount of noise over the issue, and using the Holocaust in their campaigning," the Sudanese defense minister replied.
Hussein added that the Darfur conflict was driven by "friction between farmers and herders and shepherds. Among the biggest problems is that of water, which is used to exploit the differences and fuel the conflict."
"Are these Jewish groups supporting (the rebels) financially?," the interviewer from Okaz asked Hussein.
"Yes, they provide political and material support through their control over the media and across American and British circles," Hussein said, adding that Jewish groups were using "all means to fuel these conflicts."
He added that Western reports of 200,000 people dying in Sudan were false, and said: "We talk about 9,000 dead as a result of either government or rebel actions."
'We came to Israel to look for a better place'
Several days ago, Sudan's Interior Minister, Zubair Bashir Taha, lashed out at Sudanese refuees who had sought asylum in Israel, and accused "Isaeli authorities of encouraging the Sudanese refugees to come to their country."
He added that his ministry was "very confused" by Sudanese citizens who came to Israel."
The Sudan Tribune quoted a Sudanese refugee as telling al-Jazeera television: "We were surprised when we came here. We met good people, who welcomed us and gave us food. We feel that we are extremely happy. We hope that the Israeli government would find a solution for us and our children. We came here to look for a better place."
Meanwhile, in the US, a number of Jewish organizations have attempted to raise awareness over the plight of Sudanese citizens who face mass killings and ethnic cleansing from the Sudanese government. Some 20 Jewish organizations joined the 'Save Darfur Coalition,' along with other religious communities and American civil rights groups.
கருப்பின மக்களுக்கு 24 யூத அமைப்புகள் உதவுவதாகவும், அதனாலேயே இன்னும் தொடர்ந்து அங்கு போர் நடைபெறுகிறது என்றும் சூடானின் பாதுகாப்பு அமைச்சர் அப்துல் ரஹிம் முகம்மது உசேன் தெரிவித்தார்.
Sudan: Jews behind Darfur conflict
Sudanese defense minister says '24 Jewish organizations fueling conflict in Darfur'
Yaakov Lappin Published: 07.29.07, 20:29 / Israel News
Sudan's defense minister, Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein, has accused "24 Jewish organizations" of "fueling the conflict in Darfur" last week in an interview with a Saudi newspaper.
Hussein was interviewed during an official state-visit to the Saudi kingdom last week.
Darfur Crisis
'Israel creating unnecessary drama' / Roee Nahmias
Sudanese minister promises his country 'will find the way to deal with refugees'. Israel to continue aiding those fleeing Darfur until international solution is found
Full story
A journalist from Saudi Arabia's Okaz newspaper asked Hussein: "Some people are talking about the penetration of Jewish organizations in Darfur and that there is no conflict there?"
"The Darfur issue is being fuelled by 24 Jewish organizations, who are making the largest amount of noise over the issue, and using the Holocaust in their campaigning," the Sudanese defense minister replied.
Hussein added that the Darfur conflict was driven by "friction between farmers and herders and shepherds. Among the biggest problems is that of water, which is used to exploit the differences and fuel the conflict."
"Are these Jewish groups supporting (the rebels) financially?," the interviewer from Okaz asked Hussein.
"Yes, they provide political and material support through their control over the media and across American and British circles," Hussein said, adding that Jewish groups were using "all means to fuel these conflicts."
He added that Western reports of 200,000 people dying in Sudan were false, and said: "We talk about 9,000 dead as a result of either government or rebel actions."
'We came to Israel to look for a better place'
Several days ago, Sudan's Interior Minister, Zubair Bashir Taha, lashed out at Sudanese refuees who had sought asylum in Israel, and accused "Isaeli authorities of encouraging the Sudanese refugees to come to their country."
He added that his ministry was "very confused" by Sudanese citizens who came to Israel."
The Sudan Tribune quoted a Sudanese refugee as telling al-Jazeera television: "We were surprised when we came here. We met good people, who welcomed us and gave us food. We feel that we are extremely happy. We hope that the Israeli government would find a solution for us and our children. We came here to look for a better place."
Meanwhile, in the US, a number of Jewish organizations have attempted to raise awareness over the plight of Sudanese citizens who face mass killings and ethnic cleansing from the Sudanese government. Some 20 Jewish organizations joined the 'Save Darfur Coalition,' along with other religious communities and American civil rights groups.
முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாதம்
பாகிஸ்தான்: முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாதிகள் சுட்டதில் 3 போலீஸ்காரர்கள் சாவு
பாகிஸ்தானில் இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகள் சுட்டதில் 3 போலீஸ்காரர்கள் கொல்லப்பட்டனர்.
அருகே பான்னு நகரில் போலீஸ்காரர்கள் காரில் வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த வெடிகுண்டுகள், ராக்கெட் லாஞ்சர்கள், கேஸ் சிலிண்டர்கள் ஆகியவற்றை கைப்பற்றி பெரும் பயங்கரவாத செயலை தடுத்தனர்.
இந்த கேஸ் சிலிண்டர்கள் முஸ்லீம் பெண்கள் அணியும் புர்காவுக்குள் ஒளித்து வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்தன
Three policemen killed
By Our Correspondent
TIMERGARA, July 28: Three policemen were shot dead in the Regdy Khwar area near Maidan on Saturday. Officials said the deceased belonged to the Lal Qilla police station. Officials said that a baker, Ihsan, had alerted the police about the presence of three gunmen in the area.
