பாகிஸ்தானில் உள்ள கடஸ்ராஜ் சிவன் கோவிலை பாகிஸ்தானிய அரசாங்கமே சுமார் 10 கோடி ரூபாய் செலவு செய்து புணருஸ்தாரணம் செய்திருக்கிறது.
இதற்கு சமீபத்தில் இந்தியாவிலிருந்து இந்துயாத்ரீகர்களையும் அழைத்து அங்கு சிவராத்திரி கொண்டாட்டங்களை நடத்தியிருக்கிறது.
இந்த கோவிலில் நிரந்தரமாக ஒரு இந்து பூஜாரியையும் நியமிக்க இந்திய அரசாங்கத்தை கேட்டுக்கொண்டிருக்கிறது.
பிபிஸி புகைப்பட காலரி
விமரிசையாக இந்த சிவராத்திரி கொண்டாட்டங்கள் நடந்திருக்கின்றன.

பாகிஸ்தான் கடஸ்ராஜ் கோவிலிலிருந்து வந்த புனித தீர்த்தத்தை பஞ்சாபில் உள்ள துர்கையானா கோவிலில் பெற்றுக்கொள்கிறார்கள்.
பாகிஸ்தானிய மக்களுக்கு இறைவன் அருள் பாலிக்கட்டும்!
GENERAL APPEAL (Pakistan): Sindh provincial government's deliberate negligence to protect the Hindu religious minority
6 October 2006
UG-020-2006: PAKISTAN: Sindh provincial government's deliberate negligence to protect the Hindu religious minority
PAKISTAN: Violation against religious minority; suppression of the freedom of religion and belief; discrimination; police's collaboration with the culprits; impunity; un-rule of law
Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the recent repression of Hindu religious minorities by Muslim extremists in Karachi, Sindh province, Pakistan. In particular, the local police has not only refused to record the complaints from the victims and launch investigations into the incident, but also actively collaborated with alleged perpetrators into these crimes. No action has yet been taken by the Sindh provincial & Pakistan federal governments to correct this matter.
There is a century old residential compound of the Hindu community in Lyari town of Karachi, Sindh province, which was constructed in 1901, where more than 100 houses of the Hindu community are located and an old temple with the name of Shiv Mander. This compound is exclusively earmarked for Hindus by the government of Sindh province under the Evacuee Property Act 1957. This Evacuee Property Act was formed for transfer of property for those Hindu and Muslim people who migrated to India and Pakistan following Pakistan's independence from India. The Hindu residents of the compound are paying rent to Pakistan government under a 1958 agreement which is administered under the auspices of the Evacuee Property Act 1957. The Act prohibits a person(s) who was granted a land, from selling it.
However, with the help of Baghdadi police in Kakri ground, Lyari town, land grabbers have been forcibly evicting residents in this compound. As a result, only 35 families are left. The Muslim extremists and Baghdadi police are also allegedly forcing the Hindu residents to sign on the residential document that subsequently gives the right of using the land to the land grabbers in exchange for a very little amount.
In July and August 2006, a local Union Council member with a minority seat named Mr. Aanwal Das who resides in the same compound was threatened several times by the Baghdadi police and Muslim extremists to vacate the compound of its Hindu community. He several times to make representation to higher authorities including the Chief Minister of Sindh province about the forced eviction of the community but all his representations went in vain. To date, no action has yet been taken by any of the local government's authorities to address this matter.
Beside this, Baghdadi police reportedly allow the Muslims to slaughter the cows inside the compound’s walls to insult Hindu religion and scare the community. The police have also taken over the Shiv Mander temple and transformed it into a place for Muslim worship. Furthermore, whenever there are any Hindu religious ceremonies, like Holy, Deewali, Janam Ashtmi or the birthday of Shiva Jee, inside the compound, the Muslim extremists throw stones and filth to stop the functions and the police do not intervene at all to stop these acts.
The AHRC was also informed that several Hindu girls have been reportedly raped within the compound but the Baghdadi police showed no willingness to register the cases. For example, in April 2006, Baghdadi police received a complaint regarding the kidnapping and rape of a Hindu girl by an alleged Muslim rapist named Javed Qasai. However, instead of arresting him, the police forced the girl's family to settle the matter with the perpetrator and basically allowed him to leave the compound freely.
Forced and coerced conversions of religious minorities to Islam occur at the hands of societal actors. Several human rights groups have highlighted the increased phenomenon of Hindu girls, particularly in Karachi, Sindh province, being kidnapped from their families and forced to convert to Islam. Pakistan government action to stem the problems is inadequate and actually these incidents take place through the help of local administrations. According to the All Pakistan Minority Alliance, this year has already seen roughly 25 girls from the Hindu community allegedly forced to convert to Islam in the province of Sindh. The method of choice to convert the girls who are abducted is to have them marry within the Muslim community.
