Thursday, January 31, 2008

காபிர்கள் மீது காபிர் என்று பச்சை குத்து: மலேசிய இஸ்லாமிய தீவிரவாதிகள் கோரிக்கை

காபிர்கள் மீது காபிர் என்று பச்சை குத்தவேண்டும் என்று மலேசிய இஸ்லாமிய தீவிரவாதிகள் கோரிக்கை விடுத்துள்ளனர்

Islamic Fascists suggest that non-Malays be tattooed like Jews in Nazi Germany
Posted by Raja Petra
Thursday, 31 January 2008
by FFT

Some disturbing content has recently been discovered in a video posting by two Malaysian Muslim bloggers, Mahaguru58 and MENJ.

These two individuals are also behind the outfit known as the Muslim Bloggers Alliance (readers should recall this outfit as the one that threw a hissy fit at one of RPK's recent installments of the "No Holds Barred" column, threatening to consult PEMBELA on the issue).

Here is the video link in question:

Backup here:

While discussing the recent controversy over the issue of corpse snatching by Islamic authorities, these two Islamofascists go into a little diatribe trivializing the agony and stress that family members face at the hands of the menacing Shariah authorities.

If that weren't bad enough, Mahaguru58 then ominously suggests the following at time 12:50 on the video, with regard to how non-Muslims can prevent themselves from being buried as Muslims.......and I quote:

"Those who feel very strongly about it, this is going to offend some people I don't give a damn, they should have it tattooed on their chest like what Adolf Hitler did, you know, this is a Jew right?, and they had tattoos. So those who are now so adamant on not wanting to be buried as a Muslim, or whatever, for whatever reason, they should have it tattooed on their chest."

These two Nazi wannabes then go on further, referring to non-Muslims as being recalcitrant about not wanting their loved ones buried as a Muslim, completely ignoring the suspicious circumstances in which corpses were snatched.

At time 14:00 on the video, Mahaguru58 reaffirms his Nazi leanings with the following, and I quote:

"I think they should tattoo it on their chest or forehead 'I am a kafir'."

As shocking as these suggestions may be, it is hardly surprising as radical Islam has been reliably documented as having cordial ties with the Fuhrer and Nazi Germany, as is reported here:

In any case, this howler by two Nazi wannabes needs to be brought to public attention, be given a broad viewing, and preferably, a strong and forceful admonishment.

Should the videos mysteriously "disappear" at the above links, please feel free to post a comment under this letter and I can arrange to have this video available to you...I have it downloaded on my iPod.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When will this come to Tamilnadu?

I like to brand all pseudoDK people first.