They said when SHO Mohammad Azam, who was accompanied by head-constables Mohammad Anwar and Shahzad Gul reached the area the gunmen opened fire on them. Azam and Anwar were killed on the spot, while Shahzad died in the Timergara hospital.
EXPLOSIVES SEIZED: The Bannu police foiled a terrorist attempt and seized six rockets, 27 mortar shells, 10 kilogrammes of explosives, gas cylinders, detonators and fuses from a car on Friday night, our correspondent in Bannu added.
According to officials, the car was parked near a telephone exchange in the Soorani area, the native village of NWFP Chief Minister Akram Khan Durrani.
They said that police had received prior information about the presence of illegal arms and ammunition and they cordoned off the area and diverted traffic from the main Bannu-Kohat road.
The gas cylinders were hidden in black burqas.
Meanwhile, officials of Radio Pakistan came under attack near Bakakhel in the Frontier Region (FR) of Bannu, officials said.
They said that the officials were on their way to Bannu from Mir Ali town in the North Waziristan Agency when they were attacked. The car was hit but the officials escaped unhurt.
அருகே பான்னு நகரில் போலீஸ்காரர்கள் காரில் வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த வெடிகுண்டுகள், ராக்கெட் லாஞ்சர்கள், கேஸ் சிலிண்டர்கள் ஆகியவற்றை கைப்பற்றி பெரும் பயங்கரவாத செயலை தடுத்தனர்.
இந்த கேஸ் சிலிண்டர்கள் முஸ்லீம் பெண்கள் அணியும் புர்காவுக்குள் ஒளித்து வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்தன
Three policemen killed
By Our Correspondent
TIMERGARA, July 28: Three policemen were shot dead in the Regdy Khwar area near Maidan on Saturday. Officials said the deceased belonged to the Lal Qilla police station. Officials said that a baker, Ihsan, had alerted the police about the presence of three gunmen in the area.
They said when SHO Mohammad Azam, who was accompanied by head-constables Mohammad Anwar and Shahzad Gul reached the area the gunmen opened fire on them. Azam and Anwar were killed on the spot, while Shahzad died in the Timergara hospital.
EXPLOSIVES SEIZED: The Bannu police foiled a terrorist attempt and seized six rockets, 27 mortar shells, 10 kilogrammes of explosives, gas cylinders, detonators and fuses from a car on Friday night, our correspondent in Bannu added.
According to officials, the car was parked near a telephone exchange in the Soorani area, the native village of NWFP Chief Minister Akram Khan Durrani.
They said that police had received prior information about the presence of illegal arms and ammunition and they cordoned off the area and diverted traffic from the main Bannu-Kohat road.
The gas cylinders were hidden in black burqas.
Meanwhile, officials of Radio Pakistan came under attack near Bakakhel in the Frontier Region (FR) of Bannu, officials said.
They said that the officials were on their way to Bannu from Mir Ali town in the North Waziristan Agency when they were attacked. The car was hit but the officials escaped unhurt.
இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதம்,
காஷ்மீர்: ஹஜ்ரத்பல் சென்றுவந்த டூரிஸ்ட் பஸ் வெடித்து 6 பேர் பலி
டூரிஸ்ட் பஸ்ஸில் வெடிகுண்டு வெடித்து நான்கு பெண்கள் உட்பட ஆறு பேர்கள் உயிரிழந்தனர்.
இவர்கள் ஹஜ்ரத்பல் என்ற முகமது நபியின் முடி இருக்கும் மசூதிக்கு சென்று திரும்பி வருகையில் பஸ் வெடித்தது.
Kashmir tourist coach explosion kills six
29 Jul 2007 17:03:01 GMT
Source: Reuters
SRINAGAR, India, July 29 (Reuters) - Six people, including four women, were killed and at least 21 wounded on Sunday by an explosion aboard a tourist coach in Kashmir's main city, police and witnesses said.
Police were unsure if it was a grenade attack by militants or if a faulty air-conditioner had exploded inside the coach.
"A low intensity blast took place in a tourist bus, killing six persons," a police statement said, adding that the cause of the explosion blast was under investigation.
A senior police officer said an attack by militants was not ruled out.
Police said four of the dead and all the injured were Muslim holidaymakers from the western state of Gujarat.
"We were returning after a prayer at Hazratbal and there was a sudden bang," Imtiyaz Mustufa, an injured tourist, told Reuters, referring to Kashmir's holiest shrine which houses what some believe is a hair from the beard of the Prophet Mohammad.
"Then there were glass and metal pieces around me. People were crying and writhing in blood."
No militant group has claimed responsibility for the explosion near Shalimar Garden, a popular tourist spot in Srinagar, the summer capital of the troubled Himalayan region.
The explosion comes a day after India's Defence Minister A.K. Antony said the security situation was "fast improving" in Kashmir.
At least a dozen Indian tourists were killed and scores wounded in attacks on their vehicles by suspected separatist militants last year.
Officials say more than 42,000 people have been killed in Kashmir since a revolt against Indian rule erupted in 1989. But human rights groups put the toll at about 60,000.