In one case, on 18 October 2005, 3 daughters namely Rina (aged 20), Oosha (aged 25) and Reema (aged 17) of a Hindu couple residing in the Punjab Colony, Karachi, Sindh province, disappeared. After lodging an inquiry with the local police, the couple discovered that their daughters were abducted by Muslim extremists, taken to a local madrassah where they were converted to Islam.
However, the Frere police refused to register the case of abduction lodged by the parents. On 22 October 2005, with the efforts of Mr. Javed Burqi, an advocate of a local human rights organization named the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, the father of the kidnapped girls had his case finally registered with the police as First Information Report (FIR) no. 144/2005. However, since the alleged kidnappers Mr. Jahan Zeb, Mr. Faisal and Mr. Abid had connections with the police, they had secured bail before they were even arrested and therefore were never brought into custody.
The three kidnapped girls were later forced to marry their kidnappers at a seminary called the Darul Uftad Binori. The parents were not allowed to meet their daughters. On 3 November 2005, the Judicial Magistrate South 4, Karachi then passed an order to Frere police to arrange the meeting for the parents with their children. The police were then allegedly threatened by the seminary administration to desist from such actions. Mr. Javed Burqi once again filed an application of contempt of court and on November 10 the court ordered the police to make an arrangement of meeting otherwise they would be held in contempt of court.
On 11 November 2005, the parents were allowed to meet their daughters for one hour at the seminary Darul Uftad Binori. However, when Mr. Sono and his wife went to see their daughters at seminary with police, the whole area was cordoned off by the armed guards of the seminary, where the parents were then teased by the armed officials. The meeting was allowed for only 15 minutes, which was held under the watchful eye of 5 male and 1 female officers from the seminary and 5 policemen. At no time were the daughters not allowed to talk separately with their parents. Since then, the whereabouts of the three forcibly converted women is still unknown and the police have not made any attempt to find these girls and arrest the perpetrators.
The authorities still have not inquired these incidents even though Hindu religious minority groups and human rights organisations have lodged several protests. The AHRC observed that continued serious forms of discrimination and attacks against religious minorities in Pakistan are allowed to take place due to direct collaboration with the alleged perpetrators or apparent inaction from the police and local administration. Not only the Hindu minority but also other religious minorities are targeted with serious attacks (Please refer our appeal on recent suppression recent suppression of Ahmadi sect of Islam in Punjab province: UG-017-2006).
We strongly urge the Pakistan government to strictly enforce the laws to protect rights of religious minorities in the country and take strong measures against law enforcement officials who collaborate with the alleged perpetrators or fail to take proper action into the concerned cases.
Please write to the relevant authorities listed below and demand their immediate intervention into the aforementioned incidents. Please also urge them to set up strong measures against Baghdadi police and police and administration officials who are proven to be involved in the cases.
Kidnap Hindu Girl, Force Marriage to Muslim: Pakistan
By J. Grant Swank Jr. (11/25/05)
Sanao Menghwar has had three of his daughters kidnapped, then forced to marry Muslim men. That means that the young women were coerced into becoming Islamics.
This happens daily, particularly in the Pakistani Sindh province, according to Hasan Mansoor, reporter, Midday.com.
Other Hindus in the province worry when their daughters will disappear. Therefore, there are entire Hindu families leaving Pakistan for Canada, India or other nations.Menghewar and his wife left their house on errands. When they returned to their residence, their daughters were missing. They reported the missing young women to the police department, filing the necessary papers. Neighbors helped them on a search party to locate the daughters, but to no avail.
Menghwar’s daughters have yet to be found. However, authorities have arrested three Islamic young men assumed to be connected with the girls’ kidnapping. The men have been released on bail by a court due to the men being minors.
"’Kidnapping Hindu girls like this has become a normal practice. The girls are then forced to sign stamp papers stating that they’ve become Muslims,’ says Laljee Menghwar, a member of the Hindu Panchayat in Karachi."
Because of Muslim threats, Hindus have had to turn to what those in the Netherlands are resorting to. Both areas have been under extreme pressure from maiming and killing Islamics so that the local citizens have put into action what one person refers to as "self-censorship."
There is no talk. There is no public utterance. There is nothing said negatively about the Muslims in the area for fear of being slain.
So it is that Islamic killers international could overtake country after country, area after area. Instill such fear in the people that no one speaks the facts concerning local Islamics kidnapping and killing; therefore, they have open skies to do just that — more so.
"’Hindus here are too frightened to vent their anger — they fear victimization,’ said one local."