இவர்கள் ஹஜ்ரத்பல் என்ற முகமது நபியின் முடி இருக்கும் மசூதிக்கு சென்று திரும்பி வருகையில் பஸ் வெடித்தது.
Kashmir tourist coach explosion kills six
29 Jul 2007 17:03:01 GMT
Source: Reuters
SRINAGAR, India, July 29 (Reuters) - Six people, including four women, were killed and at least 21 wounded on Sunday by an explosion aboard a tourist coach in Kashmir's main city, police and witnesses said.
Police were unsure if it was a grenade attack by militants or if a faulty air-conditioner had exploded inside the coach.
"A low intensity blast took place in a tourist bus, killing six persons," a police statement said, adding that the cause of the explosion blast was under investigation.
A senior police officer said an attack by militants was not ruled out.
Police said four of the dead and all the injured were Muslim holidaymakers from the western state of Gujarat.
"We were returning after a prayer at Hazratbal and there was a sudden bang," Imtiyaz Mustufa, an injured tourist, told Reuters, referring to Kashmir's holiest shrine which houses what some believe is a hair from the beard of the Prophet Mohammad.
"Then there were glass and metal pieces around me. People were crying and writhing in blood."
No militant group has claimed responsibility for the explosion near Shalimar Garden, a popular tourist spot in Srinagar, the summer capital of the troubled Himalayan region.
The explosion comes a day after India's Defence Minister A.K. Antony said the security situation was "fast improving" in Kashmir.
At least a dozen Indian tourists were killed and scores wounded in attacks on their vehicles by suspected separatist militants last year.
Officials say more than 42,000 people have been killed in Kashmir since a revolt against Indian rule erupted in 1989. But human rights groups put the toll at about 60,000.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
சவுதி அரேபியா ஈராக்கிடம் தோல்வி

ஆஸிய கால்பந்தாட்ட போட்டியில் ஈராக் சவூதி அரேபியாவை 1-0 கண்க்கில் தோற்கடித்தது.
ஈராக் மக்கள் தெருக்களுக்கு கூட்டம் கூட்டமாக வந்து வெடி வெடித்து துப்பாக்கிகளை வானில் சுட்டு கொண்டாடி மகிழ்ந்தார்கள்.
வாழ்க வளமுடன்
Iraq celebrates football victory
A historic moment for Iraq's football team and the Iraqi nation
Thousands of Iraqis have spilled onto the streets to celebrate their football squad's Asian Cup victory, firing guns into the air despite a government ban.
Iraq beat Saudi Arabia 1-0. Celebratory gunfire was heard in Baghdad, where authorities had banned vehicles and urged fans not to gather.
It was feared crowds could be targets for bombers. Some 50 people died in attacks after Wednesday's semi-final.
Correspondents say Iraq's progress has temporarily united the divided country.
The team includes Sunni and Shia Muslims, as well as Kurds.
In pictures: Football fever
Thousands of Iraqis, who had been following the match in Indonesia on television, rushed into the streets of the capital and other cities to celebrate.
The crowds in Baghdad included members of the security forces. Guns were fired into the air despite an earlier warning by the authorities that any such displays would be punished.
"It's a huge success for Iraq and it's a very, very good news for Iraq," Iraq's national security adviser Mouwaffaq al-Rubaie told the BBC.
"You should come to see the jubilation and the joy which is spreading all over Baghdad's streets now. People are pouring in, hundreds of thousands of people are pouring into the streets."
Meanwhile, at the stadium in Jakarta, the BBC's Lucy Williamson said the atmosphere was electric.
She said there was huge sympathy and support in Indonesia for the Iraqi team, for their difficulties in training and the continuing violence at home.
Football fever
Earlier, the Iraqi authorities banned the use of vehicles in Baghdad until 0600 (0200 GMT) on Monday in an effort to prevent a repeat of the bloodshed which followed the semi-final win.
The crowds in Baghdad included members of the security forces
A similar ban was also imposed in the northern city of Kirkuk.
Military spokesman Brigadier General Qassim Moussawi said they wanted to stop "terrorists, Sunni extremists and criminals from targeting the joy of the people".
Iraq surprised the football world by beating tournament favourites Australia, and then former winners South Korea in Wednesday's semi-final match.
Wild celebrations followed that victory, with crowds dancing in the streets and waving the national flag.
But the party was brought to a bloody end as insurgents detonated bombs in two parts of Baghdad, killing about 50 people.
லண்டன் போலீஸ் இன்னும் மூன்று ஈராகிய டாக்டர்களை தேடுகிறது
லண்டன் போலீஸ் இன்னும் மூன்று ஈராகிய டாக்டர்களை தேடுகிறது
கிளாஸ்கோவில் கார் குண்டு தாக்குதல் சம்பந்தமாக ஏற்கெனவே சிறையில் இருக்கும் டாக்டர்களோடு பணி புரிந்து கார் குண்டுக்கு பிறகு தலைமறைவான மூன்று ஈராகிய டாக்டர்களை லண்டன் போலீஸ் தேடிவருகிறது

Manhunt as three Iraqi doctors go missing in Glasgow after terror attack
Last updated at 22:13pm on 28th July 2007
Police are hunting three Iraqi doctors who went on the run in Glasgow after terrorists tried to blow up the city's airport.
The men arrived in the UK in May to take part in a Government-backed training programme, but failed to turn up for their flights back to Baghdad earlier this month.
They disappeared just two weeks after Bilal Abdullah, an Iraqi-trained doctor who worked at a Glasgow hospital, was arrested and charged with terrorist offences over the airport attack on June 30.
Grandchildren of the Windrush quit Britain for a better life in the Caribbean
Blast: The Jeep goes up in flames after it was driven into terminal doors

Captured: Dr Bilal Abdullah is taken away by police
He was a passenger in a Jeep driven by Kafeel Ahmed, an engineer who is being treated for extensive burns after the vehicle burst into flames as it hit the doors of the passenger terminal.
Two other junior doctors of Middle Eastern origin, who worked at the same hospital as Abdullah, the Royal Alexandra in Paisley, were arrested on July 2, but released without charge on July 15.
Last night, the Department of Health – which has been forced to defend itself against criticism of its security vetting – insisted that the three missing doctors were not being linked to any anti-terror investigations.
They were part of a group of 26 doctors flown to Britain from Baghdad by the international consultancy group Mott MacDonald, which is contracted by the Government to run a training programme to improve the management skills of Iraqi medical staff.
The stressful conditions and dangerous working environment in Iraq have led to a 'brain drain', with many top doctors fleeing the country. The training programme is part of an international effort to repair some of the damage caused by the exodus – with the doctors gaining improved clinical skills and knowledge, so that they can improve health services in Iraq when they return.
Training had initially taken place in Iraq, but when the security situation deteriorated they were forced to move it to the UK.
The group undertook their training at four hospitals in the city, the Glasgow Royal Infirmary – where Ahmed is being treated for his burns – the Western Infirmary, the Gartnavel and the Southern General, but the Department of Health said none of them visited the Royal Alexandra.
They were due to fly back in two groups on July 13 and 14, but only 23 turned up at the airport. Abdullah, 27, who had worked at the Royal Alexandra since last March, has been charged with conspiracy to cause explosions.
It is believed he entered Scotland from Pakistan – a known training ground for Al Qaeda terrorists. Patrick Mercer, Tory MP for Newark and former party spokesman on homeland security, said the episode proved vetting procedures were too lax.
'This underlines the need for an effective border security service,' he said.
'It is vital that we keep track of foreign visitors, and particularly those coming into the country from hotspots.'
A Department of Health spokeswoman said: 'We can confirm three Iraqi doctors gaining experience in the UK have failed to return.
'We are satisfied that there is no link to the recent terrorist incidents. Police are investigating, and are working closely with the immigration service.
'We are disappointed that three participants chose not to return, but glad that 23 will now be helping improve services for Iraqis.'
கிளாஸ்கோவில் கார் குண்டு தாக்குதல் சம்பந்தமாக ஏற்கெனவே சிறையில் இருக்கும் டாக்டர்களோடு பணி புரிந்து கார் குண்டுக்கு பிறகு தலைமறைவான மூன்று ஈராகிய டாக்டர்களை லண்டன் போலீஸ் தேடிவருகிறது

Manhunt as three Iraqi doctors go missing in Glasgow after terror attack
Last updated at 22:13pm on 28th July 2007
Police are hunting three Iraqi doctors who went on the run in Glasgow after terrorists tried to blow up the city's airport.
The men arrived in the UK in May to take part in a Government-backed training programme, but failed to turn up for their flights back to Baghdad earlier this month.
They disappeared just two weeks after Bilal Abdullah, an Iraqi-trained doctor who worked at a Glasgow hospital, was arrested and charged with terrorist offences over the airport attack on June 30.
Grandchildren of the Windrush quit Britain for a better life in the Caribbean
Blast: The Jeep goes up in flames after it was driven into terminal doors

Captured: Dr Bilal Abdullah is taken away by police
He was a passenger in a Jeep driven by Kafeel Ahmed, an engineer who is being treated for extensive burns after the vehicle burst into flames as it hit the doors of the passenger terminal.
Two other junior doctors of Middle Eastern origin, who worked at the same hospital as Abdullah, the Royal Alexandra in Paisley, were arrested on July 2, but released without charge on July 15.
Last night, the Department of Health – which has been forced to defend itself against criticism of its security vetting – insisted that the three missing doctors were not being linked to any anti-terror investigations.
They were part of a group of 26 doctors flown to Britain from Baghdad by the international consultancy group Mott MacDonald, which is contracted by the Government to run a training programme to improve the management skills of Iraqi medical staff.
The stressful conditions and dangerous working environment in Iraq have led to a 'brain drain', with many top doctors fleeing the country. The training programme is part of an international effort to repair some of the damage caused by the exodus – with the doctors gaining improved clinical skills and knowledge, so that they can improve health services in Iraq when they return.
Training had initially taken place in Iraq, but when the security situation deteriorated they were forced to move it to the UK.
The group undertook their training at four hospitals in the city, the Glasgow Royal Infirmary – where Ahmed is being treated for his burns – the Western Infirmary, the Gartnavel and the Southern General, but the Department of Health said none of them visited the Royal Alexandra.