Nevertheless, Pakistani Christian community members have come to their aid. The Christians have organized support for the Hindus persecuted by Muslims. The Christians have "carried out a demonstration with them in Karachi, protesting against this crime.
"Similarly startling incidents have occurred in several districts of Sindh and evoked identical responses. At least six Hindu girls met this fate a few months ago in Jacobabad (a tribal area heavily inhabited by Hindus) and Larkana districts.
"Sapna, the daughter of one Seth Giyanchand, was recently taken to a shrine (Amrote in Shikarpur district) by Shamsuddin Dasti. Dasti, a Muslim friend of Sapna’s brother, is a married man and father of two.
"Nevertheless, the custodian of the shrine, Maulvi Abdul Aziz lost no time in converting Sapna to Islam (her name was changed to ‘Mehek’) and marrying her to Dasti. The case came to light only when Sapna’s parents stated that their daughter hadn’t eloped but had been abducted."
Islamic fanaticism is increasing alarmingly, according to Nuzzhat Shirin of the Aurat Foundation. The fanatics erect shrines that are used in coercing "conversions." When a Hindu is forced to become a Muslim, zealot Islamics gather at the shrines, chanting and singing and marching in the streets.
Such a ruckus is made that if the young kidnapped girl appears in court, the fanatic Muslims yell, scream, throw rose petals into the air and follow the youth into the building so that she is so intimidated that she can hardly speak.
It is Muslim winning by intimidation. It is Muslim overcoming a culture by threatening. It is by Islamics abducting young girls that an entire community is snuffed out by moving away or succumbing to the Muslim murderers global.
"The threat of victimization by Muslims is palpable; Shirin says when forced conversion cases make it to court, lawyers themselves avoid taking them up, fearing a backlash from maulvis."
It is the same with so-called "honor killing." When Muslim males slay a Hindu female whom they have accused of dishonoring the clan in some way, usually police and media say nothing, looking the other way. Therefore, the slaughtering of innocent females continues daily.
"And forced conversions are not the only problem that the Hindu minority (there are 2.7 million Hindus in Pakistan; Pakistan’s total population is 140 million) is facing in the country.
"A powerful syndicate of bandits and patrons in the northern districts of Sindh regularly kidnap rich Hindus for ransom. They not only kill hostages if the ransom doesn’t arrive on time, they even kill some despite their ransom being paid.
"Sadham Chand Chawla, the former president of the Hindu Panchayat, Jacobabad, was abducted and murdered. His killers remain at large despite enormous protests. Following his murder, his family had received several threats until they secretly migrated to India."
Copyright © 2005 by J. Grant Swank, Jr.
Graduate of accredited college (BA) and seminary (M Div) with graduate work at Harvard Divinity School. Married for 44 years with 3 adult children. Author of 5 books and thousands of articles in various Protestant and Catholic magazines, journals, web sites, and newspapers. Writer of weekly religion column for PORTLAND PRESS HERALD newspaper, Portland ME.
Send Feedback To J. Grant Swank Jr. Site: http://truthinconviction.us/
Pakistan Hindu girls forced to convert to Islam
Horrible conditions for the few remaining non-Muslims in Pakistan:
Pak Hindu girls forced to convert to Islam
An alarming trend — that of Muslims kidnapping Pakistani Hindu girls and forcing them to convert to Islam — in Pakistan’s Sindh province is forcing the worried resident Hindu community to marry off their daughters as soon as they are of marriageable age or to migrate to India, Canada or other nations. Recently, at least 19 such abduction cases have occurred in Karachi alone, while several others have been reported in the media. Sanao Menghwar, a Hindu resident of Karachi’s Punjab Colony, is a traumatised man; all three of his daughters —Aishwarya, Reena and Reema — have been kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam.
Via The Adventuress:
Dignified Response to Oppression
Hundreds of Christians have worshipped in the open air after a Muslim mob in eastern Pakistan burnt down churches over allegations that a Christian had desecrated the Koran. The crowd, including women wearing black armbands to protest Saturday's attacks, also demanded protection for the minority community in the small town of Sangla Hill. "They held their Sunday mass and dispersed peacefully," police officer Mohammad Asghar told AFP. A police contingent cordoned off the area near a gutted church in Sangla Hill, 80 kilometres (50 miles) west of Lahore, capital of Punjab province.
Pakistan: 16 Muslims reportedly rape Christian girl
A 12-year-old Christian girl was reportedly abducted and gang raped by 16 Muslim men in Pakistan. The alleged offence occurred at Rawlpindi, bordering Pakistans capital city of Islamabad. According to a news release from the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA), Sara Tabasum escaped two weeks later while she was being transported to a new location. APMA reported Tabasum managed to jump out of the vehicle and escape while it was on a busy road. Although the youngster was pursued, she still managed to reach her family.