They were due to fly back in two groups on July 13 and 14, but only 23 turned up at the airport. Abdullah, 27, who had worked at the Royal Alexandra since last March, has been charged with conspiracy to cause explosions.
It is believed he entered Scotland from Pakistan – a known training ground for Al Qaeda terrorists. Patrick Mercer, Tory MP for Newark and former party spokesman on homeland security, said the episode proved vetting procedures were too lax.
'This underlines the need for an effective border security service,' he said.
'It is vital that we keep track of foreign visitors, and particularly those coming into the country from hotspots.'
A Department of Health spokeswoman said: 'We can confirm three Iraqi doctors gaining experience in the UK have failed to return.
'We are satisfied that there is no link to the recent terrorist incidents. Police are investigating, and are working closely with the immigration service.
'We are disappointed that three participants chose not to return, but glad that 23 will now be helping improve services for Iraqis.'
முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாதம்
பாகிஸ்தான் பிஷப்பை இஸ்லாமுக்கு மதம் மாறச்சொல்லி மிரட்டல்

பாகிஸ்தான் பிஷப் டிமோதியஸ் நாஸிருக்கு முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாத குழுக்கள் மிரட்டல் கடிதம் அனுப்பியுள்ளனர்
இஸ்லாமுக்கு மதம் மாறவில்லை என்றால் அவ்ர் கொல்லப்படுவார் என்று கடிதம் தெரிவிக்கிறது.
அவருக்கு மட்டுமல்ல், பல கிறிஸ்துவ குடும்பங்களுக்கும் இப்படிப்பட்ட மிரட்டல் கடிதங்கள் அனுப்பப்பட்டுள்ளன
Militants threatening letter to Bishop Nasir: “Convert to Islam or die”
Lahore: July 23, 2007. (PCP) Bishop Timotheus Nasir is target of Muslim militant groups in Pakistan after receiving a threatening letter to ordering him “convert to Islam or they would kill him”.
Such threatening letters were dropped in Charsadda and Shanti Nagar in homes of Christians in months of May-June but letter to Bishop Nasir is first to any high profile Christian religious leader in Pakistan.
The threat to Bishop Nasir have created very serious concern among his followers around world after wake of violence by militants in reaction to military operation of Lall Masjid in Islamabad.
Bishop Nasir is principal of century old theological seminary but he served as commissioned officer in armed forces of Pakistan which makes him target of militants.
The extremist Muslim groups in Pakistan have been writing editorial notes and printing news items in their magazines against Bishop Nasir from years.
Bishop Nasir is also editor of ‘Monthly Kalam-e-Haq’ the only Christian publication in Pakistan, covering religion and Christian issues, which is not liked by Muslim religious extremists.
Bishop Nasir came in lime light of Pakistani press when he debated Muslim Scholar Ahmad Deddat in Sialkot who has been challenging Christian faith and inviting debates but non-was facing him. The daring Bishop Nasir debated Deddat in gathering of thousands of Muslims and defeated him with his wisdom and blessings of Lord.
The recent threaten letter to Bishop Nasir can be viewed as very serious threat and not as joke.
கட்டாய மதமாற்றம்,
காஷ்மீர்: முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாதிகள் டூரிஸ்ட் பஸ்ஸில் குண்டு: 2 பேர் பலி
டூரிஸ்ட் பஸ்ஸில் முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாதிகள் குண்டு வைத்ததால் இரண்டு டூரிஸ்டுகள் கொலையுண்டனர்.
Kashmir tourist bus explosion kills two
29 Jul 2007 11:29:41 GMT
Source: Reuters
Kashmir dispute
More SRINAGAR, India, July 29 (Reuters) - Two people were killed and over a dozen wounded on Sunday in an explosion inside a tourist bus in Kashmir's main city, police and witnesses said.
Police said they were not sure if it was a grenade attack by militants or if a faulty air-conditioner had exploded inside the bus. Most of those wounded were Indian tourists.
"A powerful explosion took place inside the bus. We are ascertaining the details," a police official said.
No militant group has claimed responsibility for the explosion near Shalimar Garden, a popular tourist spot in Srinagar, the summer capital of the troubled Himalayan region.
At least a dozen Indian tourists were killed and scores wounded in attacks on their vehicles by suspected separatist militants last year.
Kashmir tourist bus explosion kills two
29 Jul 2007 11:29:41 GMT
Source: Reuters
Kashmir dispute
More SRINAGAR, India, July 29 (Reuters) - Two people were killed and over a dozen wounded on Sunday in an explosion inside a tourist bus in Kashmir's main city, police and witnesses said.
Police said they were not sure if it was a grenade attack by militants or if a faulty air-conditioner had exploded inside the bus. Most of those wounded were Indian tourists.
"A powerful explosion took place inside the bus. We are ascertaining the details," a police official said.
No militant group has claimed responsibility for the explosion near Shalimar Garden, a popular tourist spot in Srinagar, the summer capital of the troubled Himalayan region.
At least a dozen Indian tourists were killed and scores wounded in attacks on their vehicles by suspected separatist militants last year.
முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாதம்
ஆந்திரா: காங்கிரஸ் அரசாங்க போலீஸ் சுட்டு கம்யூனிஸ்டுகள் 8 பேர் மரணம்
நிலச்சீர்திருத்தம் என்று போராடிய சிபிஎம் கம்யூனிஸ்ட் பேரணியினரை ஆந்திர போலீஸ் சுட்டதில் 8 பேர் மரணமடைந்தன்ர்.
16 பேர் படுகாயம்.
Indian police fire on protesters
At least sixteen people were wounded in the incident
Eight left-wing protesters were shot dead by Indian police during a demonstration in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, officials have said.
Police had been pelted with stones as they approached a tent where communist supporters were gathered, and responded by opening fire, said a state minister.
Saturday's protest was called as part of a three-month campaign demanding land for the poor.
Opposition parties called a strike in response to the shooting.
The leader of the opposition TDP, N Chandrababu Naidu, said Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy "has no right to continue in office after innocent people have lost their life".
Mr Reddy ordered a judicial inquiry and said: "I will not comment on who is responsible unless we get the full report."
Sixteen people were reported to have been injured in the shooting, which took place in Mudigonda, a small village in the southern state.
16 பேர் படுகாயம்.
Indian police fire on protesters
At least sixteen people were wounded in the incident
Eight left-wing protesters were shot dead by Indian police during a demonstration in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, officials have said.
Police had been pelted with stones as they approached a tent where communist supporters were gathered, and responded by opening fire, said a state minister.
Saturday's protest was called as part of a three-month campaign demanding land for the poor.
Opposition parties called a strike in response to the shooting.
The leader of the opposition TDP, N Chandrababu Naidu, said Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy "has no right to continue in office after innocent people have lost their life".
Mr Reddy ordered a judicial inquiry and said: "I will not comment on who is responsible unless we get the full report."
Sixteen people were reported to have been injured in the shooting, which took place in Mudigonda, a small village in the southern state.
கட்டாய மதமாற்றம் செய்ய முனைந்த கன்யாஸ்திரிகள் கைது
புவனேஷ்வரில் கத்தோலிக்க பள்ளிக்கூடத்தில் கட்டாயமாக ஏசுவைப் பற்றி பாடல்கள் பாடவேண்டும் என்று இரண்டு சிறுமிகளை கட்டாயப்படுத்தியதற்காக இரண்டு கன்யாஸ்திரிகள் கைது செய்யப்பட்டனர்.
Nuns held for trying to 'convert' students
29 Jul 2007, 0000 hrs IST,Sandeep Mishra,TNN
BHUBANESWAR: Two nuns in Mayurbhanj district were arrested on Saturday for allegedly making two non-Christian girls sing hymns in praise of Christ.
Sister Mary (60) and Sister Prema (63) were accused of attempting to forcibly convert the girls studying at Bijay Sadan, a Catholic residential school in Baghamara.
Following the arrests, Father Isaac of the Catholic Diocese in Balasore, rushed to Mayurbhanj. He said the charges were "cooked up". The arrests were made after Sarojini Murmu (12) and Anjana Behera (10) complained that they were compelled to participate in prayers against their wish. They also accused the nuns of "physically and mentally torturing" them when they refused to sing the hymns.
"The girls' parents also did not like the school making them sing hymns. They claimed that at the time of admission, school authorities had said prayers were not mandatory," Mayurbhanj SP S K Singh said.
Singh and the additional district magistrate conducted inquiries after they received an FIR on July 25. "The complaint was prima facie true," the SP said. The nuns were booked under Sections 323 (causing simple hurt) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code and Section 4 (forcibly attempting conversion) of the Orissa Freedom of Religion Act.
The issue came to light after Murmu, a Class IX student, and Behera, a Class VI student, ran away from the school hostel on July 13. However, the school did not inform the parents and approached the police only after the parents came to know about their children leaving the hostel.
Nuns held for trying to 'convert' students
29 Jul 2007, 0000 hrs IST,Sandeep Mishra,TNN
BHUBANESWAR: Two nuns in Mayurbhanj district were arrested on Saturday for allegedly making two non-Christian girls sing hymns in praise of Christ.
Sister Mary (60) and Sister Prema (63) were accused of attempting to forcibly convert the girls studying at Bijay Sadan, a Catholic residential school in Baghamara.
Following the arrests, Father Isaac of the Catholic Diocese in Balasore, rushed to Mayurbhanj. He said the charges were "cooked up". The arrests were made after Sarojini Murmu (12) and Anjana Behera (10) complained that they were compelled to participate in prayers against their wish. They also accused the nuns of "physically and mentally torturing" them when they refused to sing the hymns.
"The girls' parents also did not like the school making them sing hymns. They claimed that at the time of admission, school authorities had said prayers were not mandatory," Mayurbhanj SP S K Singh said.
Singh and the additional district magistrate conducted inquiries after they received an FIR on July 25. "The complaint was prima facie true," the SP said. The nuns were booked under Sections 323 (causing simple hurt) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code and Section 4 (forcibly attempting conversion) of the Orissa Freedom of Religion Act.
The issue came to light after Murmu, a Class IX student, and Behera, a Class VI student, ran away from the school hostel on July 13. However, the school did not inform the parents and approached the police only after the parents came to know about their children leaving the hostel.