Pakistan model state for Muslim world: Rice
"Pakistan is a model country for the Muslim world," Rice said. In Washington, she had stated that she would push General Musharraf on "commitment to a democratic path" for his country. Rice also held a separate meeting with Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and exchanged views on Pak-US relations, regional security and other important regional and international issues.
Asia/Pacific - Pakistan - Hinduism
"Minority MNAs claim Hindu girl forcibly converted"
("Daily Times," September 23, 2005)
Islamabad, Pakistan - The minority members of the National Assembly (MNAs) on Thursday claimed a Hindu girl in Sindh was forced to convert to Islam during her one-week illegal confinement by four accused men.
Both the treasury and opposition members expressed concerns over the incident. They claimed the incident had happened to threaten the Hindu minority in Sindh.
Giyan Singh, MNA from the Pakistan Muslim League (PML), said the Hindu girl, Sapna, was kidnapped on September 14 in Jacobabad and remained in illegal confinement for a week.
He dismissed Interior State Minister Dr Shahzad Waseem’s arguments that the girl had converted to Islam with her own free will. “The girl was kept at an unknown place for a week and was forced to do as she was told,” he added.
He demanded the National Assembly speaker form a parliamentary committee to look into the matter, adding that the incident had damaged Pakistan’s image abroad.
MNA Dev Das of the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) claimed the girl had not converted to Islam with her free will, but was threatened by the Muslim community that she would be killed if she reverted to Hinduism. The state minister for interior said the girl was allegedly kidnapped on September 14 and the police registered the case on the same day against four people on the request of the girl’s father, Giyan Chand.
He said the police arrested two of the accused and recovered the girl, adding that the girl recorded her statement with the police and later, told the sessions court that she had converted to Islam by her own free will.
Showing a copy of her statement, the minister said the court had disposed of the case after the girl requested the court to allow her to stay with her new husband, Shamsuddin. The girl told the court that she loved Shamsuddin and had converted to Islam because of him.
However the minority MNAs refuse to believe the statement of the girl. They claim the girl must have been forced to make such statement.
Mr Dev Das said he had talked to girl’s relatives and concluded that she could not marry because she has not attained puberty under the Hindu law. He said girls under the Hindu law attain puberty at the age of 20, but Sapna is 17 years old.
MNAs Ramesh Lal and Krishan Bheel said the incident reflected the Muslim community in Jacobabad wanted to expel the Hindus who have been living here from the past 5,000 years.
The NA speaker wanted to dispose off the matter after the state minister interior’s statement, but the minority MNAs insisted on forming a committee to investigate the incident. They said no one should be forced to change their religion.
இந்துமதம் மீண்டும் பாகிஸ்தானில் தழைக்கும்.. மக்களுக்கு விடிவு வரும்...
Hindus from India perform rituals at Katasraj temple
By Amir Mir, Correspondent
Lahore: For the first time since the partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947, 176 Hindu pilgrims from across India worshipped their deity Shiva at the historic Katasraj temple in the Pakistani Punjab.
The two-day worship began from the pond considered holy by the Hindus, where only men bathed and shouted "Har Har Maha Dev" and "Jai Bholey Nathji" as they jumped into the water.
The bath in the pond was followed by chanting of some hymns in Sanskrit and the worship of Shiva at night. The pilgrims, who reached Pakistan on Friday, washed the Shiva image and worshipped the trees in the area by playing on the conch.
The first formal post-partition Hindu pilgrimage is being organised by the provincial government in collaboration with the federal authorities which has already tasked the Punjab Archaeology Department with the job of conserving about seven ancient Hindu temples at the site.
Informal delegations
Locals say there were more than 100 Hindu temples around the site of the Katasraj temple. Over the last two years, informal delegations from India had visited the Katasraj temple site and begun performing rituals.
The pilgrims are mostly from Indian Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Mumbai and New Delhi.
Their visit was organised by the Indian Sanatan Dharam Pratinidhi Sabha Punjab, and they will be hosted by the Evacuee Trust Property Board and the Punjab Archaeology Department.
The provincial government circles say that tight security arrangements have been made for the pilgrims and they are escorted by heavy police contingents. They added that the pilgrims are being provided free accommodation, meals and all other necessary facilities at the Government College of Mines.
However, they have been barred from visiting any other site and their movement is limited to the route between the college and the temple. Their activities are being monitored by the intelligence agencies.
The local people are disappointed in not being allowed to interact with the pilgrims. Several people, mostly women, were at the site to see the pilgrims perform their rituals, but security officials stopped them from doing so.
Most of the pilgrims agreed that Pakistani government had taken special steps to conserve and develop the Katasraj temple site.
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