கட்டாய மதமாற்றம்,
ஜிகாதுக்கு எதிராக திரும்பு சவுதி அரேபிய இளைஞர்

அஹ்மத் அல் ஷாயீ என்ற சவுதி இளைஞர் அமெரிக்காவுக்கு எதிராக ஈராக்கில் ஜிகாது செய்வதற்காக ஈராக்குக்கு வந்தார். அங்கு இவரை பெட்ரோல் எடுத்து செல்லவேண்டும் என்ற ஆணை கொடுத்து இரண்டு பேர் இவரோடு வந்தார்கள். வரும் வழியில் இருவரும் வண்டியிலிருந்து குதித்துவிட, இவர் புரியாமல் தொடர்ந்து வண்டியை ஓட்டிக்கொண்டு செல்லும்போது ஜோர்டன் தூதரகம் வரும்போது இவரது பெட்ரோல் வண்டி ரிமோட் கண்ட்ரோலில் தானாக வெடித்து சிதறியது. அதில் இவர் தப்பித்துவிட்டார். அங்கு நின்றிருந்த 9 அப்பாவிகள் பலியானார்கள்.
பிறகு இவர் அமெரிக்க அபு கிரெப் சிறையில் இருக்கும் மருத்துவ மனையில் சிகிச்சை பெற்று முகம் சிதறி, விரல்கள் காணாமல் போனது எல்லாம் சரி செய்து இப்போது நடமாடுகிறார்.
சவுதி அரேபியா பல இமாம்களை இவரிடம் அனுப்பி ஜிகாது எல்லாம் தவறு என்று போதித்து இப்போது நல்வழி திரும்பியிருக்கிறார்.
'Holy warrior' changes mind
Wounded and embittered, Saudi Arabian changes his mind on waging jihad
The Associated Press
Updated: 9:24 p.m. ET July 27, 2007
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - The last time Ahmed al-Shayea was in the news, he was in the hospital at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, being treated for severe burns from the truck bomb he had driven into the Iraqi capital on Christmas Day 2004.
Today, he says, he has changed his mind about waging jihad, or holy war, and wants other young Muslims to know it. He wants them to see his disfigured face and fingerless hands, to hear how he was tricked into driving the truck on a fatal mission, to believe his contrition over having put his family through the agony of believing he was dead.
At 22, the new Ahmed Al-Shayea is the product of a concerted Saudi government effort to counter the ideology that nurtured the 9/11 hijackers and that has lured Saudis in droves to the Iraq insurgency. The deprogramming, similar to efforts carried out in Egypt and Yemen, is built on reason, enticements and lengthy talks with psychiatrists, Muslim clerics and sociologists.
Cracking jihadist mind set
The kingdom still has a way to go in cracking the jihadist mind set. Most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis, and Saudis make up nearly half of the foreign detainees held in Iraq, according to Mouwaffak al-Rubaie, Iraq's national security adviser. They number hundreds, he said this month following a visit to Saudi Arabia.
Dozens more are fighting alongside al-Qaida-inspired militants at a Palestinian camp in Lebanon.
Several hundred prisoners, as well as returnees from Guantanamo, are thought to have passed through the rehabilitation program.
Al-Shayea says his change of heart began when he was visited by a cleric at al-Ha'ir Prison in Riyadh following his repatriation from Iraq.
He says he put two questions to the cleric: Was the jihad for which he traveled to Iraq religiously sanctioned? And were the edicts inciting such action correct in saying the militants should not inform their parents or government of their intentions?
No and no, came the reply.
'Realized ... I was wrong'
"I realized that all along, I was wrong," al-Shayea told The Associated Press in a two-hour interview at a Riyadh hotel before returning to an Interior Ministry compound that serves as a sort of halfway house for ex-jihadists rejoining Saudi society.
"There is no jihad. We are just instruments of death," he said.
Saudi Arabia's campaign against terrorism began in earnest after al-Qaida-linked militants struck three residential expatriate compounds in Riyadh in May 2003, killing 26 people.
The government says it cracked down on charities suspected of using donations to finance terrorism, banned mosques from holding unlicensed religious sessions and warned preachers against inciting youths to jihad. Officials as well as the government-guided media began to clearly and unequivocally refer to suicide bombings as terrorism.
The Interior Ministry sponsored programs on government-run TV stations showing repentant jihadists warning youths against joining al-Qaida and clergymen trying to correct misconceptions about jihad and dealing with non-Muslims. Al-Shayea has appeared on Al-Majd, a Saudi religious TV channel.
Prison program
Three years ago it set up the prison program.
"The aim is to reform the youths, to listen to them and talk to them," said Ahmed Jailan, one of the clerics. "We also try to instill a sense of hope in them by telling them they still have the chance to make up for what they lost if they follow true Islam."
The prisoners later appear before a panel of judges who decide whether they can move from prison to the Interior Ministry compound, where activities include reading, civic and religious courses, sports and family visits. They get help finding jobs and wives, and after release they get free medical care, monthly stipends and sometimes cars.
At the time he was first approached to join the insurgency, al-Shayea was already becoming a devout Muslim in his ultraconservative town of Buraida. He grew a beard, prayed five times a day and stopped listening to Arabic love songs he used to enjoy. He was 19 and jobless.
Then he was contacted by a school friend whom he doesn't identify.
"My friend started telling me about Iraq, how Muslims are getting killed there and how we should go there for jihad," said al-Shayea. "He told me there were fatwas (edicts) and DVDs issued by Saudi and Iraqi clergymen that called for jihad."
"We didn't think of jihad as something that would lead to our death. It was a fight against occupiers," said al-Shayea.
Invited to Iraq
Finally, the friend told him he was going to Iraq, and invited al-Shayea to join him.
He was told to shave his beard and pack Western clothes to avoid looking like a would-be jihadist. He got a passport and an airline ticket to Syria. And he managed to save US$1,600 (euro1,160) -- travel fees, he was told, that would go to smugglers, weapons training and al-Qaida's coffers.
On a cool November night toward the end of the holy month of Ramadan, he donned a black T-shirt and jeans and told his parents he was going camping in the desert with his friends.
He and his friend flew to Syria, a favored transit point for Iraq-bound fighters because Syria doesn't ask visiting Arabs for visas, and its 360-mile (580-kilometer) border with Iraq is thinly policed. A network of al-Qaida operatives sheltered him in Damascus, Aleppo and the border town of Abu-Kamal, and about two weeks later he and 23 other men were smuggled into Iraq.
Four Iraqi teenagers guided them to the Iraqi border town of al-Qaim. They saw Syrian border guards in the distance who fired in the air. "They didn't try to stop us. We were already in Iraq," al-Shayea said.
At al-Qaim, the men were split into two groups. Al-Shayea said his group of 12 met an al-Qaida leader who had direct links with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaida chief in Iraq who was later killed by a U.S. airstrike. He took the men's money and gave each US$100 (euro72).
'No one' wanted martydom
"Then he asked us a question: 'Those who want to carry out martyrdom (suicide) attacks, raise your hands,"' said al-Shayea. "No one did."
Al-Shayea's group then spent a week at the Sunni fundamentalist stronghold of Rawa before al-Shayea and another Saudi man were taken to Ramadi and finally Baghdad.
Al-Shayea met his new "emir," or leader, an Iraqi who told him his first assignment was to take a fuel tanker to a Baghdad neighborhood to be collected by others.
'I felt scared'
"I felt scared. I didn't know Baghdad at all, and I also didn't know how to drive heavy vehicles," he said.
Also, he says, he was never told that the truck would contain 26 tons of butane gas, rigged to explode outside the Jordanian Embassy.
"That evening, we performed the last prayer of the day and had dinner -- a dish of chicken and aubergines," said al-Shayea. "The emir gave me a crude map of my route."
Two al-Qaida militants drove with al-Shayea, but then jumped out 1,000 yards (meters) from where he was supposed to park the truck and fled in a waiting car.
"I felt something bad was about to happen," he said.
The farther he drove, the more nervous he got until, 60 feet (20 meters) from the embassy, an explosion -- believed triggered from afar -- turned the back of the tanker into a fireball.
'Scream and pray'
"I saw the fire and I started to scream and pray," he said.
"I looked around me and I saw everything had melted. My hands had turned black. I jumped from the window and started running without thinking of what I was doing."
The blast killed nine people.
Thinking he was an innocent victim and a Shiite by his fake ID card, passers-by took al-Shayea to a Shiite-run hospital. There he kept silent for several days until he finally told his doctors the truth.
The world's first encounter with al-Shayea was on footage of his interrogation which was sent to Arab TV stations. Back in Buraida, his parents saw their son, face charred, head heavily bandaged, but alive. They were stunned. They had been notified he was dead and had held a wake for him.
Al-Shayea said he told his interrogators where to find a senior al-Zarqawi aide in Baghdad, revealed all he knew about al-Qaida, and denounced al-Zarqawi and Osama bin Laden as killers of innocents.
He says he hasn't seen nor heard from the friend who accompanied him since they parted soon after entering Iraq.
Today, his hair has grown back, he sports a thick black beard and he can move without difficulty. He credits the medical care he received, including 30 operations, at the hospital of U.S.-run Abu Ghraib prison.
He says that when he was handed over to the Americans a couple of days after his interrogation at the Iraqi Interior Ministry, he was scared because he had heard about the prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib.
"But the care with which the American officers carried me down to the car when they came to take me made me relax," said al-Shayea. "One spoke Arabic and tried to put me at ease."
After almost six months of medical care and interrogations during which al-Shayea said he was treated well, he was visited by three Saudi officers.
"They told me they were there for my sake," said al-Shayea.
"They allowed me to write a letter to my parents."
They also asked him if he would tell his story publicly. He says he replied that he would have volunteered to do so even if they hadn't asked.
'Kept asking for forgiveness'
A couple of weeks later, in mid-2005, al-Shayea was flown home.
His parents were at the airport. "I took my dad in my arms, crying, and kept asking for forgiveness," he said.
He spent a couple of months in the hospital and then was moved to al-Ha'ir Jail where he says he was given a TV set, newspapers and plenty of food. He also read a lot of books. One of them -- which he says he would never have imagined he would read -- is the Arabic classic "One Thousand and One Nights."
© 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
அபு கிரேப் சிறை,
சவுதி அரேபியா,
முஸ்லீம் பயங்கரவாதம்
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